Kay’s dick.

He smirked, amused by her answer. “so you’d rather go in the rain than spend the night here?” he inquired, just to make sure. “yes. I would!” she snapped dryly. She was sick of his funny smartness, his overconfident charm. And more importantly, she needed to get home. Her siblings would be fine, but she’d feel better being able to see that they were fine. That in mind, she rose from the soft couch and picked her bag. Adjusting her trousers, she headed straight for the door. Kay followed behind. She refused to turn back and see the look of disappointment that he’d obviously developed. She was tempted to stay enough as it were.

Kay quietly asked Bola to step aside when she reached the door so he could pull open the metal bars that kept him safe at night. He hoped she’d be safe this night, what with the rain pouring and the time. Damn, it was past 9. He should have made her leave earlier, except he hadn’t wanted her to leave at all. With the bars opened, he swung open the door, letting in the windy rain. She darted from his side into the flooded courtyard, each step a long hop as she tried unsuccessfully to keep her clothes dry. She was nearly at the rusty gate when she slipped and fell side-first into the water. Without a second thought, he jumped into the rain, reaching her so fast that she, in the confusion, hit him right in the jaw. She stopped struggling when he called her name. Kay carried her back inside, laying her on the longest sofa then he turned and locked the door and headed straight to the store, pausing only to remove her phone from hers soaked bag. He buried it in his rice bowl and returned back to Bola.

She had used the time he was away to get out of her soaked jeans and shirt. She’d bruised her left elbow and was grateful that it wasn’t serious. It still stung though and she was grateful when Kay returned with his medical kit and a big, white towel. He didn’t move towards her, however, simply stared from the doorway slack jawed. “what?” she inquired. He simply ran his eyes the length of her body and smirked again. “well, I guess you’re going to sleep here.”. “of course you’d like that” she retorted.

After cleaning her wound and wrapping her up, Kay left to attend to her clothes and then to prepare a pot of tea, because even though she insisted that she was fine, she couldn’t keep her teeth from clattering. He put the kettle on fire and sat down on the island, groaning with his face in his palms. Things had definitely spiraled out of control. He wanted to fuck her. That much he knew. But he definitely didn’t expect that she would sleep here tonight. He’d tried to make her stay, but he’d done it half-heartedly. Now, he’d have t_. Hands wrapped around him, a body moved in between his knees and lips kissed his forehead. “thank you” she whispered in his ear.

Bola had grown bored and cold waiting for him. At first she’d stared at the surreal paintings that adorned the walls, losing herself in their swirling patterns and reminding herself that they were all Kay’s work. She’d wondered how a person’s mind could conjure up such things, how his hands could birth such beauty. Then she’d started picturing what those hands could do to her body, what pleasures they could give. She’d imagined many, many things and when she’d started to feel warm inside, she decided to find him. When she saw him in the kitchen, he seemed tired. She stood by the doorway, watching him sit still atop a corner of the cement island, his face in his hands. Something about seeing his lean, dark frame in that position made her feel sad and so she went to comfort him, to love him.
And now, as he caught her tongue between his teeth, his arms enclosing her and his phallus poking her belly, all she could think was that her siblings would be fine.

All thought had faded for Kay’s mind the moment their lips had met. She tasted of mint, her lips were soft, softer than he expected. Her breasts were firm and the nipples peeked just above the cup of the black bra she wore. He slid his thumb across one and she shivered, gasping into his mouth. For some reason this made him harder. He switched their positions, sitting her on the concrete now warmed by his buttocks. Before either of them knew it, her bra was gone. And his mouth was latched unto a nipple while a hand ravaged the other boob. He’d alternate from boob to boob, sucking and licking and gnawing and biting and all the while she was making a cacophony of gasps and moans and yelps and once, when she came, a scream. Voice hoarse, she demanded that he take his shorts off. When he wasn’t fast enough, she pushed him, making him stumble and hit the wall she was in front of him before he could even balance himself. Dragging down the black shorts, she swallowed him whole, gagging near instantly. “oh good God!” Kay yelled.

She started slow, licking the length of dick with the tip of her tongue, she kissed the head, wishing she had some vanilla ice cream. While her mouth worked its magic she looked up at him. His eyes were closed, his face a warzone where pleasure battled with control. Pleasure won, however, how could it not? He began to thrust. Gently at first but soon, his control slipped even more out of his grasp and he became much rougher, and she loved it. He stopped when she choked, though. She wanted him to continue instead, he kissed her deep and long and led her to his bedroom.

“Condoms or no?” Kay asked as he put on the lights.
“No” came the reply. “Alright” he grinned ” Let’s take a bath, there’s hot water.”. He lost his remaining clothes and headed to the bathroom. Inside, he put on the water heater and sat on the bathtub’s edge, waiting for Bola. He didn’t have to wait long. She opened the door slowly and stepped in, nude. She was beautiful, he thought, taking in the sight of her. Her long, straight legs, the thick thighs that lead to a lithe waist that held a few waistbeads, waistbeads that drew attention to the dark triangle that covered her mound. His eyes lingered there for a while and he licked his lips, unconsciously of course. Moving higher, he gazed upon her belly, flat except for a small spiral bellybutton. Only the faintest hint of her ribs could be seen. Her boobs demanded his attention. Two firm, round hills upon the terrain of her body, topped by stiff, pointy nipples, the shade of which, along with the areola, was a brown so dark it seemed black, as opposed to the rest of her that was a light brown. When his eyes wandered to her face, to the full lips, the small, cute nose that he loved to tease her about and those eyes.… in the glaring white fluorescent, her eyes looked dark, yet they were warm and they watched him, waited for him, so he went to meet them.

Upon entering the bathroom, she’d been startled by how brilliant the light in there was. The room was large, a shower in the left corner and a toilet bowl in the middle. To the far right was a long, white bathtub on which Kay sat, watching her. The way he stared at her, as though he were seeing a goddess. She knew she wasn’t all that pretty and she knew she didn’t have the best body but the way he looked at her wiped away all doubts. Just as she were about to say something funny, he stood up and started coming towards her. The way he moved. How could she have missed it beneath the clothes?
He was lean, lean enough that it made him appear a lot taller than he was. And yet, he was built. His legs were corded from years of running, his abs were there, not so obvious they seemed glued on, but obvious enough that they couldn’t be ignored. His chest was adorned with a ‘c’ shaped scar above the right breast. Unbidden, her eyes followed the happy trail that began just below his chest and gradually got wider and thicker till it met the bush of black hair that lay just before his penis. And that penis? Erect in all its thick, curved glory. It made her tingle just to look at it. Before she could examine more, he had reached her and she could see that, apart from his head and his nether regions, his body was nearly hairless. “You have so little hair.” she mouthed, grinning. He laughed ” And it’s a blessing! You have enough hair for both of us”. She tried and failed to hit him as he took in her lips again, pushing her against the door. His hands went back to work and soon his mouth joined them as he worked his way down her body. When he reached her pussy, he gently spread her legs and, seeing that she was so wet she’d began to drip, started kissing her thighs, lapping up the runaway juice. Soon she had a leg hanging over his shoulder while her hands grabbed fistfuls of his hair. She continually ground her cunt into his face, moaning so loudly the room echoed.

He was almost suffocating when she came again. Her thighs tightened around his head as she trembled, moaning a long, deep moan. When she freed him, Kay looked up at her and grinned “Now we can bathe.”
Instead, she went to the bathtub and leaned over, presenting herself to him. Nigga didn’t even waste time as he came up behind her and slipped in. His first thought was ‘tight’, his second; ‘warm’. Positioning himself so that he could grab a fistful of her long, black hair and at he same time spank her to oblivion, he began to thrust, deep, hard smacking thrusts that had her begging for more. Soon, her butt cheeks were red and her voice hoarse and yet he didn’t stop. He turned her over, sitting her on the edge of the tub and continued to ram her, sucking on her nipples as he wished. She had her feet clamping him from behind as they moved in unison, the slap slap of their sex drowning even the sound of the rain outside.

She couldn’t count how many times she came. It had all started to seem like one long, unending orgasm for her. Curved dicks did really take you places, she mused as she cried out in joy. He got faster just when she’d thought that impossible, his face twisting in a expression of utter mindless pleasure. He pulled out just in time to spill his semen upon her belly, the white, creamy mass mixing in with the sweat. Exhausted, he gazed at her with a weird expression, part reverence, part lust. Amused, she stroked his dick and chimed, “now, we can bathe.”.

Hey guys! If you liked this and would like more, let me know.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/d97wts/kays_dick