My first attempt at writing anything ever: An untitled project [Fantasy] [Sadistic] [Futa] [Rape] [ff] [murder]

*NOTE BEFORE READING. This is the first time I’ve ever taken the time to write anything and I would love to see any constructive criticism. If this is well recieved I might make this a series. ALSO A SERIOUS WARNING. The following story contains hardcore rape, sadism, futanari, and murder. If this is not for you then I urge you not read it. Don’t judge me :(

Somebody has to cater to the crazies.*


“Please. Please. I need to eat something.” the woman wheezes to me naked and face stained with dried tears. She pulls lightly on the chains binding her hands trying to break free with the little strength she has left. Her lungs fill with the heavy, dusty air that she’s been familiarising herself with for the past few days. “I don’t even know what you want or even what you are?”
“You know, I’m not quite sure myself,” I say from the shadows watching as her head can barely keep itself up, “I’ve never really seen anyone of the same race. Nobody has. I’ve heard someone call me a lizard-girl once so I think I’ll stick with that.”
“Look, I’ve learnt my lesson. I’ve learnt it four days ago. I swear I will never get in your way again. I will even help you if you want.” She pleas.

I slowly step out of the shadows walking over to her. My red scales seem to shine even with the little light in the room. “You know, I could have fixed this days ago. I could have ran away or killed you. Anything would have sufficed,” I get down closer to her face “But you stopped being a problem the day I kidnapped you. You’re not going home. I don’t have to do this, but I really really want to.” I pull down my tights and reveal my glistening pussy, already dripping with lust. She looks at it in fear but is too tired to protest. She’s broken. Just the way I like my victims. All she can do is stare. A wicked smile brands my face and I say, “Get to work.”

She nervously and hesitantly brings herself closer. Her tongue sticks out as she creeps toward my waiting lips. I feel her tongue lightly touch me. Completely lost, she tries licking up and down. This is pathetic. I’ve been too long without an orgasm and I need relief. I wrap my claws around her head and push her right in. Her tongue thrashes against me as she struggles. I start to breath heavily and my juices drip off her chin pattering the concrete below.

Something expands inside me. My slave watches as a large cut opens above my clit and a thick fleshy member starts squeezing out of it. She struggles in shock as she watches my pink reptilian penis continue to grow. It stops when it reaches its full length at eight inches and is visibly throbbing in preparation. The slave begins to panic and I lose control pushing her right into my slit as I squirt wildly all over her face. Even my cock loses control and it explodes with cum hosing it all over the dusty wall behind her. I pull my weakened slave off my cunt with strings of fluid connecting her lips to mine. I shove her against the splattered wall and stroke my dick getting the last drops of cum out. After that load, it still remains hard.

The slave curls up against the wall and sobs. “Please,” she cries, “I want to go home!” I look down at the pathetic display in front of me while massaging my unsatisfied cock. I smile again and say, “I already told you. You’re not going home.”

I roughly grab her hair and force her back up. This useless bitch isn’t done yet. I slap my throbbing cock against her face wet from my pussy juices. She tries to pull away but I force her closer and bring the tip to her lips. “Open wide,” I say. My precum coats her lips but she refuses to do what I tell her. “Big mistake.” Without hesitating I force my huge dick down her tight throat all the way to the base. The warm slickness of her throat feels incredible as I start pumping. She coughs and contracts her throat around me as her eyes constantly weep and I thrust her down harder and faster. I can already feel the pressure building inside me. All the strength that my slave would have had is gone by now and all she can do is try to stay conscious while I go deeper with every push. The slave’s eyes start rolling back and I can feel myself about to cum. I start to do quick shallow pushes very deep down her throat to bring me there. My slave gags and I can no longer hold it back. I do one final push and let out a monstrous load as deep in her throat as possible, flooding my seed straight down into her. The pupils in her eyes roll right back as I continue to shoot about fifteen to twenty pumps down her gullet. My body quivers as I finish off my long orgasm and push the last of my cum out. The girl goes limp and can barely move.

I slowly push the slave off my semi-limp cock and she drops to the floor unconscious. With my claw I salvage the mucus off my cock and lick it all off savouring the taste and smell. I never can truly get enough. There’s only one other to do now.

My cock sheaths back into me and I pull my tights back up. Reaching into my bag I pull out my hatchet. The most useful tool that’s been accompanying me on my journey. Dried blood stains the blade from my last victim. Well, it will get a new coat today.

Lifting my slaves head, I align the blade with her neck. I lift the hatchet into the air and chop straight in. It didn’t cut all the way through but it did kill her at least. I jiggle the hatchet free and blood spills out creating a small pool at my bare feet. I never thought I’d love the feeling of blood between my toes. With one more chop I sever her head completely holding it by the hair. Blood cascades from the bottom of it. I cup my hand under the head and drink the sweet nectar I’ve been craving for hours.

I’ve had my fun for now. I throw the head next to the body and salvage as much blood as I could from the corpse into a few bottles. This should keep me going for a while. With nothing else to do, I clean myself off, grab my gear and move on with my journey. Someone should find the body soon. It’s such a shame she had to die while unconscious. I would have loved to hear her scream.


*Any thoughts will be apprectiated. Whether you want to hear more, think this belongs somewhere else or you just want to tell me to go die in a fire, it’s all welcome.*
