Say My Name [MF][BWWM][Interracial]

**A BWWM erotic short story adapted from the classic fairytale, Rumpelstiltskin. Also published on Literotica.**


“Tomorrow? But there’s no way I can have the money by then.” Tasha bit her lower lip. The last thing she wanted was to break out in tears over the phone.

“I really hate to put you in this position, Tasha. I admire your business and want to help you out in any way I can, but you’re three months behind on the rent. And I can’t stay on top of my wife’s hospital bills without this income.” Henry was genuinely apologetic and she felt a twinge of guilt at having forced him into this situation.

It wasn’t his fault that she hadn’t had steady business in over a month. “How’s she doing?”

“Her spirits are high, which is more than we could ask for.” He sounded tired but hopeful.

Mrs. Sutter had been in and out of the hospital since Tasha signed her lease almost a year ago. “I’ll keep her in my prayers.” Prayers were about all she had to offer at this point.

Tasha’s savings account was down to a few hundred dollars. She’d spent the majority on rent and renovations on her shop, The Dog’s Bow Wow. The tens of thousands of dollars she’d saved over her previous career as a corporate lawyer had vanished in a matter of months. And now she would lose the shop she’d poured the last of her blood, sweat, and tears into.

“I can give you until midnight tomorrow, but after that…”

“I won’t let you down, Henry. I’ll figure something out.” She wished him a good night, disconnecting the call in resignation. Where would she get thousands of dollars in less than thirty hours?

Asking her mother for money wasn’t an option. The judge had made it crystal clear what she’d thought of Tasha’s “impulsive” actions, though she’d known her daughter’s plans from the very beginning. Leaving a lucrative career in law to open a dog grooming spa had led her mother to suspect Tasha was suffering from a mental breakdown. She’d even enlisted a close family friend – a psychiatrist – to stage an intervention of sorts with her immediate family. In defense of her decision, Tasha had boasted she’d be in the black within a year and now here she was, almost a year later, on the verge of losing it all.

She looked around the small shop for anything she might be able to sell. Her business was a modest storefront operation in an upscale neighborhood, renovated to give it a modern and sleek feel. The stainless steel washing tubs against the walls and two electric-powered grooming tables occupied the majority of the space. Getting a good price for the cumbersome equipment on such short notice would be nearly impossible. The titanium shears she’d invested in – all in different sizes, with their own unique purpose – might get her close to the funds she needed, but she couldn’t bring herself to part with them. She’d purchased the first pair on the day she’d decided she would go into business for herself. She collected the others over time, each purchase bringing her a step closer to realizing her dream. The utter lack of success, however, had come as a sobering realization.

Her business plan had been sound – or so she’d thought. She’d expected to tap into the dog show circuit and secure regular appointments with breeders who were willing to pay higher prices for haircuts tailored specifically to their dogs. She’d apprenticed with one of the best groomers in the country, developing a new style that had even impressed her teacher. She moved onto her new career with such high hopes.

But then the customers never came. The first couple of months, she had a steady stream of appointments. But that had been because of the heavy marketing she’d invested in. She’d hoped word-of-mouth would keep the momentum going, but in the end, her client base dwindled. She only had a handful of clients coming once a month, and that wasn’t enough to even cover the rent on the shop. And now her reckoning had arrived.

She flipped the door sign from *Open* to *Closed* and shut off the lights. There was no need to clean, as it had been another drearily uneventful day with no appointments or walk-ins. The meticulously clean and utterly empty shop made her feel anything but hopeful. She grabbed her things and headed out.

As she locked the front door, a black streak darted across her feet. “Oh!” Tasha jumped back.

“Meow,” she heard from directly behind her. She spun around to find a black cat with the clearest blue eyes staring back up at her. He sat on his haunches with an elegance unique to cats and began cleaning his left paw with his little pink tongue.

“If you were trying to give me bad luck,” she said, squatting down, “it’s too late. I’m already cursed.” She reached out to pet the cat and it stepped forward, rubbing its jaw against her hand.

Tasha’s love for animals naturally extended to cats. The enigmatic, self-grooming creatures were so different from the fun-loving dogs she’d grown up with. Cat videos were her go-to for de-stressing after a rough day.

The cat placed its front paws on her knee and she couldn’t help but pull it into her lap. It purred in triumph as she gave it a good petting. Though it lacked a collar or ID tags, its fur was clean and soft, unlike the stray cats that roamed her neighborhood. It snuggled closer, licking her hand with its sandpaper tongue.

“You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you?” It looked up at her with those hypnotic eyes again. She’d never seen such clear blue eyes in a cat, especially one with a jet black coat. “Ok, that’s all I’ve got for tonight.” The cat meowed in protest as she set it back down on the ground, giving it one last stroke before walking over to her car.

Some invisible force tugged at her, forcing her to look back. It sat there staring at her. It looked so alone in the light of the street lamps, its eyes shining with the intensity of moonlight. The meow it gave this time was sad and demanding, bordering on a whine.

Apparently, she wasn’t the only one in need of rescuing.


Back at her condo, the cat played with a wide strip of red ribbon, pouncing and biting at the silky strip. She’d saved it from one of the gifts she’d received at her going-away party. The memory of her last day at the law firm was bittersweet. Everyone had wished her well and had such high hopes for her. Now, she’d have to suffer the humiliation of begging her boss to take her back.

Tasha dumped a can of tuna into a bowl with blue and orange fish painted on the white ceramic. She’d made in it in a high school pottery class and it had somehow survived all through college and her adulthood. It seemed appropriate for a cat. The impish creature was her guest after all.

She grabbed her own dinner for the night – a small pot of spaghetti with homemade marinara sauce – and headed into the living room. She found the cat taking a break from its play, lounging in her usual spot on the sofa. Tasha placed the bowl of tuna on the floor next to the couch.

“Dinner time, kitty.” She still had no clue if it was male or female. How did you tell with a cat? Did it even matter? The cat looked at the food and then back at her, its blue eyes narrowed in offense.

“Fine, don’t eat it,” she huffed, not in the mood to negotiate with a cat. “That’s my seat.” She nudged it out of her spot, receiving an angry meow in return. She plopped down, sinking into the spot that naturally conformed to the contours of her body and covered her legs with a throw. She was home, safe from the disappointments of the outside world.

The cat climbed into her lap, turning in a tight circle before settling down in a little ball. It purred with warm contentment.

She shook her head and clicked on the TV. Selecting a Korean drama to watch, she dug into her dinner, awkwardly balancing the pot above the cat’s head. She needed to laugh, cry, scream – anything to dislodge this deep-seated dread.

An entire bottle of wine later, Tasha sobbed as the female lead of the drama broke up with her true love. Life was so unfair. She was reminded of her own problems. If she’d only had the capital or the connections, everything might’ve turned out differently.

*Woulda, shoulda, coulda*. Her mother’s authoritative voice rang in her mind. Judge Harris was a winner. She repelled failure with the force of a two-ton magnet. The only imperfect thing in her life was the daughter who’d quit her job in the prime of her career to chase a fleeting dream.

The frustration, anxiety, and genuine fear that she’d tucked away in the name of progress, came bubbling to the surface. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, sniffling through the deluge of emotion.

A sudden roughness against her hand startled her. The cat was licking away the tears from her hand. The gentle action only made her tears flow stronger. In place of the woman she’d once been – tough, formidable, confident – was a sopping mess, pitied by a rescue cat.

Hope was no longer in her vocabulary. She’d lose the shop and her childhood dream along with it. “I wish I could just start over.” Her heart squeezed at the frustration and hopelessness of it all.

The cat leapt from her lap. And then like something out of a fantasy movie, the black cat suddenly morphed into a man in the blink of an eye. He was crouching, naked, in the middle of her living room floor. Tasha scrambled over the back of the couch. She hadn’t moved that fast since she’d run track in college. She grabbed the nearest weapon she could get her hands on – a skinny but solid wooden figure she’d purchased during a trip to Ghana. She brandished the statue like a bat.

“How did you…” Her words trailed off as he rose into an upright position. Standing before her, without a stitch of clothing on, was the most ethereally beautiful man she’d ever seen. He looked to be of average height, his lean build accentuated by sculpted pecs and biceps. Dark brown curls sprinkled with gray haloed a bare face as smooth as his hairless chest.

He tilted his head to the side, calmly staring back at her, his blue eyes the only remnant of the stray cat she’d been cuddling with less than a minute ago. “You summoned me, master.”

If she’d ever had to imagine what a magical cat-man sounded like, it wouldn’t have been with a panty-wetting Southern accent.

“Who are you?” Her gaze drifted to his abs and the dangling appendage between his legs. Her eyes shot to the ceiling, but not before a tingling sensation began to build in her most private area.

“I’m whoever you want me to be, master.”

Tasha closed her eyes, shaking her head in an attempt to dislodge this wine-fueled hallucination from her mind. She opened her eyes to find him standing right in front of her, those blue eyes peering into the depths of her. She jumped back, tripping on her legs. He caught her by the arm with one hand, saving her from tumbling backward. His hold was firm, yet gentle. She caught her breath at the surge that traveled through her body where he touched her. It had the most calming effect on her, a soothing numbness.

“There’s no reason to fear me.”

“But you’re not human.” Tension melted from her muscles as those clear blue eyes drew her in. She pushed him away, immediately feeling the loss of his touch. “Stop doing…whatever it is you’re doing.”

He immediately released her, his arms dropping to his sides like some robot that’d been switched to Off. He stood there, as though awaiting her next command.

“Who are you?”

“You can call me Jinx, if you like.”

*Jinx?* She’d expected something more exotic, like Jean Luc or Maximilian. “What are you, Jinx?”

He crossed his arms, drawing her attention to his sculpted chest; which then reminded her that he was stark naked. She grabbed the throw from the couch and tossed it to him. “Please, cover yourself already.”

He tied the blanket around his slim waist. “I could go back to my cat form if you prefer, master.”

“Why the hell do you keep calling me master?”

He looked confused by her question. “You summoned me and I had no choice but to respond. I’m only here to serve you.”

A current of excitement surged through her at his words. This strong, gorgeous man at her beck and call? Yeah, right. “This is ridiculous.” She looked him up and down. “So you’re like some cat genie?”

He scoffed. “I’m a human, who can take the form of a cat.”

“Like some sort of shapeshifter?” She couldn’t believe those words had just come out of her mouth.

“More like being forced to take a form that isn’t mine.”

“Like a curse?”

He nodded, his expression serious. “You’re the only person to summon me in almost a hundred years.”

The man before her appeared to be in his early 40s and not much older than her. “And how exactly did I do that?”

“Through your need, your tears. And then your wish.”

She wracked her brain, trying to remember exactly when she might have made that wish. “My wanting to start over? But those were just words.”

“Words hold great power.”

She’d been a lawyer for years, she knew exactly the difference words could make in the course of a person’s life. “So you’re some kind of genie, then? Here to grant me three wishes?” She laughed at the ridiculousness of the proposition.

“Not three. Just one.”

After watching him transform from a cat into a man right before her eyes, she had very little reason to doubt that what he said was true. “Why would you do that?”

“Because you sum-”

“Summoned you. Right, right. I got it.” She put her hands on her hips, shaking her head at the fact that she was beginning to believe this wasn’t just a dream or a hallucination. “I need a drink.” She moved for the kitchen, but he stopped her with a light touch to her arm.

“Let me,” he said, his eyes sparkling with life. “Another glass of wine?”

She squinted at him. “Sure.”

“Have a seat. Put your feet up. Relax.”

She admired the smooth lines of his muscled back and the curve of his ass underneath the blanket as he moved into the kitchen. She had the vaguest feeling that, even though he referred to her as “master,” she wasn’t the one in control here.

For once in her harried, overachieving life Tasha decided to just go with the flow. She returned to the couch, listening to the pop of the cork and the pouring of liquid as Jinx prepared a glass of wine for her. She sighed. She could get used to this.

Jinx returned, the smallest hint of a smile on his face. He handed her a glass of rosé as pink as his full bottom lip. “For you, master.”

He settled in on the opposite of the couch, pulling her feet into his lap. She took a sip of wine, watching as he began to massage her feet with his strong hands, like it was the most natural thing in the world. As he skillfully squeezed and prodded at her sensitive feet, she relaxed, letting the slow buzz from the wine ease her into relaxation. She wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, even if it was part magic.

“Now, about this whole ‘master’ thing. Just call me Tasha.”

“Tasha?” Her name sounded sensual on the roll of his tongue. He shook his head.

“No. It’s not right to call you by your first name. ‘My queen’ would be more appropriate.”

She laughed, the release of tension making her even more amenable to his touch. She actually didn’t hate it, but it was still too weird for her taste. “Not quite my style.”

He sat, thinking. “My lady?” He pressed his thumb into the arch of her foot, the lustrous sensation shooting straight from her foot to the bundle of nerves between her thighs. She appreciated a persuasive man.

“My lady.” Not bad. “That works, but please use it sparingly. I’m not a member of the nobility.” She leaned back into the arm of the couch and shut her eyes. If everything was coming to an end tomorrow anyway, why not just enjoy this odd calm before the storm?

They sat quietly, Jinx continuing to work his magic with her feet. A few sighs escaped her lips as he moved up to her ankles and then her calf muscles.

“About your wish, my lady,” Jinx said in a soothing tone.

“Hmm,” she said absently, taking another gulp of her wine, the tang on her tongue somehow enhancing the sweetness of his words.

“You want to start over. How?”

She opened her eyes to find him staring at her intently. His eyes were warm and inviting, as though he really wanted to know what she desired most. Tasha had nothing to lose in being honest. “Well, if I could go back to the beginning, I would do quite a few things differently; like accepting my teacher’s offer to be an investor.”


“Yes. He taught me everything I know about dog grooming.”

His hands paused mid-squeeze. “He?”

She smirked. “Yes, he.” She tilted her head to the side. “You can’t seriously be jealous.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my lady.”

Her channel clenched at the possessiveness in his tone. “Technically, you’re the one who belongs to me.”

He squinted in slight defiance before returning his attention to her feet, his deft fingers rubbing the sensitive spots between her toes. Her pussy hummed in delight.

“I can grant your wish, but there’s a cost.”

“A catch to having my deepest desire realized? Who would’ve seen that one coming?” she asked sardonically. “Let me guess, you want my firstborn child.”

This time his stare was laced with desire and…hope. “A child? With me?”

Her pulse raced at the thought of this beautiful man impregnating her – of how, when and with what techniques. She’d always wanted a child, but had never found the right guy, or the right time. Whether he was magical or not, he’d managed to bring her walls tumbling down in no time at all.

She quickly laughed away the thought. “It was just a joke, Jinx.”

Genuine disappointment lined his beautiful features. The sudden guilt she felt surprised her. Had he been serious? Of course not; no, completely out of the question.

“So, what is the actual cost then?” she asked, breaking his intense stare and the heavy silence between them. “And what do you get in return?”

“Your pleasure.” Tasha licked her lips unconsciously. Well, when he put it that way…


“You agree?”

“To what exactly?”

“Me receiving your pleasure in exchange for granting your wish.”

Her delirious heart leaped into her throat. How exactly was this a cost? The benefit would be twofold for her. She shrugged to calm herself. “Why not? It’s not like I haven’t had one-night stands before.” At this point, she could use the comfort of another’s touch.

“This wouldn’t be casual,” he said, a warning embedded in his statement. Was she missing something?

“I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sounds like a good deal to me.”

“Then, your wish is my command, my lady.” Her clit throbbed at the tone of his voice, which had gone abysmally deep. “Tell me how to please you.”

Tasha stifled a moan, her desire building at his words. No man had ever treated her pleasure as anything more than an afterthought. Maybe that’s why she’d only been able to orgasm on her own and never with a partner.

Jinx might be just the man – or being – that she’d been searching for. “What’s the catch?” The glint of mischief in his eyes set her cheeks ablaze. She bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

“In order for me to grant your wish, you have to orgasm. Three times.”

“In a row?” Her clit went cold, her heart now thumping with anxiety.

“Well, not successively necessarily. But before the sun rises.”

Her body ached with lust and fear. Was that even possible?

He must’ve read the doubt on her face. “I’ll take care of everything. If you can trust me.”

“I just met you. And you’re not exactly human.”

“Not completely true, but I understand your misgivings. All I need from you is honesty about what you want. I’ll handle the rest.”

His words both brought her comfort and sent her pussy back into a frenzy. He seemed sincere. But could she bare her soul to someone she’d just met? The uncertainty only enhanced her excitement. “I don’t know…” If this could change the course of her business, she owed it to herself to at least try.

“There’s no need for pretense with me. I’m here for you – without judgment.”

She blurted out the word. “Blindfold.” Where had that come from?

His expression remained unreadable. “Yes?”

“I’ve always wanted to be blindfolded during sex.”

“Is there anything else you desire, my lady?” he gently prodded.

“Just the blindfold.” She wasn’t quite sure in what way, but his expression told her that he understood something she wasn’t saying.

“Done.” He stood and she couldn’t help but notice the slight bulge in his crotch area. She resisted loosening the throw he had tied around his waist. He offered his hand to her. “We only have a few hours until sunrise.”

She took his hand, trembling in anticipation. He lifted her from the couch with ease. They stood facing each other, only a few inches of distance between them.

“May I kiss you, my lady?” he whispered.

“Yes.” She was ready for this, for him.

He cradled her face in his hands, his pupils dilated beyond what seemed normal for a human. In the depths of his gaze, she found the blue flame of his desire. “Not tasting these lips should be punishable by death.” He leaned in slowly, anticipation bubbling in her core. But instead of kissing her on the mouth, he titled his head slightly, pressing his lips against her cheek. “I plan to savor all of you before I partake in that particular treat.” His tongue darted out, the wetness against her cheek matching the dampness in her panties. A tiny kiss on the cheek sent her spiraling into oblivion.

“Mmm, you’re as sweet as peach cobbler.” He moved lower, planting kisses along her neck. He stopped at the crook of her neck, his lick long and lazy before he clamped those luscious lips to her neck, sucking with enthusiasm.

Tasha cried out at the jolt to her pussy. “Mmm, yes.” She was already on the verge of orgasm number one.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her to his chest as he sucked on her neck like it was a king crab leg. Her nipples pebbled when his hands dropped to her ass, kneading her cheeks. He lifted his head, seeking something in her eyes and smiled at the recognition. “That’s it, my lady. Give in to me.”

Her breath caught at his words as she realized she was in way over her head. If he could bring her so close to orgasm without having even kissed her yet, she was lost. “Jinx-”

He consumed her words with a kiss. Along with the fullness of his bottom lip and a fragrance like sweet milk on his breath, she savored the authority in his kiss, her insecurities melting away. This man wanted to consume her and she yielded to his command. He was everything she didn’t know she wanted.

He squeezed her ass like he was making fresh orange juice. She gyrated her hips, longing for release. His kiss made her forget all of her problems; made her forget her middle name.

“Jinx, yes.” She was surprised by how much his massaging turned her on. Former lovers held a certain admiration – reverence even – for her ass, but none had devoted much time to it. Jinx was getting to know her ass up close and personal, learning its likes and dislikes.

He pressed up against her, his hard cock slipping into the juncture between of her thighs. “I’m so hard. Your ass alone is going to do me in.” He began to gently thrust his hips, the tip of his cock tapping against her clit. He continued to explore every inch of her mouth with his tongue. She drank him in, her body begging for more.

“Oh…my…” Tasha’s chest tightened as her first orgasm beat her to the finish line.

She threw her head back in ecstasy, Jinx’s lips returning to that sensitive spot on her neck, sucking and licking as she came. Her knees buckled but he was there to catch her. He swept her into his arms, heading for the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head against his bare chest.

“Jinx, I don’t think I can handle another one of those.” This had been the first time she’d had an orgasm in the presence of another person. She was both embarrassed and elated, excited yet fearful of what would come next.

He kissed her forehead. “We’re just getting started, my lady.”


Tasha lay naked in bed, a red ribbon tied around her head, shielding her eyes. It was the same ribbon she’d given to the cat that was Jinx, before she knew what he truly was.

“How shall we proceed?” he asked, his voice coming from right beside her.

The thrill of being blindfolded, knowing Jinx could see every inch of her naked body, while she couldn’t see him at all, only made her greedy for more.

“I want to undress you.” Unable to see Jinx with her eyes, she would be forced to explore his body with her sense of touch.

He lifted her hand, placing it on the throw tied around her waist. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Tasha licked her lips as she untied the cloth. She heard it drop to the floor. She traced the hard lines of his abs with trembling fingers. Moving higher, she ran her palm across his bare chest.

He grunted. “Touch me.” The fact that she turned him on set her faucet on full blast. Her hand drifted lower, coming into contact with the patch of hair beneath his abs, before she wrapped her hand around his hard cock.

“Mmm,” he breathed.

She ran her hand up and down his thick shaft. “I want your finger in my pussy,” she said, the authority she’d initially sensed in Jinx taking a hold of her. She liked being both vulnerable and the one in control. The dynamic turned her on more than she could’ve imagined.

Jinx’s hands were on her thighs, spreading them apart. “Like this?” His fingers slid between her lips, running up and down her folds.

“Yes, just like that.” She squeezed his dick even tighter as he rubbed a finger up and down her slit.

“Do you like this?” He applied a bit more pressure to her bud, rubbing his finger in a circular motion.

“Uh huh,” was all she could manage, as she spread her legs wider. He took the hint, dipping a finger into her channel.

She arched her back. She must have held his cock in a death grip because he said, “Easy now.”

She eased up on her hold. “Sorry,” she panted. “That just felt so good.”

“Can I taste you?”

She’d never enjoyed receiving oral sex, mainly because the men she’d been with had no clue what to do with their tongues. But she suspected Jinx would exceed her expectations.

She nodded. “Eat my pussy like it’s your last meal.”

Jinx chuckled. “What my lady wants, my lady gets.”

He climbed onto the bed to join her. He spread her legs wider, one hand on each thigh. She felt his warm breath against her as he spoke. “You have the most beautiful pussy.”

It was her turn to chuckle. “Not too beautiful to eat, I hope.”

He swiped his wet tongue along her folds and her ass came up off the bed. “That should erase any doubt,” he said.

“Ahh,” she cried out. Her pussy dripped in anticipation of the next caress of his tongue.

Jinx apparently wasn’t one for suspense. He gently bit the inside of her thigh before flicking his tongue against her clit. He slipped two fingers into her slick channel, pumping them in and out in a slowly seductive manner. He curled his fingers slightly, coming into contact with a sensitive bunch of nerves.

“I’m close,” she said with a trace of disappointment. She’d wanted to last longer than this, but orgasm number two was just around the bend.

“Come harder than you’ve ever come before.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You’re a queen, of course you can.”

His lips clamped down on her tiny bud and he sucked with the same fervor he’d applied to her neck. Her orgasm built with a slow burn, drawing out until the last moment before her release.

Tasha whimpered as she came. “Yes, yes, yes.” It was different from the first one, but just as powerful. Maybe even more so. Jinx lapped at her pussy, the sounds making her hotter.

Tasha ripped off the blindfold and looked down at Jinx between her legs. “I need to fuck you. Now.”

His blue eyes twinkled with desire. “As you wish, my lady.” He kissed her inner thigh before switching places with her.

She knelt between his legs, his thick dick as straight as an arrow. As much as she wanted to take him into her mouth, she wanted to ride that dick even more. Tasha wasted no time in mounting Jinx, slamming her pussy down on his cock. The small flash of pain as he stretched her to capacity disappeared in the face of a blinding pleasure.

Jinx’s hands shot to her hips as she began to grind against him. “Fuck yes.” His eyes were trained on her pussy, as she slid up and down his cock.

He fondled her breasts, tweaking her nipples. “You are so damn sexy,” he growled, thrusting up to meet her as she slammed down on his cock.

“Fuck me!” she shouted like a woman without a care in the world.

Jinx flipped her onto her back, heeding her command. His hips pistoned against her, his dick filling her clenching channel. “Come with me, sweetheart.” He’d finally dropped the formalities.

And she dropped her walls with him. “Ok, baby.” The ferocity with which he fucked her was going to make it hard to hold on for much longer. She felt the familiar sensation building for a third time. “Are you close?”

“I’ll come when you do. Just tell me when. I belong to you now.”

That did it for her. “Rumpelstiltskin!” she cried as her orgasm surged forth, brimming with the last of her energy.

“Tasha!” Jinx cried out, exploding inside of her. She could feel the essence of his release mixing with her own juices.

Her breaths came deep and hard. He continued to slowly pump into her, emitting the last of his release with a moan that vibrated deep in his belly.

Recovering from the whirlwind that was the most explosive orgasm she’d ever experienced, she recalled the moment of her release. Rumpelstitlskin. Had she been speaking in tongues?

“Thank you, my love.” Jinx repositioned them so that he could take her into his arms, her head resting on his chest, his cock still inside of her. He ran his hand up and down her back, the light scratching sensation lulling her into sleep.

“For what?”

“For speaking my true name.”

She lifted her head and met his loving gaze, his slightly dilated pupils making his blue eyes appear darker. “Rumpelstiltskin?” As she spoke his name, she felt him harden within her and her pussy walls clenched automatically in response.

“Yes,” he whispered, as though the name were the most seductive thing he’d ever heard.

“What does it mean?”

“It’s German for ‘little rattle stilt.'”

“Your ‘stilt’ certainly isn’t little.” She stirred against him, hoping to bring said appendage back to full mast.

He laughed. “I’m glad you think so.”

“So what does it mean, me saying your name? And why did it just come to me like that? I’ve never even heard it before.”

“I’m not exactly sure. I felt an immediate connection to you from the beginning, so maybe that had something to do with it. Either way, you’ve freed me from the curse. I’m fully human and my own man again.”

“So you can stay here, with me?” Having Jinx with her softened the blow of the other failures in her life.

“Yes. If you’ll have me.”

She kissed him in response. “You chose me first. I’m just returning the favor.”

“And I can help you get your business started in any way you need me.”

“Started?” In the course of having three orgasms in one night, she’d totally forgotten about her wish.

“Yes. We’re back at the beginning. Check your phone.”

Tasha reached out for the smartphone on her nightstand. She pressed the power button, the screen displaying the current date and time. The date displayed was two months before the day she originally opened her business.

“No way.” If she really was getting a second chance, she knew deep down in her gut that she would succeed this time. “You did this, for me?”

“I only did what you did for me. You’ve given me my life back, Tasha.”

“My lady,” she corrected in jest.

He thrust his already hard cock deeper inside of her. “My lady,” he smiled, rolling on top of her. “Let’s see if we can make it four orgasms before sunrise.”

Tasha moaned in unrestrained delight. “Your wish is my command.”


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