I Strip Isabella Down to Her Lacy White Knickers and Apply the Cream [Fsub, Mdom, luxury hotel]

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Isabella lies back on my hotel bed in just her white underwear. Her little lacy knickers are almost see-through at the front, her long bronze legs crossed, protecting her private area. Her blonde hair is spread out around her. She’s lying on a fur cover, her slender Polish body surrendered to me.

I’m in Warsaw, Poland for a couple of days, trying to track down a Neo Nazi leader said to be living in the city. He’s recruiting overseas, particularly trying to establish ties with far-right groups in the UK. MI6 is having none of it, so they’ve sent me to neutralise the threat. But this guy is proving tricky to catch.

Having worked out hard in the gym this morning, my muscles feeling ripped, I drive the sporty Mercedes I’ve rented into Warsaw centre. And I do some digging, moving between dodgy backstreet bars, stopping for a cheeky drink, asking around. Nothing. No one can get me close to this Neo Nazi gang.

But then I meet Isabella in a upperclass shop selling designer clothes. She’s on the till as I pick up a new black Armani leather jacket and Diesel jeans. She’s impressed with my purchase, and I catch her checking out my ripped chest and arms through the tight v-neck I’m wearing. She speaks English and we chat, flirt for a while, as she takes payment. I invite her for a drink later. She accepts with a cheeky smile.

In a romantic candlelit bar, just off the main tourist district of Warsaw, Isabella sips a cocktail. I have a beer. For the sake of conversation, I tell her I’m an investigative journalist from the UK, reporting on far-right groups and their ties to Neo Nazis abroad. To my utter surprise she claims to know where they hang out, which bars they go to etc. Apparently most upstanding citizens know where not to go out in the city, where to avoid. I make a note of areas, venues etc., and plan a visit the next day.

But for now things are hotting up. Isabella is wearing a white low cut top, exposing plenty of cleavage and lacy bra underneath. Her blonde hair is down around her shoulders. And she’s wearing a very short black skirt, her long bronze legs crossed under the table. But as she gets up to visit the restroom, she almost deliberately opens her legs as she shuffles across the cushioned bench opposite me. I can’t help but see her white lacy knickers under the skirt, a little bow above the embroidery.

Fast forward two hours and we’re back at my 5* hotel, drinking Champagne in the room. Isabella stands in the middle, sipping her drink, almost afraid to sit down on the bed next to me. Perhaps she feels intimidated.

Realising she wants me to take control, I stand up, put my glass down and walk up to her. Her long bronze legs are crossed, she’s shy. But I love the coyness.

I take the Champagne glass from her hand and place it gently on the table. Chillout music plays in the background. She looks at me innocently, anxious about what I’m going to do, but hoping I’ll do it. Slowly, I slide her crop top all the way up so that her white lacy bra is exposed, her firm breasts pushing each cup out. Then I pull her top all the way over head and let it drop to the floor.

Standing there in her lacy bra and black miniskirt, she smiles awkwardly. She’s submissive. She waits for what I do next. Reaching down I pull her short black skirt up to her hips, exposing her white lacy knickers. Her skirt is more like a belt now. I stand there for a while, admiring the view. Then I pull her skirt down to her ankles and make her step out of it, removing her high heels at the same time.

Clutching the top of her knickers, I guide her over to the bed and gently push her back onto it. She complies, lies there with bronze legs slightly crossed, head to one side. And waits.

I ease her legs apart with my hands, spreading them wide open. Then I reach into the bedside draw and bring out a tube of moisturiser. I squirt a little onto her flat navel, which makes her flinch at first. But then she relaxes. I squirt a little more just under both breasts, her bra still on.

Then with strong movements, I massage the lotion into her stomach, before pushing an oily hand up underneath her bra cups and across her firm breasts.

Then I open the top of her panties and squirt the white cream down there. She tenses up, trying to close her legs. But I keep them wide apart with my arm. With the other, I slide my hand down the top of her underwear and rub the wet lotion up and down her smooth private area. Soon I can feel things getting hot and wet. She moans.

Then she gasps as I slide the bottom of her little white knickers to one side, revealing her greasy wet private area. And, holding her arms firmly above her blonde head, I enter.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2smc3z/i_strip_isabella_down_to_her_lacy_white_knickers

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