Before you is a door with a sign that says, “Surrender”.
You can step through the door if you want to.
With full knowledge of your surrender if you do.
Or not. You can choose some other door, or no door at all, if you prefer. It’s your choice, your informed choice, your consent, your decision.
Most people do not.
They pass by the door, sometimes avoiding even letting anyone else see that they *noticed* the door.
Perhaps they have no interest in surrender.
Perhaps they don’t have the courage.
Perhaps they would want to see others surrender first.
Perhaps they would surrender if they saw everyone else surrender, and then would rush forward to not be left out.
In any case, you can step through the door, if you want to. Or not, if you don’t want to.
It only takes one step.
Step through the door, and you haven’t surrendered *yet*.
However, your surrender is now inevitable.
Before you stretches a corridor. Behind you the door closes and locks.
You could, of course, just stay here. At the end of the corridor. Forever.
But why would you? Eventually, sooner or later, you’d at least get bored.
There’s only one option, one possibility.
To walk down the corridor.
Which you can do whenever you want. Delay for however long you want. And eventually, after a minute… an hour… a day… you’ll walk down the corridor.
And ever step takes you closer to surrender.
There’s a transcendental nature to surrender. Of an otherwise unattainable safety.
Not in an absolute sense, of “if the Earth were hit by an asteroid, you’d be safer.”
But in that your safety is no longer your responsibility.
In ordinary life, you can always make some poor or bad decision that would lead you to be unsafe.
In surrender, you cannot. Choosing unsafety is no longer an option.
Before you is the door. You can step through if you want to. Or not, if you don’t want to.
There’s no pressure, no urgency. There’s no need to surrender today.
The door will still be here tomorrow. Next week. Next month. Next year.
It takes no colossal effort to surrender. No enormous struggle. No great effort.
All you need to do is step through the door.
That’s all.
If you want.
Awesome. I have found this so true in my life, glad to still be walking down the corridors of life