Surprise Encounter Part 5 [Mf]

I emerge from the bathroom to find her in my bed. I smile, taking in the sight. She is face down in the pillows breathing softly. I run my hand over her knee highs as I approach. Softly I caress her ass and she shudders slightly as I trace the handprint that remains. As I make my way up her back she moans quietly into my pillow and wiggles her ass. And like that, I want her again. I lay down next to her and she turns to reveal a sly smile.

“You look like the cat who got the canary,” I muse.

“I feel like that cat,” she laughs and buries her head in the pillow.

I am weak, but blissfully content. I would fuck her again in a second, but I need to hold back at least for now. I place my hand on her back and feel the rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing. I forgot how much I miss little moments like this. Her smell, her warmth, her breath can all be very intoxicating.

“These pillows smell like you,” she mummers through the fabric.

“Is that why you’re hogging them all?” I laugh as I snatch a pillow from her pile.

“Excuse me? Did you just take one of my pillows?” Her face is now in mine.

I lean in closer to her, “Your pillow? Whose place is this?”

She mounts me suddenly and whispers,”Mine.”

Her mouth finds mine and softly she kisses me. She moans quietly and slowly begins to writhe on top of me. I am in heaven letting her enjoy herself. Back and forth she sways alternating between soft and forceful kisses. I am hard again, ready to make her cry out in ecstasy once more. One of my favorite things about this girl is her passion. I have never met anyone who liked sex as much as her and I thoroughly enjoy being the one to experience that passion with her. I sit up pushing my mouth harder into hers and reach for the drawer of my nightstand. She takes my face in one hand and caresses my hair with the other. I forget what I am reaching for and let out a soft moan. I reach for her bra and unhook it freeing her breasts for me to see. She reaches her arm down and throws the undergarment to the floor.

A shudder runs through her body and I pull her close. We forget ourselves in each other, forget all the pain and distance in this moment. Each kiss gives way to another, each increasingly full of need. I have to have her. I reach once more for the nightstand.

“No, we don’t need one,” she breathes into my mouth.

I nod, “We do if you want me inside you.”

“I do.”

She kisses me again and I realize what she is offering me. In all the time we were together when had never had sex without protection for a variety of reasons.

“I’m clean,” she promises sweetly, “and fixed.”

I laugh and kiss her softly.

“Don’t you want to know what it feels like to slide inside me unsheathed?”

Before I can even manage a ‘yes’ I am inside of her. She slides onto my cock and begins rocking her hips rhythmically. I groan louder as her mouth finds mine again.

“Doesn’t that feel nice?” Her voice is shaky as she tries to remain in control of the situation.

I am completely lost in this wonderful new world of pleasure and squeak out a small, “yea.”

“Yea,” she breathes in agreement.

Her warmth is surprising. I feel her wetness growing with each movement of her hips and the sensation is overwhelming.

She breathes in deep, “You want it slow?”

“Slow,” I exhale.

She kisses me again grinding in perfect tempo on top of me. This was different than before, sweet and sensual. I feel overwhelmed with passion and fight the urge to cum inside her.

“Wait,” I retort. “I’m going to cum.” I never want this feeling to end.

She never breaks rhythm, “That’s the point silly.”

She smiles knowingly and rocks her hips faster. My mouth falls open and again I let out a moan, longer and louder than before. My body shudders as I cum deep inside her. She wraps her arms around me tightly and her body twitches with orgasmic delight. I am overcome with a mix of emotions, endless pleasure and indescribable pain. I miss her having her here in my apartment, in my bed, being inside of her. The full weight of her visit hits me hard and I feel a wave of emotion crashing over me. “Shit,” I curse fighting back the tears I feel welling up in my eyes. I need to get away from her now to compose myself.

I push her off me and retreat to the bathroom slamming the door.
