Beta Test – Part 1 [F]

The large box certainly looked out of place. Sure, it was sitting on the stairs where the mailman usually left packages. And sure, it had a clear address label on its top. But it didn’t look like any package Erin had ever received before. The 2-foot wide box was shaped like a cube and was jet black, with no apparent flaps or openings.

The box did have her name clearly printed on the top: Erin Feston, 119 Palm Blvd, and so the young woman who had just gotten home from work bent over to pick it up. The box was made of some hard plastic material and was heavier than Erin expected. She was able to get it up and into her house, wondering who on earth could have sent her such a box.

Erin set the box down in her living room with a grunt of relief and set about trying to get the thing open. There wasn’t a single discernable opening on any of the box’s six sides, and the hard plastic felt like it might be quite difficult to cut. There wasn’t even a return address listed, just the label with her own address. Since that label was the one thing that seemed removable, Erin pulled it off, and was rewarded by finding a note on the back that read:

“Congratulations, you have been randomly selected for a beta test of our new role-playing game. The box you have received contains highly advanced and proprietary technology. It is critical to us that we get an unbiased review of the game before bringing it to market. That is why we sought out random testers instead of self-selecting volunteers. If you agree to test this game, you must commit to total secrecy during the two-week testing period. You may play as much or as little as you want during that time. Testers will receive $500 at the end of the testing period. If you would like to participate, please say ‘I agree’.”

This was not at all what Erin was expecting. She hadn’t really known what to expect, but she never would have guessed this box would be an offer to make $500 for playing some new high-tech game. And all she had to do was not talk about it? That wouldn’t be a problem. Erin lived alone and she had recently broken up with her last boyfriend. She always got a bit of a geeky thrill out of new technology, and she didn’t have any other plans for her Wednesday night, so it didn’t take long for her to state out loud: “I agree.”

As soon as the words were uttered, the top of the box flipped up like a lid, revealing a 2-foot wide computer screen on its underside. Beneath the lid, the box was as solid as ever. “Cool,” thought Erin.

The screen came to life, displaying an androgynous humanoid form rotating slowly on a black background. A computer voice announced that the first step was to build the tester’s avatar. The voice then started asking Erin a string of basic questions.

As Erin told the box about herself – female, Caucasian, 30 years old, 5′-8″ tall, 125 pounds – the rotating figure on the screen began to take on her characteristics. The questions got more specific – inseam, bust, waist, hips, cup size – and the rotating avatar adopted the firm but curvy figure that Erin herself was so proud of.

The avatar stopped rotating and faced front as the box asked Erin to hold still while it took her picture. The box asked Erin to turn 90-degrees to her left and then to her right as it took more pictures. The avatar’s face then blurred and a second later resolved into an incredibly accurate representation of the new tester.

Erin was quite impressed as she watched herself rotate on the screen. This was more than just photo shopping her picture onto a computer image. It was as if she was actually watching herself on the screen. Every detail had been faithfully represented –her long dark hair, her small nose-ring, the necklace she wore around her slender neck. The avatar was even wearing the same flowery summer dress that Erin was wearing, which fluttered as it spun, showing off even more thigh than the real woman.

A small door opened on the side of the box, revealing a set of four red bands. The box instructed Erin to clip one band around each wrist and ankle, explaining that these would give her avatar the ability to mimic all of her movements. Erin did this without hesitation and was thrilled to see that her likeness now mirrored all of her own movements. When Erin raised her hand, her avatar raised its hand. When she jumped, it jumped. She got more excited about the game to come.

The box then gave her a short list of options for role-playing games, and Erin quickly picked out the Police Academy option. She had always thought fighting crime would be exciting, and her real career as a city environmental inspector was considerably less fun. The box gave her a brief run through of who her character was, then explained that from then on the box would give no more out-of-character instructions. All interactions between her and the game would be as her avatar: Erin Feston – new recruit.

The screen went black, then lit up to show Erin standing with a group of about ten or so other recruits in front of the police training academy headquarters. Captain Anderson, who was apparently in charge of the place, gave them a quick motivational speech, then directed them inside.

Erin’s avatar stood still for a moment as the rest of the group started leaving her behind. Then Erin quickly discovered that if she walked in place, her Avatar on the screen would walk forwards. It looked pretty sloppy at first, but she quickly got the hang of it. It was amazingly simple, really. It was also a hell of a lot of fun just to watch the depiction of herself do things like step up the stairs in time with her own raised legs or hold the door when she reached out with her arm.

Erin marveled at the technology. She had no idea that this was even possible, and she felt like she’d won a jack pot to get to be the one to test it.


To Be Continued…



  1. Oh the possibilities… I’m excited to see where this goes….

    Great work so far.

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