The Camgirl Part XXXVII: Asshole [FM] [Anal] [Oral] [Non-Con ish]

**XXXVII: Blake**

As the loud, pounding club music thrummed through Blake–she now knew that the music that had been playing for the past few songs was considered Deep House thanks to…a person who would remain unnamed even in her mind tonight–she remembered why she hated going to clubs. Ones that weren’t gay clubs, at least.

Bijoux was one of the nicer places in the city–she’d actually needed to use her fake to get in–but she had already been creeped on by far too many douchebags. That was basically what she was looking for tonight–someone hot and confident who would hopefully make her see stars–but she hoped to find one that was only *kind of* a douche.

Chloe and her friends Jenna and Nicole danced nearby, but each of them had found a dance partner already.

Blake didn’t let herself think about that, instead she just closed her eyes and let her body sway with the music. She’d never much understood dance as an art form, but thanks to—to someone who she would not think about tonight, Blake knew that it was likely just due to a lack of understanding, as her newfound musical tastes evidenced. She’d always found it impressive and pretty to watch most of the time, yet she didn’t get what made one dance better or more emotional than another unless the dancer was very clearly unskilled.

Yet Blake had always found dancing freeing. Not performing, but just listening to music and letting her body move as it pleased, as she did now.

Blake frowned when a pair of large hands closed around her hips, rough denim pressing against her ass through the thin fabric of her dress, yet she gave little sign that she noticed her new partner other than subtly adjusting the rhythm of her hips to fit his own. She opened her eyes, however, glancing between Chloe and her friends to try and catch one’s eye.

Given Blake’s and Jenna’s expressed purposes for going out tonight, they had all show each other pictures of their respective preferred types of boys.

She ended up catching Nicole’s eye, and the girl grinned, nodding at Blake.

Encouraged that she was dancing with someone attractive, Blake started grinding her hips a bit more insistently, leaning back against his chest as she moved to the throbbing beat. Though the guy was confident enough to just to come up to her and start dancing, he hadn’t tried to grope her yet, which was a definite plus.

The feminist, progressive part of Blake’s mind grumbled that not being groped should be the standard rather than a plus, even when going out to a club. The horny part of Blake’s mind, along with some help from her pussy, said fuck that. For tonight, at least.

Her pussy wasn’t as insistent as it had been the past few times Blake had gone out to clubs, or at least it didn’t seem so. A part of that might have been due to the much lesser amount of alcohol currently in her system, though she worried that another part was simply that she had gotten used to dealing with and ignoring her pussy’s needs. She wasn’t sure she liked the implications of that.

Regardless, her pussy was currently enjoying itself despite its general level of yelling at Blake to stick a dick inside of it. She felt herself growing wetter as a good-sized bulge started to press against her ass through the guy’s jeans. She let herself enjoy it, moving with the music as the DJ cycled through songs.

“I’m Alex,” he said, after a few songs, breath hot on her neck.

Blake figured that now was as good a time as any to see what Alex looked like. She spun around, looking up, and smiled, nodding approvingly.

The dim lighting didn’t allow Blake to see definitively, but she thought he had light green eyes, maybe hazel. His hair was black, styled in a manner the more metrosexual guys in the area usually went for, but it worked with his angular features and clean-shaven face.

He wasn’t someone Blake would drool over, yet he was good-looking enough for tonight.

“Dana,” she said. She had no plans for anything after tonight with Alex. Not even the next morning if she could help it.”

They talked for a bit—the usual, meaningless small-talk that was seen as polite to go through before propositioning someone. Even at a club where one’s purpose for being there was pretty obvious.

Blake supposed it was useful for detecting the creeps and the crazies before engaging in too much, and it had worked for her so far, as she had a pretty good creep-radar, and she had yet to stick her imaginary dick in a crazy chick. She gave the prepared answers Chloe had helped her come up with the first time they had gone out together. At a few more personal questions about her past, Blake forced down her discomfort and steered the conversation in another direction.

“Do you want to go sit down or something?” She asked, sweetly, “My feet are getting a little sore in these heels.”

He nodded, grinning, and let her lead him off the dance floor. Blake almost headed toward one of the secluded booths but frowned at the sight of couples making out in the few closest ones. She was here for a fuck, not that. L—*other people* had nothing to do with her not wanting to make out with Alex. It would just make her uncomfortable. Instead, she led him toward one of the single-person restrooms, checking to make sure no one saw them as they slipped in. She didn’t miss Alex’s grin as she closed the door behind him.

Once they were inside, door locked, Alex leaned in as though to kiss her. Blake quickly dropped to a squat and started undoing Alex’s pants.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, sounding surprised and pleased.

Blake didn’t really care. She just wanted his dick. Her mind was starting to grow a bit hazy, her pussy growing slicker with her juices now that she had it in her grasp. Quite literally, as she pulled it out of his pants, keeping one hand near the base. It was a nice-looking cock. Not as nice as—as some, but it would do.

And it was hard. That was the important part. Blake gave it a few long strokes with her one hands as she slipped a flavored condom from her purse. They weren’t the greatest, but they didn’t taste like lube.

Blake caught a flicker of disappointment in Alex’s expression as he watched her unwrap the condom, but that faded with a hiss as Blake firmly grasped his cock and rolled condom on. Blake didn’t care how much it dulled the feeling for him. She would still enjoy herself, and if she was not putting a strange dick in her mouth without protection.

Once the condom was on, she discarded the wrapper and looked up at Alex, as she took the head into her mouth. He breathed deep at the sensation, even through the condom. The cherry taste was a bit weird, but not too bad. As Blake worked Alex’s cock with her mouth, she found it actually encouraged her to be a bit more inventive than she might have normally been, licking and sucking on different parts of his cock without really thinking much about what would feel good for him or get him close. She was just enjoying sucking on the cock.

When Blake had about half of his cock in her mouth, massaging the underside with her tongue, Alex took her head in his hands, fingers threading through her hair. He pulled her face toward his hips.


Blake resisted instinctively at first out of annoyance but let herself be pulled forward. She had to adjust to make sure she could take his cock all the way, but in a few seconds, her nose was pressed against his—thankfully trimmed—pelvis. He held her head steady there, then moved his hips back slowly before thrusting into her mouth again.

Blake had to stead herself, putting her hands against his hips as her mind began to fuzz. With deepthroating, there was a sense of accomplishment that came along with doing it successfully. Knowing she could make a guy cum with just her mouth, and that she could take just as much of his cock into her mouth as she could into her pussy or her ass. Having her throat fucked brought along a different feeling. Blake ignored the memories that tried to come to the front of her mind, instead focusing on the sensations that washed over her. The lack of a need to think and work while sucking cock was so freeing. All Blake had to do was keep her mouth and throat relaxed and let Alex thrust in and out, wetting his cock, preparing it for her pussy, maybe working the underside with her tongue if he lingered long enough in her mouth.

He did a few times, alternating between slow and quick thrusts, sometimes fucking her face a bit roughly. That only made Blake’s heart pound quicker as her arousal rose. She was probably going to have to trash this thong after tonight.

Blake’s mind fuzzed further when Alex held her face against his hips, seating his cock as far as it could go in her mouth. It didn’t reach Blake’s throat, so she couldn’t use that trick on it. Instead she moaned around the cock in her mouth, licking and massaging the underside veiny underside. She had almost lost herself in the act, needy pussy dripping with arousal, when Alex released her head.

Blake blinked, looking up at him curiously, wondering why he had stopped.

“You ready?” He asked, grinning. His voice, thick with lust, held anticipation.

It took Blake a second, but her pussy twitched, and she immediately realized what Alex meant.

She bit her lip as she straightened, then pulled the bottom of her dress up to her waist, bunching the fabric and shooting Alex smoky looks. When she could tear her eyes away from his cock, at least. She wanted that inside her *now.*

Blake leaned against the part of the wall that appeared the cleanest, sticking her ass out and angling her hips up. She shivered when Alex moved up behind her, taking her ass in one hand as he pulled at the waistband of her thong.

“Fuck,” he swore once Blake’s panties were down around her thighs.

Blake gasped as two fingers slid effortlessly between her slick lips, feeling *much* larger than they actually were.

“Damn, you’re wet,” he said taking her ass in both hands, “You like getting face-fucked, don’t you?”

Blake just moaned, thrusting back her hips in response.

“This is a needy fucking pussy,” he chuckled, hooking the two fingers and pressing down on her sensitive knot of nerves before slipping them back out. Blake’s leg trembled, almost giving out.

Then she felt the tip against her lips. A moment later, Alex thrust all the way into her. Blake moaned, bracing herself against the wall as the sudden intrusion stretched Blake’s tight pink walls.

She’d missed this. Even a wrapped cock was better than a dildo. Thoroughly lubricated as both Alex’s cock and Blake’s walls were, she was tight enough for Alex’s thrusts to produce delicious friction that sent her arousal into overdrive, clouding her brain. She used the wall to steady herself as she thrust her hips back against Alex’s cock, trying with every thrust to get it as deep inside of her as she could. To fill that aching need inside her that everything else had failed to satiate for so long.

“Harder,” she heard herself gasp, voice desperate and breathy, “Fuck me hard—Ah!”

Blake cried out as Alex complied, hips slapping against her ass with each thrust, balls occasionally smacking against her clit. She barely held herself from bumping into the wall with each thrust. Vaguely, she was aware of a drip down the insides of her thighs. Arousal clouded her mind, centering her awareness on her pussy and the cock hammering at her wet folds. Blake didn’t know if she had cum yet. A part of her didn’t really care. Just as long as that cock kept fucking her needy pussy.

When it pulled out all the way, Blake whimpered, thrusting her hips backward. Her pussy *needed* that cock back inside.

She heard someone laugh, seeming satisfied.

*Alex, right. His name is Alex.*

Blake was about to demand that he put his cock back inside her—why the fuck had he stopped anyway?

Then Blake gasped at a sudden slick pressure on her asshole.

“Fuck,” she moaned as the head of Alex’s cock slipped past her tight ring of muscles. He didn’t stop to let her adjust, following it up with inch after inch until her ass pressed against his hips, balls resting against her dripping pussy lips.

Blake knew she should be pissed. A voice in her head told her she should be, at least. Yet her Blake’s mouth and pussy had lubricated the cock well enough that it slipped into her ass with little effort. And now that it had a cock in it, her ass felt just as needy as her pussy.

“Fuck,” Alex hissed, voice smug as he pulled out and thrust back into her, making Blake moan again and the mix of pain and pleasure, “I thought you’d let me have your ass, but I didn’t think it would go in so easy. You like it in the ass, don’t you, slut?”

The haze in Blake’s mind shattered.

She thrust her hips back against Alex, hard, using the wall for leverage. He stumbled back, and Blake drew her ass off his cock, rounding on him. Before he could recover, she grabbed him by the balls and squeezed. Not enough to do any serious damage—though she thought it would be a favor to any other girls Alex met if she did—but enough to get his knees to buckle and bring a queasy expression to his face. Blake kneed him in the gut as he fell, then adjusted her panties and dress, “I do like it in the ass. Just not from assholes like you.”

Blake didn’t wait for a response before stepping over to the door. She unlocked and opened it in one smooth motion, then slammed it shut.

Her heart pounded as she walked back toward the dance floor. Blake scanned the dimly lit room for Chloe or her friends through hot, misty eyes, fists clenched so hard Blake knew her knuckles were white. She half-wished some guy would try to hit on her just so she could have an excuse to break someone’s nose. That would be better than crying. It wouldn’t make her look scared, weak, or lost, despite feeling that way.

Blake found Chloe after just a few minutes and knew she must have been wearing her thoughts on her face from the way Chloe’s eyes widened after meeting hers. Either that or Chloe just knew her that well.

Blake waited as patiently as she could while Chloe extricated herself from her dance partner and made her way over to Blake.

Chloe put an arm around Blake’s shoulders as she reached her, barely stopping to turn Blake toward the exit. Blake wanted to sob at how wonderful her friend was. Instead she just gave Chloe a tight smile and squeezed her hand as she let Chloe lead her from the club.



  1. Aaaand back to the sex.
    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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  3. Episode after episode continues to get better and better. Hopefully you’ll put this all in a book so we can re-read it all at once. Great job !!!!!

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