MK Ultra [Str8, Bi, FFM, Drugs, NC, SM, BDSM]


Inez made three staccato knocks on the door and waited. Dead silence. She stared down the empty hallway, hands idly tugging at the hem of her thin t-shirt. Some contractor had tried to mask the years of wear inside this anonymous high rise with a fresh coat of eggshell paint and the fumes were starting to make her nauseous. Inez puzzled over the generic modern art scattered through the hallway for a few languid minutes, then the front door cracked open and snapped her mind into the present. There was no sound of unlatching locks. James, scruffy and disheveled, leaned out into the hall. True to form he was decked out head to toe in Adidas.
“Athleisure suits you.” She said and flashed a grin.
“Come on in.” said James and returned a bemused smile. “The plants are in here.” He said as he turned around and motioned for her to follow.
“No how-are-you? No pleasantries?” she asked, feigning indignation. The question stopped James. In a heartbeat she caught an all-too-deliberate straightening of his posture. The instant he turned to face her something crystallized beneath Inez’s consciousness. Why did that little joke land like a jab? Was James acting strange? Did she tell anyone where she was going? Why was the apartment already empty? Is 6 months as coworkers enough to know a person? What are the odds? What are the signs? These were all the questions she learned to
ask and answer in a heartbeat.

“I’ve been tying up a lot of loose ends.” He said. “It’s been a long week.” He rubbed his eyes with one hand for extra emphasis. “As you can see I’ve packed everything away in the U-Haul except the monstera and ficus I wanted to give to you.” He swept his hand from wall to wall like a magician for the final reveal.
“Yeah. I bet it’s been a long week.” She said cautiously. Then, after another heartbeat, she was a boisterous tomboy again. “This bachelor pad is gross though. It looks like you had a orgy on this carpet. We’ll get those stains out and then we’ll have some beer. Now let’s get me some houseplants!”
“It’s that door on the left.” He said and nodded towards the bedroom. Inez bounded through empty apartment with an exaggerated childishness. James lingered behind her.

A quick turn of the doorknob, a quick glance into the bedroom and panic seized control of her body before her mind could comprehend what she saw. Her survival instincts sparked, misfired and commanded each part of her body to a different discordant rhythm. Inez backed away from the bedroom like her feet were searching for clearings on a floor scattered with broken glass. Her hands spastically fumbled with her phone, but her eyes maintained unblinking contact with the scene in the bedroom. She couldn’t speak. Her mouth silently chewed syllables like marshmallow.
“You’re sick. I’m calling the cops.” Inez finally stammered. She didn’t see James walk up to her. She couldn’t pull her eyes away. He laid a hand gently over her phone to stop her senselessly pawing at it. James put two fingers on her chin and turned her face toward his.
“This is fucked.” She said whispered. Beneath her clammy chestnut skin ancient fighting instincts were desperately trying to wrest control of her stubborn body. James spoke calmly and authoritatively, the way he practiced for dozens of dissertations throughout his brilliant scientific career.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. Honest to God.” Short, precise, calm he repeated mentally to himself.
“I don’t…”
“Now think back to the conversation we had two weeks ago.”
“I was…”
“Drunk. Yes. I want you to remember what we talked about.”
“It was…”
“A bucket list thing.”
“This can’t”
“It’s the result of my work with MK Ultra. Top level, classified biochemical agents.”
“Am I…” was barely audible from Inez as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes.
“No, I already promised I wasn’t going to hurt you.” Inez jerked just a little. Unbidden, adrenaline began to beat the drums of flight in her chest. But, she was motionless, held by the gravitational pull of her dark fantasy.
“I’m definitely going to get away with it. I’ve worked on MK Ultra for years and this system works.”
“Whatever you decide to do right now. I will not suffer any consequences and I won’t hurt you. I worked with the spookiest CIA spooks this nation has and I have nothing to fear from you or the police or her.” He motioned to the bedroom.
“I can’t.”
“Your call. You can leave. This place is empty before the cops show up. They never find me. You give them a report and it’s a cold case forever. It’ll take some recovery but you’ll get on with your life. You’ll think of me as a monster, you’ll think of Claire some times and wonder what I did with her. You’ll have a crazy story to tell the people you’re most
intimate with. Maybe someday you’ll write about it. That is exactly how it’s going to play out. But, each night, before you drift off to sleep, you’ll wonder, if just for a split second whether you could have really lived a fantasy. Not everyone get a chance to live one of their fantasies.”
“It’s not a threat, not a trap. I have nothing to lose. It’s my gift to you. Take it or leave it.”
“What if…”
“I’m going to get away with it. I have before and I will again. *We* *will* get away with it.” Inez felt the leaden weight of his promise.

Hello sexy story people. First let me thank you for getting through that drivel and apologize for the tease. This is my first foray into erotic fiction, so the prologue reads a little more like horror. I think it’ll really kick off at chapter two or so. No spoilers here but there’s going to be kinky BDSM and humiliation, blackmail shit and a kind of drug/hypnosis/mind break thing. The story references the MK Ultra program in the 60s but mostly it’s an revenge fantasy against a female boss.

If you have any critiques for me on style, substance or grammar, I’d love to hear them.


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