[MF, FF] A young realtor is transformed into a successful one. (Part 1)

Jana sat at her desk hoping for the phone to ring. She had only been a realtor for about 3 months and having only sold two houses so far she was soon to be in serious financial trouble. Alice was in the office she noted. That was very strange, she sells 6 or so houses a month. Alice was tall in her heels, long flowing dark hair. She wore too much make-up Jana thought. she looked more like an upscale hooker.

Jana was returning from the breakroom with a cup of coffee. As she approached Alice’s office she heard her exclaim “I can’t be there tonight!” Jana passed the door and Alice quickly waved her hand motioning Jana inside. This was rare. Alice made big money selling big money houses to big money people. Jana stood there stupidly with her styrofoam cup.

Alice motioned for her to sit while she continued the conversation. “OK, look….I know…I have someone I can send over….yes, I know…Of course she’s cute…uh huh…I understand Mr. Anderson.” “Are you free tonight?” April mouthed silently. Jana nodded. “Uh huh..just as you want…OK, she will pick you up at the airport at 7:30 tonight…Yes sir, have a good flight.”

Alice clicked her impeccable fingernails together. Jana just sat there stupidly. April stared at the 23 year old as if in thought. Alice made a few calls scheduling appointments at a nail salon and hairdresser and finally to a clothing shop. “What is your phone number, so I know where you are.” Alice demanded. Jana couldn’t believe Alice really wanted to know.

“Do you want to make some real money?” Alice asked. “Of course I do.” Jana replied. “There is a couple that want to sell 200 acres and a large house just outside of town. I have delt with them before and they are very specific. This could mean alot of money for you and you can make a few friends with money along the way. Do you want this?” She asked. Jana noticed a fire in Alice’s eyes but quickly agreed. Alice flipped through her stack of business cards handing her one for a hairdresser. “You have an appointment at 1:30.” She then slid a card for a nail salon. “You have an appointment at 5:00. “Be here at 6:00.” she slipped a clothing shop card. “I will pay for everything, so don’t worry about it. And finally, don’t look like that.” She motioned to Jana’s face. “Look like this.” She motioned to her own makeup. “Go you have appointments.”

Jana was very excited and quickly gathered her things to head to the hairdresser. Her drive was interupted by a text from Alice “Get a wax job while your there. It’s on me.” Said the text. Jana didn’t respond because she was driving. Pulling up at the salon she quickly texted “I’m here at the salon.”

Jana told the girl at the counter and was quickly rushed to a semi private room. Her stylist was a flamboyant man named Gregory. He played with Jana’s hair for a bit leaned against the counter studying her. Jana was beginning to feel uncomfortable as Gregory walked around her studying.

Jana didn’t protest as Gregory dyed her hair a very dark red and lightly curled it. Jana admitted she did like it alot. Gone was the dirty blond in a pigtail look. Gregory helped her get out of her business slacks and began waxing her. It hurt but Gregory just had a way to make it not so bad. Now her clothes didn’t exactly match her new look she thought. Jana took a selfie and sent it to Alice. She rushed to the nail salon and was greeted much the same way in a semi-private room. Four women worked on her from toenails to fingertips. Jana relaxed, is this how Alice really lived?

Jana left the nail salon with long dark red nails and was actually scared to chip them. She struggled with her phone not used to nails this long. “Nails are done going to get some clothes” Jana texted Alice. No reply. Jana arrived at the clothier and introduced herself. A very stern and severe looking woman of about 55 approached. With a snap of her fingers two attendants appreared from no-where. a male, probably gay Jana judged and young female about her age both impeccably.

She was rushe into a private and very posh room. Already laid out with dozens of sets of bras, panties, skirts, blouses and blazers. “Shoes Antoine, the ones we talked about.” she said as she sat on a fashionable chair, back straight legs crossed. “Remove your clothes Mrs…?” She trailed off. “Adams, please call me Jana, everyone does.” She said as she took off her clothes. “Not anymore. Ms. Adams. Not anymore.” Was the flat reply.

Jana was made to try on dozens of styles of panties until the woman found the two styles that looked the best. “Were a different style each day, never twice in a row”. Jana was told. The process was repeated with bras. Even though Jana was a big C cup all of the bras pushed up and showed alot of cleavage. Jana was actually starting to feel very sexy. Panty hose and garters were next each carefully scrutinized.

Becoming tired of playing dress up Jana protested “Can we take a…” “No” was the sharp and cold answer. Short tight skirts, loose sheer blouses and tight fitting blouses finally finished her off. The outfit she currently wore was black with a light pink blouse. Her cleavage and red bra easily visible and shiny red high heels completed the outfit. She did look like a much younger version of April, powerful and well dressed yes but also a bit slutty. The stern woman was talking on her phone and approached Jana standing in front of the mirror. “Yes ma’am will will make sure “THIS” is suitable.”

Jana was lead into another room with a large bright mirror and new make-up case. “Please apply your make-up.” said the dour woman. Jana was corrected often, lighter foundation, more eyeliner more mascara what eye shadow goes with what suit color etc. Her lips were a bit thin as she finally grabbed the lipstick. “Stop!” She said firmly and motioned for the girl to apply it. “Lipstick is an art you must learn to perfect. Watch carefully, you will only be shown once.” The woman said sternly. The young girl traced around her lips giving the illusion they were bigger. Finally the lipstick went on and she was perfect Jana thought to herself.

“I warn you.” The woman leaned in menacingly, very close. “If you ever wear my clothes without looking like “THIS”” she circled a finger around Jana’s face. “I will shoot you dead like a dog in the street.” Antoine returned with a very large roller bag. A matching purse was given to her. “There is alot of money and a credit card from the Realty. NEVER carry your own bag and always tip a 20.” She was told with a sour tone. “Now get out!”

Jana grabbed the bag and moved to leave. The older woman sighed. There was a quiet and impatient “No.” Jana had already forgot the bag rule. Seeing no obvious help around she asked Antoine “Can you help me out with my bag, Antoine.” He ment to move but caught a stern look then thought better of it. “Ask him like your almost promising sex.” Jana was told. Jana though for a moment. Antoine, dear, could you please help me out with my bags, I am very hot right now.” With a nod of satisfacton the stern woman nodded and Antoine took her bag to the car and loaded it into the trunk. While he was out of sight Antoine whispered “Don’t forget to tip me. She is watching you.” Jana remembered now unclasped the purse it was stuffed with 100, 50 and 20 dollar bills. She pulled out a $20 said thank you and drove away.

Jana drove to the airport and recieved a text to the limo drivers phone number from Alice along the way. She called him and was told at what gate to be at and and what time. Once parked Jana opened the trunk and remembered the rule. She looked around, a teenaged boy was walking quickly to the elevators. “Excuse me handsome.” She said loudly without shouting. She tried to be very sexy. “Could you help me with my bag? It’s too heavy.” She bent over feigning to lift it showing her cleavage. He rushed over and easily pulled the bag out. “I’m going to gate 34, If you could help me I am sure I could make it worth your while.” She whispered.

The teen pulled behind her looking at her ass and legs the entire time. Maybe she should swing her hips a little for him. She did and everyone parted for her in the airport. This power was amazing and Jana was liking it alot! Arriving at the gate and finding the limo she was just digging into her purse when an angy man approached. “Where the fuck have you been son? We’ve been looking all over for you.” He shouted angrily. “Is this your boy?” Jana asked. “I couldn’t lift my bag and he was kind enough to help me.” She brushed her long smooth nails across his cheek making him blush. “I hope you don’t mind.” she said turning to the father. “He’s such a good boy.” She get out a $20 and handed it to him. The not so angry father looked at his boy, at Jana’s clevage, short skirt then legs for a bit too long.” “Come on boy.” He ordered with a grin on his face both looked back for a final glimpse.

The Limo driver put her bag away and they waited until 7:30.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/dirt9m/mf_ff_a_young_realtor_is_transformed_into_a


  1. We all lean over and inspect David’s card and Price quietly says, “That’s *really* nice.”

    A brief spasm of jealousy courses through me when I notice the elegance of the color and the classy type. I clench my fist as Van Patten says, smugly, “Eggshell with Romalian type…” He turns to me. “What do you think?”

    “Nice,” I croak, but manage to nod, as the busboy brings four fresh Bellinis.


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