A feeder is born

[Please note that this story is about a recovering bulimic. It is not meant to make light of bulimia, nor to suggest that the remedy discussed here is necessarily the right one. (I am no expert in this area). The message is to just enjoy your body the way you were made and not suffer to be someone you are not.]

Phil was having a horrible day. He had just broken up with his girlfriend and got passed up for a promotion at work. He like a lot of 20 somethings was wondering when he would actually get his act together, except he was almost 30, he couldn’t seem to keep a relationship for more than 6 months, and now things seemed stuck at work.

He decided to stop by his local coffee shop and grab a latte on his way back home. Suddenly, he felt his luck his changed when an amazingly hot gal started looking at him. She looked to be about 22, and had an amazing figure. Ample tits and ass, and just a little sexy belly.

“Phil, is that you?”

Phil responded “Yes it’s me, but I have to say I am sorry to not remember you”

“It’s me, Cindy”

Phil searched his memory and the only Cindy he remembered, was the younger sister of his steady girlfriend in high school. Back then she was a chubby 11 year-old, but apparently, she grew into her weight and most of the fat she had on her back then went to her tits and ass.

“Cindy?” Phil said with a confused look on his face. “It’s been so long, and I still remember you as Kate’s little sister always trying to catch me and Kate kissing”

Cindy laughed and said “Yeah, I was kind of obnoxious, but believe or not, I just graduated from State, and now I am working right around the corner”

Phil decided that he had the perfect opportunity to at least get a date or a number. “Well welcome to the area, I know it’s only an hour from where we grew up, but if you are lonely, I’d love to take you out or bring you along to a party with my friends so you can get to know some folks.”

She immediately agreed, and suggested that they have lunch the next day.

At lunch the next day they went to Red Lobster. They had a wonderful conversation and Phil was very impressed with what a smart, beautiful woman Cindy had turned into. They enjoyed each other’s company and had a wonderful conversation. Before they knew it, two hours had passed. Phil also noticed that she had eaten quite a lot. They had gone through 4 helping of biscuits plus the entrees they ordered. He chalked it up to distraction with the conversation because he couldn’t imagine Cindy could keep that figure the way she ate at lunch.

That afternoon, he couldn’t keep his mind off Cindy; before 4 pm, he had already called her back and asked her to go to dinner on Friday night. She accepted immediately, and he set a reservation at the best Italian restaurant in town for 7:00 on Friday.

Friday’s dinner went even better than the lunch. Perhaps it was the two bottles of wine they drank, but the conversation became much more personal as they shared their stories, ex’s and heartbreaks and dreams they had for their life. Again the conversation, wine, and food flowed effortlessly for over three hours. They were clearly attracted to each other, and the evening ended with a long deep kiss at Cindy’s apartment door.

Phil was smitten, and didn’t even last until noon Saturday before he invited her to the best brunch at the local 5 star hotel for Sunday morning. Normally he didn’t take dates to the Sunday brunch because they would always be embarrassed to eat too much on a date, and he didn’t want to waste the expensive cost of the all-you-can-eat buffet on someone that would just pick at a few morsels.

He could see Cindy was different, she was uninhibited about eating. She ate a lot at the first lunch, but at dinner on Friday, she made a complete pig out of herself, eating the entire oversized pasta dish plus desert. He really didn’t know where she put it.

Sunday brunch continued the pattern. They lingered for four hours in deep conversation, and again, she appeared to have a bottomless stomach. She ate constantly for four hours going up to the buffet four times for main courses and twice for desert. Phil now started to notice that her clothes were a bit tight and he even thought he saw her blouse riding up as the buffet went on.

The moment he saw the blouse riding up, he surprised himself by getting an erection. He realized he was turned on by her overindulging and the thought of her getting bigger. He went home that night and got on the internet and tried to see if this was normal. He discovered feederism with the stories and porn. He was shocked at how much it turned him on. He had one of his best masturbation sessions watching feeding videos climaxed by a strong orgasm.

Over the next week, Phil started romancing Cindy with dinners every other night. Either consciously or sub-consciously he kept taking Cindy out to restaurants with big portions. He would barely make it through a meal watching her stuff her face without a hard-on.

Finally, after a week of this, he finally was able to invite her to his place for a dinner. Phil was a good cook, so he made a full course dinner starting with salad and cheese platter. Followed by a French onion soup. Roasted duck for a meal, and a desert of cheesecake. He now was sure she had put on at least 5 lbs over the past week and all her clothes were tight.

Cindy made a complete pig out of herself that evening. She had three portions of duck and two pieces of cheesecake. They had two bottles of wine and as she stumbled up out of her chair, he saw that she had unbuttoned her pants. He couldn’t resist and got up and kissed her passionately, ripping her clothes off. They made love the first time then and there on the floor of the kitchen. He was enraptured by her curves and even more turned on as he realized that her stomach and breasts were indeed bigger than when he first met her.

Cindy stayed the night and the next morning. They had great wake up sex, and then Phil made her a delicious breakfast of pancakes and bacon and brought it to bed. Cindy ate two huge stacks of pancakes and a half pound of bacon before they had another amazing round of sex.

It was afternoon before they got out of bed, but the wonderful morning soon turned sour as Cindy went to leave to go home. As she tried to get dressed, she realized that she could not button her jeans. She began crying hysterically.

“Oh my God, I’ve turned into a fat pig! That stupid psychiatrist, I knew this would happen!” She exclaimed.

Phil was completely confused. “What are you talking about?”

Cindy then explained everything. “You remember when you were dating my sister, I was chubby right?”

“Well, y-yes”, Phil stammered, not wanting to get caught calling her fat, even if it was in the past.

“Well, I kept gaining through middle school. I love food and I couldn’t help myself. By the time I got to high school, I was over 200 lbs. At 5’ 5” that is obese, and I knew I would never get a boyfriend. Anyway, I tried dieting, but I hated it. Finally, I started purging. By the end of freshman year, I lost 50 lbs, and then it kept going. I loved my figure especially since the weight came only off my belly. By my senior year, I was down below 120 lbs. I still could eat whatever I wanted, so I was okay with my lifestyle.”

“Throughout college, I continued this bad habit. I got down to as low as 100 lbs, by my senior year and started to have serious health issues. Between my junior and senior year, I had to go to an inpatient facility to get me out of the cycle.”

“How did you break the cycle? I mean now you are at a good weight, probably back to where you were in high school if I would guess.”

“Well, that’s the point. The first step out is to learn how to eat what you want without purging. The problem with bulimia is that your stomach is stretched out like a fat person, so even though you are thin, you have the appetite of a 300 lb woman. So you will gain. But you have be comfortable with a bit of gain, otherwise, if you go on a diet right away, you will simply become bulimic or anorexic again. So that’s what I have been doing for two years. I have put on about 50 lbs. It was okay as I started gaining because I knew I was underweight, but I don’t think I can stop. I am insatiable. I never feel full. If you made another 20 pancakes, I could eat them all right now. I am sure I will be over 200 lbs in another 6 months. And now you keep taking me out to eat, and you are such a good cook. My stomach is in heaven, but I am afraid you will just ditch me if I become a fat cow.”

Phil consoled her. “To be honest, I saw you had gained a bit even in the time we have been dating, but I didn’t realize this is just part of a long weight gain since you got out of therapy. However, I never thought I’d say this, but it turns me on. I even starting looking at weight gain, feederism, and stuffing porn. I don’t know how much I would like to see you gain, but for now, I love seeing you gain. But most importantly, I have never had such great conversations and companionship in my life. I want you healthy, I don’t want you bulimic, so if the price is having a 300 lb girlfriend, I’ll take it.”

Cindy looked at Phil in disbelief.

Phil looked at her. “If you don’t believe me, let me take you up on that challenge. Let’s see if you can finish another 20 pancakes”

Phil went back into the kitchen and made a huge batch of pancakes along with the rest of the pound of bacon. Cindy was shocked but she realized she was turned on when she looked down and saw her underwear was wet. As promised, Cindy finished everything while in her bra and panties. Phil then ripped her clothes off and they spent the rest of the afternoon making love.

“Looks like we may have a little feedee here” Phil exclaimed. “Perhaps we should weigh you now so that we can see how you do”

Phil got out a scale and Cindy stepped on. Two weeks ago, she was around 150 lbs, but now she was already up to 160 lbs. Cindy started to tear up, but Phil reassured her, “Don’t ever starve yourself. I promise to keep that sexy belly full”

Cindy then realized she had to leave to go out with her girlfriends for dinner. Phil found some sweats to loan her so she could go out and by some new clothes on the way to dinner.

“Please don’t deny yourself at dinner. Eat all you want and tell me. Even better, take some pictures of your plates and share your eating experience with me.

Cindy was a little surprised at the request, but as she was driving home to drop off her car before getting an Uber, she realized she was turned on by the request. By the time she arrived at the restaurant she was fully turned on by pigging out and taking pictures of the food and sending to Phil. Even better, these girlfriends were old friends from college who knew about her struggle with bulimia and her therapy to not diet. They were used to her eating a lot and gaining, and supported her much like Phil was now doing.

Phil resolved to spend the evening edging to his new found BBW and stuffing fetish porn. He stripped down and lay on the bed with his computer and cell phone by his side and started watching videos. About 45 minutes later as he was watching his second or third video he was startled by his phone.

Cindy actually took Phil up on his offer much to his surprise. The first picture had a full margarita and an assortment of appetizers in front of her. Jalapeno poppers, a fully loaded nacho platter, mini-quesadillas, and fried calamari. Phil immediately became even harder than he already was, and some pre-cum even splashed out of his dick as he imagined her hogging all the food from the other 3 girls.

About 15 minutes later came another picture of the empty plates, with a tantalizing caption. “Other girls on a diet, they barely touched the apps, I had almost all of this to myself”

Phil was about to explode. He wished she would come back to his apartment tonight so he could explode inside of her and ride her full stomach. He then got a fiendish idea. He went down to the kitchen and got out a double chocolate frosted brownie mix. As he started mixing the batter, the phone buzzed again with another picture.

Cindy had ordered a full Mexican dinner. Two enchiladas and two tacos with refried beans and rice with another 22 oz. Margarita behind it.

Phil wrote back, “Don’t forget, never waste food. I want you to promise me you’ll finish it!”

Cindy quickly responded, “Oh I will, I am sooo turned on by being full. I think my panties are wet”

Phil put the brownies in the oven and returned to his porn videos. He nearly came several times, but the thought that Cindy might return kept him disciplined. The phone buzzed again with a picture of empty plates, a plate of fried ice cream, and another 22 oz. margarita. “Mission accomplished, now for fried ice cream”

Phil quickly got the brownies out of the oven and took a picture of them and sent it to Cindy. “Well, too bad, I made all these brownies and hoped you could help me eat them, but I am sure you will be too full from your fried ice cream….. or we could see how much you could really eat!”

If Cindy’s panties were wet before, they were totally soaked after she saw Phil’s note. After playing a little hard to get, she agreed to return to Phil’s.

Inspired, she gobbled down the fried ice cream and finished her Margarita, and said good night to her girlfriends.

On the Uber ride to Phil’s she felt that she would explode. She had no idea how she could eat anything more, but the margarita was eliminating her inhibitions. She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans in the Uber and didn’t even care that the driver’s eyes were as big as saucers as he caught her in his rearview mirror.

Drunk and full, her plan was to eat one brownie for show, and then ride Phil’s cock until dawn. However, when she showed up, Phil had made a giant brownie sundae for her containing four brownies, nearly a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream, whip cream and hot fudge. Just the smell caused her stomach to relax and she actually felt hungry.

She attacked Phil at the door with a long passionate kiss and Phil started releasing Cindy from the constraints of her now hopelessly too tight clothes. He told her to lay back on the couch and he started feeding her giant spoonfuls of the sundae. Cindy protested but Phil kept saying, “waste not, want not”, and “just one more bite”. Phil ate a few bites himself just so she felt she wasn’t a total pig, but mostly she was being fed.

Cindy didn’t even realize it, but she was touching herself as she ate, and after about half of the sundae was done, she had an epic orgasm. The couch was soaked. The orgasm inspired her to eat even faster, and after about 15 minutes, she had finished most of the sundae. What was left was a melted goo of brownie and icecream. Phil lifted the bowl up and drained the liquid into her greedy mouth and then laid her down and went insider her with his dripping cock. Cindy came immediately and Phil rode her hard for another 15 minutes before climaxing himself. Cindy came for the third time with Phil and they collapsed on the couch in a heap.

At about 2 in the morning, Phil woke up realizing that they never got off the couch. He thought of waking Cindy up to invite her to bed, but then he got a better idea. He went to the kitchen and grabbed the rest of the brownies and put them in the microwave to warm them up a bit. He then passed the plate under Cindy’s mouth and started feeding them to Cindy in a half awake state. Cindy at the rest of the pan and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Cindy was still sleeping on the couch when she smelled the fresh scent of Krispy Kreme donuts. She had barely woken up when Phil started feeding her again.

“Did you feed me brownies last night”, Cindy asked between bites of her donut.

“Yes, I did, I love feeding you, and I’ll keep doing it until you tell me to stop”

Cindy immediately got wet. “I think I like this, please more” and she proceeded to finish another dozen donuts.

They had another amazing love making session, but Cindy needed to get home. On the way out, she weighed herself. She was now up to 170 lbs. 10 lbs in one weekend! She exclaimed, “Phil, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful thing!”

[to be continued by request and interest]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dfgyr6/a_feeder_is_born

1 comment

  1. Interesting story.

    I was anorexic when I was young – I have a big frame for a short person, so at 160 (in pounds) my bones stuck out. (I was a wide girl. I grew to be a wide woman. LOL) Even though I saw my bones in the mirror, all I could think when I viewed myself is, “I am so fat…” Now, as an actually fat woman, I see with perfect clarity that I was not a fat kid. Peer pressure and social norms gave me the idea that I was too big.

    I am not offended by the story. Gaining huge amounts of weight isn’t the answer either. It’s hard to do, but a person should try for a balanced approach to eating and weight management. Still – it is kind of amusing to see your characters experiment!

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