[MF][cuck][sissy] Solder gets fucked in more than one way [Part I]

My wife Amy and I met each other in High School. We started dating our junior year and only had a few break-up fights that never lasted long. I think the longest time we spent broken up was 3 months. We were pretty frisky since there wasn’t much else to do in our towns. We tried to practice safe sex but, sometime we just didn’t have condoms on us all the time.

Sure enough, halfway through our senior year, she gets pregnant. I think we found out in early February, I remember telling our parents just before Valentine’s Day. It went pretty much as expected. Our Moms flipped out and Dads just asked what am I going to do about it. I told them I was a man and would take care of her. Amy and I hadn’t really talked about it yet but, I told our parents I was planning on marring Amy and providing for our family. 

My Dad seemed weary but her Dad seemed relieved. Amy took the news with mixed emotions. She was mad one minute and happy the next. She didn’t want to be a teen mom like on MTV but she seemed to be able to stay home and take care of the baby. Neither one of us were really book smart so college always seemed out of the picture. My Dad worked at the local plant and her Dad worked for the electric company. I figured I could get a job with them when I graduated. Neither of them went to college either. 

Graduation came and Amy starting to show. After a few weeks of asking around and doing odd jobs, I learned that getting a decent job was going to be more difficult then first planned. The plant was laying off people and the electric company was only hiring college grads or more qualified applicators. My sights turned to the good ole military. After taking a test and qualifying, I signed up for the Army. Boot-camp wasn’t too far away and there were plenty of bases I could be stationed at in the South. 

Before leaving for boot-camp, Amy and I had a courthouse wedding. I promised her a better one when we could properly plan in the future. By the end of August I was gone. I was going to miss the birth of my daughter but a man has to provide for his family. Amy wrote me every other day and I wrote her as much as I could. 

Amy gave birth in mid-September to our daughter Ashley. Luckily we got married before I left so all the hospital bills were covered by the Army. After graduation and technical training, we got orders to Washington State. I didn’t want anything that far away but the Army had other plans. I was assigned to work on armored personnel carriers. It was pretty easy work but long and tiring. Amy reluctantly moved away from all her family and friends. 

Between the new baby and the move, it really put her in a mood. She was mad at me for taking her away from everything she knew. Every time I came home on lunch or after work, she would just be mad. After a few weeks of complaining, my Sergeant asked if do something. Maybe have his wife meet with her or for us to all have dinner together. I agreed and my wife was somewhat happy to meet someone else. Someone that could understand her side of things. 

That dinner came and I think it really helped. It gave Amy a chance to make a friends. She was invited to a “clique” of Army wives. And I guess it worked out for me too. Not too long after, my Sergeant would give me better details for the day. It sucked that it made me work through lunch most of the time though. But, I was normally one of the first to get cut back and would let me go home for the day.

Around this time I started hearing about my Sergeant’s wife, Sarah, would gift different things to Amy. Anything from hand-me-down clothing for the Ashley or an outfit that no long fit Sarah. It was great since pay for a private in the Army is really crappy. It wasn’t until later that I learned who and what was being so generous. 

A few months pass by and Amy’s attitude had completely changed. She now didn’t mind being in Washington, and didn’t mind the Army, didn’t mind that I was about to go on a field exercise for two weeks. My Sergeant took leave, vacation, for the field exercise. That normally wasn’t allowed but I guess when you’re a Sergeant you can break the rules. 

During the field exercise, I ended up getting hurt. I broke my ankle jumping out of a truck. After taking me to the clinic and getting patched up, my battle-buddy drove me home. I walked in to find my Sergeant on the couch with Amy. After a confused look, I started to get the angry stare from the Sergeant. Amy jumps up and says something as she runs to the bedroom, wearing only a t-shirt and panties. Sarge stands up and ask me why I’m home, after a brief explanation why I was on crutches, he nods and pauses. I remember walking towards the bedroom when Sarge grasp my arm and stops me. He tells me to be cool and not to get upset, he was only trying to make her feel better.

He then proceeds to tell me that Amy and him have been seeing each other for a while. Everything started to spin in the room and I sat on the couch as he kept talking. I don’t remember a lot of what he said but he told me to wait here, he’ll check on Amy. I sat there with all the clues falling in place. All the times Sarge would have me work through lunch so he could come go my house. How Amy’s attitude changed and all the stuff she’s supposedly been getting from Sarah. 

Amy comes out holding Ashley, seemingly as a shield to deter me from any violence. Her eyes are red as he stands behind Sarge. He looks at the clock and sees it is nearing midnight. “Look, I’m going to stay here for the night to make sure everyone is safe and we can all work this out tomorrow” Sarge says in his authoritarian voice. I quietly stand start making my way to the bedroom, I want to confront him but I don’t know how without him taking it out on me later. Sarge stops me again, “Amy wants you to sleep on the couch, she would feel safer.” He blocks my path down the hallways as Amy turns and walks away. 

I lost it, I started yelling at him. I got in his face. He was a bit taller and bigger than me but I didn’t care. I dropped my crutches and took a swing. He blocked it and swatted me away like a fly. I was off balance on one foot but, regardless, I went down fast. He told me to calm down and not do anything I would regret. I struggled to get up and I was madder than hell. He walked to the kitchen and poured two glasses of Goldschlager. He must have brought it over since Amy nor I are 21 yet. “Here, drink this until you cool down.” He slid the glass over on the counter to me as I finally stand back up with the assistance of my crutch. I grab the glass and throw the contents down my throat, just as I’d seen in movies. I swallow hard and fast but the fumes choked me a bit. The peppermint burnt my airways and I cough a bit. Sarge gave an approving look before doing the same. He the proceeded to grab my glass and pour another round. I think I did 4 rounds before I started to feel sick. I ended up passing out on the couch for the night.

I woke up with a sore neck and throbbing head, no one else is up yet. I wobbled to the bathroom to relieve myself and then check in on Ashley. She’s up and quietly crawling around her crib. I pick her up and hold her for the first time in nearly two weeks. Nearly all my troubles melt away. After a few minutes I hear the bedroom door open up, expecting to see Amy, my blood boils a bit when it’s Sarge. He stumbles down the hall in nothing but a pair of boxers and proceeds to use the bathroom. I stay silent as I slink into the corner of Ashley’s room. Not really to hide but, just to reduce the chance for confrontation this early in the morning. I can hear Sarge look around the living room and kitchen before making his way back to bedroom. He barely glances in Ashley’s room as he passes by and doesn’t see me.

I can hear him wake Amy up. “James is gone, where would James go?” he says in a raspy whisper. “I don’t know, maybe he went for a walk?” Amy answers in growl as she begins to wake up. “Do you think he would tell Sarah about us? That can’t happen” he says as I hear the rustling of clothes as he seems to be getting dressed. 

The bedroom door flings open with a rush of air and Sarge stormed out the room. “Are you looking for me?” I ask as I mosey out of Ashley’s room and down the hall, still carrying my infant daughter. “Yes, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and weren’t going to do anything stupid.” he says pouring a glass of water and quickly downing it. I nod my head before turning around and heading back to Ashley’s room.

A little while later Amy makes her way out the bedroom. This time wearing all her clothes. She doesn’t say a word as she passes me sitting in Ashley’s room, still holding our child. There was a look of regret or disappointment on her face but, I’m not completely sure it was self-reflection. 

When Amy and I started out, she was a virgin. I was too but, I was and well, kind of still am an avid viewer of porn. I knew a good bit more than her and I knew my dick wasn’t as big as some or even most guys. In high school, it only took a quick glance around the showers to know I didn’t quite measure up. My 3 and a half inches fell a bit shorter then the average cock size. It wasn’t just short either, it was short and thin, like a roll of pennies. Amy never complained or said a word, likely because she didn’t know. She was fairly naive about most things growing up. My guess is that Sarge opened her eyes to something I wasn’t able to give her. Amy couldn’t orgasm during sex. I mean, she could orgasm but not through penetration. She could only cum when I ate her out. We tried all different positions and methods but I couldn’t push her over the edge into ecstasy.

I don’t know why but, all those thoughts flooded my mind the moment I saw her walk by. I try to push them from my mind and convince myself that she’s probably mad and disappointed at herself for cheating on me. I can hear the banging of pots and pans as Amy starts cooking breakfast. It’s Thursday and my battalion won’t be back until Saturday, which means I don’t have to go to work until Monday. Which means Sarge doesn’t have to go to work until Monday either. More thoughts flood my head as I realize he took this time off to spend with Amy while I was in the field and Sarah probably thinks he’s in the field with everyone else. She doesn’t know, that’s why he doesn’t want me to talk to her. 

I start trying to think of a way to use this to my advantage. I have to get my revenge on him. Amy wouldn’t do this to me, it has to be Sarges fault. My blood begins to boil again and I don’t realize it until Amy runs in and picks up Ashley who has started to cry while I’m deep in concentration. Amy quickly rushes back to the kitchen, tossing Ashley on her hip. 

The tension was thick in the air as we all sat down to eat breakfast together. The small kitchen table felt like we were sitting on top of each other. We ate silently until Amy spoke up. “James, you weren’t suppose to find out. I didn’t want to hurt you. Kyle and I just kind of happened.” She said while I stared down at my nearly empty plate. I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t even know his first time, this was the first time I’ve heard it. He’s always been Sarge, Sergeant or Sergeant Cooper to me.

Kyle sat silently watching our reactions. “I can’t believe you would do this to me. Why? Are we done? Do you want a divorce?” I ask with a bit of anger in my voice. “No, I don’t want us to be over, I don’t want a divorce.” She quickly responded and paused, “I just felt a connection to him, something more, something to make me happier. I still love you and I hope you can forgive me and we can work through this.” Amy reaches over and places her warm hand on my knee, giving it a reassuring rub.  “Then why is he still here?” I say, glaring over at Sarge, “Why did you sleep with him again last night?”

She was at a lose for words, taken back by my out of character masculine assertion. I’ve always been an easy going, laid back person. Never causing conflict or trying to prove my manliness to anyone. Some would classify it as a beta male. With short dark brown hair, brown eyes and average looks. My 5 foot 8 inch stature was average but only because Hispanic and Asians help bring down the average. I weighed in at a buck thirty and didn’t have much muscle.

Sarge on the other hand is quiet obviously an alpha male. He presents himself confidently with a commanding voice and intimidating stature. His blond hair cut and styled into the quintessential military flat top, deep blue piercing eyes, square jaw and square shoulders give me chills nearly every time I see him in uniform. I’d have to guess he was nearing 200 pounds with a clearly defined muscular build. In civilian clothes, he’s not nearly as intimidating but, still someone few would want to fight.

Amy mirrored my stature a good bit. She was 5’6” with long brown hair and brown eyes. Some have confused us as brother and sister before. She weighed in at just over 100 pounds and complained about weighed gained during the pregnancy. She was happy about the increased cup size though. She normally had B cups and was happy with the C cups after the baby though. 

After breakfast, Sarge pulled me aside and told me that Sarah didn’t know and it better stay that way. He threatened me with the shittiest details for the rest of my career if she found out. He told me that he has to stay here for 2 more days until our unit returns home. Sarge then patted me on the back before leaving, telling me it will all work out as he went in the living room to watch TV. I was left dumbfounded and utterly stuck in thought. How could Amy be okay with this? How are we suppose to stay married if he stays here? This needs to stop and stop now. 

Amy had just finished with the dishes when I asked her to meet me in the bedroom to talk. Sarge and her shared a look before she agreed. Once in the bedroom I closed the door behind her and blurt out, “What the fuck is going on?” She sits on the bed and motions me to sit by her. After taking a deep breath, she says “James, I love you and you are the father of our child. I never wanted to hurt you and know that I have. I’m sorry. Kyle stopped by with some clothes for Ashley at lunch one day when I was expecting you. Told me you weren’t coming home for lunch. I offered him your lunch and we sat and talked. He is really nice and offered to help us out. Help with clothes, toys and even your career.” 

“So you fucked him for me? You fucked him to help our family? Do you know how that sounds?” I angerly say before she cuts in, “No…No it wasn’t like that. It just happened. I don’t know. I knew it was wrong but.. but I did it and I kept doing it. Then a few months passed and we weren’t happy. I thought we were falling apart.”

“Yes! Because you were fucking my boss.” I say throwing my arms up. 

Amy went to say something but paused. “I can’t believe this is happening, why are  you letting him stay here until Saturday?” I ask. 

“Well Sarah is expecting him back then, he can’t return him early and there is no one else for him to stay with. He can’t rent a room without it showing up on the bill Sarah will see. We talked about, Him and I, about this last night. I wanted him to leave but he can’t.” she says in drawn out whimper of a tone. 

“I don’t care where he goes, he can’t stay here. I’ll buy a room for him it that’s what it takes.” I said standing up moving towards the door. Amy grabs my hand before I move away, “Please James, just sit down.” she then tugs at my arm. “What?” I say throwing myself on the bed. 

“I know this is going to sound crazy but..” she pauses and takes another deep breath. “What if he stayed on the couch?”

My emotions turned to rage as I stood up and grabbed a bag and started throwing some things in it. I yanked open and slammed close the drawers as I tossed my clothes into the bag. “If you want him to stay here fine but, I’m leaving and I’m taking Ashley. She doesn’t need to be around this.” 

Amy pleaded with me not to go and not to take Ashley but she knew. She knew I would be back. She watched as I packed up Ashley’s things and struggled to take the bags out the door with me to our car. I walk back in and grab Ashley while Amy continues to try to change my mind. “We’ll be at the Motel 8 outside the gate. You can come see Ashley there.” I blurt out before slamming the car door and sped away. 

After checking in and getting settled in the motel room, I turn the TV on and sit back and relax, reflecting on what has transpired while Ashley is asleep on the other bed. I can feel my blood pressure rise as I think about Amy with Sarge. Did I make a mistake leaving? Should I have stayed? Was I over-reacting? I begin to emotionally spiral out of control. I try to take back control and focus on TV. I flip through the channels quickly, waiting for something to grab my attention. After cycling through the 12 channels twice I stopped on a movie. Crazy, Stupid, Love was on. I’d seen the movie before but never put much thought into it. I placed myself in frame of mind of the main character. I could understand now why he wanted to still be with his wife even after learning of her cheating. For some reason I started picturing Julianne Moore naked. I wanted to see her cheating, I wanted to watch her get fucked, hard.

My cock got stiff and I started to rub it through my pants. I looked over at Ashley and figured she was too young to remember anything. After being in the field for nearly 2 weeks, never alone, I needed this release. I unbutton my pants pull my dick out and close my eyes. I start rubbing it, teasing it, thinking about watching that cheating wife destroyed by a huge cock. Picturing the faces and sounds she would be making. Then suddenly Amy’s face appeared on her body. The huge cock behind her is Sarge’s. Suddenly I’m cumming, shooting streams of cum over myself. It jolts me back to reality and I am pissed, and now have cum on my clothes. I jump up and clean myself up.

Later in that night, I’m taking a shower and the same images come back into my head. Amy’s body getting filled with a huge cock and cum flowing out of her. I can’t shake it, I start masturbating again. I rapidly jerk my cock, hard and hard, wishing I could fill her pussy up, wishing it was my huge cock making her moan and scream in pleasure and pain. Finally, I cum, much less this time but just as powerful. I lean over and let the water run over my body while I catch my breath. I’ve felt ashamed after cumming before but this was on another level. I’m shaken to the core by my imagination as I go to bed.

I remember waking up several times during the night due to dream or nightmares. I pictured Amy and I together but there was always a large dark shadow in the background. I pictured her having sex with every guy we walked past on the street. I would hold her purse while she bent over and let guys use her right there on the street. I remember her pulling her cum soaked panties overflowing. I was so embarrassed. But I was so turned on too. When I finally woke up my cock was throbbing. I had to jerk off again. Except this time I was imagining Amy sucking my cock. She loved to do that, I guess it wasn’t much work really. She was down on all fours sucking me while I laid on this bed. But then Sarge appeared, I tried to shake the thought but it continued on course. He steps behind her and starts fucking her while she’s sucking me. His powerful thrusts and making her entire body jump. I cum again, this time my cock is soar, I’ve been abusing it too much. Just some clear liquid seeps out. I look over at Ashley to make sure this was all in my head and I’m not dreaming. She’s there happy and content as ever.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/doyxcp/mfcucksissy_solder_gets_fucked_in_more_than_one

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