The Camgirl Part XXXIX: Blake was Home, not Marie [Exh] [unintended Voy] [FF]

**VII: Liam and Blake**

Liam yawned as he lay back Marie’s bed, reading as he waited for her. Being productive had worked for a while, but his brain had started getting tired, so he’d decided to see if he could finish the book he was reading before she got back. He still had about fifty pages or so. When he’d started the trilogy on a friend’s recommendation, he hadn’t been too sure about it. Now, he was enthralled to the point that a sudden noise from beyond Marie’s door both surprised and annoyed him a bit. He supposed he shouldn’t be annoyed at the prospect his girlfriend returning home to have a threesome—maybe even a foursome—with him, but it was a good book.

Liam set his phone on Marie’s nightstand, plugging it in to charge, then waited. He immediately felt awkward. He was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeve T-shirt. Comfy, but still kind of nice. Should he be dressed better? Like he’d been when he first met the two girls at the frat party? Would they care? They had all seen each other naked, after all.

Liam felt his cock stir at the thought. Not for the first time, he wished he’d gone for sweats instead of jeans.

Liam’s cock twitched again at a loud moan from the main room.

*Are they starting without me?*

He supposed they probably had started at least a bit at whatever sorority event they had come from, so if they were continuing or starting up again now that they were in relative privacy, he supposed he couldn’t blame them.

After the noises continued for a few minutes, rising in volume and arousing effect they had on his cock, Liam grew curious. He rose from the bed, stepping carefully to the door. He peeked out into the main room but saw no one.

Liam frowned. The noises were definitely louder out here and coming from at least two girls.

*Did they just stop in the entrance?*

He crossed the main room to go peek into short entry hall, glancing at Blake’s room as he passed. The door was—

Liam stopped dead, eyes threatening to pop out of his head. His face grew red-hot and his cock rock hard. His jeans suddenly became *very* uncomfortable.

Blake was home, it turned out. Not Marie.

The noises came from Blake’s room. The lighting was dim, but Liam saw Blake’s pale skin and blue hair tangled with the dark skin and hair of a taller, curvier girl. Both were completely naked, though Blake wore the same heels she’d had on earlier when she left.

Liam’s blue-haired friend lay on her back writhing and moaning as the darker girl—she looked familiar for some reason, though Liam couldn’t see her face—sucked and kissed Blake’s small, pert breasts, fingers working between Blake’s legs.

“Oh, fuck,” Blake half-moaned, half-whimpered, “Fuck yes. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop, Chlo. Please. I’m—”

*Chlo? Wait, is that her friend Chloe?*

Liam didn’t know why, but that realization seemed to jerk him out of his shocked trance. He almost ran back across the main room, Blake’s moans following him, rising higher and higher in pitch. He carefully closed the door to Marie’s room behind him just as Blake shrieked from the other room. Liam sat down on Marie’s bed, head in his hands. He was quite certain he’d just heard his friend cum. Really hard.

*Fuck, how long did I look for. It couldn’t have been too long, right?*

Liam reached for his phone, almost knocking it onto the floor with nervous fingers. He frowned at the time, trying to remember what the display had read when he first heard the door.

*It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. No, not even that. Not even a minute. Maybe?*

Liam flopped back on the bed with a groan, scrubbing his fingers over his face and through his hair, painfully aware of the erection still raging in his jeans. He wanted to take off his jeans—screw whatever Marie and the two girls thought of it, they were coming over to have sex with him anyway—but he didn’t trust his hands anywhere near his dick at the moment.

He’d just heard his friend cum. He could *still* hear her and Chloe going at it.

A few weeks ago, maybe he could have dealt with that, but Blake wasn’t *just* a friend anymore. She was his friend who had fucked his girlfriend, and who had told him she wanted to fuck *him.*

*No, she doesn’t just want to fuck you, idiot. She wants you—said she* needed *you.*

Liam did not claim to be an expert at taking hints from girls. He thought he’d gotten pretty good at reading Blake, but apparently, he’d been wrong about that, too. Regardless, he didn’t think Blake telling him that she *needed* him meant she just wanted to sleep with him.

Blake’s moans caught his train of thought despite his best efforts.

Had Marie made Blake sound like that? Feel that good? Had Blake done the same to Marie? Would she make those same sounds if he—

Liam cut off that train of thought with a growl. He was *not* going to think of that.

He looked down at the phone in his hand—he’d forgotten he was still holding the thing. He opened up his messages and scrolled down quite a bit toward the bottom, trying to ignore both Blake’s sex noises and the effect they had on his erection. Somehow, he thought it had managed to grow even harder since putting a closed door between himself and Blake.

He looked at the name and the date on the last message. Over a year and a half ago. *She* was the one he used to talk about this kind of thing with. At the very least, they’d always been good at distracting each other from their respective problems.

Liam sighed, closing his messages. He didn’t need another situation he had no idea how to deal with. Fishing in his pocket for earbuds, Liam opened his book back up. Reading would definitely help. Provided he could block out the noise.



Blake’s brain had melted into a puddle. A horny, moaning, writhing, desperate puddle.

It was all Chloe’s fault.

And Liam’s.

None of this would be happening if he just put his big stupid dick in her already.

Blake hissed as Chloe’s teeth closed lightly around her nipple—the pain just enough to give the pleasure a nice flavor. Chloe released Blake’s nipple after a bit of sucking that elicited mewls from her, then another bite and accompanying his. Then her friend’s lips moved against her breast in a strange way. It took her a moment for the realization that Chloe had spoken to make its way through the fog in Blake’s head.

“What?” Blake managed to force out, trying to clear her thoughts just a bit.

“I asked if you saw him,” Chloe whispered, breath hot against Blake’s chest. She licked the soft tissue of Blake’s other breast, then sucked lightly in a few places before finally closing her lips around Blake’s nipple. Blake gasped at the sensation. Her nipples had been hard for some time now, but they seemed to tighten and grow harder every time Chloe made contact with them.

“I heard him walk over and stop for a bit before rushing back, though barely,” Chloe continued.

Blake cried out as Chloe curled her fingers again, pressing hard against the knot of nerves just within Blake’s folds. Sparks danced in Blake’s vision and the fog in her mind thickened, yet she managed to remember what Chloe was talking about.


“Oh, fuck,” Blake moaned, both at the image of Liam seeing her like this and at Chloe’s renewed attentions in her pussy. Her dark-haired friend kept a firm pressure on Blake’s lower lips, massaging the knot on the upper wall of her pussy.

“Fuck, Chlo—I can’t. I can’t. It was so good—this is too much. I—mmph.”

Blake cut off, mind fuzzing over even further as Chloe’s lips pressed against hers in a hungry kiss that left Blake gasping for air when her friend pulled back.

“You can take it, babe,” Chloe whispered, nuzzling her face against Blake’s, free hand cupping her cheek, making her feel safe.

“You can take it,” she repeated, “I told you I was going to make you scream, didn’t I? Imagine it’s Liam if you need to. I warmed you up and now he’s taking his turn.”

Blake felt Chloe cackle against her as her fingers increased their efforts, curled digits sliding in and out of Blake’s pussy even as they pressed up firmly into that knot, “What do you think would run through his head if you accidentally screamed his name?”

Blake let out a long, low moan. Her legs started to tremble. Vaguely she registered clutching at Chloe, heart pounding. Only in Blake’s foggy find, it wasn’t Chloe she held tightly to. Her brain registered her friend’s soft, smooth skin and wonderful curves, yet that fog shifted, and sometimes for moments, sometimes longer, Liam was the one holding her tight against him, strong hand cupping her face as his fingers moved inside her, making her tremble and emit a steady flow of moans, whimpers and gasps. And the occasional scream.

*Did I scream his name?*

Normal thought came slowly to Blake. Anything concerning her pussy, however, had no problem getting through. Her mind seemed to split.

On the one hand, her pussy was a ball of fire, not-so-slowly growing in intensity as Chloe stoked its flames. On the other, Blake thought of Liam. She thought of his stunned expression as he saw her writhing under Chloe—how hard that must have made him. She thought of his eyes going wide as he heard her scream his name. Of him fingering her, making her scream his name. She would scream as loud as he wanted, then make him scream her name.

Blake’s heart pounded so hard she thought it would burst free, and as that fire became too hot and erupted within her, Blake screamed. She didn’t know whose name or even what she screamed, but she welcomed the comforting embrace as she rode out her orgasm, trembling and twitching. Her mind fuzzed over completely—or maybe that was her vision?

When Blake finally registered her surroundings, she smiled. Someone was moving their fingers in swirling patterns down her chest and over her belly. Blake shivered.


No, the fingers were too soft, too slim.

Right, Chloe.

Blake felt a little guilty at the disappointment that came along with that and tried to open her eyes and focus on her friend. Fluttering eyes focused on Chloe’s warm smile. Her friend was propped up beside her on one elbow, dark skin gleaming in the dim light from Blake’s various electronics and what light came in through the shuttered window. Chloe’s black hair was smoothed back over her shoulder, baring her large, wonderful breasts. Blake nuzzled up against the soft, pillowy flesh before she realized what she had done. She felt her cheeks heat as she smiled nervously up at Chloe, “Hey.”

Chloe chuckled, “You’re always so cute when you do that.”

Blake’s mind was still pretty fuzzy, but she registered the implication in that, “Always?”

Chloe’s grin widened, “Whenever we sleep in the same bed, you always manage to find some way to use my boobs as a pillow or headrest.”

Blake felt her cheeks grow even hotter, and she started to move away, but Chloe hugged Blake firmly against her, making Blake’s cheeks heat for an entirely different reason.

“I said it’s cute,” Chloe reiterated, giving Blake a pointed look, “You recovered enough for some more? That was supposed to be just a warm-up. I had a *lot* more planned than just fingering you.”

Blake nodded slowly. Her brain had de-fuzzed enough to think clearly again. Well…somewhat clearly. She was exhausted, but it a good way. Blake would keep going until she passed out, though. She wasn’t going to miss out on spending a night with Chloe again. She hadn’t ever expected to do so, but she didn’t want to waste it by passing out. And if things worked out the way she hoped with Liam, this would likely be her last time with Chloe.

Blake’s eyes went wide at what thinking of Liam brought up. She bit her lip, looking up at Chloe nervously, “Um, Chlo? What exactly…”

She trailed off, unable to finish the question.

Chloe just laughed, “You screamed his name a few times. With the occasional ‘harder’ or ‘please, don’t stop—oh fuck yes, please don’t stop’ thrown in between.”

Blake wanted to burrow under the covers and die. She was still horny, but not nearly as horny as she had to have been for that to seem like a good idea and not one that was so fucking embarrassing. Chloe’s imitation of Blake’s sex noises didn’t help either. Her face had to look like a traffic light it felt so hot.

“Sorry,” she said, unable to meet her friend’s gaze, “I know that was kinda the point of everything, but if I made you feel weird—mmph!”

A short while later, Chloe broke the kiss, leaving Blake breathless and with a bit too much fog in her brain.

“Fuck you and your stupid kisses,” she said, voice much breathier than she would have liked.

Chloe snorted, “Blake, I’m doing this for you, remember? I literally told you to imagine Liam.”

Blake blinked, somehow pulling that memory up through her clouded mind, “Oh. Right.” She looked past Chloe and blinked when she saw her still-cracked bedroom door, “Should we close that?”

Chloe shrugged, “If you want to. Didn’t you want to torture or tease Liam into sticking his dick in you and doing all that lovey-dovey crap? If we leave it open, he might look in again.”

Blake stuck out her tongue, though she shivered, and her tired little pussy pulsed at the thought of Liam watching her, “Ugh, I wish.”

She sighed, nuzzling her head into Chloe’s wonderful tits. They shook as she giggled.

“I don’t know why I’m so wonky tonight,” she said, then gave Chloe’s stomach a half-hearted poke, “You shouldn’t be able to embarrass me so easily.”

Blake blinked when Chloe’s hand cupped her face and tilted it so their gazes met. Chloe’s eyes didn’t hold amusement, but concern and reassurance.

“I think you know why you’re feeling that way,” Chloe said, voice soft, “You know how your brain gets when someone is rough with you.”

Blake flinched, suddenly feeling a little cold, “Oh.”

“You were the one that had to end it,” Chloe continued, “And pretty abruptly. I tried to help, but you didn’t really get any aftercare until…well now, really.” She stroked Blake’s hair, “I’m sorry. I know how that feels, unfortunately—coming out of that headspace and having to force yourself to do anything really messes with your brain.”

Blake brushed her lips against Chloe’s.

“Don’t be sorry. You’re a good friend. And I think making me so horny I couldn’t think straight helped.”

Chloe shot her an exaggerated frown, “Aww, you’re already thinking straight again? I wanted to have more fun.”

Blake glared at her, “Ugh. I rescind the good friend comment. That was terrible.”

Chloe shot her a challenging look, “You gonna kick me out?”

Blake shook her head, then nipped at her friend’s neck, eliciting a squeak from her friend that morphed into giggles.

“Not a chance,” Blake said, tracing a line with her tongue from Chloe’s shoulder up her neck all the way to her earlobe, “You said you were just warming me up, remember? Besides, I haven’t had a chance to return the favor.”

Chloe grinned, though she shivered as Blake caught her earlobe with her teeth, then sucked on it, “You just want to taste some pussy, don’t you?”

Blake made her voice breathy, lips a hair away from brushing against Chloe’s ear, “Can you blame me—Hey!”

Chloe laughed as she pushed Blake back onto the middle of the bed and knelt over her, “Alright, Miss Sexy. Stop teasing me and get some of those toys out. Do you have any of those high-end dragon dildos? I’ve wanted to try one for a while but never got around to ordering one.”

Blake’s face turned into a red-hot fireball. Chloe just laughed, “Haha, I knew you had one. We’re gonna have some fun!”



  1. Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](

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