Daddys Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 6]

Daddy’s Little Princess chapter 6

The second half of the day seemed to fly by, my mind wandering a lot, replaying what happened out the back earlier, smirking as I serve the customers knowing that I have no panties on, blushing as I swear they all know what happened I mean I can smell the sex on me, every time I move I can feel your cum leaking out of me making me have to stifle a giggle. Then as soon as that thought leaves my head the other one enters, what had been going on then, why was Charlie there, what are you going to say when you get home, how angry are you still going to be, what is my punishment going to be. How could I have been so stupid to run from him, to try and hide if nothing he has always told me to be honest and upfront with him. All of a sudden I felt an agonising pain in my hand which snapped me back to reality, looking down I had got so lost in my own thoughts I wasn’t paying attention and had over filled the customers flat white and burnt my hand with the hot milk in the process. Biting my lip so as not to swear in front of the customer “Sarah” I shout through gritted teeth “can you please finish this gentlemans order I need to deal with my hand” Sarah took one look at my face and glanced down at my hand “go Sasha I got it” it hurriedly took over and ushered me out of the way, apologizing for the delay to the customer I scurried out the back to find the first aid kit.

As I stand I the bathroom running my hand under the cold tap, my mind wanders again. What the fuck is wrong with you, I mean for fuck sake you have now burnt yourself, his going to go mad at me for not looking after myself, it was an accident yes but one that I could of avoided. Sighing deeply I turn the tap off and grab a towel and carefully pat my hand dry, winching as even the gentle pats sent painful waves trough my hand and up my arm “fuck, I hope I don’t need the hospital, that would just be the cherry on the top right now” I can feel the tears welling again “NO Sasha do not fucking cry again, get it together your a fucking mess” closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing I start to feel myself calming down again. Once I know im back in control I open my eyes and look at my hand, its not as bad as I thought it was going to be, yes its red and burnt and sore but nothing that will need a visit to the hospital thankfully. Lucky enough we keep a well stocked first aid kit, carefully applying the burn cream evenly before wrapping my hand with the gauze and finally grabbing a sexy blue glove to protect it all. “there done stop being such and air head you have like an hour left till ya shift end” I mutter to myself about concentrating on work and dealing with the Josh stuff when I get home as I repack the first aid kit.

As I walk back in to the shop front I can see its all quiet for now, Sarah looks up from the milk jugs she is washing “how you feeling, hows ya hand, do you need to go to the hospital” shaking my head and giving her a quick smile “im fine I promise I just got caught up in my own thoughts, its all good. No its not that bad im good to finish my shift its ok. I just need to fill in the accident report, seeing as we quiet again do u mind if I go and have a cigarettes and fill it in now” laughing as Sarah shoos me out of the shop “go go go, if I need u I will scream” giggling as I grab my bag and the book “ok ok ok im going, wont be long” she rolls her eyes at me as just waves a hand as if to say go fuck off, all I can think god Josh would spank you so god damn hard if you did that to him.

After my in-promptitude break the rest of my shift was quiet hardly any customers, so we mainly got on with cleaning and stock take, which I was due to start tomorrow but no harm in getting a jump on it. Looking up I can see Liam striding into the shop, he his 24-25 I think, 6ft 7 and all skin and bone bless him, every time he turns up for work I rib him about needing a good meal or a good woman to feed him up, his dirty blonde hair as normal looks like he just rolled out of bed, “afternoon Liam, seriously when you going to get a good woman to feed you up boy” his dark brown eyes twinkle with mischief “you know im holding out for you Sasha” which was his normal response to my answer, laughing as he pokes me in the ribs “yeah yeah I know Liam, how is Matt any way” Matt is Liams boyfriend “his good hun, he had to go home for the weekend something to do with his sisters wedding or something” “oh right, that’s soon isn’t it, like what next month” Liam rolls his eyes at me and sighs “mhmmmm I will be pleased when its all over, she has turned into a right bridezilla” laughing as I take my apron off “well I have heard that can happen, soooo good luck. Right im out you to see you tomorrow” and with that I grab my bag with a bounce in my step its time to get out of here.

Pulling my phone and headphones out my bag, I quickly turn my phone on and scroll through my playlist, popping my headphones in my ears, smiling as my music blasts out. Looking at my phone I realise I have like a zillion voice mails and text messages from Josh. “Fuck, I really worried him” deciding to wait to listen to the voice mails I open my messages

6.25am Josh: little one where are you?
6.26am Josh: Sasha what is going on why aren’t you answering your phone

Shaking my head I quickly scroll through the messages to the few

11:16am Josh: thats it Sasha im coming to the shop, u need to explain what is going on NOW!!!!
12:30pm Josh: I am back at work, I am working late I have back to back meetings, don’t wait

What the fuck he said we needed to talk now he isn’t going to be there, I could feel the tears appearing again, his so confusing at times. Taking a long drag on my cigarette I stare at my phone trying to think what to say to him. Reading and rereading that message what must have been a million times. Sighing as I decide not to message back, back to back meeting means don’t message me. As I arrive at the train station my thoughts are all over the place, ranging from why is he doing this to I deserve this for how I behaved. “you are going to drive yourself crazy going over and over it, just stop Sasha for gods sake” looking up I had forgot I was in the train station and didn’t realise I spoke out loud and with my headphones in it was loud as well, sighing great now I look like a crazy woman as well. I am ready to go home and go to bed and forget the last 24hrs now and just put it down to a bad dream.

As I arrive home, I freeze in the door way. The overwhelming feelings from last night flooding back, as I feel the world spinning again I grab hold of the door frame to stop from collapsing, my stomach feels like I am on a roller-coaster which is about right with what has happened in the last 24hrs. Taking a deep breath I slowly count to 10 to get my panic attack under control, finally able to feel my legs I have to run to the bathroom when the all consuming feeling of nausea engulfs me. 20 minutes later and no longer having anything in my stomach I finally stop feeling like I’m going to die, standing up shakily, I look in the mirror as I lean against the bathroom sink my hands shaking uncontrollably as I turn the taps on. “ok right enough, you want to be with Josh and you trust me, you need to calm down and just do what you have to do and you will talk when the time is right”

Pushing all thoughts I have been having out of my mind I realise that thanks to losing everything (which isn’t a lot any way) that i have eaten today I am now starving. Wandering into the kitchen to raid the fridge I see the steaks that I had bought for the surprise welcome home meal I had decided to cook for Josh tonight. Deciding to cook my steak now as im hungry and I will cook yours not long before I got to bed so hopefully it will still be hot when you get home. Starting to feel more relaxed again I flick my blu tooth speaker on and fire up my cooking play list, before wandering off to our bedroom to have a quick shower as I am sore and my muscles are tense. 15Minutes later im all washed and refreshed, walking into our bedroom I sit on my stool at my vanity grabbing my hairbrush, I have to admit it feels good to be brushing my hair with my brush again. Turning my hair dryer on I get lost in the normal action of drying my hair the warm air soothing and starting to make me tired. Shaking my head as I realise I was nodding off whilst drying my hair “wakey wakey Sasha” thankfully my hair is now dry enough for me to pull up into a messy bun. Looking in the mirror I decide not to apply any make up not much point after all as I will be eating and then slobbing for a bit before I crawl into bed. Looking in my draws I go with my pink fleecy onesie, chuckling to myself “full on slob mode tonight then Sasha”.

As I walk back into the kitchen I forget everything apart from my music blaring and my stomach growling at me. Pulling all the steak, mushrooms and tomatoes out of the fridge and the chips and onion rings out of the freezer I get on with preparing my dinner. Dancing around the kitchen as I chop the mushrooms and onions up, grateful no one can see me as I get lost in what im doing to the point that im now singing as well. Thankfully dinner doesn’t take long as my stomach thinks my throat has been cut, pouring myself a glass of wine to have with dinner I walk over to the table and freeze, looking at where you and Charlie sat this morning, before I could spiral again my stomach reminded me it wanted food. Sitting down I took a sip of my wine and then tucked into my dinner “well Sasha you have out done yourself even if I do say so myself” smiling as I cut into my perfectly cooked medium steak.

20 minutes later im at the sink rinsing my plate, cutlery and glass. “now what have we got for dessert” biting my lip as I open the freezer, instantly I see a tub of my strawberry ice cream without even thinking about it I grab that and a spoon. “perfect, ice cream, spoon, blanket and a rom com and thats me set for the evening then” opening the ice cream as I walk into the front room I pop the film in the dvd player and flop on the couch as I grab my blanket and stuffie, crossing my legs I pull the blanket round my shoulders and get my stuffie comfortably sitting in my lap with the ice cream, scooping some ice cream out of the tub and giggling as I turn the spoon over and place it in my mouth I grab the controller and press play.

Yawning as the film draws to a close, I scoop the final bit of my ice cream out of the tub pouting as I realise im out “well that didnt last very long did it Mr Snuggles” showing the tub to my stuffie. Turning the tv off I look at the clock and realise I have 45 minutes till bedtime, “i better get on with joshes dinner” abandoning my place on the couch I disappear into the kitchen again throwing my empty tub in the bin before pulling all the stuff out to cook your dinner. 30 minutes later I am writing you a note

Dear daddy
I have cooked you dinner, it is in the oven, I hope you like it daddy

it is now 22.45 so im taking my tired butt to bed, goodnight daddy

miss you, love you daddy

making sure I have washed up and cleaned down from cooking the dinners etc.. before turning the kitchen light out, remembering I left a mess in the front room I go and grab my stuffie and put the blanket back where it lives, taking one last look at the room making sure its all where it should be before turning the light out. As I walk up the hall I pause and wriggle my toes as always before venturing into out bedroom. The moment I walk in I freeze feeling the panic looming just under the surface, last time I was in this room I life was falling apart, all I could see was you laying in our bed sound asleep all the feelings from this morning come flooding back. “oh my god Sasha what is wrong with you, you have never been a crier yet that is all your seem to be doing at the moment, just stop” crawling into bed pulling my stuffie under the covers and cuddling him tight as I try and block everything out, failing miserably. The tears flowing down my cheeks as I cant stop crying, but im so tired that the crying is just making me even more tired, unable to keep my eyes open any longer I fall into a restless sleep.
