Your invitation Ma’am” said the tall dark gargoyle at the door. “She is with me” A’drea said taking Little Red Riding Your Hood by the arm. “Welcum to the masquerade ball ladies” as his wing covered their tracks. “You know I would have never known this was you except (even after three weeks of dating A’drea still ogled her tits) well you know” reaching around to caress Little Red Riding Your Hoods triple S’s. “Ah, the cowl talks” Angie gentle snuck her hand between Clarissa’s legs before pinching her pussy. “Ooooh shit” peeped from under the hood. Clarissa spinning around so fast that she almost lost the heavy hood. Angie stood there in plan sight with a high collard dress, witch’s hat and a magical dildo. “Mmm, I figured you would be her with Mr. X butt look at this dark drink of water, Rrrrrrr.. Don’t do anything that I would not do, which ain’t much especially with her. Oh look my magic monkey is doing naughty things again” rushing into the crowd of tits and asses. “So Little Red Riding Your Hood could I take you up on that..” watching as Clarissa turned towards her. Clarissa’s tits bounced back as her chest stopped turning, “.. that.. Oh fuckkk me (getting so close to Clarissa that you could swear that they where still in bed) some times I just want to tear into those tits of your” breaking everything A’drea knew about being a good Sub and wrestled Clarissa’s lips. “Welcum everybody, tonight is the Masquerade Ball of the Blood Moon nineteen! Where all our inhibitions are free to mingle with darkness!” Catherine the Slut said, smacking her cunt to signal the horny hour (which is usually 24/7). Giving her a brief applaud then turning back to A’drea.. “A’drea where are you? A’drea, A’drea..” for some reason Clarissa’s lesbian sense was telling her to go through the door. Expecting to see the bouncer waiting on the other side, “A’drea are you in (the light from the party was quickly dashed as the door slammed shut) here? A’drea, please A’drea is that you..” Clarissa stammered, wanting to flee back to the party. Wanting to find A’drea to suck her wetness into a orgasm! A cold nail traced her breast making the nipple hard, out of fear, the cold or abandoning all reason and being so fucking turned on. Reaching back to pet her naughty kitty A’drea butt feeling a cock there instead. Before Little Red Riding Your Hood could move any further she was on her face, ass in the air. “What do you waaa..” the one problem was that Clarissa was so fucking wet, her hands out stretched in front of her. A hard spanking landed in the perfect spot sending a surge of cum to her pussy. “StOoooh.. Ooo fuckkk Ooooh yesss fuckkk” the cock buried it self so deep in her cunt. Trying to retract her hands butt something was restraining them. Feeling a chain then a pair of cuffs that had appeared out of nowhere. “A’drea.. A’drea Ohh fuckkk A’drea” Little Red Riding Your Hoods hips buck violently in response. “I am not going to cum, I am not going to c..m, I am go to c…” The cock spoke louder then Little Red Riding Your Hood could ever hope to hear. How many orgasms did she have, “No, no, no mOoore please.. Oh fuck my.. my” Little Red Riding Your Hood was out of breath. Struggling to catch one breath, struggling to moan as a new orgasm shook her booty. “Stop Ooo please stop so I.. I..” not giving a inch as the cock continue to pound on the helpless cunt. “I am.. go..g to cum, Cum, Oh fuckkk yesss” was the last thing the Little Red Riding Your Hood said before she started to fuck the cock back. “Fuck yeh, Ooo give it tOoo me.. Mmm Mmmmmmmmm” the feel of the cock felt so right that her cunt gripped it. Thrusting her hips forward with unbridled power. Ripping the dildo from the harness got a scream from A’drea butt that didn’t stop Little Red Riding Your Hood. Sinking her tongue into the darkness as the sweet taste of cum trickled down. “No.. you have to Ooooh fuckkk Ooooh..” A’drea’s plan was falling apart by the second. “Stop, stop Oh fuckkk yesss don’t.. don’t stop licking my.. Mmm OooohOooohOooohOoooh” A’drea’s pussy convulsed drenching Little Red Riding Your Hoods tongue and face. “Yes, keep gOooing Ooooh yesss, don’t stOoop I’m cum… (Thrusting her hips too and fro in the hope that Little Red Riding Your Hood would release her clit)(or not) I’m.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh” this tonguing brought A’drea down to her knees. Pushing her back, pinning her arms to her side. “I will fucking lick you till your just a cum stain on this couch” pulling on A’drea’s clit. Twisting, turning, pulling, sucking till all Little Red Riding Your Hood got was pure cum. Dragging her mouth from A’drea’s pussy, leaving a trail of cum right to her tit. Still taking the upper hand and pinning A’drea’s legs against her shoulders, grinding their cunts together. “You thought you could surprise me (closing her eyes cause Little Red Riding Your Hood was just about to squirt again) no no no I still have the upper.. upper Ooo sh..” Little Red Riding Your Hood started to punish A’drea. Both their breaths came in short waves. “I’m fuckkking cuming you.. you..” grabbing Little Red Riding Your Hood by the head, forcing her tongue down Little Red Riding Your Hoods mouth. The shudder came from both girls as their tongues lash out entangling the invading tongue. “Fuck, you slipped out of the cuff’s” running her hands down Little Red Riding Your Hoods arms. “No, I just unclipped the chain that held them” Little Red said. A’drea hearing the clasp of metal on metal, “And now I’ve caught you my naughty kitty” pulling her in for another kiss.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dpy3iu/wet_dreams_university_138_masquerade_ball_dream


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