Confessions of a hyper-sexed corporate executive (1.6) [M/F]

**(Same as before, be kind and give me constructive feedback and criticism)**

“Hurry, head to the toilet” I all but scream. I was completely engrossed with Meacham to the point that I forgot about my dear boy coming home from his movie. “Click” I could hear the door being unlocked, with the grind of the door opening, courtesy of unoiled hinges. Meacham scurried to my attached toilet, more for the sake of not causing a scene, than fear of a teenager. I quickly put on my bathrobes, making sure to cover any cum stains on my body, and wear some moisturizer on my face.

Just in case there was some suspicion on why my face looked dry with flaky white stuff. I calmed my breathing and took a walk out of my door. “Welcome back honey! How was the movie?” I cheerfully greeted the most important person in my life. “Hey mom, movie was good. I’m pretty tired so I’m headed to bed” normally I would be put off by his lack of enthusiasm for me, but today, I thanked every God known to man. “Ok honey, have a good rest” he barely looked at me and went to his room. Teenagers were highly irritating in general. I could only hope he would grow out of it as he matured as a man.

I went up to my room with calm measured steps, hoping no one could see my tummy in anxious knots. I reached my room and opened my door to find Meacham getting comfortable in my bed. “Welcome back whore. We’re not done yet” he growled as soon as he saw me. I had to stand my ground this time. “Meacham, my son is home. You have to leave, or it’ll cause an issue with everyone” while I tried to sound firm, I mostly wilted under his glare. “You think I’m scared of your boyo?” He snickered. “It’s not fear Meacham. What do you think will happen if he tells the neighbours? Or the police? He’ll think it’s rape, and I’ll agree to it because you’re an asshole who wouldn’t leave when I told you too” I softened slightly ” I am however, willing to arrange fun between us. We can meet and you can have as much fun with me as you want, on the condition that you have to leave when it’s time, and also be discreet” It must have killed him to negotiate with someone he thought was beneath him, but even he realized the benefits outweighed his pride. “Alright slut, then I’ll see you tomorrow before you head to work. Suck my cock for breakfast” I acted repulsed to his words, but shook with pleasure on the inside. “Very well, I’ll see you tomorrow Meacham”

As he started dressing himself, I wondered what I had gotten into. This was comply different from my rendezvous with Timothy. They both made me feel things I have never felt before. The power exchange was intoxicating. As Meacham got ready, I went and peeked outside my room, and found no one. I walked Meacham down my hallway without much worrying, as knowing my son, he’d probably plugged in his headphones and playing his games. As I stood by the doorway to let Meacham pass, he smacked my ass and stole a kiss, deeply pushing his tongue into my mouth, muttering “you’re mine whore”. As Meacham strode down the pathway, with the swagger of a man who had just conquered his prey, I realized I had to reevaluate my life. I just had extremely rough sex without protection with an extremely unpleasant old man. There were STD checks to worry about, and GOD, a pregnancy test. Strangely, I felt sexually aroused at the thought of getting pregnant from such a vile man.

When I was pregnant with my boy, it was beautiful. My body swelled with the beginnings of life. The nausea and the cravings were a pain to deal with, but I appreciated the curves I got during the process. The weight I gained mostly stayed on, along with my stretch marks. I was no longer a petite slim figure in my office, instead gaining weight with the slightest of reductions over time. All due to eating clean and exercising regularly. All in all, more benefits than not. So Meacham expected to have his balls regularly drained. I was happy to do it honestly. My little dalliances with Timothy and Meacham made me realize that I had a very healthy appetite for cock. And that I enjoyed the taste of cum. I briefly wondered what would happen if I convinced them to eat pineapple. Probably more tasty I suppose. I went back up to my room with random thought buzzing in my head and took a long and clean shower.

I also mopped and scrubbed the floors of my room with scented detergent to ensure no aroma remained. Most people usually forget that sex is messy. And wet. And mostly ignore the clean up. It was a good thing I enjoyed domestic chores and took pride in a clean house. It was an overall productive day. I wondered what more challenges the coming week would bring

**(Sorry for the Delay)**



  1. You seem quite the natural for someone who I believe had commented this was new for you. Needed to have gone to sleep already, but stayed up later to read your series so far. I’m looking forward to your next submission… Or domineering

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