Back on solids [mf]

I’m Jimmy [M48] married, 2 kids, a comfortable, safe, life; that I hate. I hired a woman, sorry a they, recently. Elyse [34] has some very liberal ideas. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination. But she had some pretty strong attitude. I say ‘she’ and ‘had’ on purpose, I don’t think they would mind anymore.

It started on her first day, she came in to the office at 9:46 and complained about the train, then complained about the rain, then spent 20 minutes in the kitchen making coffee, then complained about needing almond milk because it was the only sustainable practice and she actually tipped a brand new entire container of milk down the sink making loud gagging noises and pretending to vomit. Everyone was looking at her like she had two heads. 

I spoke to Kate, the head of HR, about the lack of doing any work, the show that was disturbing the entire office vibe, and that somebody had to go get more milk now. I suggested she get a verbal warning and have the milk deducted from her wages. But Kate promised she was some guru of sales automation, not to fret it, and that she would handle it. I trust Kate. She’s good at her job.So I let it play out. 

The two girls talked a while, and I could see their body language down the hall. Elyse was making some incredibly forward and large gestures, touching Kate’s hair and arm and hip. Kate pointed down the hall at me while talking, and Elyse looked straight into my eyes and put her hand on her hips. The eye contact was not uncomfortable for me but was definitely insubordination. I held my gaze, and she walked down the hall looking for a fight. 

There was no knock on the door. She let themselves in and was half screaming as she did. 

‘You don’t give me warnings. You’re lucky to have me work in…’

I laughed at her and held her gaze ‘sit down.’ I motioned the couch in my office. 

‘Don’t tell me what to do you mydoginist, I’ll stand, I’ll have you know I was the highest paid person at your competition and I’ll put you out of business if I go back there..’

I gave a half smile and half tipped my head over, ‘but you got fired’. I paused ‘So you can’t’. I paused again. ‘Shut the door. Let’s speak like adults’.

‘Why? So you can look up my skirt? Or roofie my drink, nobody wants your horrible old dick in them!’

‘This is your second warning. We don’t speak to each other like this here. Shut the door and sit down to talk to me, or shut the door on your way out’. I pointed at the exit.

She pouted and grabbed the door handle, looking through the glass petition wall. The entire office was staring at her, but not in the supportive way she had hoped for. They were looking at her like a homeless person pissing on their new car. It took some of the wind out of her sails. She sat down on the couch in a huff and crossed her legs.

‘Kate tells me you’re really good?’ I opened with. She looked at the ceiling. I gave plenty of gap in the conversation so that she felt safe to reply. ‘You don’t have anything to prove here. Everyone has been talking about you all week. All those peeps out there are ready to support you in writing our name across the sky’. 

There was a long quiet pause and a few tears rolled down her face. 

‘It’s been…’, shuddered inhale ‘I’ve had a hard time recently, OK?’ They looked like crocodile tears, but we’ve all been through hard times, and I’ve didn’t know her actual situation like my long-term staff. So I stood up. ‘You just chill here as long as you need’. I walked out of my office and closed the door. I went over and talked to the team. 

Aiden asked,’What’s her problem?’

Me, ‘just leave her, she’s nervous in her first day and upset’

‘Should I write her up?’ Kate asked

Me, ‘no, call it nervous energy’

Lisa chimed in happy as always. “Want me to get some more milk and maybe a cake?’

Me smiling, ‘ever practical Lisa, that would be great, grab a receipt’, and she tottled off.

I battered away a few more questions, and everyone got back to work. 

Back in my office I said to Elyse ‘I want two things, I want you to go out and introduce yourself to the crew, and since you’re now an hour and a half late,I expect you to stay late and make it up. Cool?’

‘Yea’, she sneered and got up when Lisa was coming back in with cake. We had an impromptu morning tea, and Elyse seemed calm. I guess running late to her first day, she’d felt vulnerable and lashed out as a defence mechanism. Anyway, we ate cake and made intros, but everyone was a little walking on eggshells. She even looked up at me a few times and smiled. I noticed Elyse got the biggest piece of cake with the whipped cream on it and deliberately didn’t eat it, but set it on her desk to tease everyone all day. 

Five O’clock rolled around, and everyone went home. I sat out in the open staff area near her desk. ‘Let me see this program you’re working on.’ Then I let her do the talking. 

‘It’s the latest in automation apps. It works off a block chain, but it is front ended with an adaptive AI user interface that means the CX is far more personal.’

I looked at her left eye, right eye, mouth. ‘What is CX?’ I asked. 

‘Oh CX means customer experience’ she smiled. 

I knew fully well what CX meant. But exposing a vulnerability to her and letting her feel smarter than I helped her relax. All people like to be experts and teachers. It went a long way, and she was jabbering away about the technology and leaned over close to me, and her hand went on my chest. I didn’t stop it, and she left it there for a full minute before realising. Her hand snapped back like she’d touched a hot stove. 

‘Are you some kind of pervert?’ She started. 

I laughed,’you touched me pervert’ and laughed at her, I smiled and made eye contact, 

“It’s OK, I don’t mind. Tell you what, let’s set some boundaries, yea? I’ll work next to you the next hour and I’ll come close, if you don’t feel comfortable say elephants, and I’ll know to stop, OK?’

‘OK,’ she agreed 

‘Tell me more about your application?’ and I brought my chair over next to hers so we could share a screen 

‘Is this ok?’ I motioned the short distance between us. 

She cocked her head on the side and gave me an eye roll expression ‘obviously’ she said, then continued on with her presentation. 

A little while later, I leaned over to point at the screen, and our hands touched. I looked at her, waiting for her to say elephants as a way to say I had crossed the boundary, but she just looked me in the eyes. I kept listening and looking at her, I’ve never been a fan of pink hair, but her bob framed her face. She was kind of pretty. 

‘So this AI is autodidactic,’ she was saying. This time, I was actually confused and looked at her like when you try to teach Chinese Algebra to a dog. She laughed at me and put on airs, ‘sorry to discombobulate’ you. She was kind of funny, I laughed with her. 

I was still testing boundaries and wanted to expand on the friendship, so i pulled her hair. ‘Oh, sorry to tease you too.’ I waited for her to say herd of elephants, but she just looked at me.

‘I kind of liked it, to be honest’ she bit her lip. 

I leaned in close, so close our lips were inches apart, and she was looking at my eyes and lips. She closed her eyes and puckered. 

I jumped up victorious with her piece of cake and ran away eating it. 

‘Nomnomnom’ I yelled as I ran into my office and locked the door. I stood there behind the glass and ate the cake in a mocking way. 

She stood with her hands on her hips and then I dropped the cake. She lifted her skirt to show some black lace lingerie. 😍 

‘Oh, sorry to tease you’. She called through the glass. 

I went out and stood close to her. ‘And do you feel comfortable when I touch you here?’ I touched her thigh and up to her underwear. There was no elephants so I touched her pussy through the underwear ‘do you mind if I touch you here Elyse?’

She opened her legs and leaned her head back. I drew little circles on her clit through the lace. I slipped her panties to the side and touched the outside of her pussy. 

‘Touch me anyway you want daddy’ she purred and I took the opportunity to kiss her neck. She was unbuttoning her top and I grabbed one of her tits, while my finger started to explore inside her. She had pubic hair which was unusual, but her wetness told me she was willing. Her hand grabbed my cock and rubbed it through my pants. 

‘I haven’t had cock in 11 years’ she was tugging it. 

I picked her up and put her on the closest desk and pulled off her underwear. Dropped to a knee, and started licking her pussy. 

‘I can get tongue at home, jam that cock in me’ she ordered. So, ever the gentlemen I mounted her and slow fucked her. 

‘Harder, harder, harder’ she kept saying and the pace kept speeding up till I was jackhammering my hard cock into her pussy, the desk was going creek creek creek and she had wrapped her legs around me holding me tight ‘cum in my pussy, I’m a slut, a cum bucket slut’ she was screaming. ‘Cock slut that should get punished’.

I was half hate fucking her and half starting to like her. I tired to pull out but her legs were wrapped around me and her nails were digging into my arms. 

‘Crazy bitch, let go of me’ I cursed her out but it made her more wild, till I couldn’t do anything except spray the hot cum inside her, like all the way deep inside her. 

‘Holy fuck’ I moaned ‘what have you done’ I started, but she was still fucking, grinding against me and holding me on. 

Her whole body was pale and rigid, with throws of little convulsions all over. 

She let me go, stood, wiped herself off with tissues, handed them to me, straightened her clothes, sprayed some perfume on herself and started to walk out

‘See you tomorrow, I’m going home to my wife, it’s nice to be back on solids’.

I was left standing with my pants down, a semi hard cock, covered in her love juice and a handful of cum soaked tissues. 
