Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 11 “Fuck up” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 10 “Fingers”](

I wake to see Alice in my bed, staring at me. She smiles.

“Good morning,” I groan. “How long have you been awake?”

“I think you mean *good afternoon.* I haven’t been awake long.” She kisses me, and her kiss makes real what happened last night. It hadn’t been a dream.

“Wait, what time is it?” I check my phone, and it’s almost half-past noon. I laugh. “I haven’t slept in this late since I was a teenager.” I yawn and stretch and then roll over into Alice’s embrace. I snuggle up to her, and we kiss lazily. It feels so perfect to lie here naked with her.

Alice’s stomach growls, and I smile at her. “Hungry?”

Her fingers slip down to my pussy, and her lips move into a wicked grin. “I could eat.”

“Ok! You’ve got to teach me how you did that last night. No one has ever gone down on me like that. Like, *ever.*”

She laughs. “You want me to teach you how to eat pussy?”

“Yeah, I wanted to eat you out last night so bad. I wanted to reciprocate, but I got intimidated.”

“Intimidated?” Her eyebrow cocks in curiosity.

“Yeah. You can be intimidating, Alice. *Extremely* intimidating.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re so…gorgeous and smart and sophisticated and really, really good at sex.”

“Sara, you’re the first person in your family to go to college, and then you put yourself through law school. And now you work at a firm that pays you enough that you can afford to live *here.*” She gestures around. “Compared to you, I’m a total fuck up.”

“But Alice—”

“—And *you* are so beautiful and kind and brilliant. And as far as sex goes, I seem to remember you bending me over your couch last night and giving me an orgasm that absolutely melted my brain. My throat is still sore from screaming your name, Sara.”

“I wish you wouldn’t talk bad about yourself. In no universe are you a *fuck up.*”

“There’s that kindness I’m talking about.”

“I’m serious, Alice. I’ve always looked up to you.”

She looks shocked and genuinely confused.

I sigh. “Anyway. Let’s get you some food.” I kiss her cheek and get out of bed. It almost makes me sad to put on my underwear, a sign that our incredible night together is coming to an end. “Do you want to go somewhere, or should I make you some post-coital eggs and bacon?”

She hugs me from behind and fondles my breasts. Her lips are on my neck, and I inhale sharply.

“I like the option that keeps us naked,” she says.

“Mmm, good idea.”

“And would it be too Texas of me to make biscuits and gravy? In addition to your post-coital eggs, of course.”

I look up over my shoulder and touch her cheek with my finger tips. She bends down and kisses me. “That sounds delicious,” I say.

“Good. I’ll run down to store. Be right back.” She pulls my panties down to the floor. “And I better not see you wearing these when I get back.”

My face is all smiles as I head to the kitchen and get the bacon in the oven. It feels so naughty and fun to romp naked around my apartment, and Alice is all I can think about as I crack and stir the eggs. She’s so good to me and such a wonderful person to be around. It hurts me that she’s so hard on herself, though. She’s the opposite of a “fuck up.” In an Edwardian novel, she’d be called an “accomplished young woman.”

Alice is back in no time, and I laugh as she rips off her shorts and tank top at the door. She went commando, I see. She marches into the kitchen and puts on an apron.

“Hey, now.” I say with reproach.

“It pains me, I know. But not as much as splattering sausage grease.”

Without measuring any ingredients, she brings together a biscuit dough in her measuring bowl. She mixes it with her fingers and brings one to my lips. “Here, taste.”

I suck on her middle finger, licking up the sticky dough. “Mmm, delicious.”

“I know, right?”

She cooks the sausage for the gravy while I cook the eggs, and it’s absolute bliss to work along side her.

After a few minutes we sit at the table. I drape my legs across her lap as we feast. “Holy shit, that gravy is good. What did you put in there?”

“Family secrets.”

I laugh and take a sip of coffee. “Hey, I know you were being self-deprecating earlier. But I wanted to say again how much I look up to you. When you settle on something, you give it 100%. You have a passion for music and language and food, and you’ve mastered all of it. The fact that you didn’t try to monetize your passion doesn’t make you a fuck up. It says more about our society than it does about you.”

She’s silent and stares at her plate. Her hand goes to my leg, where she rubs my shin as she frowns.

“Sorry,” I say. “I didn’t mean to kill the mood. I just wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”

“Thanks, Sara.” Her voice is low and soft.

I scoot into her lap and drape my arms around her neck. “I love you so much, Alice.”

“I love you too.” She kisses me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You taste like gravy and bacon,” she says with a smile.

“So I taste pretty fucking good, huh?”

“Mmhmm. Now, what do I have to do to get you in the shower with me?”



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