My lactating bestfriend (F23) just breastfed me (M23) for the first time

For context here is my original post about hers and my unique situation throughout university:

Long story short is my bestfriend throughout university induced lactation and would pump her milk for me to have whenever I’d like. Happened throughout pretty much the entirety of university but I never had the courage to ask to try it directly from her boobs as I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. We stopped for a while after we graduated as we moved to different cities about 3.5 hour drive away and didn’t see each other that often anymore.

Anyways I finally got the courage to ask her over text the other day (with the help of some liquid confidence lmao)! We were just texting and I basically brought up the convo of her breastmilk/lactation and how it was still going for her. She said it was going good and was keeping up with it but said it was a shame cause she had to waste all of it since I didn’t live close anymore so she couldn’t give it to me anymore. That prompted me to say that is a shame and I REALLY miss her milk being a part of my day. Then I say pretty much that I have been keeping this to myself for a while but that I really wished I could have tried her milk directly from her boobs but never asked because I was afraid she might find it weird or would cross a boundary in our friendship. I was SO nervous after texting this and had to hold myself back from deleting it before she could see it lmao. After what felt like the longest 15 minutes of my life she responded back with and I quote “hahahaha no way, I feel like that would have been really fun to try, probably would have been really relaxing for us both. Probably would feel a lot better than my pump too!”. Needless to say I was over the moon and was very very relieved. Basically long story short after a bit of talking more about it I then asked ‘Would you want to try it then? We haven’t hungout in a while”. Which she responded with something like ‘Yes for sure, How does Sunday night at my place sound?” Which I obviously agreed to.

Skipping ahead the big day! I was super nervous all day but just kept saying to myself this was going to be amazing and everything would be cool since we are such good friends. Anyways the drive was decently long, about 2.5/3 hours usually longer than this but was speeding the whole way lol, lots of time to think haha. Anyways I come up to her door and knock and she answers and she looks the same as always which is amazing lol. Yeah she’s my bestfriend but as a straight guy always understood that she was a very attractive girl lol she even models as a side hustle. For context she’s about 5’7, quite skinny and really fit (works out almost everyday), big boobs (for obvious reasons LOL, DD cup last time she told me), really pretty green eyes and dark long curly hair. As for me I’ll admit I’m a pretty attractive dude, I’m 6’1, decently built (was a college athlete), green eyes and curly brown hair, but nothing compared to her attractiveness lol. And not sure if I mentioned this but we are both currently 23. She was wearing a white crop top and jean shorts, nothing serious obvs as we were just hanging out at her house but she could pull anything off. We hug and say our hellos as we hadn’t seen each other in person for about 2.5/3 months or so. Anyways everything was completely normal, we just chilled, talked about life, played some switch etc. After about an hour or so she put her controller down and groaned. So I asked her if she was okay and she laughed said something along the lines of “If you still wanna nurse directly from me we are going to have to do it soon, I haven’t pumped all day in preparation and my boobs feel like they are going to burst” I then went wide eyed and pretty much said I was still very much interested and that she didn’t have to do that which she replied and said “She wanted to make sure there was enough milk for me” Which we both laughed. She then said lets go so I followed her into her bedroom. We both then sat on her bed as things started to get a little awkward as we both had no idea where to start or how to really go about this LOL. After a bit of awkward small talk she laughed and said “lets do this then” and turned on some chill music and propped herself against the backboard of her bedframe and started to take off her crop top and bra. Not going to lie I just sat there a little awkwardly and watched haha. But when she took off her bra I was so shook, she was not kidding about her boobs being full. They legit looked almost rock hard and you could see lots of veins but were still perfect. She saw me staring and cupped her boobs and laughed and said something I will never forget lol. “I hope you’re hungry” she said, which I responded “very” and we both laughed after. She then patted her hand on her lap prompting me to go over and get comfortable. I then took my position with my head on her lap and soon after she guided her left boob into my mouth. I won’t lie, it took me a few tries to get the right latch as I was quite nervous and this was my first time. But after a while I got the hang of it lol. After a few short suckles I was rewarded with her milk and a few moans on her end lol and I kid you not, legit the best taste I have ever had in my life. It was perfectly warm and sweet and came at the perfect amount for each mouthful, it was amazing. After about a minute or two she warned me that her letdown was coming and soon after I was hit with an even faster stream of milk entering my mouth (which I did not complain about lol). Funnily enough for the first time ever her other boob started leaking/dripping during her letdown so she grabbed an empty cup on her nightstand and put it underneath it to catch the extra lol. I guess it was because she had never been this full before. Anyways I continued until she told me to switch boobs which I did and her right boob was just as amazing as the left. After a while the milk started to slow down which she noticed too. It was honestly so amazing, just me laying there emptying her boobs while she played with my hair while chill music was going on in the background with the occasional moan from her lol. Once the milk completely stopped flowing I unlatched and she said “I could get used to that” we both laughed and I said “same”. She then handed me the cup with the extra milk and I promptly downed it quickly while she put her shirt back on and she jokingly asked me if I was full and I laughed and said “yup”. But in all honesty it did fill me up quite a lot, not all the way obviously lol but it was definitely a LOT of milk. After we just sat there and talk about how it felt for each other etc. I then asked her If she would want to do it again and/or make it a regular thing which she said that it felt amazing and she would love to keep doing it for sure. Which in my head fireworks went off lol I was so happy.

After everything just went back to normal, had a light snack after and just had friendly chats while we got ready for bed and eventually said our goodnights. I spent the night at her place as we both had work off the next day. The next morning once I woke up I got a text from her asking If I was awake which I texted back I was. She then came into my room and asked if I was hungry cause she needed to do her morning pump which I replied that I was. She then proceeded to take off her pajama top and crawl onto my best and we did our thing again. It came a lot more naturally this time I guess cause it wasn’t our first time and we were still both pretty sleepy and not as talkative lol. Her boobs weren’t as full as the night before obviously but was still a good amount of milk. We just relaxed until I finished and she said “That was a unique type of breakfast in bed” which we both laughed at and started to get ready for the day. After we just chilled and talked for a bit more before I had to drive back home. Anyways once I got home we just texted as normal. We just made plans to try and aim to do this every weekend if we can because we both loved it so much.

Would love to see comments and questions about this cause I know it is a very unique situation and wonder what people have to say about it. Thanks!


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