The Camgirl Part XXVIII: Plus One [FFM (ish)]

**XVIII: Liam**

As Liam turned the corner, walking hand in hand with Marie, he realized he had never actually seen her sorority house. It was just another vaguely colonial style house with wood paneling, like most of the frat and sorority houses in the neighborhood, but it definitely looked…cleaner than any of the frat houses Liam had been to.

“What exactly am I doing here again?” he asked as they walked up the driveway toward the back of the house, “I thought sorority stuff was always just sisters only.”

Marie smiled up at him. Her nerves from earlier when she had come over to his dorm room to dress him had definitely disappeared.

When he had received the text from her earlier today telling him that she was going to meet him at 10:00 on a Tuesday night and help him get ready for a party, Liam had almost thought his girlfriend was joking, but here he was, dressed in nice jeans and one of the few button-down’s he owned that fit his shoulders and arms nicely without being too short or too long. Liam was glad Marie hadn’t said anything about a tie–memories from high school band of having to play an instrument while a stupid school tie tried to cut off his windpipe still made his throat feel tight.

“Just think of it as my way of making things up to you,” Marie said, batting her lashes and squeezing his hand.

*She* looked incredible. Marie had gone with a silver dress tonight that hugged her body, showing off her trim waist and round ass, as well as silvery eyeshadow applied in some mystical way that called attention to her eyes without appearing too overly flashy.

“Marie,” Liam began, scrubbing a hand through his hair, “I told you, we’re fi–”

Marie leaned up on her tiptoes to silence him with a kiss.

“I know,” she said, smiling, “I had been thinking about doing this for a bit anyway, so just enjoy it, okay?”

Liam raised an eyebrow at her, but nodded, unsure if Marie was telling him everything. She hadn’t given him any reason not to trust him since her confession–though it had only been three days past–but Liam just didn’t see the point in frat parties. His main reason for going had been finding a girl to hook up with considering he didn’t have a lot of options in his classes, and he had never cared to drink anything at the frat parties he had been to. He thought Marie knew that, but…

*Maybe sorority parties are different?*

Liam would keep an open mind on that but doubted he would find the party as fun as Marie.

They were stopped at the door by one of Marie’s sorority sisters–apparently only guys from one frat had been allowed tonight and Liam was not even in a frat to begin with–but Marie said she had cleared it with one of their other sisters, and the girl let them through.

As they passed through the house, Marie made several introductions which Liam tried his best to remember. All the girls of Alpha Delta Pi were dressed impeccably–and all somehow just as attractive as Marie, if not more so. The few guys Liam saw were dressed like him, some with ties, some without.

They made their way through the house quickly with Marie in the lead, until they finally descended to the basement.

Loud, thumping bass music and the mix of sweat, stale beer, and those who had put on either cologne or perfume too heavily, assaulted Liam’s senses as they stepped off the stairs into the dimly lit room to join the throng of dancing co-eds.

So far, except for the sky-high level of attractiveness even the girls down here seemed to meet, it didn’t seem too different from a frat party to Liam.

He was about to ask Marie what exactly it was she wanted him to enjoy, when she pulled him over out of the way of the stairs and flung her arms around his neck, pulling his head down closer to hers.

“If you want,” she said in his ear, “I can find a girl to bring home with us?”

Liam blinked in surprise, pulling back to stare at Marie.

“What?” he said, disbelieving.

Marie pulled him back down to her, “I know I fucked up, so I might as well make it worth it. I want you to fuck me tonight. If you want to see me make out with another girl or eat out another girl or even fuck one as a part of that, I’m game.”

Liam blinked again, thinking he must have heard her wrong.

“Did Eli convince you to punk me?” he asked, “If he did, I’m going to kick–Hey!”

He cut off as Marie flicked his forehead before glaring up at him.

“Don’t be an idiot, Liam,” she said, nipping at his neck, “I want to have a threesome with you, but only if you’re okay with it. Do you want me to find a girl for us?”

Liam cleared his throat and nodded, cheeks burning as he realized Marie was serious, “Yeah. Yeah that sounds good.”

His cheeks somehow grew even hotter when Marie giggled, but any response he might have had was cut off when Marie forcefully pulled his head down and claimed his mouth.

When she finally pulled back, Liam’s jeans had become very tight. It didn’t help when Marie ground her hips against him and let out a low, throaty laugh, “Good. Now do you want me to pick, or do you want to try?”

Liam blinked, “Um. You—definitely you. I never really had a lot of luck before you.”

He’d told her that before, but as usual Marie shot him a doubtful look.

“Take out your phone and look like you couldn’t give a fuck about all the hot girls in here, got it?” She instructed, “I’ll send one over to you if you don’t attract any on your own first.”

Liam scrubbed a nervous hand through his hair, “What do I do then?”

Marie shrugged, “Talk? Dance with them?” Marie reached down and ran her fingers over his hard length through his jeans, “Just make sure they get to feel this, and I think we’ll be good.”

“What if they want to make out or have me feel them up?”

Marie brushed her fingertips over his cheeks, smiling, then leaned up to whisper in his ear, “Babe, I want to fuck another girl with you. Isn’t making out with her part of the plan?”

“I know, I just—you’re really okay with this?”

Marie shook her head, “Just try to get her to go home with you, okay? Imma go find a hottie for us to play with.”

Swallowing hard as he watched Marie walk away into the throng of dancing co-eds—she had to purposefully be swaying like that–Liam pulled out his phone and searched for something to occupy himself. He looked for some posts on music for a bit, but the more interesting ones were videos or audio, so he saved those for later and switched to reading a book he’d downloaded on his phone. Reading with all the background noise was sub optimal, but Liam made it through almost a whole chapter before he noticed someone coming up to him.

Like all the girls he’d seen so far at this party, the girl that met his gaze with a smile as she approached was incredibly attractive–the type he’d long seen as out of his league, and still did at times despite how beautiful Marie was. This girl wasn’t too tall or short, and neither too curvy nor too thin. Between the room’s dim lighting and the red and black of her ADP shirt, Liam didn’t get the best impression of her figure, but from what he could see, she looked fit. Her skin was smooth, and her lips had a pouting look to them despite her smile.

“Hey,” she said over the music, “Not having any fun at our party?”

Liam froze for a moment, but mentally slapped himself and managed to force out a reply, “No, I’m just not really the party-going type. I got dragged over here by a friend.”

*Ugh, why do I suck at this so much?*

The girl raised an eyebrow at him, and Liam responded with a nervous grin while sneaking glances about the room for a sign of Marie. If her idea was just to send a girl over to him, they’d be going home alone tonight.

To his surprise, however, this girl leaned in closer, putting a hand on his arm, “Oh, come on, a cute guy like you probably has a lot of fun whenever you go out. Or are you taken?”

“Not exactly,” Liam said, “I wouldn’t be hanging out by myself if I was with someone.”

That seemed to be the right thing to say as the girl smiled, “I’m Ashley, by the way.”

“Liam. Nice to meet you,” he tried to think of something to say, “So are you one of the sisters or are you rushing?”

She snorted tugging at her T-shirt in a way that gave Liam a much clearer picture of what was underneath, “I’m a sister. We don’t give these out to pledges.”

“Right.” Liam said, still scanning for Marie. He needed help.

“Do you dance?” the girl asked.

Liam was about to answer, when he found Marie. She had apparently seen him first, as she stared at him with wide eyes, shaking her head. When she noticed he’d seen her, she jerked her head in a “come here” motion.

Liam looked back to Ashley, “I do, but I’m still a little tired from dancing earlier. I’m going to go get a drink.”

He slipped away into the throng on the dance floor without waiting for a response, heart pounding and erection gone. Well, halfway gone. Ashley had still been hot, and had been giving him a chance, even if he’d blown it more and more with every word out of his mouth.

As Liam made his way toward Marie, he saw her excuse herself from talking to two blondes and make her way toward him.

“Thank God,” Liam said as she came within earshot, “You didn’t send her over, right? If you did, I’m going to need way more help than I thought.”

Marie smiled at him, but her eyes held a twinge of irritation

*Did she have second thoughts when she actually saw a girl flirting with me?* Liam didn’t think he would necessarily mind that.

“You saw the two girls I was talking to, right?” she asked.

Liam blinked, “Yeah. Is something–”

“Go talk to them. Either one will work, and I warmed them up for you. I’m going to go talk with Ashley.”

Liam swallowed at his girlfriend’s tone as she pushed through the crowd toward her sorority sister, deciding he wouldn’t ask about that unless Marie brought it up. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to look the way Marie had come and spotted the two girls. Both were very cute. One was taller and slimmer, arms looking more toned, while the other was had a much curvier build.

Liam approached them, hoping this time would go much better.

“Hey!” he said when one of them noticed him and smiled warmly, “I’m Liam.”

The girls grinned, exchanging a look before returning their attention to him and nodding.

The curvier extended a hand, “I’m Alice.”

Liam hadn’t expected a handshake, but took it nonetheless, “Nice to meet you, Alice.”

He repeated the greeting with Leah, the slimmer one.

“So, you know Marie pretty well, right?” Alice asked.

Liam blinked, and scrubbed a hand through his hair as he cleared his throat, “Yeah, you could say that.”

Both giggled at that for some reason.

“Uh, what did Marie say about me?” he asked.

That elicited more giggles before Alice answered, “Well, she told us that you were a little shy. Looks like she was right about that.”

“I think it’s cute,” Leah assured him, laying a hand on his wrist.

“Thanks,” Liam said, gaining a bit of confidence, “Just that?”

They exchanged another look.

“A few other things,” Leah said, giving him a suggestive look, “though I don’t know if I believe them just yet.”

Liam felt his dick twitch at that. He had a feeling he knew exactly what Marie had told them.

Ashley leaned over and whispered something in Leah’s ear. The taller girl responded, nodding, then looked back to Liam, “Want to dance with us?”

Liam blinked, “Both of you? I mean, sure.”

Laughing, each girl grabbed an arm and pulled him onto the dance floor.

For a moment, Liam had no idea what to do–he hadn’t danced in a while save with Marie, and that was usually holding her to him while they ground against each other.

The girls took care of that, however, as the two girls stood in front of him and Leah backed up into his front, taking his hands and placing them at her hips before starting to rotate her hips to the music. The familiarity gave Liam a bit more confidence, and he felt himself fall into a rhythm, moving his hips in time with Leah’s and the music while Alice danced facing Leah, body swaying with her arms up in the air, eyes flickering back and forth between him and Leah with suggestive smiles.

Liam felt himself grow and harden as Leah ground her ass against his hips. Near the end of the second song, he felt her flinch against him, then grind her hips even faster, pressing reaching behind to pull his hips against her ass. They danced that way for a while before the girls switched, and it took even less time for Alice to notice his erection and realize what it was. After a few more songs, Alice stepped away and whispered something to Leah. Leah said something back that Liam couldn’t hear, but the slim girl’s expression was halfway between pleading and expectant. They exchanged a few more words, then Alice turned back around and slipped her arms around Liam’s neck. Before he knew it, her mouth was on his, lips and tongue working feverishly. When she finally broke the kiss, she leaned closer, and her voice was breathy and hot on his ears, “Leah gets you tonight, but she’s going to give you my number.”

Liam blinked, stunned as Alice smiled at him, then walked off toward the drink station. Leah caught his attention as she stepped close to him and resumed dancing, fingers on the back of his neck as she smiled up at him.

“What was that about?” he asked leaning in.

“Marie told us you were really good in bed and that you had a nice big cock,” she said, “Alice and I figured we should see if she was telling the truth on the second part, at least, and I get to find out the first part. If you want me to go home with you, that is.”

Liam couldn’t think of anything to say, but Leah apparently thought that was cute, and laughed before leaning in to kiss him. Liam responded to the kiss this time. It felt a little weird kissing someone other than Marie, but between Leah’s soft lips and the pressure of her hips against his cock, he managed to get over it.

They made out for a while, Leah moving her hands to his ass, and he to hers, before the tightness in Liam’s pants became a bit too much.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he breathed after breaking the kiss.

Leah responded with a hungry grin, “I was waiting for you to ask.”

She grabbed his hand, and as she turned to lead him back toward the stairs, Liam took the opportunity to adjust himself and scan the room for Marie.

He found her much more quickly this time–smiling, thankfully–and she motioned toward the stairs before heading for them at a quick pace.

Leah seemed very eager and impatient to get out of the house, as though she walked briskly up the stairs, pulling Liam along with her, she stopped once or twice to push him up against a wall and make out with him, grinding her hips against his or even grabbing at the outline of his cock through his jeans, letting out satisfied gasps when she did so.

Marie finally joined them as they exited the house.

“Hey Leah,” she said, falling into step beside the taller blonde, “Looks like you found out I was telling the truth after all, wasn’t I?” She looked to Liam then for the girl’s benefit, “She didn’t believe me.”

Liam couldn’t help but laugh as Leah blushed. Given how forward she had been up until this point, he was a little surprised by it, though for all he knew, she could have been red-faced when they were talking in the basement, and the poor lighting would have obscured it.

Despite the late hour, the ambient light of the streetlights and surprisingly clear sky gave Liam a much better picture of the tall, slim girl than Liam had had in the dim, colored lighting of the basement.

Leah’s hair was lighter than Marie’s with a heart-shaped face and light, hazel eyes that gave her expression an innately attentive quality. She was about halfway between Liam and Marie in height, and as toned as Liam’s girlfriend but with slightly more around the hips and chest. The rippled red dress she wore accentuated Leah’s elongated hourglass figure.

Leah gripped Liam’s arms with both hands, baring her teeth at Marie in a wicked smile, “I still have some things to look into.”

Marie laughed, moving closer to the girl and running her fingertips up Leah’s arm.

Liam blinked at the way Leah shuddered at his girlfriend’s touch, cheeks growing a deep red.

“Is your roommate out tonight?” Marie asked, her breathy tone having a definite effect on both Liam and the girl on his arm, “Liam’s in a triple all the way over on the other side of campus, so we would usually go to my place to hook up since I have my own room.”

“Shit,” Leah breathed, stopping. She looked up at Liam, disappointment in her eyes, “Any chance your roommates will be out?”

Liam glanced at Marie, who shook her head. It took him a moment, but he realized where Marie was headed with this.

He scrubbed a hand through his hair grinning, “If I text them now, they’d definitely be cleared out by the time we got there, but Marie’s place is a lot closer and nicer. And we’d definitely have a lot more privacy there.”

Leah blinked owlish eyes at him, then Marie, “What?”

“I don’t mind,” Marie said, smiling at Leah, “You can go back to Liam’s place with him, or we can all have a little fun at my place.”

Marie leaned in close then and whispered something to Leah. Whatever she said, it made Leah’s eyes widen further, and her cheeks turn bright red. When Marie pulled back, the girl looked at her for confirmation, and an eager smile slid across her face when Marie nodded. She looked back to Liam, and he half took a step back at the lust in her eyes, “Let’s go to her place, then.”



  1. Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](

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