Hell of a Work Out [MM]

When I started my new job, I realized that I put on a few pounds. Conveniently, in the same building as my work was a gym. My work schedule had been erratic (at best) so it was even more convenient that that gym was 24 hours. I would visit at 2 or 3 am when I got out of work and try to work out through my exhaustion and sleep deprivation.

When I first joined, I was way too scared to use the showers. At that point in my life I had realized that I may have some bisexual tendencies and I was scared that I might get an erection in the shower. This would be even worse considering that a lot of my coworkers use the same gym and I wasn’t really open to them knowing this about me. This was OK because I generally worked out after work and I was able to go home after and shower.

A couple of days ago however, I was paged (sometimes happens at my job) while working out and I had to leave and had to head back to work so I was forced to use the showers in the gym so I can get back in my work clothes to work. I walked into the locker room slowly and looked around, there was no one. Glad that I caught a break, I quickly disrobed and jumped in the shower furthest from the entrance and started to shower. I tried to fight it off but the thought of being in there and having another man walk in and see me naked and lathered up with soap and then joining me, came into my mind and slightly aroused me. I felt my penis harden as I pictured it.

I tried to fight it off. I started thinking about work and how I have to go back and how annoying that was. It worked. I finished, dried and as I was walking out, I poked my head out of the showers to see if the locker room was still empty. At this point, I had a semi-erect cock which I thought was OK. I walked out of the shower and quickly to my locker.

As I was unlocking the locker I heard foot steps…

Instinctively I turned around, the person that walked in was a big guy, easily over 6 foot 4 and big, big arms, big legs and a beer belly. He was what I would have called a “bear”. He wasn’t fat but he wasn’t skinny either… pudgy.

I nodded to him the way guys nod at each other as they pass each other in the hallway.. or meet naked in a locker room.
“Hey, how is it going?” He said with a smile. I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my underwear out of it to get dressed.

“Eh, good.” One leg in my green boxers and now bending to put in the other.

“Short work out today, I just saw you walk in” I had seen him before. I hadn’t recognized him at first because I was trying so hard to conceal my semi-erect dick but now that I had covered up, I realized I knew him.

We had often ran into each other during our work outs at 2 o’clock in the morning, being the only ones there at that time. “Yeah, I got paged” As I said this, he bent over and dropped his shorts and underwear. His flaccid cock hung magnificently about 5 inches from behind its bushy base. I caught myself peeking and scared that he saw me, quickly looked away to my locker. I didn’t know if he had seen as I rummaged through looking for my tie.

“I am john by the way” he said stretching his hand out to shake mine. “I work on the 5th floor, I think I saw you around a few times”

I turned from my locker, made eye contact and stretched my hand to shake his. He had a smirk on his face. “I am Sam …. I think I saw you too” I hadn’t.. or maybe I had, I wasn’t sure.

He was now fully naked and proud of it. His body was imposing. It filled the room around me. His arms flexed as he shook my hand. And as he shook his cock slightly shook too.

This domineering interaction made me uncomfortable. I am not a short guy (6’1″). I was also successful and driven. My new job was in management and I was in charge of telling many people what to do. Sexually I was also always in control. I had been what you would call a “Dom” a previous girlfriend I had used to like getting tied up and I enjoyed controlling her that way too.

Now I stood in this gym with this towering man hulking over me. Even my semi-erect cock was smaller than his flaccid one. Its never good for your subordinates to know the size of your cock. Intimidated, I pulled my pants up, tied my belt, my shoes “See you around, James”.

“It’s John” He said “See ya” as he turned to the showers, more confidently that I had, towel slung over his shoulder.

The whole exchange had been embarrassing and kind of demeaning. I peeked and he saw me. He definitely saw me.
I avoided the 5th floor and the gym for a week. I passed off my jobs on the 5th to others. I started doing home workouts. I was intimidated by him and worst, I was ashamed that I was intimidated by him.

During the second week, I had three days off in the middle of the week so I took the chance to take my girlfriend (yes, I am in a public, straight relationship) for a romantic get away to a friend’s beach house and that took my mind off of things. When I got back, I hadn’t forgotten what happened, but I was kind of over it. In fact, I wanted to get back on top and prove I am the bigger man. I strutted up to the 5th floor the next day. I had a couple of jobs there that needed to be done. I went up and started working and saw John from the corner of my eye.

“Haven’t seen you in a while” he said as he smirked again

“I have been busy” I said dismissing him. I was mad at that stupid smirk.

“That’s all good with me. The gym had been completely empty for the past week. I could work out naked and no one would be the wiser” the fucker was dangling it in my face. I hated him.

“Yeah, but I am pretty sure you would get arrested haha” I said without looking away from the screen hoping he would go away. However, my hopes at his going away were not realized, he kept talking, but something better happened. I caught an error, a mistake, a huge mistake that had been done in one of the jobs that I was finishing up. The type of mistake that can get a man fired. I hoped that man was John.

“Excuse me for a second” I said to john shutting him up. “Who was working on 56087?” I said louder so everyone can hear. I was angry and was looking for someone to take it out on. No one answered. I looked back at John “you?”

“No” he said with a shoulder shrug.

I looked at the unit supervisor, “I need you to find me who was working on 56087 and bring him or her here please. Thank You” He looked it up, It was this lady called Noreen, she was actually John’s boss.

I can be pretty scary if I want to. I called her over and reprimanded her. I wasn’t really the loud yelling kind of guy but I can be sharp with my choice of words and pretty intimidating. She cried. She would have to be let go. This was NOT a mistake you can come back from.

Later that day, on the power-high I had gotten from letting incompetent Noreen go, and especially in front of John, I went to the gym. I walked in at my regular time. John was there as always. I saluted him as I walked into the locker room to change. He saluted back saying nothing.

I wasn’t intimidated this time. I worked out. I decided to take a shower this time even though I didn’t really need to. I got undressed, showered, got dressed again and left the locker room without John walking in. He was scared. Today, I was the big bad wolf.

Next day, the same happened.

The day after, the same.

The day after, I walked into the gym a little earlier than usual and I happened to walk in the exact same time as John. This was good. I wanted to further exert my authority over him.

“Hey, how is it going?” I said confidently.

“Good” he said. “How are you?”

“Same old, same old” He smiled.

We walked into the locker room and changed into our workout clothes (without getting naked).

As I was tying my shoes, I said “How are things up on the 5th? You settling OK after the recent changes with Noreen” I was dangling it HIS face this time.

“Yeah, its all going great.” He paused a little, “To be honest, Noreen kinda had it coming. You weren’t the first one to catch her messing up. Mr. Seltzer had caught her before using the 14s instead of the 16s (work lingo) and she almost got fired for it. We all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later” He was getting a little to gossipy and I was losing interest.

“Well, its still unfortunate. Somethings you can turn a blind eye to and let go, but this wasn’t one of them. I hope you are handling the work load without her”

“That’s the thing, if anything, things are going more smoothly now that she is gone.” He said

“Well that’s great to hear then” We both walked out of the locker room together and started working out. We worked out together that day. He spotted me a few times and I returned the favor. There was one old man in the gym when we walked and he was gone long before we were done so we had a chance to talk freely.

He told me about himself. 32, from Jackson Mississippi, divorced, no kids. He started working right around the same time I started. He told me also how he flips houses on the side. I told him it was a good side gig.

He then told me how he was dating this other person on the 5th floor that I actually knew, Courtney, but broke it off recently. I didn’t ask why. I remembered her. She seemed annoying. I didn’t tell him I thought that.

We finished working out, we were both very sweaty and tired. Then came the question, should I shower??? I was certainly sweaty enough but I didn’t know if I should.

“Shower time” John said.

“Yep” we cleaned the equipment that was drenched in our sweat. We walked to the showers. A sign said “Construction” and showers were closed in yellow tape. I was actually relieved. “No showers today buddy.”

“Ah, shit. How am I supposed to get home like this?” he said

“Just shower when you get home” seemed like the obvious answer.

“The showers at my apartment are broken too”.

“That sucks” I didn’t know what he was getting at.

“The only thing I can do is to go to the property I am working on and shower there. It’s pretty nice” he said looking at me as he gathered his stuff. “It’s not finished yet but If you are looking for a house, it’s in a nice neighborhood and the price isn’t bad”.

“Maybe I will check it out sometime” I said. I was staying in a crappy apartment at the time and eventually I would need to move out.

“Come see it now. I have to go there anyway, and its not far. I will take you in my truck and bring you back.”

“It’s 4 am. I need to get to sleep”.

“Come on, you know you are on the adrenaline high from the work out. You can see it, shower and knock back a few beers. I know you have tomorrow off”.

I didn’t know what he was trying to do. Was he trying to get on my good side because I am his boss? Maybe he wanted Noreen’s job and thought I could put in a good word for him. I could.

“Sure” I said, not knowing why. But I liked the idea of him trying to sell me a house and me turning him down.

The house was close from the gym, and we arrived quickly. We got out of his truck. The neighborhood was very quite. He unlocked the door, walked in, turned the lights on and walked over to the fridge and grabbed 2 beers and gave me one.

“It’s not done yet, but I have a buddy interior designer who helps me out. He is good.” the house was actually nice on the inside but obviously not finished and needed a lot of work.

“Let’s go upstairs, Its almost done there.”

He showed me around the top floor quickly, it wasn’t anymore finished than the other except for the master bedroom.

“Hold on, let me get another beer.” He had finished his and I was half way done with mine. I tried to chug mine before he came back up. He handed me a second and took empty from my hand and set it on the ground. “Right this way, I gotta show you the master bedroom. That’s the one I put the most effort in, and we still gotta shower. haha”

The master bedroom was nice. Finished, clean and carpeted. From it, he led me into the master bathroom. “Come on in, I put in a stand in shower and one of those Jacuzzis” He said as he set his beer down and took off his shirt off. “Ready for the shower?”

“You take one. I will just shower when I get home.”

“Why? its a big shower and we can use it together” I gave him a weird look. I didn’t know that’s what he was going for. I was both shocked, surprised, flattered and insulted. I stood there not knowing what to do.

“Besides, I don’t think there is enough hot water in the tank anyway, and who cares dude, you shower with guys in the gym all the time.”

My first instinct was to say no and walk out. I could walk back to the gym and get in my car and leave but then I thought of it…his cock. I wanted to see it again. He wanted me to see it again. That’s why he smirked.
“Come on” He said one last time.

“OK” I said, and smirked back.

At this point we knew what was happening. He had quickly taken off his shirt earlier but now he slowly took of his shorts. He gave me the pleasure of the reveal. As he pulled his short down, it showed the hairy base, then the shaft and then the underwear clung momentarily on the head and fell off. I stood there watching.

“You gonna get naked too or are you gonna shower in your clothes.”

I smiled and started to undress. “I don’t know how Courtney took that thing” I made the first move.

He laughed impressed with himself. “We tried anal once and she took a couple of sick days after” We both laughed.

I was naked too now and we both walked into the shower, there was room but we were crowded together under the stream of the water. We were now both fully erect. My cock looked small next to his of course and we both knew it. He bent down to grab the soap from behind him. He turned his back to me and arched it and bent over. I found it a great opportunity to smack his hairy sculpted ass, his asshole looked delicious, I wanted a bite. I smacked it, he laughed and jumped up. He tried to smack mine in return but I bent away so he only reached my side. “I will get you back later” He said. I wondered how, then I realized, there is no way that monster would fit into my asshole. I had a couple of small toys but they failed in comparison. I was terrified.

As I pondered this dilemma, John took the initiative of getting on his knees and sucking my dick. He did it well. He took the tip in first then licked the bottom of the shaft and up to the head. He swirled his tongue around my head and I almost came. I pulled my cock out from between his lips. He looked up at me and said “let’s hop out”.

We turned the water off and walked out of the shower, we had nothing to dry with but we didn’t care. We walked out into the newly carpeted master bedroom.
“So do you bring many guys here and tell them you have a house to sell then suck their dicks?”

“Only the ones who stare at my dick in the locker room and get a hard on.”

“I was not staring” I said defensively as he lifted my legs up and started to eat my asshole.

“It’s OK, I was starting too”

I LOVE GETTING MY ASS EATEN OUT. LOVE IT. There is something about it that feels really intimate, animalistic and wrong, and he knew how to hit the spot. He proceeded to lick and penetrate me with his tongue repeatedly, over and over and again. I was on the edge of ecstasy.

He stood up on his knees next and started to rub his now slightly flaccid cock against my asshole. I was lost in a sea of pleasure and I had forgotten how big it was. “That’s not going to fit in there, you know. Certainly not on two beers”

He looked at me, almost disappointedly. I could tell from that look that he had had that problem before. I felt bad. I wanted him to fuck me. I really did, I wanted him to lift my ass up, spread my cheeks and jam his monstrous delicious cock inside me until I screamed in pleasure and pain. I wanted to not be able to walk for days like that lucky bitch Courtney when she opened her asshole to him. I almost wished how would just do it…but he didn’t. “It’s my cross to bear” he said and looked down.

“Well how about you come shove that delicious cross down my throat” If my tiny asshole couldn’t take him, I was hoping my mouth would.

I was still on my back in the bedroom. He put down my legs and crawled on his legs to my head. He then straddled my face with his balls on my forehead and his cock right over my face. I kissed it. Then I opened my mouth. He bent down a little and inserted his cock in my mouth. I had to stretch my lips to take it. On the head fit, so I moved my hands up and grabbed it. I had to use both hands. He liked this. He started to thrust. The head of his cock pushing against the back of my throat. He was pushing harder and harder with every thrust with my hand tightening around his cock. My throat was getting sore but I didn’t dare to tell him to stop. I am never going to be able to close my mouth again. He was now grunting, and grunting louder. He then suddenly stopped and pulled his cock out of my mouth “I am gonna cum”
“Do it on my cock” I said quickly. I wasn’t sure why I said that. I regretted it. I wanted him to come on my face then slap my face with his cock afterwards. He reacted quickly. He was really about to come. He ran around me and blew his giant load of my dick and balls. It was warm and gooey. It drenched my dick which was lying flat on my stomach. I even felt a drop inside my belly button. He kept milking it, squeezing every drop out. ”Now it’s my turn”

He looked up at me. I only then realized I wanted him to jizz all over my cock. I was still trying to assert my dominance over him. I wanted him to lick jizz off of my cock and swallow both our loads in one gulp.

“Do it” I said accommodatingly. He did. He sucked me off with his jizz dripping off my cock until I came down his throat and he swallowed both loads. He may have had the bigger cock but I was dominating him. Maybe next time I will fuck his delicious hairy asshole.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/d9o7ob/hell_of_a_work_out_mm


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