The Camgirl Part XXIX: What Could Have Been [FM]

**XXIX: Blake**

Blake blinked when she realized how hard she was biting her lip, and thumbed it, working her jaw around before resting her head in her hands and massaging her temples. She was working on one of her personal projects tonight–something she hoped would be able to get her a high-paying summer job with long-term potential once she finished it. Preferably something where she could work remotely.

She’d been at it since she got back from class, as she didn’t have much homework this week due to the upcoming midterms, and she studied regularly enough that she never had to cram. After three hours of constant work though, Blake found it difficult to maintain her concentration.

Yawning as she rose from her desk chair, Blake crossed the short distance to her bed and flopped onto the sheets, opening her phone and scrolling through various forums and social media to keep her mind busy and distracted. She *needed* to keep herself distracted if she wasn’t working, and it was too late for any gaming tonight. Eventually, she ended up finding some porn and following that thread of searches—as usual if she was bored and alone.

She looked through some of the weirder pictures and comics available, then moved on to some clips and gifs as her pussy started to grow wet.

Shifting around to get more comfortable, Blake finally settled on an audio file—not the first time she had tried using one to help her get off, but definitely uncommon for her—and secured her earbuds before closing tired eyes and slipping off her underwear, leaving her loose shirt on for warmth.

The audio was a long one, but one that appealed to her as a “what could have been,” kind of fantasy.

The file was made for a guy to listen to, but it worked well enough for Blake, and the speaker’s voice dripped with sensuality. She let her mind drift off as the voice relaxed her, guiding her through breathing exercises as Blake lazily played with her pussy. Her fingers brushed gently over the sensitive skin of her thighs and outer lips, occasionally sliding over her glistening lips.

The voice guided her through the scenario, transporting Blake’s mind out of her bed.

She was over at a friend’s house. A *boy* friend’s house. He was cute and always there for her, and they’d often cuddled alone on her couch or his, watching movies or playing video games. They were alone then, and the movie had just ended, but she didn’t want to get up or leave just yet.

Blake lay on her side, curled up next to the boy on his couch, head on his lap. She shifted, resting a hand on his thigh, and felt something firm under her fingertips. He stiffened, then shifted, clearing his throat.

Blake smiled, an idea coming into her head, and turned so that she was looking up at him. She giggled. He looked so nervous, blue eyes fixed on the dark TV screen, sandy hair a mess as usual. Blake reached up and grabbed at the sleeve of his shirt, squirming at the way the fabric clung to his body, outlining his muscles.

“Was that your cock?” Blake asked.

The boy flinched and looked down at her. She just laughed, “Dude, relax, I know you have one. That just felt…bigger than I imagined.”

He cleared his throat again, “Yeah—yeah, it was.”

“Can I see it?”

Liam blinked down at her, wide-eyed, “What?”

“Can I see it?” Blake repeated, “I’ve seen them in porn and stuff, but never seen one in person. If it’s too weird for you, I understand—I just thought we were close enough that you wouldn’t mind.”

Liam was silent for a moment, his eyes staring off at nothing for a while before refocusing on her.

“I guess so,” he said slowly, “You’re gonna have to move though.”

Grinning, Blake rolled over and wiggled back a bit, so she propped her head up on her elbows. When Liam did nothing, she gave him a pointed look, then glanced back down at his hips, “Well?”

Liam blinked—had he not been entirely sure she was serious? He should know her better than that—then hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats and lifted his hips, pulling the waistband down over his thighs. He hesitated a bit as they came around his ass. Blake cleared her throat, then giggled when Liam sighed and pulled his pants all the way down to his knees before sitting back down on the couch, “Happy?”

Grinning widely, Blake scooted forward so that her hands were free, and her chin now rested on Liam’s hip. He flinched a bit at the contact.

“Oh, relax,” she chided, not bothering to look up from her friend’s hips. She studied what poked up from between his legs for a while. She moved her hand, fingers halfway to it, when she remembered herself and looked up at Liam, “Sorry. Can I touch it? I promise I’ll be gentle.”

Liam’s eyes bulged, his face bright red, “Um, sure—I guess.”

Grin widening, Blake reached out and carefully took the foreign appendage between her fingers, gasping when her fingers made contact, “It’s so soft.”

Liam shifted again, but Blake barely noticed, too enthralled by the cock in her hand. She played with it a bit, moving it around, squeezing it gently with her fingers, wrapping her entire hand around it.

Blake gasped when she felt how much firmer it had gotten, then again when she realized it was growing. She kept one hand wrapped around the base, but made no other movement, just staring in amazement as she watched Liam’s cock grow before her, spongey flesh becoming firm, then hard under her touch. She waited for a few seconds after it stopped growing before looking up at Liam, “Is it done?”


“Is that the biggest it gets?”


Blake looked back at his cock, “Whoa.”

She placed her hand next to it, comparing the size, then thought of how far inside of her private areas her own fingers could reach.


Then Blake remembered something and straightened so that she was sitting next to Liam rather than laying on him.

“Does that mean it felt good?” She asked, “What I was doing, I mean?”

Liam blinked, face growing even redder at the question, “Um—it didn’t feel bad exactly, but I think it’s just…” He trailed off, then swallowed, “I’ve never had a girl touch me before. I think that’s most of it.”

Blake frowned, looking down at the cock. She was flattered her mere touch had made him so hard, yet now that she had this huge cock before her, Blake wanted to know what made it feel good.

She scooched closer to Liam and turned so that she was angled toward him, “Will you tell me what feels good when I touch it?”

He swallowed, eyes wide, but nodded.

She held out her hand, “Take my hand and show me.”

Liam stared at her hand for a moment, then placed his own hand behind it and took them down to his cock.

Blake couldn’t help but shiver at the contact. She’d grown accustomed to hugging and cuddling with her friend, but when he did things like take her hand or absentmindedly brushed his knuckles along her skin, it always sent wonderful shivers through Blake’s body. This was even more delicious.

Blake found she had to hold in a gasp when Liam placed her hand around his cock and closed her fingers around the hard flesh.

“It’s so warm,” Blake breathed, then drew a sharp intake of breath as Liam started moving her hand up and down within his, squeezing her smaller hand just to a point.

When Liam gasped, Blake had to hold in a moan.

She had Liam’s cock in her hand. *Finally!* It was so thrilling. Knowing that he was enjoying it just made it all the more–well, it made her wet was what it did.

Blake’s unoccupied arm was caught somewhat awkwardly between her, Liam and the couch. She moved it toward her thighs, her pussy enticing her to play with herself as Liam guided her hand in slowly stroking up and down the length of his cock. Blake stopped her free hand though. As hot as this was–as much as she and Liam would both probably enjoy her touching herself–Blake wanted this to be about Liam. She didn’t want him to feel pressured to try and get her off.

Blake glanced at Liam’s face and couldn’t hold back her moan this time. Liam’s head tilted back against the couch, eyes closed, lips parted ever so slightly. Blake’s eyes stayed fixed on those lips as Liam’s hand fell away from her own, leaving her to make him feel good all on her own. Blake wanted to kiss those lips, but she held herself back. Silly as it seemed, Blake felt that she would freak Liam out if she kissed him. Right now, they were just friends experimenting. If she kissed Liam, he might think she had feelings for him. She did, but she wasn’t ready to let him know that just yet. Right now…right now she was just a friend making him feel good.

Blake moved the hand that had been headed for her pussy under the hem of Liam’s shirt. He flinched, cock twitching in Blake’s hand, and his blue eyes flashed open. Blake met those eyes and smiled at him, leaning in close.

“Am I doing a good job?” she whispered, surprised at the breathiness in her own voice as she moved her fingers slowly up Liam’s stomach toward his chest, grabbing at the muscle there.

When Liam gasped, muscles flexing, Blake felt her smile deepen.

Liam didn’t answer–probably a bit too distracted by something–and Blake snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder despite the slight awkwardness of the position.

“You’re always such a good friend to me, Liam,” she said, breathing the familiar scent that was just him, “I want to make you feel so good.”

Some sort of strangled noise escaped Liam’s throat, and Blake decided it meant “yes.” She tightened her grip around Liam’s cock just a bit, eliciting another gasp and a twitch of his cock, and started increasing her pace. She’d never made a boy cum before, but she thought she could do it. Blake wanted Liam to be the first boy she made cum. If Liam was as truthful of a person as she thought he was, she would be the first person to make him cum. That thought made Blake’s pussy clench impatiently. If things went well tonight, she would soon be Liam’s first in pretty much everything, and he would be hers.

Blake kept her eyes fixed on Liam as she worked his cock. She watched the corners of his eyes, his jaw, his breathing, looking for any indicators she could get of how good she was doing and how close he was. She made sure to keep his shirt pulled up with her hand–it wouldn’t be nice of her to ruin a perfectly good shirt, after all.

Blake’s concentration soon paid off as she adjusted her grip and tempo a few times over the next few minutes, until she finally felt Liam’s heart racing through the hand on his chest.

“Blake,” Liam breathed, eyes squeezed shut, voice thick, “Blake, I’m–”

“Good,” Blake finished for him, “I want you to cum, Liam. Cum.”

*Cum for me.*

Blake’s eyes widened, fixing on Liam’s cock as it pulsed in her hand. She watched, fascinated, feeling the pulses, then gasping as cum erupted from the tip, shooting high onto Liam’s chest, Blake’s forearm, and finally onto his stomach, with the last few spurts simply pooling in the shallow depression between her fingers and Liam’s cockhead.

Even after the cum stopped, however, Liam didn’t seem done yet. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest and grinned as his hips and cock continued to pulse. It didn’t go down right away either, even when Blake lessened her grip for a moment before squeezing it again to keep Liam’s cum from running down his cock, it was still rock hard.

When Blake looked back at Liam’s face, she found him blinking at her through heavy-lidded eyes.

She smiled wickedly at him and tried to force as much innocence into her voice as possible, “Did I do good?”

Liam just stared at her for a moment, eyes fluttering, chest rising and falling heavily. Then, “Yeah.”

Blake couldn’t hold back a giggle, and to her enjoyment, Liam cracked a smile.

Then Blake remembered the cum on Liam and her. One of her goals had been achieved tonight, but not the other.

Blake used the hand on Liam’s chest to scoop up the cum as she brought it down his middle, letting his shirt fall back down, then rose, cupping both her hands carefully.

“You just stay there and relax,” she said, smiling, “I’ll go get something to help clean up.”

Blake took a few hurried steps toward the bathroom, then stopped and turned back, “Oh, and Liam?”

Liam started, then turned so his eyes met hers. The lust that still filled them made Blake shudder. Her pussy felt like it should be leaking down her thighs by now.

“Thanks for letting me see your cock,” she said with another wicked smile, then hurried off toward the bathroom.

She had to get a little creative to open and shut the door, given her sticky hands, but once she was safely in the privacy of the bathroom, Blake let out a sigh of satisfaction. Then she looked down at the cum covering her hands and the glob that had landed on her forearm.

She was glad that Liam had…entertained a part of her curiosity tonight, but there was no way she could let him see this. Not yet, at least.

Wetting her lips, Blake brought a cum-covered finger to her mouth and closed her lips around it, licking it clean.

It definitely wasn’t the best taste, and the texture would take some getting used to as well.

But it was *his.*

Blake let that thought dominate her mind as she used her mouth to clean off the rest of the cum, trying to savor it despite the taste, before washing off the residual stickiness with some soap and cold water.

She swished a bit of water around her mouth as well.

*Yup, definitely going to take some getting used to.*

But that was just one more thing about Liam that only Blake had experienced. Next time, she planned to get all of his cum directly from the source.

Once she dried her hands, Blake looked down at her crotch, then at the box of tissues next to the sink.

*I wonder how long it would take to rub one out before I go back to clean Liam off. Would he even notice if I’m gone for too long?*

The thought drifted away, and for a moment, Blake’s mind went blank. Then she was back with Liam. In her room this time. Somehow, she knew it was a week later, and both her parents were gone, and would be for quite some time. She and Liam had just finished a round of video games, and Blake was in the process of reorienting herself so that she laid back on the pillows next to Liam, rather than stretch out on her stomach facing the TV–her shoulders had finally gotten a little sore.

“You want me to rub your shoulders for you?” Liam asked as Blake shifted about under his arm, trying to get comfortable and stretch her shoulders a bit.

*Normally, yes, I very much would.* But Blake had different plans tonight.

“Maybe later,” Blake said, eyeing her friend. He thankfully hadn’t let things get weird since she’d given him a handjob the previous week. Blake had caught him staring at her ass a few times though, which she had enjoyed quite a bit, “Right now I think you need to go take a shower, dude,” Blake sniffed, then made a face, “You’re a little rank.”

Liam rolled his eyes, “I’m not going to hear the end of that until I do shower, am I?”

Blake shook her head.

With a sigh, Liam pushed her gently sideways onto the bed as he rose.

“Hey!” Blake whined in mock-protest.

“Your fault!” he said, giving her the finger as he slipped into the bathroom attached to her room.

Blake let a satisfied grin slide onto her face. She and Liam had showered at each other’s houses enough to be comfortable with the idea, hopefully comfortable enough to leave the door unlocked. If Liam locked it out of some stupid notion of “decency,” though, Blake had taken care of that before he’d come over. Blake was also quite confident that Liam would get over the invasion of privacy *very* quickly.

Once she heard the shower turn on, Blake waited until a count of thirty. Then, cackling, she hopped off the bed and opened the desk drawer where she had stashed a packet of makeup wipes and began cleaning her face of what little makeup she had, checking her phone just to make sure she didn’t miss any. She’d thought about stripping too but decided she would rather reveal herself to Liam piece by piece than all at once. Once she was ready, Blake took a deep breath, then tiptoed toward the bathroom door. She teased the handle open, grinning when no lock stopped it, and slowly pushed the door open, praying it wouldn’t squeak and give her away.

Once it was open just wide enough, Blake slipped in and closed the door behind her, locking it securely now that she was inside. Just in case.

Blake had always liked this shower. Instead of a curtain, this shower had three glass windows, unfrosted–they were a bitch to clean, though. It was also definitely big enough for more than one person at a time.

Liam hadn’t noticed her yet. His eyes were closed as he ran sudsy fingers through his short hair, rivulets of soap and water running down his body. Liam wasn’t super muscular, but he was toned enough to make Blake forget herself as she stared at him, even when he was just shirtless and not wet and completely naked.

When her eyes reached Liam’s cock, they gaped.

*The fucker trimmed!*

Blake wasn’t sure if she should be offended by that. Not that she minded–it made his cock look a little bigger, even soft as it was.

*Maybe he just never thought about it before last week and decided to start.*

Blake shook that train of thought from her head. She had given herself rules for tonight, just like last time, and that train of thought could very easily lead places that would de-rail her.

Blake had to take another deep breath before she straightened and stepped forward, knocking on the shower’s metal frame.

Liam started, eyes going wide, but didn’t slip, thankfully.

“Blake?” he sputtered, “What are you doing in here? How did you get in?”

“I kind of need to shower, too.” she said, trying to be nonchalant, “Would it be cool if I got in with you? I mean, I did give you a handjob last week, so this isn’t too weird, right?”

Blake paused, raising an eyebrow, “Unless you thought that was weird and didn’t tell me?”

Liam’s cheeks turned bright red, and Blake knew she had him, “Uh, no–not weird. I’m just–I mean–”

He cut off with a sigh, shifting so his cock pointed away from her–though Blake had caught a good enough look to see that it was bigger than it had been a few moments ago, “Just come in, I guess.”

Blake smiled, “Thank you. It is *my* shower, after all.”

Despite how she had planned for this, however, Blake hesitated as her fingertips brushed the hem of her shirt. Giving Liam a handjob, ambushing him in here naked, the other things she planned to do to him in the future–all those were easy. Stripping in front of him, though…

Blake breathed in deep, *too late to worry about any of that. Just fucking do it!*

In one fluid motion, Blake pulled her shirt over her head. She hesitated before looking at Liam, a little afraid. When she forced herself to look at his eyes, the relief that washed over Blake made her want to laugh at the idea Liam might not have liked what he saw. Liam’s eyes were fixed on her and clouded with lust. Meeting that gaze made Blake’s pussy throb with need.

She hadn’t worn a bra today–she never really needed to if she wore thick enough shirts–but Liam didn’t seem to mind the size of her itty-bitty titties at all. That acceptance didn’t mean Blake wouldn’t be ecstatic if they grew a bit bigger over the next few years, but fuck, it was wonderful to have Liam gaze at her like that.

Remembering that she was only half-clothed, Blake moved her hands to the hem of her sweats–looping her thumbs inside the band of her panties as well–and pulled them down to her ankles.

This time, she didn’t meet Liam’s gaze upon straightening, instead just slipping quickly into the shower. Liam moved out of the way, giving her the water without her even asking. Blake smiled at that, then looked up at him and laughed. He was trying not to stare.

“Liam?” she said, raking her fingers through her hair to let the warm water soak into it.


“Don’t be an idiot.”

Liam started, eyebrow raised in confusion as he swung his eyes to her.

Blake just smiled, “That’s better.”

Liam’s brow furrowed, then his eyes flashed down toward Blake’s hips, and his face grew bright red. When he started to turn, Blake grabbed his wrist.

“Dude,” she said, “Do you think I would have bothered showering with you if I was going to tell you you’re not allowed to look?”

He swallowed, “I guess not.”

Blake smiled, “Good. Hand me the shampoo, please? And do me a favor and unclench while you’re at it?”

Liam flinched halfway down to the shampoo bottle, and Blake laughed. Then she noticed Liam’s ass.

*Fuck! That’s just not fair!*

Blake felt at her own ass, which though shapely and firm due to hard work, felt a bit inadequate next to Liam’s ass.

*That thing belongs on a thicc black girl, not a skinny white boy like Liam.*

Blake tore her eyes away from that ass as Liam straightened–making some future plans to have some fun with it should things go well tonight–and squirted a generous glob of shampoo on her hands before lathering up and bringing her hands to her hair.

That phase of the shower passed in relative silence. Blake did actually need to shower, and didn’t bother teasing Liam, knowing that her mere presence next to him was likely almost too much for him to handle at the moment. Though she did make sure to give him an eyeful and make it clear to him that she was taking an eyeful of her own–and enjoying it–when they switched places to allow the other to rinse their hair.

When Liam picked up the shower gel, however, Blake caught his wrist, holding back a grin. When he shot her a confused look, Blake just smiled sweetly at him and held out and expectant hand. After a moment’s hesitation, he gave her the bottle.

“Thank you,” she said, opening it and squirting some onto her hand, “Now turn around so I can get your back.”

His eyes widened, “What?”

Blake looked up at him, eyebrow raised, “Can you get everywhere on your back?”

Liam opened his mouth to say something, then closed it and turned around stiffly, moving out of the way of the water.

“Ugh, relax,” Blake said, “I did give you a handjob, remember? And we’ve both given each other massages and back rubs and stuff.”

Blake rubbed her hands together, then reached up to Liam’s shoulders, working the scented liquid into his skin.

“Here, does this help?” she asked, using her thumbs to massage the slick skin a bit.

“Yeah,” Liam said, voice thick as he rolled his shoulders.

Smirking, Blake worked her way down Liam’s back, massaging, and occasionally squeezing his flesh. A few soft moans and grunts barely audible over the rushing water encouraged Blake in her ministrations.

When she reached Liam’s hips, Blake didn’t give her friend any time to turn away before sliding her hands down onto those full cheeks and giving Liam’s wonderful ass a squeeze.

He jumped, and Blake laughed, “Hey!”

“You do realize that I wouldn’t mess with you so much if your reactions weren’t so entertaining, right?” she said.

Surprisingly, Liam relaxed a bit. Blake went back to her fun, squatting a bit to run her soapy hands down the backs of Liam’s legs, before she brought them back up and squeezed his ass again–kneading the firm flesh a bit this time–before quickly running a soapy hand between Liam’s cheeks.

Liam flinched at that, whirling around. His face was bright red as he looked down at Blake. It probably didn’t help that she was giggling.

“Okay, thank you,” Liam said quickly, “I think that part’s all clean now–”

Liam cut off as Blake squirted another generous helping of liquid soap onto her hand, sneaking a glance at his dick as she did. He was rock hard. The sight made Blake’s poor pussy ache. Tonight wasn’t about her pleasure, though. That would come soon, and she would thoroughly enjoy getting herself off to the memory of tonight.

“Now it’s time for your front,” Blake said matter-of-factly as she–lightly–slapped two soapy hands onto Liam’s chest. He froze at that, but this time, Blake didn’t bother to tell him to relax.

Instead, she stepped closer, holding in a hiss when the head of Liam’s cock brushed against her stomach. She continued soaping him up as though there was nothing out of the ordinary going on–well, except for the fact that she was naked in the shower soaping him up–taking her time on his arms, then his sides. When Blake let her hands finally travel to his stomach, she looked up to meet Liam’s eyes. His were wide but fixed on her. Blakes’s confidence held, but her hands faltered for a moment on their way down as her a weak spell suddenly came and went through her legs.

*Those eyes.*

Blake had never really understood the term “fuck-me eyes” before. Even after last week. Now she did.

Liam wanted her. He was nervous, but he wanted her *bad.*

And Blake loved every second of it.

They both gasped in unison when her soapy fingers finally reached Liam’s cock, one encircling the hard shaft and giving it a few strokes while the other gently cupped and lathered his balls. Blake kept her gaze locked on Liam’s as she lingered between his thighs, then slowly squatted down, lathering up his long legs. She let his soapy cock brush against the side of her face as she descended, shivering at the contact, but keeping her eyes locked on Liam’s, even when both his face and his cock were in her vision.

Blake held the eye contact as–once she got all the way down to his ankles–she picked back up the shower gel and rose. Once she straightened, she held up the bottle and shivered at her own words, “Now you do me.”



  1. This is technically part 1 a 3-part chapter. The whole thing wouldn’t fit on one post. And don’t worry, we’ll get back to Liam soon enough.

    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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