Late night visitors [m] [str] [bi voyeurism] (part 1?)

The door to my room shot open. I looked up at the figures that stood in the open doorway, but the only light in the room came from the hallway behind them. “Who is it?” I asked.

The figures drew closer to me, and I recognized them as my friend Eric, and a girl I had asked out a month prior, Jess.

“It’s Jess and Eric,” Eric announced. “What are you doing in bed so early?”

“Eric… it’s 2 AM. What are you doing in my room?”

“We’re drunk, Chris. Get up and hang out with us,” Jess half-pleaded, half-commanded. The two of them got closer to me and tugged at the sheets, which I held firm to. My roommate was out this weekend, and I had gone to bed bare-ass naked. Those sheets were the only thing covering me that night.

“Guys, not right now. I’m trying to sleep. We can hang out tomorrow…” I pled with them, hoping they would leave me alone.

“Chris, we’re bored,” moaned Eric, pulling the sheets off my legs as he did.

“Get up Chris,” commanded Jess, tugging at the sheets to reveal my chest and abs. “Get up!” As she said this, she gave the sheets one last, quick tug, yanking them right off of me and onto the floor.

“Nice cock, Chris!” she teased me

I tried to cover myself a little with my hands. “Jesus, guys, this is why you don’t storm into someone’s room in the middle of the night.”

“Why? I’m enjoying myself,” she laughed, pulling my hands aside to uncover my cock. Taking a good look at it, she kind of ran her finger along it and relished the way she made me squirm. “Eric, did you know Chris isn’t circumcised?” She asked, slipping a nailed finger under my foreskin as she stepped aside to let him see.

“That’s not fair Jess; you can’t just put him on display without showing him anything,” Eric offered.

“That’s true” she conceded, slipping out of her tight rocky horror tee shirt. “Here, I know how badly you want to see my tits.” Her slender fingers unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor to reveal her big c-cups.

Between the sight of her pale white chest, and her teasing touch, I felt myself stiffening. “Do you like them? Of course you do, you little pervert, your cock is getting hard in my hand!”

“You’re such an asshole, Jess!” I admonished her, grabbing her tits as she toyed with me.

My cock jumped when her fingernail scraped a particularly sensitive part of my head. “You can’t just leave him like this Jess. You’ve got him excited; don’t be a tease!” Eric smiled as he said this. Being bi, everything he saw turned him on.

“I don’t owe him anything!” Jess barked at Eric. She turned to look back down at it. “It is pretty big though…” She turned back to Eric. “Do you dare me to suck it?”



  1. Let me know what you think. I’m very interested in feedback.

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