Love has no boundaries [F21 F23]

Author notes: This is a realistic portrayal of a dating scenario that involves a wlw, trans-cis couple.

Trigger warnings: Possible gender dysphoria inducing themes.

“Hello? Samantha?” you speak on your phone.

“Yes, hey Jessica! I’ve arrived at the station right now.” A deep, but pleasantly feminine voice responds. You gently hold the armrest of your seat, and smile slightly; she sounds as lovely as always.

“Great! I’m almost there, just a station away from you. I can’t wait to meet you, you know. Really looking forward to it.” you say, with a slight blush on your cheeks, and a soft giggle.

“Me too, and did I mention that your laugh sounds adorably cute?” she says in a slightly teasy voice.

“Yes, that was the first thing you told me when we met at that café, wasn’t it?” you mention, reminiscing about the first time you met her.

Keeping your phone on your ear, you turn to the left and look out the clean glass window. It’s early in the evening, the sky is dotted with hues of orange and red. You stare at the setting sun as your imagination wanders to that day.

It was Monday evening; the sun looked pretty similar outside the window of the quaint coffee shop. Your laptop was open on the desk, next to an empty cup previously filled with a shot of double espresso. It was a tiring day, and you had just finished the writing assignment pending for that day.

This café was a convenient place to work. You could stay as long as you like, and the atmosphere was inspirational for your articles.

As you were getting ready to pack up and leave, you noticed a woman approaching you. She was wearing a tight ponytail, comfortable looking blue jeans, black boots, a grey t-shirt that cropped slightly above her waist, and a similarly cropped leather jacket on her. She was very well-built, but yet looked beautiful.

She noticed you staring and had a light, barely noticeable smirk on her face, as she asked you a question.

“Hi, do you know the way to the post office?” she asks.

Broken out of your gazing, you reply, “Uh yes, yes. Its right around the block. Actually, I was heading there myself too, so do you want to come along with me?”

She answers happily, “Sure! Thank you for the help.”

So you pack up, head out of the coffee shop after smiling and thanking the familiar barista, and walk along with the stranger woman.

“Are you new here?” you ask, as you head down the sidewalk.

“Yes, I moved into town just last week actually. It’s a nice place, has the peace and quiet of a small town, and is just 20 minutes away from the big city.” she answers while her deep brown eyes look into yours.

You can’t help but stare, she’s a few inches taller than you, so you slightly tilt your head up while taking.

“That’s what I love about this place too. The rent’s pretty affordable and houses are well-maintained. Although people aren’t that friendly here.” you say, while rembering your previous akward interactions with strangers.

She responds back, while staring back into your eyes. “Well, they’re not as friendly as you are, that’s for sure. Not as beautiful as you either. That’s an amazing dress you’re wearing by the way, it really suits you.”

Her eyes look you over as she says this. She notices the aquamarine one-piece that you’re wearing, and the white, slightly heeled sandals.

“O-oh thank you! You respond with a slightly nervous blush. That’s very sweet of you to say.” You’re not used to getting compliments, especially not from an attractive stranger.

“You look pretty nice too. I love your style. It’s the perfect combination of bold yet elegant!” You mention, and she lightly touches your arm in response, smiling. Her touch seems to send an electric shock through your body, and you barely manage to keep a straight face.

“Aww thanks, can I know your name by the way? Sorry I didn’t ask.”

“It’s Jessica and that’s fine! What’s yours?”

“I’m Samantha. It’s great to meet you Jessica, and while I’d love to talk more, I do need to go collect this package. We crrosed the post office a while back.” She mentions with a slight chuckle.

Your face falls, you didn’t realise how far away you walked from the post office, lost in conversation. Why didn’t she mention anything if she knew though?

“Oh no, I’m so sorry I didn’t want to make you late!” you say, as you look into her eyes once more.

She puts a hand on your shoulder this time saying, “hey that’s okay, it was worth talking to you. Actually, I’d like to get to know you more if you want to? Maybe we can meet this Friday?”

Now you’re extremely flustered, and struggling to find words. Does she mean that in a romantic, flirty way? Does she want to be friends? No, she was flirting the whole time…but what if she’s straight? Straight women always flirt with each other for fun, don’t they? Oh my god, how did i assume she was into me, she’s definetly straight!

“Hey, Jessica? You there?” she responds with a chuckle, as you return back from being spaced out.

“Ah, yes, sorry I was just -” you begin to say but she cuts you off “I meant it as a date, you were overthinking about that weren’t you?”

“How did you know?” You speak

“Your facial expressions are intense and easy to read, she mentions matter-of-factly. “Which is adorably cute, I think,” she adds.

This time, once again you go into a full on blush. How many times have you blushed alerday? Your cheeks hurt from the constant flustering. You’re very happy though and immediately agree.

“It’s a date then! See you, and here take my number,” she says, and you give her a missed call.

“See you on Friday Samantha!” you say, with a slight hope in your voice.

“Yep, bye Jess!”

You were definitely excited for the date. During that week, you texted her almost everyday after work. On Wednesday, you talked on call for over an hour or two getting to know each other more. The connection was instant, and the conversation flowed smoothly, as you learned more about her.

Samantha is two years older than you, and she is currently doing her masters in finance. She moved into town to attend the local university here, and her hometown is pretty far away at the other end of the country. Her personality has confidence, yet there’s a slight hint of cuteness to it that’s adorable. She easily blushes when complimented, since it looks like she is even less used to it than you are.

You don’t understand how someone this nice didn’t receive much compliments, but you definetly enjoyed taking advantage of that in your chats.

“Jess? Jessica? Hello?” Samantha’s voice speaks through the phone

“Ah yes sorry” you say coming back to the present in the train.

“Lost in thoughts again?” she mentions.

“Just thinking about how attractive you looked in front of the post office. I couldn’t stop staring at you, you know?” you mention playfully.

“U-uh I,” she’s at a loss of words, as you imagine her undoubtedly blushing with a grin. “You have become a lot more flirty in these 5 days, huh? I remember how you were so adorably looking down at your feet, all red like a tomato, whenever I hit on you.” she laughs.

Now it’s your turn to blush as you remeber those moments. “Okay fine you got me,” you chuckle as you get down from the train doors and say it to her face to face. She was standing right in front of the door waiting for you.

As soon as she sees you she gives you a tight hug. “Travelled safe?”

“Yes, although I didn’t know you didn’t actually live in town.”

“Oh yes, it’s just a station away from where you live. Unfortunately, the student union rooms were all booked close to the university.” she mentions with a sigh.

“Ah I’m sorry. I know a few people in your university who could arrange a room for you though…if you don’t mind having a roommate that is?” you mention, eager to help out.

“Aw thanks cutie, that would be great! You really are very thoughtful,” she says, as she looks into your eyes, then your lips for a bit too long, as if silently asking for permission. Her hand is on your waist now, kept lightly but in anticipation.

After your slight nod, she immediately pulls you towards her with her hands on your waist. Your hands go over her shoulders as you smell her perfume. Her lips meet yours, tender and soft at first, but then firmly, as you make out.

The butterflies in your stomach are so strong that you are barely able to stand throughout the kiss. She pulls away, leaving you wanting, craving for more.

“I’ve been waiting to do that all week,” she says while staring at you, “you’re irresistible.”

“So are you, Samatha,” you mention looking at her lips again, lightly biting your lower lip.

“Do you want to go back to my place?” she asks, and the implication is clear. You both are clearly attracted to each other, a little too much maybe, as was shown in the sexting moments you had just the previous night.

You were dreading this moment the whole week though…she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know that you’re…

“Hey, it’s totally okay if you don’t want to, we can take this slow,” she mentions reassuringly as she looks at your expressions.

“No, no it’s not that…I do want this too, it’s just…there’s something you should know. I was planning on telling this to you on call itself, but I felt like I should say it in person.”

“Oh, I see, what is it?” She says with a slight concern in her voice, as she holds your hand warmly.

“I…uh. I’m trans. I’m a trans woman, I’m sorry I didn’t mention this, and if this is not something you want, then
..then I understand.”

You curse yourself for not mentioning it to her sooner. You should have, you just lead her on, didn’t you?

“Jessica…I understand,” she says softly looking into your eyes, still holding your hands looking at you. “Thank you for trusting me with this information, and I understand why you didn’t say it before, it’s been less than a week since we know each other.”

She continues, “I must say that I am very suprised though, but please don’t take that in the wrong way. It’s just I…well I never really thought about it.”

You know she’s lesbian. You’re bisexual yourself, but you were very scared that she won’t be attracted to you anymore. Still she deserves to know.

“I just need to think about this okay? It’s like, really a shock. Can I just ask you one question? Please don’t be offended by it.”

“Yes go ahead,” you respond with a hint of nervousness.

“Have you had like, uh, su-”

You nervously cut her off, “bottom surgery? Not yet, I’m saving up for it currently, because I do want to get it done in the future once I have enough saved up.”

Her face falls a bit now…you know what’s coming, you know it and you don’t want to hear it, but you have to hear it.

“I don’t…know if this can work out then. I’m sorry,” she says finally in a quiet tone; pulling you into a hug a few seconds later.

Even though you expected it, it still hurts. You immediately move away from her hug, a slight tear forming into your eye, your voice breaking.

“It’s…okay, I-I understand. I think I need to go. I…uh.” you nervously stutter struggling to keep in your tears, but you manage somehow, and walk away from her in the opposite direction.

“Jess? Hey…wait…” She calls out from behind but you don’t stop. You briskly walk away, trying to control your tears with your handkerchief. It just had to end this way, it just did didn’t it? You’re worthless, worthless. Your whole life, you’ve had to face hurdles after hurdles, obstacles after obstacles, and now this too.

You sit on a bench in a park, walking without noticing your surroundings, trying to compose yourself.

Then you recieve a call from her…but you let it ring and don’t pick up.

You’re strong, you won’t let this single moment ruin your day. Let’s just go home, have a huge tub of icecream, watch Netflix and sleep. You tell yourself, as you get ready to head home.

That night, just before sleeping, you get her call again. This time though, you pick it up.

“Hey…” you say weakly

“Hey Jess. How are you?”


“So-sorry, I’m dumb. Wrong thing to ask…just could you please tell me which floor is your apartment on?”

“Wh-wha? Uh…third?”

“Great I’ll be there,” is all she says and you suddenly become very nervous. You look like shit, and she’s coming to meet you now? You hurriedly make your hair as best as you can, as you hear the doorbell ring a minute later.

You see her, Samantha standing outside your door as you open it looking at you.

“Can I come in?” She says, “I just want to talk to you.”

“Ye-yes sure,” you say as you let her in…if you knew she was coming you’d have sorted out your apartment to make it look better.

“You have a beautiful place here, i love the decor.”

“Thank you…” you say meekly, not looking at her as she sits on the couch beside you.

She looks at you, turning you to face her by your shoulders gently.

“I’m sorry for reacting that way…I just, was a bit shocked I didn’t know what to say,” she says squeezing your hand firmly, looking in your eyes again.

“I thought about it a lot after you left, did some of my own research too and I found out so many things I never knew about. End of the day, I’m attracted to you, you’re attracted to me. You’re a woman as much as I am, and maybe I’d like to explore and see where this leads to. If you’re okay with that?”

You can’t believe her words. They make you so happy. You had given up all hope on being with her…that kiss still lingered on your lips, it was amazing. It’s as if fate itself wants the two of you together.

“I…you don’t know how happy I am to hear that. I just really…wished you’d say that. I really like you a lot Samatha.”

You say looking back at her with renewed hope, she smiles, wordlessly, putting her hand on your cheek. You press into her hand eyes closed for a second. Enjoying the warmth of her touch.

“You’re beautiful, you know that Jessica?”

You look up at her now, and she pulls your face close to hers, your lips meeting again and this time the kiss is even better that before. Her other hand is, once again wrapped around your waist pulling you in close. Her body close to yours holding you close.

The kiss increases in intensity without warning, just sheer passion, want, and attraction. Your tongues meet and twine into each other’s, tugging, while slipping over one another. Your hands are around her shoulders, wrapped around her as you kiss passionately.

She pushes you down on the couch and kisses you while being on top of you. Her hand holds your hair to one side, while her lips now move away from yours to the other side, kissing your neck deeply. Sending deep shivers throughout your body.

You moan, uncontrollably, as you can feel her lips, tongue, and teeth on your neck. Her other hand holds the back of your head up, as she kisses your neck deeeply, biting it at one point; causing you to moan even deeply.

“Oh fuck you’re so hot Jessica,” she whispers into your ear and bites your ear lobe.

Your moans seem to fill the whole apartment in response. Her knee then finds itself between your legs, grinding you exactly where you want to be grinded.

Your whole body is hot and sweaty now. You’re so turned on that you can’t think straight. She removes your top next, and unhooks your bra with one hand while kissing your now exposed neckline, arms and stomach.

You shiver with each kiss of her lips, saying our her name

“Sa-samantha…” you moan, as she hurriedly throws your unhooked bra away.

For a moment she stares at you topless, making you blush even more.

“I’ve fantasised about seeing you topless, but I must say, you look even sexier in person,” she lightly teases as she looks at your boobs intently. Your nipples already hard from a combination of being exposed and turned on.

She kisses you again, then your neck as a hand grabs your left boob. Her hand squeezing you feels so good…


“Please what? Hmm,” she says, her finger brushing against your needy nipple teasingly.

“Pl..please touch my…”

“Touch what?” she’s clearly enjoying herself

“M-my…” She doesn’t let you finish, instead you moan loudly when she abruptly uses her tongue on your nipples, lightly sucking. The tip of her tongue running circles on your aerola and nipples. Her other hand squeezes the other boob, never leaving you alone.

Her grinding knee against you increases in intensity this time…you clutch the edges of the couch.

You’re very wet, turned on, and she knows it. She puts a hand close to the waistband of your pyjamas, looking up at you, nervously, but longingly.

“May I?” she says.

“Y-yes,” you respond, looking in her eyes.

You feel her hand close, inching towards your warmth. Her hand explores first, touching you, feeling you, and you can’t help but slightly whimper holding the couch ever so tightly.

Her finger reaches for your tip, feeling the wetness built up all this time. You moan a bit on feeling her finger in your most sensitive spot.

“You are so wet already, baby. So eager for me aren’t you?”

You nervously look away blushing, but not for long as her hands work all over your tip, rubbing you. Her hands are under your panties. Your moans are so loud now that you’re scared the neighbours might hear you.

Her lips never leave your nipples alone, as her hand works on you. Her fingers rub your wetness all over your tip as she rubs deeper, faster, and faster. Her other hand pulling your nipple, and her lips kissing your neck.

Ten minutes later, and you’re sure your throat is now sore from the constant, loud moaning. Yet you can’t stop. Her fingers find the exact pace and postion that you prefer, and she has almost brought you to your climax.

She feels it too, as she comes close to your ear, “Come for me babygirl, come all over my fingers, show me how much I make you crazy, how much I turn you on.”

She whispers as she picks you up from the couch, placing you on the table. Your pants are off, her hands in your panties vigorously rubbing you, as she kisses your neck once more.

Finally, you climax. Your moans are so loud, and you feel yourself get wetter than ever. Waves of pleasure flow throughout your body, and she holds you close as you shake and shiver from the orgasm while you’re moaning into her ear. Her hand holds you by your waist, close.

The other one comes out of your panties, visibly wet, glistening with your transparent wetness. She has clearly made a wet mess of your panties.

“Did you enjoy it?” she says, but you respond with a deep passionate kiss. Getting down from the table, you hurriedly kiss her, eager to make her feel the same way she made you feel.

You kiss her lips deeply at first, as she backs up towards the wall. Your hand runs over her back, while the other touches the side of her neck lightly, sending goosebumps throughout her body. You bite her lower lip and suck on it as you kiss her.

She’s let’s out soft moans, but is mostly silent. Although you can clearly see on her face that she’s in pleasure. You then move down to her neck and kiss it with your tongue, tracing her neck on both sides, lightly but firmly.

“Oh-oh you’re good at this,” she remarks as your hands move under her t-shirt on her bare back. After removing the t-shirt and bra, your lips eagerly finds itself on her nipples. She holds your hair in a ponytail with her hand while pushing your head eagerly close to her nipples.

“Yes…yes! Just like that, good girl,” she says as you lick, and suck her nipples in exactly the way she loves, after experimentation. Her own hands run down your back, leaving shivers on your skin.

You look up into her eyes as you slowly kiss her lower and lower, while bending on your knees. First her waist, then stomach, and finally after getting her pants off, her inner thighs. You suck the skin, and leave a little bite which elicits a soft moan.

“Jessica…now, don’t tease me… please,” you smile from between her legs as you look up to her, and slowly kiss closer and closer to her panties. Using your teeth, you pull down her panties off, you look at her again.

“You smell so good Samantha,” you say teasingly. This causes her to push your head towards her warmth impatiently, as she’s even more turned on by your comments.

She still holds your hair in her hand, but this time, she pushes you with extra vigor. Your tongue at first lightly touches her clit, which makes her squirm and moan a bit. She’s clearly growing restless, you chuckle in your mind.

Then, without any warning, you suck her clit into your lips, and touch the with your tongue during that motion. She seems to like this a lot, as she moans.

“Ohh- yes, just like that!” she almost shouts in a raspy, voice.

You suck her clit again in and out of your lips more vigorously now, moving your head side my side, brushing your tongue against her clit more and more intensely.

She guides your head more and more roughly, grinding against your tongue forcefully as you please her.

While working on her clit, one hand explores the rest of her wetness, lightly touching the mouth of entrance with your finger, she likes this a lot and responds positively. You notice the rhythm that she prefers overtime, which is as fast as possible from the beginning, and so you do exactly just that.

“I’m….I’m coming, Jessica!” she moans loudly and pushes your head against her. You feel her whole body spasm and shake as she comes all over your mouth. You look up at her, her wetness all over your face, and you smile.

After cleaning up, you find yourself cuddling with her on the bed. Too tired to say anything, you both sleep in each other’s arms, but you know that things well be okay from now.

She looks in your eyes and kisses your lips before saying,”Jessica, will you be my girlfriend?”
