Blowjob gone wrong. But I will PREVAIL!!

I don’t even know what this sex toy is called but my man found it on wish.

So my man loves blow jobs. A lot. And he likes making it as creative as possible. This usually just meant lubes or gels that tingles. Sometimes there’s also specific lipstick shades involved for the aesthetics.

He just recently bought this new toy and added it to his collection of BJ accessories. It was for me to wear. It looks like U-magnet that clips at the corner of the mouth. The whole thing isn’t in the mouth. It pinches like a U-shaped clothes pin on both inside cheek in your mouth and outside cheek as well. Probably so that you don’t accidentally swallow it. One half in your mouth and the other half outside. The ends were rounded and looks and kinda acts like a bullet vibrator but way smaller. So you place it at the side of your mouth and then perform oral on the penis. I’ve never seen this kind of toy so it’s probably new thing that hasn’t caught on yet. Anyways I’m all for trying new things.

So I pop the device in my mouth. It felt a bit odd but still good. Just a new sensation. My initial thought was ‘I hope I don’t look like a fish with a hook poking out of it’s cheek.’ And it stable at first. But then I turned it on. And oh gods. It was awful! It’s made of this sort of metal that, while fine on the side of the fleshy part on my mouth, felt like hell on my teeth. It’s like my teeth became bones you could move and now they were all wiggling. I was rattled and shook. Literally! It wasn’t painful or anything but it did feel like there was a dentist scraping tools on my molars. All that was missing were the drilling noises. The only saving grace being that I didn’t have to make small talk with a doctor with a weapon in my mouth.

And yeah it freaked me out, but I did try to power through it. (I don’t like chickening out of new experience. I want to try everything at least once.) Also my man reciprocates Big Time. And very well at that might I add. So I believed anything was worth suffering through as long as I get my turn. But when I had his dick in my mouth, it became a whole other nightmare. The toy stayed in place at first but of course when I moved, it jostled around. The faster I went the more hectic it got. And while I know there was nothing sharp about it, the dentist imagery kept making me afraid that it was gonna stab through my tongue or something.

I was flinching and jerking around so much I’m surprised I didn’t accidently bite his dick off.

But like the worst part is that he loved it! Best BJ ever! And he was grateful. Very grateful. So it was sort of worth it. Except not really. It was hard to get out of my head after the whole ordeal and I couldn’t fully enjoy him going down on me. (Although I did finish so it wasn’t a complete loss.)

I don’t want to tell him that I never wanna do this again cause like he was really into it.

So I’m either gonna have to find a better toy or go to an actual dentist every time I’m about to give him a blowjob and request that a dentist wackjob pump my mouth full of anesthesia so I don’t feel anything.

Obviously only the first one is really an option.

So yeah if anyone wants to suggest a better toy please do let me know. I think it was the metal part that freaked me out. I’m not use to having vibrating metal in my mouth. A version of this toy that’s made of a softer or squishy material could work. I can handle silicone dildo vibrators just fine in my mouth. There would also have to be a way to not make it move around so much. Like maybe it doesn’t just pinch the side of your mouth and you can wear it with a strap or a harness? Like a sexy snorkeling mask. Also I think it would help if it was flatter and thinner.

I need to look into my options. I don’t want to tell this guy no more blowjobs with toys, because like they’re fun to give. I just wished my mouth didn’t feel like it was in danger.
