Gus and Chelsea start to really gain

Continuation of story (Pt. 1 here: [](]

The next morning, Chelsea and Gus decided to enjoy a day in bed stuffing, but they were lazy and neither wanted to cook, so they ordered 2 dozen donuts on Door Dash from Krispy Kreme. Once they arrived they had some great food sex. Chelsea put 3 donuts on Gus’s dick and proceeded to eat them. Only the tip was sticking out at the beginning, so Chelsea teased the tip with her tongue while nibbling on the first donut. As she finished each donut she would put his shaft in deeper, until he finished all three and went down on him good.

After a good edge, it was Chelsea’s turn. Gus spread the donuts over her body and breasts, and started nibbling eventually sucking her tits and eating her out until she orgasms. As they were about half way through the donuts Chelsea’s calendar alarm went off. “Pool Party/ BBQ – Brenda and Sam’s – 2 pm).

“O Crap!” Chelsea exclaimed, “I forgot about this”, it’s already 11, so we better get ready. We gotta bring something as well.

As Chelsea began to get dressed she realized that almost everything she had was now hopelessly tight, especially the bathing suit, which was the same one she had used two years ago on their vacation. This was at least 10 lbs ago (probably more after the donuts), and even then it was tight. She struggled to put it on, but once it was on, she was stunning. Tits, ass, and belly poured over it in all direction, but the support it provided made her look like a perfect swimsuit model. Gus took her right there and made love to her, making them even more late.

Chelsea managed to find a pair of shorts that fit, but the button dug in so much, she resolved to quickly get to the pool when they arrived and spend the rest of the day in the bikini. For the top, she did a trick; she took one of her tighter shirts from her thinner days, and simply made it into a crop top. It worked perfectly, and she looked quite sexy after all this improvisation.

Gus was a disaster. His large t-shirt now was body forming, and his bathing suit’s didn’t fit. He resolved to grab the speedo from the vacation and put a normal pair of shorts over. Then he would just swim in the shorts. As he put the speedo on, it disappeared under his gut, and the shorts didn’t look any better. His two butt cheeks were well defined and there was a bit of cheek hanging out underneath. They resolved that they would have to get their snacks at WalMart and get some shorts and shirts for Gus at the same time.

They got a cooler and put a case of beer and ice in it, and then went on their way. They stopped to WalMart, and quickly picked out some XL shirts and shorts for Gus. They decided that they would prepare for the inevitable and by a few more XXL outfits as well for Gus. Chelsea did the same, buying a few casual things one size too large for her and a few more, two sizes too large. Chelsea was surprised to find out that one size too large was actually 3 sizes bigger than she was only a few years ago.

For their contribution to the BBQ, they figured they would pick up Nachos and some 7 layer dip. When they got there, they saw there was a big sale, so they figured they would stock up on all the fattening foods for the next week. In addition to a couple of bags Nachos and a couple of pounds of dip (+ 3 extra for home), they picked up lots doritos, tostitos, salsa, cheese dip. For sweets they got a few boxes of chocolate chip cookies. They also got a few brownies.

After paying, Gus changed into the larger size clothes in the bathroom (which were already slightly tight). Chelsea laughed as he came out. “Those are going to last about a week at the rate your going!”

Then it was onto the BBQ. It was about 1 at this point and they had a whole hour drive in front of them before they would reach the BBQ. At this point they had not eaten for 3 hours and their bellies had now gotten accustomed to more frequent feeding. Chelsea broke out one of the seven layer dip, and a bag of nachos and started snacking with Gus. After about a half hour, they were surprised that they were scraping the bottom of the dip and were almost out of nachos. They hit a little traffic, so figured with the delay they would have time to finish the other pound of dip and nachos. Both of their stomachs were now fully bloated. As they were pulling into the driveway, Chelsea heard a pop and saw her button careen off the dashboard. She now regretted her crop top trick, because she had no way to hide her missing button. However, she was able to pull the zipper up, and make it not look so obvious. Gus grabbed the cooler and Chelsea grabbed the remaining bag of nachos and bean dip and got out of the car.

Brenda and Sam greeted them upon arrival and ushered them to the back yard Gus put the cooler alongside the other was where the other two couples had left theirs. Chelsea put the dip and the nachos alongside of the rest of the food. Chelsea was excited to see the spread and actually felt herself getting wet. An assortment of buffalo wings, bbq ribs, meatballs, beans, potato salad. Crackers, cheese, various dips, and salads were spread out before her.

Her desire was to dig in as soon as she could, but she wanted to get the shorts off before anyone saw her wardrobe incident. Luckily, the other two couples, Candice and Tom, and Charlene and Gary, were already there and in the pool. Quickly she got her top and shorts off, and put them over on a chair.

At this point, Gus’s jaw dropped, and the other guys’ heads turned in amazement at the site of Chelsea. That pound of dip and bag of nachos had really bloated her belly, and she now looked like a pregnant women in the bikini. Gus noticed that the guys actually looked excited by what they saw. Chelsea quickly jumped into the pool to avoid any more attention, but she knew she would have to spend the rest of the day in the bathing suit.

Chelsea joined the other girls at the shallow end of the pool on one of the ledges and chatted a bit over a few glasses of sangria. They went a long way back so the conversation was easy and pleasurable. Finally, her closest friend of the group, Charlene, got the guts up to ask if she was pregnant. Chelsea decided to “own it”, making a joke.

“Yes, with donuts” Chelsea laughed.

After an awkward pause, everyone else did as well. Then Chelsea came (almost) clean on the story. Basically, her job had become quite sedentary, Gus was pretty much expected to have a lot of dinners entertaining clients, and they got sick of fighting it. They both agreed to eat whatever they wanted and let nature take its course. She even admitted that they were enjoying their softer bodies a lot.

The girls were uniformly jealous. Comments like “Oh my God, I wish I could do that”, and “I like having bigger boobs and ass”. In the end, they uniformly encouraged her. These comments and the sangria loosened her inhibition, and she exclaimed to her friends, “then let’s eat!”

Sam put some steaks and Italian sausages on the grill as the rest of the group went up to grab the food off of the table. Chelsea dug in, heaping wings, ribs, beans, and potato salad on her first plate. Gus did the same. Interestingly, the girls heaped more on the plates than they normally do.

Chelsea and Gus tore into their food, finishing the plate in no time and accepting steaks and sausages as they came off the grill. Seconds became thirds, and sangrias went down like water. Their bellies were bloated so they took a break and went in the pool. Chelsea told Gus that the girls knew most of what was going on, and that they were probably all telling their husbands now.

“Well that explains Charlene”, Gus noted.

“What do you mean”, asked Charlene.

“She ate almost as much as you. I have never seen that. I think she wants to get fatter too”

Chelsea noticed that Charlene seemed to ask the most questions and seemed most interested about their new lives, so it made sense to her. At the same time, they could see Charlene quietly talking to Gary, and Gary smiling seductively. Then they overheard Gary say “Ok, I’ll talk to them”.

At that point, desert was served. Candice was a master baker and she did not disappoint. She made a seven layer cake with a coconut glaze and caramel filling. Gus and Chelsea each had two giant pieces, and so did Gary and Charlene.

As the sun began to set, folks started to get ready to leave. Gary and Charlene pulled Gus and Chelsea aside and asked them about their new life. They had some concerns, particularly the sex. Gus and Chelsea told them that they never had better sex, and it was especially good if they had just pigged out, and in fact pigging out turned them on like never before.

Gus had a suggestion: “Why don’t we have dinner together next Friday night. You can be gluttons for the night and see how you like it. We will make plenty of food and have plenty of drink. I just ask that you stay at our house in the guest bedroom. It takes a long time to eat like this, and we don’t want you going home drunk in the middle of the night”.

Gary and Charlene checked their calendar and agreed. “It’s a date!”

Chelsea had quite a problem putting her clothes on. Eating in bikini is great because you don’t feel yourself expanding, but once you go to put your clothes back on it presents quite a problem. Now the shorts would no longer zip at all, and the crop top now looked like a sports bar. When Chelsea’s boobs could now rest on her pot belly. It was okay, because now everyone knew what was going on, and even made comments like “well I guess those clothes are going to the Goodwill tomorrow”.

They laughed and said goodbye.

On the car ride back, Chelsea felt her stomach stretch and decided to take advantage of the extra space by diving into the chocolate chip cookies. Gus heard her actually moan as she ate them, so decided to help her along. It was easy to simply reach over and massage her pussy because her pants were already undone. (He actually had more trouble with moving her tummy overhang).

For the next hour, Gus pleasured Chelsea while she ate all the cookies in the box. Every other cookie seemed to result in a climax. She wished there was more traffic on the way home, but alas, it only lasted an hour.

About a half hour out, Gus realized that he too had some extra room, so he ordered a pizza from Papa John’s. He arrived exactly as the pizza arrived, extremely horny. Chelsea was actually full, so she decided to give him a treat.

Chelsea grabbed the pizza and headed to the bedroom where she ripped her clothes and Gus’s clothes off. She placed the pizza box on Gus, and then lay down between his legs and started sucking his balls while stroking his dick.

“I will suck you for two minutes after each slice you eat. While you are eating, I will just stroke and suck your balls. No cumming until you finish the whole pizza”

Upon hearing this she felt his member instantly grow inside her mouth. Gus, plowed into the pizza gorging himself on every piece as his dick grew harder and harder. Pre-cum flowed into Chelsea’s mouth and down his shaft when she was striking him until a frothy mess covered his dick, balls and Chelsea’s live. Finally, as he finished the final piece, he exploded into her mouth. The kissed and kissed on top of the empty pizza box, falling asleep for the evening in the midst of the crumbs.

They awoke Sunday morning to a total mess in the bed. Half-eaten pizzas, and left over cum that Chelsea could not handle in her mouth after the epic blowjob. They were excited that they finally had a day of stuffing ahead of them, unencumbered by clothes or obligations. They resolved to eat as much as they could, and move as little as possible. Also, they decided they would weigh in on Sundays before going to bed, as that would most likely be the most stuffed they would be during the week.

Gus woke up before Chelsea and went to the kitchen and whipped up a batch of pancakes. He wanted to surprise her with a reward her for the amazing blowjob the night before, so he took great care not to wake her. He used enough mix to make 20-24 pancakes, and added a half a box of chocolate chips and two bananas to make his special banana chocolate pancakes. At the same time he cooked a pound of bacon, and a large carafe of coffee.

Once everything was done, he grabbed two serving platters. On each platter he smothered 10 pancakes with butter and pure maple syrup and placed a half a pound of bacon on the side. He went back to the bedroom and put the tray with her platter in front of her and then put his platter on his side as he laid next to her pussy.

Chelsea woke up to the lovely smells of her breakfast and her attentive husband alternatively licking her pussy and munching on his pancakes. She was overcome in ecstasy. Her husband pleasuring her with his distended belly on his side and his hard dick, munching away at his pancakes. Playfully he put some syrup on Chelsea’s growing breasts and challenged her to lick the syrup off her nipples, but she could not quite do it yet. “Looks like we have some work to do” Gus teased as he licked the syrup off her nipples.

Chelsea hadn’t eaten since her cookie stuffing session on the way back from the BBQ, so this was a record for the past few weeks. 14 hours without eating, so she was famished. She dug in and grabbed 5 pancakes with her hand and started taking giant bites between moans resulting from her pussy being pleasured by Gus. In no time, they had finished their platters, eating like pigs, not even using forks and rubbing the excess syrup on their hands to their bodies. For the next hour they played with each other, licking all the syrup off each other’s bodies.

All day was spent in bed feasting and fucking. Their mouths never stopped working. They were either eating, kissing, or sucking on each other’s bodies. Even when they fucked, they were shoving food in their mouths.

Around 11 pm they decided to weigh in, and they were pleasantly surprised. In one weekend, Chelsea had put on another 5 lbs to cross the 150 lb mark, and Gus had gained another 7 lbs to 207 lbs. Gus noticed a new fold in Chelsea’s belly, and the beginning of stretch marks. In order to avoid too many stretch marks, they rubbed coconut oil on each other until they drifted off to sleep.

At about 3 a.m., Gus was woken up by the loud growl of his stomach. He felt hungrier than he had ever. After a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep, he realized he had to get something to eat. He tried to be as quiet as possible getting up to go to the kitchen so that he wouldn’t wake Chelsea up when he realized he was not in the bedroom. She was also not in the bathroom.

He found Chelsea in the kitchen plowing through a pile of chocolate chip cookies and a giant glass of heavy cream. The same thing had happened to her. This constant eating had their stomachs out to the point where they could not go more than a few hours without being filled with food. Gus helped Chelsea finish the cookies and as they were still hungry they got out a tray of store bought brownies.

“I think we are in new territory Chels. We are probably going to have start snacking at night as well”, Gus said.

“That is turning me on! But I don’t want to have always have to go out to the kitchen in the middle of the night; I think we need to put a refrigerator and a small cupboard by our bed for our late-night snacks.” Chelsea said between bites of brownies.

“Good idea, Tomorrow, I will order a fridge and a small cupboard online and we should have it by Wednesday. It will be your job to stock it so that it will be nice and full when I come back from my trip this week”

The next morning, Gus left for the airport for his business trip, and Chelsea went to work as usual. It was a rollercoaster day for Chelsea. First of all, she was almost late to work, as literally none of her work clothes fit. She finally remembered the WalMart trip and she dug out the outfit she bought that was one size too large, which after the weekend also barely fit. She figured she would have to stop by the mall on her way home, because the Walmart outfit was a bit too casual.

She showed up at work to chaos. Boxes were in front of everyone’s offices and there was an impromptu staff meeting called for 10 am. She was quite nervous, but relieved when she got to the meeting to see that they had muffins and danishes. She grabbed two and snuck a third in her purse for later.

At the meeting she figured out what was going on. The lease on their building had expired and they found another place at half the cost, but it was a lot smaller. The decision was made that anyone who was not doing PT day-to-day would work from home and there would be common workstations set up for when they came in for meetings. Her boss told her that she would do the accounting from home and just come in once a week to check in with her boss.

Chelsea was ecstatic. She thought the place was going to shut down and she would be out of a job. Instead, she could just sit around the house doing the books while eating to her heart’s content. She wouldn’t even need to get dressed. She got wet just thinking about it.

Chelsea spent the rest of the morning packing her stuff. IT had scheduled a 4 pm visit to the house to install her computer router and internet so that she could work from home. At around noon, she had a wicked idea, but she needed time, so she quickly grabbed a couple of Big Mac meals on her way home and ate them quickly as she was driving.

The reason she needed time was that she decided she would set her office up in the dining side of her open country kitchen. If she did it right, she could basically reach the pantry with little effort to get snacks and in a few steps be at the refrigerator or stove.

She spent the next few hours arranging the table so that there would be an outlet nearby. That way, the IT person could install the docking station and printer right where she wanted it. At 4 pm, the IT person showed up and fairly quickly installed everything just where she wanted it.

As soon as the IT person left, Chelsea rushed out to the grocery store to stock up for her new work-at-home gluttonous job. She filled her cart with every imaginable snack and fatty food. Frozen appetizers, mozzarella sticks, potato skins, mini pizzas. Cakes, cookies, and ready-made iced brownies and cheesecakes from the bakery and of course tons of ice cream. For her breakfasts, she bought two dozen muffins. As she drove home, she saw that there was a wet spot soaking through her too-tight yoga pants.

She was totally flustered when she got home, and after putting away the perishables, ran into the bedroom with a cheesecake sampler and ripped her clothes off and pleasured herself while shoving piece after piece of cheesecake down her throat.

She then called Gus and they shared their stories of the day. Gus started by telling her that he had forgotten about the ripped suit, but luckily, he had time to go to the mall himself and get a decent suit before his meeting. He had gone up 4 inches in size, but he was smart enough to get a suit 6” larger knowing that he wasn’t long for his size. He managed to make it to his lunch meeting just in time, and had a delicious meal at Ted’s grill of course ordering the largest meal possible. He had no meetings after that, so he told her he was going back to the hotel and ordering a pizza with bread knots and resolved to pig out the entire evening.

Chelsea was about to tell him about the move, but then got another wicked idea. She would not tell him and make a total pig out of herself. Then surprise him Thursday evening with an even bigger belly.

That evening, Chelsea ordered a pizza from Papa John’s and made a giant brownie sundae for desert. She took a serving bowl and put a whole pint of Ben and Jerry’s with chocolate sauce on top of a brownie, topping it with whip cream. She took it to bed and finished it there before dripping off to sleep. At 3 am, she went back to the kitchen and ate some more cookies. Gus was right, she would never be able to sleep through the night again without eating.

The next morning, Chelsea woke up and started working right away. She didn’t even bother to get dressed, she just sat right down at the computer naked, put a full pot of coffee by her side and a dozen muffins. By 11, she had done more work than she usually did at the office in a whole day because no one was there to distract her, and she didn’t waste time getting up and down to snack at the breakroom. She worked another hour and a half and reasoned that she better not get too much done in one day, because they would just ask her to do more.

For the rest of the day, she just sat eating. She would spend about an hour on salty food and snacks and then the next hour on sweets. When she felt too full, she would have a bowl of ice cream or just drink some heavy cream. That evening she ordered a 10- piece family meal from KFC and wallowed her fat and gluttony.

This continued for rest of the week, and her stomach expanded even more than she had hoped. When Gus came home, he saw the kitchen transformed into an office/feeding station, and his lovely wife naked with crumbs on her breasts at the computer passed out in a food coma. She was visibly fatter, and he was visibly hard.

He woke her up and she explained everything. He loved the surprise, and was all ready to take her up to the bedroom when the doorbell rang. The refrigerator and cupboard for the bedroom had arrived. Gus hooked it up and put the food in it just in time for them to have a feeding and sex session for the rest of the night.

Chelsea and Gus even made use of the new refrigerator and cupboard that night as they both woke up famished around 3 am. They split a tray of store bought brownies and a quart of heavy cream and drifted back to sleep around 4 am.

The next day, Gus went into the office to write his trip report. Chelsea got all her work done by noon, and took the rest of the day to prepare the feast for Gary and Charlene. She planned a traditional Italian multi-course meal. She put together a giant antipasto tray for the first course, then made her mother’s recipe lasagna for the pasta course. After that was veal masala, followed by a spumoni. Then a cheese plate followed by a tiramisu. She set the table with giant serving platters for dishes, and made plenty to encourage everyone to eat as much as possible.

She of course did this all naked, as she hadn’t been out of the house or wore clothes since Monday. When she decided to get dressed, she realized she had no blouses that would fit. She was only able to pour herself into her yoga pants and wear a sports bar. She called Gus concerned, but he laughed. “Well Gary and Charlene will see what they’re in for if they take on this lifestyle”.

Gus showed up around 5:30 starving. He only was able to sneak off to McDonald’s for a couple of Big Macs and no one brought any treats into the office for him to snack on. He was thrilled to see his blossoming wife billowing over her yoga pants and testing the limits of her sports bra. “Boy! Gary and Charlene are going to have quite a reaction”

Even though Gus knew that he would have a big meal shortly, he was so famished that he dove into a bag of tostitos and 7 layer dip while he was waiting for the guests to arrive. After he had stuffed himself enough to last until dinner, he waddled to the bedroom to change. But he had the same problem as Chelsea, nothing would fit. He finally found the clothes he bought the day of the BBQ, but this was now tight from just one week of eating.

Gary and Charlene arrived around 7, and were greeted by the site of two overstuffed gluttons barely dressed. They realized they had overdressed. Gary was in a polo with new jeans and Charlene was in a nice dress.

Gus and Chelsea laughed. “We’ve run out of clothes that fit! But we figured you should see what life is like on the fat side of life; hope you don’t mind.”

They didn’t mind. Actually, Gary had a hard on that was starting become visible through his jeans and Charlene was also turned on. But the shock of seeing them was quickly overwhelmed with the shock of all the food that was prepared, especially the fact that their plates were serving platters. Gary looked at the table and exclaimed “you guys really are serious about gaining weight”.

Gus and Chelsea just nodded. Chelsea said, “You have no idea!”

They sat down, opened the bottle of wine that Gary and Charlene had brought, and dove into the antipasto tray. The tray took up the entire center of the table, but Gus and Chelsea had half of it eaten in about 15 minutes along with half the bottle of wine. Gary and Charlene did their best. They kept up on the wine, but could only manage to choke down about a quarter of the antipasto before they felt full. They also knew more courses were coming. “How do you fit all that food in?” asked Gary.

“Well,” Chelsea explained, “we need to take a break for belly rubs and that opens up the belly. Also, a bit of carbonation helps. Gus, why don’t you get the champagne out, and Charlene, would you like to massage my belly?”

At this moment, Charlene realized that she was wet. She glanced over to Gary and he gave her the okay sign. Gus poured divided the bottle of champagne into four large glasses. Chelsea guzzled hers while Charlene was massaging her belly. Charlene was amazed at the softness of her belly. “I never imagined that a fat belly would be so soft. Gary I wish you could feel this!”

Chelsea invited Gary: “Go ahead Gary, the more the merrier!”

Charlene was barely holding it in when she felt a rumble in Chelsea’s belly and she let out a giant burp. She could take no more as she let out a full sensual moan. “Oh my God! I am so embarrassed”

“Why should you be embarrassed? I am totally turned on and wet to be honest”, Chelsea admitted.

“I don’t know if you know this, but we are actually swingers, so I hope you don’t mind that we dove in so quickly when you invited us” Gary admitted.

Gus intervened, “That’s cool. We have always wanted to try. That might be fun! But we have a lot of food to finish first. Plus, we get hornier the more we eat!”

Just then everyone else let out a huge burp, and it certainly did the trick, as everyone had room for the next course.

This went on through dinner. Each course, Gus and Chelsea would eat most of the food and Gary and Charlene would struggle, but by the end of the night, Gary and Charlene both were quite bloated and appeared to be getting horny at the site of their distended guts. Gary had his pants unbuttoned, and Charlene’s dress was looking tighter.

Before dessert, Chelsea pulled Gus aside and had a private conversation. They decided they would take Gary and Charlene up on their offer. They suggested that they have desert in the bed naked and spend the night together.

Gary and Charlene also had a discussion, and when the offer of naked desert was made, they had their own counteroffer.

Charlene explained: “We’d love to be with you guys, and we loved dinner, but we both want you to know that we decided that we don’t want to get fat. It is uncomfortable for us. But, we love your fat bodies, so if it is okay with you, we would like to be your feeders. So we’ll go to bed with you, but we would like to feed you with your desert and since we are full, ours as well.”

Gus practically came on the spot, and everyone laughed when they saw that Chelsea had a wet spot in her yoga pants. “I guess that’s a yes” chuckled Charlene.

That night ended with an amazing wife swapping session. Both Gary and Charlene wanted to feel those fat bodies with them, so they both mounted Gus and Chelsea. They positioned themselves side by side. Gary grabbed Chelsea’s ample hips and thrusted into her, and Charlene rode on top of Gus’s erect dick. Charlene then fed handfuls of tiramisu into Gus’s and Chelsea’s greedy mouths. After finishing the entire Tiramisu the four all climaxed together and collapsed into a heap on the bed.

Gary and Charlene then went downstairs and got a half-gallon of heavy cream and brought it up to finish the evening with a funnel feeding of the two piggies.

Gus and Chelsea immediately passed out after finishing their quarts of cream totally satisfied.

The next morning, Gus woke up in a panic. He opened his eyes but saw nothing but darkness. He thought he had gone blind, but he quickly realized that he was blindfolded and tied up. Chelsea then woke up to the same thing.

But then they smelled a delicious aroma of maple syrup and pancakes. A gentle drip of warm maple syrup fell into their mouths. Their stomachs growled. They had slept through the night for the first time in a long time, so their stomachs had not had food stuffed down into them for over 8 hours. It had been weeks since they had fasted so long.

Gary and Charlene had slipped them some sleeping pills in their heavy cream. They wanted to really feed them the next morning. They blindfolded them and tied them up, and made a delicious brunch that they were going to feed them.

Gus and Chelsea were thrilled. After the dripping syrup, came force feeding of pancake after pancake. Link sausages were put between them and they would chew on them from either end until they kissed. Omelets and bacon were next. Then steak and eggs. All a surprise as new and exciting aromas led to more food stuffed down their guts.

Gus then smelled a sweet aroma of honey mixed. Charlene said, “reach your tongue up and lick this”. Her luscious pussy was there covered in honey. Gus dove in and pleasured Charlene, and reveled in the taste of honey and her juices.

At the same time, Chelsea started eating a donut, but as she munched through, she realized that Gary’s erect cock was hidden underneath it, and her donut eating seamlessly turned into a passionate blow job session.

This went on for a couple of more hours climaxing in another wife swapping sex session before they were released from their blindfolds. Gary and Charlene had to leave but they promised to be back.

They decided to weigh in again, and were amazed at what a difference a week made.

Gus had put on another 8 lbs and was now 215 lbs. But Chelsea’s gains had really gone into high gear. Her week of staying at home reveling in sloth and gluttony had culminated in gain of 15 lbs. She was now 165 lbs. Both were fatter than they ever had been. They both were 35 lbs fatter than when they met. Gus now had a visible gut hanging over his pants, and Chelsea was getting to the point where her belly could hide her panties and her sweet tummy rested nicely on her thighs. Now they had a horny feeder couple as well, so there was no telling how fat they could become!
