24 hour sex slave [MF] [hands-free] [blowjob] [exhibitionism]

Preamble: my wife likes it when I write her sexy stories. This time I gave her several themes to choose from, and she chose “24 hour sex slave” – so this is that.


**Part 1**

You’re lying in bed. Even after all these years, you think to yourself, this bed is so comfortable, You feel like you could sleep all morning. It was already 9 AM — the longest you’d stayed in bed for close to a decade. The kids were gone on a weekend trip to Chicago with their grandparents from Texas which meant you really could sleep all morning if you wanted to. But regardless of how comfortable you were you didn’t want to sleep the day away— you had other plans. You could hear me moving dishes around in the kitchen.

“Alexa, set a timer for 24 hours,” you hear me say from a distance.

“24 hours, starting now.” she replies.

Oh yeah, you thought to yourself—24 hours. You were trying to act surprised and fool yourself into thinking you had forgotten, that you maybe you weren’t the type of girl who agreed—looked forward to, even—to being a sex slave for 24 hours. But you definitely had not forgotten. In fact it had been on your mind all week. Knowing we had a weekend at home alone, we had been talking about something fun and sexy to do, some way to spice things up in our relationship, and this is one that you picked off the list of suggestions I made.

“Be my sex slave for 24 hours” it read. The truth is you were apprehensive bit it still made you wet to think about it—about being used. I suppose that’s why you picked it. Sometimes you fantasized about this very thing—my temporary disregard for niceties or your attention to your own pleasure and feelings in favor of being completely taken, about having your body objectified by me and used for my pleasure alone, no matter what I dream up. Sometimes you just wanted to not have to think for yourself and instead go along with every little thing that you’re told. It’s easier that way, at least when it comes to sex. There was a freeing feeling that came with that.

The sound of my footsteps snaps you back into reality and your body tenses as I open the door and lay down on the bed beside you. I spoke to you in a whisper.

“I’m sure you heard me set the timer. The 24 hours have begun. I want you to know I am taking this very seriously. The next 24 hours is for me and me alone, and my intention is to take full advantage of this time.

“Now, some rules for the next 24 hours. The first rule is that if you break any rules you will be punished in a manner I see fit. To give you a hint, I’ve had a vision in my head of your ass with bright red marks across it all week. The second rule is that you are not to speak unless I ask you to speak. When I tell you to do something you are to say “yes sir” and nothing else. If you have something to say you must ask for permission first. If I grant you permission then you may speak. The third and final rule is that, as my slave for the next 24 hours, you will do exactly as you are told.

“Now, I want you to get up and take a long, hot shower, and get very clean. Shave your entire body, including your pussy. Take your time. Get completely ready for the day, but do not put any clothes on. Meet me in the living room when you are done.

“Yes sir,” you said, remembering to follow the rules, and headed towards the bathroom.


**Part 2**

Hello there my obedient slave. I am so happy, so proud that you just want to please me. I will take good care of you, but you must know that care comes at a cost. The cost is yourself: your body and your soul. You see, you must give those to me, for me to own, and in return you will be taken care of and safe from everything here in this horrible, fucked up world. You can leave all of that behind and never worry about it again because you are safe with me. In fact none of it even really exists or matters anymore. This is your new reality. From now on it is just you and I, together as one, here in this cocoon, me as your protector, you as my obedient slave to serve me in whatever ways I may desire. And I will tell you, I have many desires, and being your protector makes me hungry to have those desires fulfilled. It feels like a fair trade-off, no? Everlasting love and protection for unfettered control over your mind and body. You will have nothing to worry about with me as your protector, nothing to fear.

You make your way from the shower to the living room where I wait. The sun shines brightly through the open plantation shutters, reflecting off of your naked body, illuminating it and warming it. Regardless, your body shivers, your skin filled with goosebumps. The sun on your naked skin is a unique sensation. It is invigorating, and you realize you have never felt it so directly on your skin in such an intimate way. You immediately want more of the sun, hotter, enveloping your body, no inch left to shadow and cold.

I am sitting on the couch, and you present yourself in front of me. “I see that you have showered and shaved yourself,” I say.

I run my finger down your thigh, your skin freshly cleaned, warm and waxy. I put my hands on your hips and pull your body close to me, my mouth against your stomach. I breath in deeply, taking in the smell of some flowery lotion or soap or something mixed with a scent most simply described as You. I kiss your stomach and breath deeply again, brushing my coarse beard across your skin, trying my best to take all of you inside of me in one breath.

“Come sit down,” I tell you.

Now leaning back on the couch, I spread my legs and direct your body in between them, your back against my chest. “Close your eyes,” I whisper in your ear, and your body melts into mine and we are one. Our heartbeats beat with one another, our breath in rhythmic sync. The sun shines brighter into the room now, a large swath of light across your pussy, brightening and warming it ever so slightly above the rest of your body. With your eyes closed you are no longer in the living room, in our house, on our planet, in our dimension. I continue to whisper in your ear.

“We are on a beach somewhere. Listen. Feel. You don’t know how but you can actually—listen!— hear the waves crash against one another, feel the sand between your toes. You can feel the sun kissing every inch of your naked body and warming it to the most perfect temperature.”

A warm, tingling sensation makes its way throughout your body, up from your toes and through your legs, up in and out and around your stomach, through your chest and into your mind it swirls. Your body hums with each syllable of my voice as I continue.

“That feeling you feel in your body,” I whisper, “the warm one racing around, I want you to focus on that feeling, try to capture it and keep it one place. I will help you find it, and when you do you must hold on to that little ball of energy. See? Start at your toes. You can feel that warmness in your toes, yes, like sun-baked sand, there it is, don’t you feel it? In your toes and moving ever so slightly up into your feet and through your ankles. Your body is an empty container being slowly filled with a warm and relaxing feeling, the most pleasurable feeling you’ve ever felt. That feeling is rising—do you feel it? Yes you do, rising up your feet and into your legs, slowly, and with it the pleasure is rising, and I want you to know… no, I need to warn you, that feeling, when it hits you in the right spots, you may not be able to contain yourself.”

The hum in your body is now a vibration, your face flush pink. Though your naked body remains pressed against mine—the only place where we are touching—your mind is off in a completely different world, a world filled with pleasure. You wonder how you can feel such pleasure from words alone, without being touched… your legs shaking, the hair on your neck stands tall, your pussy wet and throbbing with each word as I continue whispering into your ear.

“It may not be overwhelming yet, my little slave, but as it rises up your legs so too will your pleasure until you can no longer take it anymore. Your legs are nearly full now and this ball of energy will get more focused as it continues its way up your body—don’t lose it, keep your focus on it as its warmth grows and rises up your thighs, yes, good, you’re still there, I can tell by the way your body is moving and pressing against mine, you can feel the energy enter you, consume you. I want you to let that energy inside of you, let it in, let it fill you from the inside.”

The vibration that worked its way through your feet and up your legs and into your thighs is now spiraling between your legs and finally through your pussy like the power of a thousand tongues licking and sucking your clit and your body writhes, your mind blank, pussy tingling and contracting with each release of pleasure. Every concern and responsibility and feeling of guilt melts away with the sun. You have let it all go, everything, everything, everything from your mind is gone, it is only you and me and us and the sun and this beach and our bodies and our minds, together as one, our heartbeats and breath in sync. You let out an uncontrollable moan of pleasure as it continues to coarse through your veins, your pussy contracting and pulsating in orgasmic waves. It is intense and overwhelming, just like I promised, yet your body and mind begs for something new: to be touched. So close we are yet so far, and you want nothing more than for this orgasm to continue, to intensify, with the touch of my hand against your throbbing clit. You know—more than anything—that one simple touch, one delicate swirl of my fingers against your wet pussy, would bring you to a level you have no words for, and you’ve wanted nothing more in your life than to have it, to ask for it, to beg for it. But you also know, my obedient little slave, that I have given you rules and you wouldn’t dare go against my wishes, so you keep quiet, or as quiet as you possibly can, while your breath and body recovers. to something resembling normal.

“I know you want it, my love,” I tell you softly into your ear. “You did so good. I know you want me to touch you. I know how much you would love to feel my cock deep inside of you right now. But we are just beginning our journey, and there is much more to come.”


**Part 3**

My truck bounces down the highway, passing through slow moving big rigs like traffic cones on I-44. We’re headed west, though you’re not sure where we’re going. All you know is back home I handed you a short blue sun dress, the bare minimum to not be naked in public, and told you to put it on, we’re leaving. Despite the sun dress and Converse on your feet, you still feel very naked.

“Lift up your skirt,” I say, motioning towards your legs. You shoot me a look that says “really?” but say nothing, and inch your skirt halfway up your thighs hoping that’s enough. “That’s not enough,” I say with a smile, and grab your skirt from behind, lifting it out from under your butt and over your hips. “There we go.”

We continue down the highway, your bottom half exposed which is causing a real distraction for me. “Come here, put your foot up,” I say, grabbing your left knee and pulling it up until your foot rests over the glove compartment, leaving your legs now spread. “Play with yourself.”

You look to your left and right, cars all around us, and wonder if they can see inside. Fortunately my truck is tall enough to offer some amount of privacy, you hope. I adjust my rear view mirror so that it points down towards you. Nobody seems to notice as you reach your hand between your legs and rest two fingers on your clit, remembering now just how bad you wanted to be touched earlier. It feels incredible, finally, to give your pussy what it wants, that direct stimulation you craved so much earlier, and the fact that you’re breezing down the highway at 70mph for all to see adds an exciting element to the situation. Your fingers feel wet and warm, sticky with sex, and you lean back and close your eyes and continue to circle your clit softly, moaning under your breath. I reach over and pull the straps on your dress down, dropping your dress below your tits, seatbelt firmly between them, as they softly bounce with the grooves in the road. You’re certain now that anyone in a car as tall or taller than my truck can see what’s going on, though you care less than you did before, and now both of your legs are on the dashboard.

What you don’t notice is an 18-wheeler, a big red bastard, coming up in the right hand lane going considerably slower than we are. As we come up on its backside, you finally take notice: its chrome stacks blowing inky black smoke into the sky. Snapping out of your daze you attempt to cover up, taking your feet off the dashboard.

“Keep going,” I say, motioning towards you while I let up off the gas enough to pace the big rig before we approach the cab. “I want him to see you, go back to what you were doing.”

Hesitating, you put your left foot back on the dashboard, one hand back on your pussy while the other shields your face. We creep closer to the truck’s cab, your face flush and heart racing, and surprise yourself by leaning towards the passenger window, facing the upcoming truck driver, tits out, fingers deep inside your pussy. Now side-by-side with the rig I tap the horn once, getting the driver’s attention, and you turn your face away, towards me, smiling, blushing, but your fingers continue to circle your clit, spreading your wetness around. Though you can’t see it, the man looks down and smiles, shifting in his seat, his eyes on your pussy and tits, looking away just long enough to keep from veering off the road and into a fiery wreck. We keep pace for what feels like minutes, though is probably only seconds, and your realization that this is the first man other than your husband that has seen you masturbate leaves your pussy wetter than ever. My heart beats fast too, my cock hard and throbbing with the thrill of letting another man in on our most intimate moments, forever burning into a stranger’s mind the image of you, my obedient, innocent slave, with your legs spread, pussy glistening, face flush with a mix of excitement and embarrassment. I need you right now, I need your warm mouth around my cock, I need your lips and tongue. I gun the engine and leave the big rig, a blast from his horn as a thank you trailing behind us as we make our way down the ramp of the next exit, a rest stop.

We park in the back corner of the lot, maple trees as tall as buildings shading us from the hot sun. I take your face in my hands and bring it to my own, kissing you deeply. My heart continues to race, thinking about what just happened. Our bond feels different, somehow stronger yet fresh and new like the time we drunkenly made out on the old wooden deck, punk rock music in the background. You were my girl then and now more than ever, but giving up a piece, however little, however brief, of you to some other man has both my heart and dick swelling in a intoxicating mix of lust and love. I need you now, more than ever, I need you right now, I need to take what is mine and give you what is yours and no one else.

In a single movement I adjust my seat backwards and unbutton my pants, pulling my cock out of my jeans. I grab your hand and lean your body over the seat and into my lap where your bare breasts now lay, your mouth facing my throbbing cock. You start deep, taking me fully into your warm mouth and I close my eyes, moaning, grateful to have such a cute, obedient slave. I don’t even have to ask. You work my cock slowly like a good girl, just how I like it, at once very deep and then slowly up to my head where you pause and swirl your tongue around in a way that reminds me how you know me so well, bringing me closer to the edge each time you do it.

You’re on your knees now, bare ass facing the passenger-side window—can anyone see? Don’t know, don’t care—and I pull and pinch and squeeze your hard nipples, turning shockwaves of pain downward into pleasure in your pussy, your wet mouth bringing me closer and closer to the point of no return. I want nothing more in this world than to be exactly where I am right now with you. The thought of being anywhere else with anyone else doing anything else is impossible to even conceive, and I stroke your hair gently as you lick and suck and kiss the cum to the edge of release. Both of my hands on your head now, my hips thrusting myself deeper inside your mouth, I ache to let go, of everything, my mind blank, my cum desperate to release, desperate to be shared, until it finally and forever it is flowing freely and filling your mouth quickly, the warm, salty taste of love and passion and sex.

“Come here,” I say, bringing your head to mine, and I kiss you, tasting and sharing my cum with you, your hand now around my cock, still pulsing with the last few remains which now leaks down my weakening shaft and onto your skin.


**Part 4**: coming soon

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/d8sk9e/24_hour_sex_slave_mf_handsfree_blowjob