The Spa – Part One [mf]

It was Thursday and the week so far had been unbearably long. The office was constantly busy at this time of year and work was piling up before my eyes. The strain had obviously started to show on my face too as I responded to yet another colleague asking if I felt alright. Although I’d force a smile and brush off their concern the truth was that I felt terrible, especially with the summer heat wave in full force.

“You need to get away my friend.” The cheerful voice shook me out of my daydream, and I turned to see Paul leaning casually in the doorway. I considered him my closest friend at work and we often went out for a drink in the evening.

“You noticed? This place is killing me.”

“Take a break then, go somewhere nice for the weekend.” Paul was always optimistic, a feature which I envied greatly.

“Yeah I wish. I’ve got loads of clients to see tomorrow and I’ll need to write those reports over the weekend.” It was true, I had been working almost non-stop for the last month. I sighed as my eyes fell on the pile of papers in front of me.

“I tell you what, take a long weekend off. I’ll cover your clients tomorrow and sort the reports out; I’ve already got the figures.” His eyes had lit up and he walked to my desk. “A friend of mine runs a health spa just outside of town. I’ll call in a favour he owes me and book you in for the weekend.” I smiled at the thought of a break and accepted his very kind offer. With a wink he strode out of my office and left me to struggle with the piles of paper.

The rest of the day passed surprisingly quickly as my thoughts drifted to the coming weekend and the lack of computer screens. I was also suddenly glad of the heat and imagined that it would make for some ideal relaxation. As the building began to empty I gathered up my bag and made for the door, joining the rest of the homeward flow in the corridor. There was a quick tap on my shoulder and a piece of paper was thrust under my nose.

“Okay, it’s all set. Here’s the directions.” Paul was walking at my side now, with a satisfied grin across his face.

“So what’s this place like?”

“Oh you’ll love it, it’s an exclusive members only thing. Really new as well.” I wasn’t really that bothered about the place, anywhere would feel like paradise right now.

“Thanks for doing this Paul, I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it, you need a break more than I do. Just make sure you come back on Tuesday with a tan.” He patted me on the back as we reached the front door and turned towards his car as I did the same.

I was happy to see that the morning brought with it the same hot sunshine as yesterday, even more happy knowing that I wouldn’t be driving to work today. With my bag packed I began the journey out of the city, smiling as the buildings got smaller and the fields opened up in front. The journey didn’t take long and I was soon turning up a gravel path, at the end of which stood a very modern-looking, white cluster of buildings in amongst the trees. As I parked in front I couldn’t help noticing that my car was by far the cheapest and looked thoroughly out of place. I guess Paul hadn’t been exaggerating about it being exclusive. The reception area looked equally expensive with leather sofas and a wide marble floor. In contrast the receptionist was warm and friendly, and I found myself thinking how beautiful she was. Shaking off these thoughts it wasn’t long before I was holding my room key and walking down the corridor that led to my door, passing a couple of people in robes as I went. My room, like the rest of the place, was modern and comfortable, with a double bed and a small bathroom separated by an opaque screen. There was even a small balcony that looked out over some gardens. With memories of the office far away I quickly changed into my swimming trunks and found the complementary robe hung in the closet.

I’d been lying by the pool for half an hour, after having had a long swim, enjoying the sun. The other guests looked like young professional types, just as I had expected, and there were a handful sunbathing and enjoying the pool. Looking around at them now through the haze my eye caught a young figure at the far end, just coming out of the building. She had dark hair that fell about her shoulders and was wearing a robe similar to the one I had not long taken off. The difference was that hers came down just past her hips, giving a great view of her long, tanned legs. As she turned to look for a suitable sunbathing spot I caught a glimpse of her dark eyes and full lips, feeling my heart quicken as I did so. My staring came to an abrupt halt though, as our eyes met and I turned away in embarrassment. I buried my face in a magazine that was lying nearby, waiting for the coast to clear.

A couple of minutes passed before I lowered the magazine, noticing as I did so that it had been upside down. A face smiled at me from across the pool; the dark-haired girl had found a sun bed directly opposite my own and had taken off the robe. The rest of her body was as tanned as her legs, gorgeous skin only broken by a pure white bikini stretched across her large chest and the tiny thong that lay on her hips. A quiet giggle escaped her lips as she glanced towards my still upside down magazine. I gave her a smile back, turned the magazine the right way up and pretended to read. Glancing back across the pool I saw that the mysterious girl was now spraying lotion over herself. After finishing with the bottle she put it down and rubbed the oil in, starting with her arms. Leaving golden skin glistening in the sun her hands worked their way up to her neck and down to the patch between her breasts, my eyes following them all the way. Suddenly they stopped their movement, and I saw that her gaze was now fixed on me. Too far gone in my own fantasy I didn’t look away this time. The girl leaned forward and stretching a leg out her hands continued the massage, trailing up towards the line of her bikini and back down. Despite the 10 metres between us I could almost feel her smooth skin under my own fingers, the oil spreading and with each movement up her thighs I could feel the heat from her body. I was suddenly aware of my own arousal, the stiffness growing underneath my shorts. She knew it too; her eyes were still fixed intently upon me. With one last stroke up her leg she lay back and brought her hands to her stomach, rhythmically massaging herself.

The activity in the pool had subsided, most of the swimmers had now retired to their sunbeds and only a couple were left in the water. Each movement of the girl’s fingertips came closer and closer to the top of her panties, and each time I felt a surge run through me. With her dark eyes still staring at me she brought a knee up before dipping her hand underneath the tight material of her thong, letting out a silent gasp as she did so. It was easy to see her finger stroking up and down, knowing she had my full attention she closed her eyes and quickened the movements in her pants. The other guests beside the pool had barely noticed the girl’s arrival, let alone the show she was now putting on for me but I still needed to cover my hardened cock, which was straining against my shorts. Eyes still closed, the girl bit her lip and underneath the tight thong she pushed a finger into her waiting pussy. She began to slowly fuck herself, pumping her finger in and out, her raised knee hiding what she was doing. She raised her free hand to her breast and trailed a finger across the fabric, stopping at her hard nipple which was showing through. She now made circles around her nipple, and there was a movement underneath her thong as she pushed a second finger between her lips. I watched as she started to finger herself quicker, my cock desperate to fill her right there and then. A sudden roar of voices broke the intensity of the moment; a group of older men was coming towards the pool, joking noisily amongst themselves. I looked quickly back to the girl I wanted to fuck so badly, she was now perfectly still, her hand had found its way out of her thong and she was now just any other sunbather.

I had left the pool that afternoon still thinking about the dark girl and with my cock throbbing. After the men had arrived there was no repeat performance, in fact she got up to leave as they got in the water. Having had a shower in my room it was now 7pm, which meant that dinner would shortly be served downstairs. I headed down and found that a buffet table had been laid out. The dinner progressed slowly, my mind occupied with thoughts of the girl from that afternoon meant that I found conversation with the other guests difficult, and my imagination ran wild as I kept thinking I had spotted her out of the corner of my eye. Finally the meal ended and I got up to leave the room, saying goodnight to the people who I was sitting with before heading towards the lift. Inside, I pressed the button for my floor and the doors started closing. Suddenly a hand was thrust between them and they stopped abruptly, before slowly opening again. On the other side was the girl from the poolside, now wearing a tight black cocktail dress instead of the sexy bikini. She stood still for a moment, giving me the same stare as she had done earlier. Then all at once she laid a hand on my chest, pushing me back against the wall and pressing the button once more. Now face to face in the cramped lift she was shorter than I had thought, although her legs were just as long and slender. She pressed her body against me as the doors closed and I could feel her firm breasts through the thin material of her dress. With her thigh firmly against my crotch I was sure she could feel every inch of my cock, which was getting harder as each moment passed. I opened my mouth to utter some useless comment but was silenced by a finger placed to my lips, it didn’t stay there long as she began softly stroking her fingertip down my chin and neck, past every button on the front of my shirt until it finally came to rest at the top of my trousers. She bit her lip as she had done at the poolside and hooked her finger inside my trousers, pulling me even closer against her tight body. Now snaking a hand inside she quickly found my dick and I felt her fingers slowly wrap around me. She started making long strokes up and down my shaft whilst beginning to grind her hips against mine, it wasn’t long before I was again desperate to fuck her, to rip her dress off right there and watch her sweat and moan as I filled her cunt. For the second time that day a heated moment with her was extinguished, as the lift doors opened and her hand left me on the edge of cumming.
“Swim tonight?” She whispered, adjusting her dress and turning to leave. I watched as her cute arse walked away from me, all the while screaming inside and feeling my cock straining against my trousers. She already knew my answer.

My mind was in a daze as I sat down now on the bed. I didn’t know how long I had been sat there, going over what had happened that day and what could happen if I accepted the girl’s invite. The sounds of people returning to their rooms had died down outside and I prepared to leave for the pool. Her question in the lift hadn’t given me much to go on, but desperate to see her again I decided to go.

The pool was dark and silent as I arrived, and there was nobody to be seen as I stood at the edge. As my eyes adjusted a shadow rose from one of the sunbeds on the far side and walked into view. My stomach made a familiar leap when the unnamed girl stood there. In silence her hands reached to the edge of her skirt and delicately pulled it over her head, dropping it by her side. Although I could now see her fully nude body I had little time to appreciate it as she dove into the pool, swimming underwater until she reached the steps leading to where I was standing. She broke the surface and climbed the steps, all whilst her eyes looked straight into mine. The water ran down her skin in small rivulets, past the droplets that had formed on her tits with some trapping themselves in the thin strip of hair that led down to her mound below. She was more beautiful than ever in the moonlight and now standing in front of me naked, wet and with eyes full of lust, my desire reached a point where I could control it no more. She stepped towards me, her hands again on my chest, this time she began to undo the buttons of my shirt before taking it off and throwing it to the floor. She continued to undress me piece by piece until I stood close to her naked as she was and the head of my erection was rubbing against her flat stomach. This time she paid little attention to it and instead took my hand and led me into the water.

The cold took me by surprise and I pulled the girl’s body closer, feeling her warmth as her skin slid against mine. She put her arms around my shoulders and at the same time wrapped her legs around my body. Pressing my lips to hers we kissed slowly at first, then each losing ourselves to passion our tongues met and her taste filled my mouth. I stood there as she hung onto my body and I could feel her hard nipples pressed against my chest, rubbing against me with every breath she took. As our we continued massaging our tongues together I felt her nipples rub faster and the girl in my arms would moan softly into my mouth. She slid down my body until my stiff cock touched her pussy. Without breaking the kiss she reached down between us and guided my head between her lips. Her hips slid down further and inch by inch my shaft disappeared inside her. With a slight gasp she felt all of my cock inside and then tensing her arms against my shoulders she lifted herself up and then back down on me. Her cunt slid easily on my cock and soon she was moaning and thrusting her hips, wanting me deeper inside. She let go of my shoulders and lay back against the side of the pool, and as her hands gripped the edge her legs wrapped round my waist and pulled us together. Now holding her hips I thrust the length of my cock into her hot slit, pounding faster each time. Her head fell back as she moaned louder and I felt her thighs tighten as I filled up her cunt. In another movement she raised her body onto the poolside and spread her legs as she lay back. With my cock at the right height I teased the opening of her wet pussy, sliding my head up and down her lips.
“Fuck me, please, fuck me.” Escaped from her mouth between moans. Both soaking wet our bodies met again and I ploughed into her faster than before, her hands grasping at her tits. With one last moan her pussy tightened on my cock sending me into my own orgasm. With each convulsion I filled her with my hot cum, pumping deep inside until at last we both relaxed. With a sigh I lifted myself onto the poolside and lay next to the girl who was still panting and covered in sweat. Having had my thoughts full of this mysterious girl since the afternoon a smile crept over my face as I looked at her, now lying naked next to me. Her eyes were closed and with each breath her breasts rose. But I wasn’t the only one appreciating the dark beauty’s body; in a darkened window another face was also smiling, having watched the hot scene unfold.
