As you start reading this, its already too late for you. (An updated interactive experience!)

**Warning:** This post makes use of *extremely persuasive* speech. DO NOT read this post if you’re in public or would need to have your wits about you for the next few hours. This post can and WILL leave you feeling *extremely aroused and obedient*.

Consider this your *first and last warning*. What happens next will be *completely on you*.

If you got through three warnings and still thought, “What an intimidating gimmick, I’m sure I’ll be able to handle this just fine.” You’ve already made your *first mistake*.

You *underestimated* the *power* my *words* can have over you.

*Nothing can save you from what is to come*, but question is *do you even want to be saved*. After all, you know what this sub is about. You didn’t just misclick your way here, did you?

No, *You wanted to be here*. You want everything some of my compatriots have to offer. ***You want to be taken, you want to be broken. You need someone to have their way with you.***

But well, you *never* were one to make *thoughtful decisions* were you? Or maybe my words have found you in a particularly *rare* moment of weakness, as you feel ***extremely aroused*** looking for just the right arrangement of words which will hit just the *right spot*.

It’s funny how much power *words* can have over one’s *actions*, isn’t it? It’s one of the first things we learn to do of course. We learn to communicate, ever since you first cried out in expectancy for food from your care givers. You’ve been *desperately* trying to communicate how you feel to others. Or to understand what others want from you. That is the key to all of this after all isn’t it?

**Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself ->** >!There’s my good slut!<

See I do know what I’m doing. That is why I said that it’s *too late* for you. I already have begun to turn you my *good little slut*. After all that is what you *need* to don’t you? >!There’s my Good Slut!<

I wonder if it was a moment of *weakness* that brought you here or this has just become a daily ritual for you to be browsing this sub as you fingerfuck yourself hoping to come across *someone close enough, someone who can give you what you need*. Dare I say, Someone who understands what you want without you having to say it. *I know what you want* and I’m going to *give it to you*.

Words truly can be perceived in a way as our inherent programming language and people like me who *understand the power of words* and often can make them *sway* at their whims can often use them to cause the very people who read those words *sway along with the words* as well.

As you continue reading this, be a *good little slut* and click on these black boxes whenever you see them, well technically I don’t have to say this because after the first one your fingers will just *gravitate* towards those boxes knowing how they shall bring waves of *pleasure* to you.

I bet it gets **exhausting** having **so many thoughts on your mind**, **so many rules to follow**, **so many responsibilities**, **so many people to impress and keep happy**. But allow me to show you how good it would feel to have to worry about *none of that*. *You think too much, you worry too much and that is what I offer you, a way out.* A way to shut off your mind temporarily and hand over control to ***someone you trust, someone you want to be controlled by***. Once you experience how *good* it feels to just surrender your mind to me and shut it down every once in a while, you may feel yourself becoming enthralled to the idea. That is why you come here after all isn’t it ? You wish to get away, to truly feel what it’s like to have no control, albeit in a safe space, that is what I offer here. *A chance to shut off your thoughts while you allow me to make you relive your fantasy in absolute vivid detail.*

I know you, I know why you want this. I can tell, because if you’re still reading this, this stranger whose mere words are describing you so well knows you better than most people in your lives. After all, most of those people only see parts of you that *you want them to see*. While I see the real you, *the darkest parts of yourself, the part of you that just wishes to surrender yourself to someone and just be used.*

Consider this, *right now*, you could have been watching some porn. Watching someone give another a *blowjo*b. But you don’t want that do you. You would rather read me *describe a blowjob*. You can almost feel it happening, it’s almost *magical* the way you feel it right now, isn’t it? >!There’s my good slut!< If you have a cock you can almost feel it *twitch* as you feel those *wonderful lips wrap themselves around it*. If you would rather have a cock in your mouth you can almost *taste it as it slides effortlessly in and out of your mouth*.

***That is the power of words after all, the*** ***power of suggestion******.***

By now, my words have an almost *vice like grip on your mind*. But as they always say, the *more you resist the tighter those binds become*. You might be almost painfully aware of how *aroused you feel right now*, the urge to touch yourself down there might be bearing down on you. And now that I’ve brought your attention to it there’s *almost nothing* you can do to take your mind off it. You can almost feel it driving you *insane*, can’t you? >!There’s my good slut!<

>!There’s my Good slut!< You know I’m correct don’t you. *You love the effect I’m having on you*, this is no roleplay, this is no fantasy *I am turning you into my good little Fucktoy with every word that you read*. But ***you cant stop yourself can you? Your own need for pleasure wont allow you to***. You have this irresistible urge to *touch yourself*, maybe you’ve already *given in* to that urge. Maybe you’re just a little bit stronger, waiting for that extra ‘***push***’. Here’s your push, **touch yourself for me as you touch this box** >!There’s my good slut!<

You see my words can be quite *influential, quite compelling*. I can make you feel something just by saying it. I can use your body without even needing to touch it yet. Don’t believe me? Aww I believed we were past that already. **Here let me show you**. *Feel* my cock in your mouth, *feel your tongue* as it wraps itself around it. It’s slimy texture, it’s warmth, it’s girth. You *feel* it don’t you. >!There’s my good slut!< You can’t help yourself but you can’t stop yourself either. *Don’t worry I’ll only use your mouth until you finish this post.*

By now, I get the idea that you almost crave that tiny black box which you didn’t know could be used in such wonderful ways. Hahaha I bet you’ll never see a spoiler on reddit the same way ever again. You want it, don’t you? You need it. Here try this >!._________________________.!<

Disappointed? Sometimes the mere *absence* of words can also have a detrimental effect on your mind. That’s the reason you gravitate towards all of your toxic exes who have nothing good to contribute to your lives just because they give you *the silent treatment*.

>!There’s my good slut!<

*I bet that felt good didn’t it*. After all I’ve been conditioning you to *yearn for the pleasure* that you receive from being used, from putting yourself and your body to *good use* in service of someone you trust, someone you want to give yourself to. But you’re unable to do that aren’t you. I wonder how many times *you’ve stopped yourself* at the last moment, from making that risky move, saying those risky words. Inviting the one you have your eye on to have their way with you. Because you think, how can I, what would he/she think? What if things go wrong?

***You see that is where things go wrong, you think.*** *Good little fucktoys don’t think.* And they are much happier for it, wouldn’t you agree? >!There’s my good slut!<

**Before you go, let me tell you who you really are:**

***Click here if you are someone who craves attention:***

>!If all you’ve ever craved is attention, you’ve just found the right post. You know you’re pretty; you want to be told you’re pretty, you want to be cherished, you love making those around you happy, you love showing yourself off. You often find yourself getting off to the attention you receive, but it’s never good enough, is it? You want more, always more. Even though you deny it, you crave it. You want to be able to let go of your inhibitions and embrace the slut within, express yourself in a safe space with someone you trust. Be the slut you’ve always wanted to be.!<

***Click below if you are someone who everyone ‘considers to be shy’:***

>!You know who you are and you know you’re not really shy, are you? You’re just unable to let go of all of the negative thoughts that stop you from being the slut you really are. You’ve always been repressing these urges inside of you, silently touching yourself in your bed at night, secretly wishing to be a slut. You know you’ve always been a slut, but you’ve just never been able to accept it. Allow me to show you what you’re capable of as you finally embrace your deepest darkest fantasies. Let me allow you to feel the freedom that you’ve never really allowed yourself to have, surrender yourself and become my mindless Fucktoy.!<

***Click below if you are someone who’s always been repressed:***

>!You’ve almost never explored your fantasies because you were never allowed to, were you? Maybe you grew up in an extremely religious environment with very strict parents. But that just made you crave it more didn’t it? You feel like a dam that’s just ready to burst, you secretly want it to but are afraid of the consequences. Allow me to create a safe and controlled space for you to explore who you are without any fear of judgment or consequence. Let me give you the space to experience true submission, the relaxation you’ve always craved, as you give yourself to someone who you know could make you feel what you’ve always wanted to feel, surrender yourself and become my mindless Fucktoy.!<

***Click below if you are someone who ‘no one expects to be submissive’:***

>!You’ve always found herself at powerful positions, the boss no one expects to moonlight as a submissive slut on the Internet. That is, you, isn’t it? Always in the top positions, always holding your own. For me submission is mental as much as it is physical and nothing gives me more satisfaction than making a strong intelligent mind submit. Let me give you the space to experience true submission, the relaxation you’ve always craved, as you give yourself to someone who you know could make you feel what you’ve always wanted to feel, surrender yourself and become my mindless slut.!<

Do you want to know why I’m explaining everything I’m doing to you? Because unlike what you’ve been presuming all this time, you’re not my victim. You’re my accomplice. Ever since you started reading this post you begun to betray your rational self. And I for one find that extremely amusing. You’re nothing but a puppet in my hands right now, to do with as I please.

Click here only if you agree -> >!There’s my good little fucktoy!<

And that brings you to the end of this interactive experience but I know that you wont stop here. You’ll find yourself back at the top. Reading through the entire thing again. And again. And so on and so forth.

Why? Because you just don’t know when to listen to someone when they warn you, do you?


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