Free Apartment Comes with a Cost

I lied there, face down, naked on the carpet.  As usual, I was instructed to stay there until he was gone.  From behind me I could hear him approach the door to leave.  I heard the sound of his camera snap on his phone.  A light chuckle and then the smack of his lips giving me a kiss goodbye.

As I heard the door close behind him, I could feel his cum starting to drip out of me.  I lied there for a minute, feeling a mixture of deep satisfaction and guilt.  Finally I rolled over, and as I started to get up, more of his cum trickled out of me.  His thick loads used to be a turn on, but now it seems it’s just a mess that I’m left to clean up.

I walked to the bathroom to take a shower before class.  I stopped in front of the mirror to look at myself, and take the obligatory ‘selfie’ that he was expecting me to send him.  “Leave everything on when you take the pic”, he insisted.  I stared at the ball-gag still in my mouth…my limp penis…my red knees…the leash hanging from my neck.  I looked down at the knee-high boots he had bought me last week, which didn’t really fit and were pretty uncomfortable, but were a big turn on for him, so I wore them.  I took the picture, and with some hesitation, sent it off.  He immediately replied..”you hot fucking slut”.  Hot?  I wasn’t so sure.  Slut?  There was little doubt. 

I started hooking up with Jim at the beginning of the summer and things quickly got intense.  It was clear that Jim was a lot more experienced than I was, and I think that’s part of what he found attractive about me.  In general it was a simple match – he was a top, I was a bottom, and I had a thing for older men.  That fact that he was one of my dad’s clients and was letting me stay in this apartment virtually rent-free complicated things of course, but that was not of immediate concern.

I took my shower and headed off to class.  It was a turn on for me to essentially get ‘used’ by an older man and then go to my classes, talk with my friends, as though nothing ever happened.  But something did happen, and it happened quite often.  Jim worked for the school (so he was always around campus) which is how he was able to arrange the apartment for me, which was a sort of repayment of a debt he owed my dad.  I never could tell whether acquiring me as his sissy was part of the plan all along or was just a bonus for him.  The arrangement was mutually beneficial so I didn’t care and didn’t complain.

The first night we fooled around, Jim had given me a ride from an off campus party.  I had way too much to drink, was still in ‘party’ mode and decided I was going to stick around the party for awhile longer when my ride left.  Soon I realized my friends were leaving because everyone was leaving.  Truth be told, I was desperately trying to hook up with this guy on the soccer team and was determined to ride it out until the bitter end.  I was drunk, horny, and had nothing to show for it.  It was about an hour walk back to my apartment. “No big deal” I thought.  It was a nice night out, I enjoyed walking, and figured I could stop by the store for some snacks along the way.

About 20 minutes later I was coming out of the store with what I considered my ‘survival pack’ – small can of Pringles, chocolate milk, gummy worms, and beef jerky – I should be fine.  As I began to walk away I heard someone say my name.  I turned to see Jim.  If I had to celebrity-type Jim, I would put him in the category of Tom Selleck, but really that’s being a little too generous.  You could tell he was a ‘gym guy’ – mostly because he wore shirts that advertised his muscles to let you know he was a ‘gym guy’.  But he was confident without being macho.    
‘How’s it going?” he asked.
“Not bad!” I said with a very upbeat but intoxicated reply.

“Where you headed?” he asked curiously.
“Home.” I said.

“Home?  That’s gotta be what, a 45 minute walk from here?  Hop in, I’ll give you a ride.” he insisted.
I couldn’t think of a reason to say no – “Sure – thanks!”

I cracked open my Pringles and offered him some.  He declined.  I chewed loud and messily and then washed it down with some chocolate milk.  Feeling in a pretty good mood (read drunk) I chatted him up, asking about his job, where he was from, his family, etc.  Turns out he’d been at the university for about 20 years.  He was originally from the mid-west but moved east when he went to school and has been here ever since.  The plan was to work at the university to help put his kids through school but he and his wife divorced before any of that was able to happen.  He said he had an affair and they never were able to reconcile.  I felt bad for him in that moment, even though it was he who had cheated.  But I thought about the kids he never had, the dad he never became.  I wondered if that’s why he was so willing to help me out.  Maybe he saw me as the son he never had (spoiler – that’s not how he saw me).

Quickly changing the topic, he started to ask me questions…how was school going, how were classes and friends, was I dating?  I gave him the usual run down.  School was “fine’, classes were ‘fine’, friends were ‘fine’.  But dating, don’t get me started.  I was out to my family and friends so I assumed he knew I was gay.  I mentioned a few of the guys that I had dated but one was a flake, another was all about himself, and one was all about the ‘booty-call’.  

“Booty-call” he asked?
“Yeah, you know what a booty-call is right?” I asked in slight disbelief.

“Enlighten me.” he replied.
“Basically you just message someone when you want sex, or a blowjob, or whatever.”  I said.

I could see him shift in his seat a bit.  “So you just call someone and say ‘hey, come over I want a blow job?” 

I laughed.  “First off, no one’s calling anyone.  This is 2019 – you basically send a text.  And, it’s usually a little more subtle than that.  So for example, I might text you some emoji’s implying that I want to give you a blowjob.”  

“That’s subtle?!” he asked.
“Well, maybe subtle isn’t the right word.  It’s just different than me texting you saying “hey I want your cock in my mouth!  With an emoji I’m just offering up my services, letting you decide. I’m being considerate.” I said with a hint of flirtation.

“That’s very considerate.” Jim said.  “I can’t say I’ve ever gotten a text like that unfortunately.” he said with feigned sadness.

“What’s your number?  I’ll send you one right now.  Show you what you’re missing out on!” I said excitedly.  He gave me his number and I sent him a string of emoji’s.  

“I have no idea what that means.” he laughed.
“Too bad.”  I said  “It means I want to suck your cock.”

“Ahh, okay.”  he nervously laughed.  “How would I reply to that?”
I got a little more serious.  “Right now?  You could move your arm out of the way, lean back, and say ‘okay then, go ahead’ “.

He was obviously taken aback.  I could tell he wasn’t sure if we had switched from role-playing, there was a moment of awkwardness.  I turned in my seat to face him better and stared at him to let him know I was willing if he was.  Finally he lowered his arm and leaned back…”Okay then, go ahead.”

I unbuckled my seat belt, leaned over and placed my hand on his crotch.  I started squeezing it, and rubbing it, and sliding my hand up and down between his legs.  I could feel one of his nuts through his pants so I started to massage it.  His bulge grew.  I reached over with my left hand to unbutton his pants but was having a hard time.

“Take the wheel.” he said

I took the wheel and he quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants then pulled them down to his knees.

“Wow, okay.” I said.  

Jim had what I refer to as a man-cock.  I’ve been with guys that had ‘nice penises’ but Jim had a man-cock…thick, veiny, hairy balls…perfect (in my eyes anyway).  I got really excited to suck him off.  I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his balls so that his semi-soft cock was standing straight up and made it seem even thicker.  At this point it was only about 4-5 inches so I took the whole thing into my mouth.  “Oh fuck” he moaned.  His cock grew as I sucked it.  I felt his hand on the back of my head pushing it down making sure I took the whole thing.  I couldn’t help but moan as I sucked his cock.  I ran my lips the full length of his cock each time from tip to base.  His hand was on the back of neck now as he started to fuck my mouth.  “Shit you can suck dick” he complimented me.  I pulled off briefly.  “I want your cum.”  I said slightly out of breath.  He just pushed my head back down.  I could feel his veins as my lips slid up and down his shaft.  I could smell the sweat coming from his balls.  I really wanted his cum.  I felt him stiffen up a bit.  I was getting tired but I was determined to get this cock off.  “You want my cum?  You want my fucking cum?”  he groaned.

I felt his cock starting to throb and suddenly, his warm thick cum filled my mouth.  I swallowed as best I could.  Either way his hand was firm on my back and he wasn’t letting me off his cock until I took his full load down my throat.  He thrusted his cock in and out of my mouth a few more times for good measure and his body finally relaxed.  As it softened, I continued to slowly suck his dick as he rested back in his seat.  I don’t know when but he had already pulled over and the car was stopped.  I sat back up and settled in my seat.  I knew then that I would do anything for that cock.


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