[Fsolo] [exh] Lisa – Part 2: Strangers on a Train

Lisa stepped onto her 8:23 train the same as she had every other workday for the past three years. Yet today she was steeped in a wicked combination of nervousness, excitement, and pure arousal. Tucked into her jacket pocket was her response to the note she had received yesterday evening, exactly where the first was left. Whoever had left it hadn’t suggested any other way of communicating back, so she was hoping that whoever it was would use their sly fingers and figure it out.

Standing in the crowded train car, Lisa’s mind was racked with different situations. *What if they take a different train in the morning? What if they’re just not in this train car? Her mind raced with all the reasons this wouldn’t work, while simultaneously considering all the possibilities if it actually did. What would happen? Where would this go?* Imagining the various things that just might happen to her lured her body and mind closer to hoping it would. Lisa could feel her pussy grow wet with desire for the kind of strange, illicit touch her dreams had conjured up.

Before long, the droning announcement for her stop came and she stepped off into Metro Center Station. She cleared her thoughts, trying to mentally prepare for a day of processing dull financial transactions. However, before she headed up the escalator out of the station, she decided to throw her hand into her jacket pocket.

The note was gone.

The day could not go fast enough for Lisa. The feelings she had this morning now accentuated, realizing that she had effectively “signed on” for whatever this was. *Anonymous public… something!? What were you thinking? *

Lisa’s internal yelling continued well into the afternoon. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t normally something she would even consider. But maybe that’s exactly why she did it. It was so far from her usual realm of possibilities it excited her. Lisa had been doing the same job for too long, wasting away her twenties bouncing from one banking company to the next as various buyouts and offers came and went. Her romance life had never been the most thrilling, but for the past year it had been particularly dull. She could only count one “date” she had gone on in the past 12 months, and it had dried up just during dinner conversation.

As she worked through her inbox of tasks monotonously, the active part of her brain began reasoning her more and more towards being excited at the idea again. Lisa imagined the foreign fingers doing whatever they pleased to her. Her slit ached for what it has been missing for so long. The very thought of the unknown lured her in. It was like a new kink she had never realized she had was finally awakened, and it was digging deep into her soul to make up for time lost not exploring it.
Lisa’s growing heat made it harder and harder to focus on work. She was tended to sneak off somewhere and get off right then and there, but the office was too small and familiar – it would be risky. She still had yet to confirm anything with her mysterious partner anyway. Shouldn’t let the cart get ahead of the horse, she figured. She pushed through the remainder of the work day, and remembered to hop on a train later than normal as she had the night before.

Hugging the support bar, Lisa occasionally looked around the train. She could see people moving between cars and preparing to get off at the various stops along her ride. *Are they here now? Have I already seen them?*

She wondered if she should try and pay extra attention to her pockets. There’s always a certain level of care you have to take in the city – and this person was certainly adept at slipping notes with discretion. Yet she decided against it – the blindness was exciting in this situation. Lisa continued to stare blankly out the window, mind lost considering the possibilities that may come. For just a moment, she thought she may have felt something enter her jacket pocket for just a moment. It may as well have slid across her clit with how her pussy twitched at the thought. She stepped off the train with a smile on her face.

Lisa decided to wait entirely until she was home to check her pocket. The anticipation only excited her further. By the time she stepped in her front door, she could feel her panties soaking against her business slacks. She quickly dropped off her things in the foyer of her apartment and headed directly to the bedroom with the note clasped firmly in her hand.

The note was written much clearer this time. Clearly they did not have to scratch this one impulsively on the subway. The bottom of the paper was ripped off – probably an identifier of whatever office they worked in. Lisa was titillated by the thought that they loved the anonymity aspect too. She unfolded it carefully as she could feel her horniness begin to peak.


This was finally too much for Lisa to bear. She whipped open her nightstand drawer to pull out her favorite vibrator, a lengthy hot pink rabbit she had bought many years earlier — very secretly, from a small online shop that shipped it in a nice blank box. She plunged it into her pussy, sliding her panties to the side on the way as she was too turned on to take time to undress. There was an immediate gush from her wetness built up from the ride home. Turning on the vibrations, her clit felt like it was going to explode almost immediately, as she rode one of the fastest orgasms she’d ever had. Wave after wave of intense pleasure swept over her, but she could tell after a day like today, it wasn’t enough.

Lisa leaned forward into it, her eyes closed as she imagined being on that train car. She imagined those strange fingers reaching deep into her nether regions, sliding past her panties and rubbing her clit. She could almost hear the schlicking against them of her pussy clenching onto the unfamiliar digits, pulling them deeper in each time. Her body clenched around the toy inside her, mouth unwillingly gaping open as she could no longer contain the moans. Imagining a second hand secretly sliding up under her shirt to tease her nipples while the other rhythmically rubbed her clit was almost too much for her body to take as she leapt closer to another orgasm.

She fell backwards on her pillows, using her free hand to rip open her button-down work shirt so she could grope her own breast. The thought of a stranger doing this was unbearably hot. Lisa could feel her entire body desire it in a way she had never felt anything before. She clumsily mashed the setting button on her vibrator, too overwhelmed to do it accurately, until it was as strong as it could go. Her body began to shudder as she imagined multiple fingers plunging into her, before finally the hot breath of the person inside her would hit her ear, knowing they were loving every second of her pleasure.

Lisa screamed in ecstasy in a way she never had before. The strongest orgasm of her life took over her body as her back arched. She began convulsing into it, vision going blank for a moment as her eyes rolled back. Collapsing downwards she nearly fell off the bed, breathing as heavy as if she had just ran a marathon. Sweat soaked her body and clothes just as her cum soaked her skirt and the sheets. Coming to her senses a bit, she turned off her toy and laid her head back, still unable to fully catch her breath. Her sexual wants may have been filled for now, but her excitement at what may come tomorrow only grew greater and greater. Lisa had only one thought in her mind.

*I need to buy some fucking paper clips.*

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/du7rqc/fsolo_exh_lisa_part_2_strangers_on_a_train

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