Sex with a Vampire (Part 2 of a 4 part Halloween series). [vampire] (I’ll post Parts 3 and 4 tomorrow)

I rolled out of the quaint Kecskemet train station in central Hungary on a 7:30 a.m. train, headed south. I stifled a yawn as I sat back, and watched the cityscape slowly changing to pastoral fields as the train began its day-long trek. The yawn indicated lack of sleep, and not attention, a result of me staying up much of the night having sex with a gorgeous blonde ghost named Barbara. I was still trying to process my memories of that encounter, which apparently started in a dream, and ended in a cool pile of ectoplasm on my bed, and a slight mess on the sheets. I had ducked and run in the morning, skipping breakfast, and getting a cab down to the station, to hop on the train, and leave this spooky scenario in my rear view mirror.

I was bound for Istanbul and hoped to arrive tomorrow. The train would be heading through Szeged near the border with Serbia, and then east into Romania. We were due to arrive this evening in Bucharest, where I would spend one more night, and then tomorrow head south along the Black Sea to arrive in Istanbul. It was a business trip that had begun my train in Paris several days ago. My company had been willing to fly me there, but I had pulled some strings and gotten the go ahead to take the Bucharest Express, that famous train that moved back and forth between Paris and Istanbul. I had often heard of the scenic and beautiful train trips through Eastern Europe, and had decided to take one.

Meeting the succubus last night had been shocking, and yet as I reflected, I seemed none the worse for wear, and my memories of that ghastly tryst were detailed, and exciting enough to cause half a boner in my pants. As the countryside passed, and I occupied myself reading a gothic horror novel I’d purchased in Munich, I occasionally looked up through the train window at the haystacks and cows and old houses flashing by, and wonder what other kinds of monsters might inhabit this very old region of human civilization.

It was early evening by the time the train pulled into Bucharest, with squealing brakes and a little train-lurching. I stepped off, collected my luggage from a cart beside, and found a helpful kiosk employee who spoke English. I asked him if there were any smaller, more historic inns around (having read up on the huge Communist-era concrete hotels clustered around the commercial centers, and not being interested in those.) The handsome, dark haired man told me there were several nice, smaller inns in the historic Lipscani district. As he was talking to me, from his chair at the desk, he looked up, and I was struck by his bright blue eyes, almost glowing like sapphires. He caught me looking and averted his glance. “My aunt Elsa has a nice small hotel,” he said. “You would like it, and it is a safe place to spend the night.” “Wonderful,” I said. “Can you help me call a taxi?”

The kiosk man obliged, and a half hour later, I was stepping into the front doors of an older, luxurious looking building at the end of a dead-end street. I marveled at the steampunk decorations and the turn of the century furnishings, and took a moment to regard the art hanging on the walls.

As I stepped inside, a tall, slim, gorgeous woman looked up from her desk, saw me and smiled warmly, and stood up, moving around from the desk, and approaching me, with her hand extended to shake. I took her hand and shook it, feeling her very cool flesh against my fingers, and almost getting a shock from it. “Hello, Sir,” said the woman. “I am Elsa. My nephew Vladimir phoned and said a very handsome American was coming from the train station. I presume that is you?” The woman’s English was pointed and perfect, although in a lovely Romanian accent. She had a pale beautiful face, dark black tresses of wavy hair hanging long down behind her shoulders, bright red lips and bright, almost unnaturally blue eyes.

“I don’t know about handsome,” I said. “But I am an American, was on the train, and would love to find a room in this amazing hotel.”

“Welcome,” she said. “Over here.” I followed her to the desk, sat down in one chair while she took the other, and we completed the paperwork. I had trouble not being obvious as I looked at her slender, very sexy legs, since they were out for view under her short skirt. I think she caught me looking more than once, but didn’t seem to mind. The room was reasonable, and it included dinner next door at a restaurant, being served in about a half hour. As she finished the paperwork and processed my credit card, I told her about my trip, where I was headed, and why I had decided to take the train.

“You came through Kecskemet then?” she asked me, as we wrapped up. “Did you have a chance to sight see? It is a beautiful city, even though it’s Hungarian.” I shook my head. “No, not really. I did see a ghost, but that’s about it.”

“A ghost? Really? Well, I want to hear all about that,” said Elsa. “Would you mind if I joined you for dinner? I don’t want to be too forward, but on the other hand it’s probably the only chance I’ll get this week for pleasant dinner conversation.”

“That would be lovely,” I said. “Although the ghost story is… well, its, um…”

“What?” asked Elsa, laying a cool hand on my arm, and looking quizzically at me.

“Its dirty,” I blurted. “Sexual.”

One of her brows lifted. “Oh really? Well now you absolutely have to tell me about it, with every detail. So go get freshened up, and meet me in the dining room in a half hour. And how do you like your steak? Medium? Medium rare?”

“Rare,” I said. “Bloody even.” Elsa smiled at me. “Nice. Me too.”

A half hour later, wearing a rumpled dinner jacket over a button up shirt, I wandered into the dining room. Elsa was walking around directing two staff. She had also changed, and was wearing a beautiful crimson dress which accented her lithe, sexy body.

It looked like six or seven other people would be eating as well. Elsa came up and this time instead of shaking my hand, she leaned forward and gave me a nice hug. I could feel her breath on my neck, and her skin felt cool where it touched mine. My cock was being bad, and sprang up a bit, and I think she felt it against her hip, but she said nothing, pulled away, and directed me to a chair at a small table to the side. “Let me check the kitchen, then I’ll be right back with you,” Elsa said. Nodding, a little embarrassed that my cock had twitched against her slender body, I quickly sat down.

A minute later, Elsa glided into her seat beside me. “Everything looks fine. I have very good staff here. My chef actually trained in Paris.” As the food arrived, steaks, and broccoli on a bed of pasta in a white wine sauce, Elsa and just talked about the normal stuff strangers talk about when they first meet: name, family, country, occupation, marital status, children, and other things like that. Elsa told me that she had been running the inn for three years, having taken over for her sister, who actually owns it, but who had moved to Scotland with her husband. She told me that she was a widow, with three adult children, none of whom lived in Romania any more, and that her only family was her nephew Vladimir down at the kiosk and his wife and two young children. As I watched her closely, listening to her words, I felt this uncanny feeling, almost as if I was being hypnotized, almost like I was being forced to focus on every word as if I would soon be tested on it, but not exactly forced, because I felt myself wanting to ingest every syllable, every bit of information. Frankly, this woman was mesmerizing, with pale, perfect alabaster skin, red lips, and flashing azure eyes. Between sentences, each of us ate our food, and it was almost sexual to see her slice up tiny squares of her steak, impale them with her fork and remove the meat from the fork with her teeth and lips, and then slide the food into that mouth.

I related who I was and what I was doing in Romania, of course, but I felt pretty mundane and boring as I told it, so did it quickly. Finally, Elsa put a hand on my arm, her fingers lightly touching my skin, and with a sly, sexy smile, said “And now I would like to hear about your naughty ghost.”

I blushed a little, I think. “It’s a pretty graphic story.” I said. She tittered. “Good! I haven’t heard a dirty story in English in years. I’m very excited!” I hesitated. “Okay, but its not just that its dirty. You really might think I’m crazy if I tell you.”

Elsa smiled pleasantly. “Because you’ve seen a ghost? Because you believe in ghosts? Join the club. I’ve known several over the years. This is Romania, after all.”

“You believe in ghosts? You’ve met some?” I stammered. “Wow, that’s amazing.”

“Now,” Elsa said. “Lets hear this.” And so I told her in graphic, gritty detail how the succubus Barbara, mistaking me for her lost lover, began sucking and fucking me in a dream, and how it had turned into reality, with her cold translucent form in my bed, and after we had cleared up the misunderstanding, she had given me a ghostly blowjob to complete my orgasm. Elsa didn’t say a word as I told the tale.

Finally, I finished. I wiped a bead of sweat off my brow, and looked over at her. “Am I crazy?” I asked. “You don’t appear to be crazy,” she laughed. “And even more important, it looks to me like you had an encounter with the macabre and came out of it with your wits, your body and your sanity intact.” I shrugged. “That’s true, I guess.”

“And that’s unusual,” said Elsa. “That tells me you are probably an Old Soul.” She put a cool hand on my hand again, her touch light. “Thanks for trusting me enough to regale me with that tale.”

“Wasn’t too much?” I asked. She shook her head, and her eyes met mine. “No, not at all. In fact, it kind of worked me up a little. Lucky Barbara to have a handsome swain like you.” I blushed and cleared my throat, a little embarrassed.

“Well, good night, my American friend,” said Elsa, standing up and as I stood, giving me a firm, loving hug.

“I hope to see you again before I leave,” I managed.

“Oh, I think there’s a very good chance of that,” said Elsa. She turned and left the room. I found my way back to my room, and after an hour of messages and emails on their free wifi, I stripped naked and lay back in the bed. I don’t remember much time passing before my thoughts slipped into dreams, and I was asleep.

I awoke with a start, feeling cool air on me, and then in the darkness, my bed moved, shifted, and I felt a small, slight body move next to me. As I sat up, panicking, Elsa’s face was inches from mine, looking directly into my eyes, her glowing blue eyes bright even in the dark room. “Relax, Jay, its me.” she whispered, and as I began to understand that this slender figure now in the bed beside me was the beautiful woman I’d dined with earlier, she bent closer and kissed me. Our lips touched, rubbing warm on cool, and then her tongue snaked into my mouth, moving playfully against my teeth and own tongue. I could taste her minty breath, and felt her hands on my body. My hands moved to her body, and I began rubbing the cool naked skin of her torso, and I felt her legs slipping under the covers, sliding against and over my own.

“Elsa,” I whispered as she moved back. “I was not expecting this.”

“You got me so horny with that story that I couldn’t resist. It was almost like you hypnotized me with it.” Elsa slid over on top of me as we talked, and I realized that she was also completely naked. My thick cock was hard and jutting between us, pushing at her belly, and as I looked up, my eyes adjusting to the light, her pale, lithe, muscular body almost glowed. She looked down at me, and keeping eye contact, Elsa reached between us, grasped my cock in her strong fingers, lifted up a bit and nestled the head of my turgid dick into her very wet mound, and then slowly sank down on me. She moaned with pleasure as her pussy clenched my cock, and she pushed all the way down, sinking it into her, our two crotches rubbing together. “I just had to… come up here and fuck you.” Elsa said, looking down at me. “I knew you were having sexual thoughts about me at dinner.”

“You did?” I asked. I had had about a thousand of them, imagining her kneeling down in front of me, sucking on my cock, being bent over the table and taking my cock in her ass, fucking her on the floor in missionary position, and many others. She sighed with pleasure and rode up and down on my cock, her juices flowing out of her pussy and covering me as we fucked. “Yes. I read minds. Did I tell you that?”

“No, you didn’t.” I said. “Are you also a ghost?”

She smiled. “I trust you. Let me show you something.”

And then to my eternal shock, she transformed into a sexy vampire right in front of me. Her face stretched to accommodate a large mouth full of teeth, including two longer fangs. Her torso lengthened a bit, and her breasts grew larger and more pointed. Her legs seemed longer, stronger, and as I realized that something very macabre was happening, and began to buck and try to throw her off, she simply pinned me down with two claw-like hands. I was helpless, unable to move. Interestingly, my cock was still hard as rock, and she continued, in her beastly form, to slide up and down on it, fucking me.

Elsa leaned down close to me. Even in beastly form, with large fangs, she was ethereally beautiful. “Stop struggling, my love. I’m not going to harm you.” I lay back, and her hips slowly moved up and down, her pussy gliding upon my cock. “What are you?” I asked. “A vampire?”

She smiled, baring her fangs. “I am strigoi,” she said. “Humans call us vampires.”

“Are you going to kill me?” I asked. “Drink my blood?”

“I might bite your cock a little for fun, but you’ll be fine,” said Elsa, her long black hair now falling over my chest. “It would be pretty bad business practice to kill off my guests, not to mention risky, don’t you think?”

“Um can you change back to before?” I asked. “You’re um…”

“Vampiric?” she tittered, and then slowly transformed back to a naked, sexy human looking woman, all the while riding up and down on my cock. I moaned as she shape shifted back, and for some reason, I could no longer control my passion, and with a loud groan, I began cumming, shooting streams of hot wet semen into her vampiric vagina. My climax must have set her off, because she began simpering and then screamed with pleasure, orgasming herself. Her fingernails scratched into my chest, and then she fell forward, off my cock, her face and head buried in my neck. I felt the flow of human and vampire juices come out of her stretched wide pussy, and start to puddle up on my stomach.

I lay back, with this slender, cool woman on top of me, nuzzling into my neck, my hands around her slim, very human feeling body. She was making loving sounds, almost whimpering, as she kissed the side of my neck. “Do you do this very often?” I asked.

She pushed herself up a little, her soft breasts lying against my chest. “Fuck travelers?” she asked. “No, only very rarely.”

“No, I mean reveal you are a vampire.” I said.

She giggled. “No, never before. But you are a very special man. That succubus had mystical sex with you, which told me a lot about you and your capacities. At dinner I read your energy and found you to be trustworthy and honorable. And sexy as hell. I decided at dinner we would have sex, and perhaps I’d reveal myself to you.”

“Do you feed on people?” I asked, suddenly very curious. She lay a hand on my chest. “The history of strigoi is complex. I have in centuries past killed people, but only bad men and women who deserved your fate. I can eat and do eat normal, regular human food most of the time. I haven’t killed a human in over 130 years.”

“You are that old?” I asked. She nodded. “I need to bind you to secrecy. Can you keep my secret?” She looked intently into my eyes as she asked this. “Yes,” I nodded. She smiled. “I can detect fraud, and see you are telling the truth, so now I will not need to kill you.” I breathed out, not certain if she had been joking. But I think she had not been.
I had hardly noticed, but as we talked, her hand had been down at my crotch, playing with my soft, wet cock. Only now it wasn’t so soft any more, and was starting to respond to her touch. Her eyes widened a bit. “Oh, I see you are almost ready for another round.”

“Can I come back here again after I finish in Istanbul?” I asked, breathing in her intoxicating odor. Elsa flashed a smile, her slim fingers working my now turgid, jutting cock. “I was going to ask you to do it. And perhaps you could stay for a week? I have so much to show you.”

And then my sexy little vampire slid down my body and engulfed my cock in her hot, sucking mouth. And for another night, I got virtually no sleep.


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