Seducing the Rookie Teacher [M/f]

Mr. Jones was a fair teacher, at least as far as Trig goes. His tests were rehashed homework questions, which were rehashed classroom assignments. His face looked like a rehashed school boy, with a fledgling beard trying to hide how fresh out of college he was. Being his last class he was always tired, but he did try.

The material wasn’t rocket science. I did my work, spoke up in class, which is why I looked at him with waterlogged eyes when he handed my test back.


Such a terrible score, and for most kids this would be a terrible end to a long school day. Being in the back of the room gave me plenty of time to rehearse my reaction, to give my performance the dread the role required.

It’s not that I couldn’t learn the material, or hated math. Or him. Quite the opposite; I knew the material backwards and forwards. The way he stuttered when answering a question he didn’t have an answer for was adorable. The way his eyes lingered on a low hanging pendant before looking up abashed even more so.

I wore a lot of necklaces.

He looked at me with pity before moving along to hand out his next judgment. I watched his ass through his black slacks, then took my jacket out of my backpack and laid it across my lap. using it as a shield as I unzipped my jeans. I causally rubbed the cotton front of my pink thong.

As Mr. Jones began to go over the commonly missed questions, I turned to Sam, the boy on my right. “Mind if I borrow your highlighter?”

“Sure, so long as I get it back.”

“Oh I promise,” and I gave him a mischievous wink.

There wasn’t enough room or the angle to slide a hand in, but his highlighter didn’t have the same trouble. I made no effort to hide from Sam as I slid my right hand with the highlighter under my jacket. He chuckled at the joke, then stopped and gasped silently with me as I took it in. He couldn’t see much, but the motion of me sliding down my desk was enough.

Pretending distress which probably didn’t seem that far off, I put my head down on my desk. My jeans and thong gave the pen no where to go but deep inside. I spent the rest of class penetrating myself with the highlighter and making fuck eyes with Sam. It wasn’t enough by itself, but I wasn’t about to stop either. Sam, for his part, contented himself by rubbing the jeans between his legs and quietly pulling out his phone to record me.

I adjusted my jacket so he could see my hand pressing on the outside of my jeans, just like him.

The bell rang and the class shuffled. The highlighter slipped right out; I gave it back to Sam. “Thanks, that did the trick.” He took it and looked at me, then smelled the highlighter.

Then tasted it.


I reached out and squeezed the front of his jeans. Then a second time, and by the third squeeze I felt spasms and wetness. God did I want to be fucked right then.

I whispered to him, “Those briefs, I’ll trade you for them. Meet me by the restrooms in a few.” He obliged and left the classroom.

With my cheeks flush and damp from some heavy breathing, I I pulled my top askew and loosened my bra, showing the top of my breast and my midriff on the other. Make that my midriff and some pink lace.

As the last of the class emptied out, I walked up to Mr. Jones’ desk. “I get it in class, but, but, at home it just bewilders me,” I nervously played with the edge of my top. In truth it pulled my bra against my nipples in such a pleasant way. I wonder if he came as easily as Sam?

“Well, you could do your work in the study lab after school.” His eyes had lifted from his desktop screen, and I saw them lock on the frill of my bra strap, sliding down the angle until..

“I need closer attention than they give,” I put my hands on his desk and leaned in, lowering my head and voice with distress. I could feel my breasts swell as my bra did nothing to hold them in, the tips of my nipples just peeking out.

Mr. Jones spoke up, “I could.. Video chat with you, when you have a problem you can’t solve.” I looked up and attempted to lock eyes with him, but they were already locked in place. He absently wrote down his online contact details.

“If I was to.. Have a problem tonight, say around eight?” I moved my left hand up to adjust one of my bra straps, but instead lowered both it and my top over my shoulder. Bent over the top of my left breast was in full view, my low hanging bra serving only as an underlying accent.

“I really need to figure out what went wrong on the test,” I whispered, almost panicked.

“Eight.. should work,” he rasped out.

“Good,” I said as I leaned back up, my bra falling all the way down my shoulder. He continued to stare at my now completely exposed breast. I took the piece of paper and turned, breaking the spell. The hallway traffic was still there, but no one had seemed to look in.

I stopped at the doorway and spun back around, locking eyes with Mr. Jones. I pulled down the right side of my top and bra, letting him oggle. I cupped my breasts, then squeezed my nipples. Hard.

“Unless you think it can’t wait that long. You’re the teacher, I.. I’m..” I’m the school slut who owns you.

“Close the door.”

His voice had changed, become authoritative. It made my nether regions clench and I could feel my juices squirt out. I reached back and closed the door, then took a step into the room and unbuttoned my jeans. Already unzipped they hung open, too tight to fall much below my hips.

He walked over and pulled at the front; the zipper broke and they ripped down the seam. I barely got one leg out and his hand was inside me. Wait, his whole hand?! I looked and was shocked at how drenched my pink thong was as he forced his other hand on my mouth, pushing me against his desk.

I was in heaven.

His hand pulled out to yank his pants and boxers down. I couldn’t see at all as he thrust his cock inside me, his finger tips probed inside my lips. Only muffled moans came out of my lips, but his grunts filled the space. The back and forth motion pulled the string back of my slutty panties deep between my cheeks, it burned and hurt and felt awesome. I came hard and fast, then tried to push him off but he wasn’t having it.

He just continued his fucking. It was too much, but I laid back and let him use me. He pushed in hard, then pulled out all but the tip and came. I felt his jets tickle my insides. He pulled my thong, stretching the elastic and then snapped it into place. He stopped to admire his handiwork.

I felt.. Embarrassed? Was that it? For the first time in forever. I stood up and felt my his cream slide between my skin and thong. Everything down there was soaked. I pulled my jeans on and buttoned them; the zipper was shot and the tear down the middle left my thong easily viewed in front. I started to walk out.

“Eight o’clock, and we’ll discuss the next problem.” I stopped in my tracks. That voice. My pussy contracted. I felt a quick burst of pee involuntarily rush out. I couldn’t turn and face him again before leaving, it was all too much. I tied my jacket around my waist and walked away.

I ran into Sam outside the bathroom. He looked almost surprised to see me; I suppose I shouldn’t have been shocked at the power of hormones. I contracted again. God, did I need more? Could I take any more?

“Trade you, my thong for your briefs.” Sam looked extatic about the idea. I pulled him into the handicapped bathroom stall. I unbuttoned my jeans and they just fell. He blinked and stared. I pulled my thong down, letting him stare.. then freshly fucked pussy. He didn’t know what he was doing and that was for the best.

I motioned for him and he did the same. I grinned at his penis, not much girth but as hard as a highlighter. I grabbed it and started stroking, stepping close. His left hand went everywhere, my butt, my tits, while his right continued to feel all the inches of my vagina.

He started spasming without warning. He shot his load at my belly button. I tasted the salty substance, then grabbed his briefs and pulled them on. Then my jeans came back up.

“Your turn,” I said and motioned to my thong. He obliged. It made his ass look awesome, I ran my finger down between his cheeks. He pulled up his shorts and we left.

I couldn’t wait for eight o’clock.



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