The Ranch – Chapter 12 (Jessica) [MF][Dirty Thoughts][Love and Romance]

“I specifically said not to stop for anything!” My father wasn’t yelling, but it was close. His face was red, and his nostrils flared like steam was about to blow out of them.

“We had a flat. I didn’t really have a choice, Mr. Bell.” Jack’s voice was flat and unwavering. He had thought it best that we told my father about our run-in with Jake. I was just thankful he left out that the reason he hit the curb was because his beautiful cock was in my mouth.

I could tell by the look on my Dad’s face he was trying to think of a retort but was failing. “He all but admitted he started the fire in the barn,” continued Jack. “That confession has to be worth at least something.”

My father chuckled. “And who are we going to tell about it? His father?” Now it was Jack’s turn to be at a loss. “Honestly, I’m just thankful you saw it as early as you did.”

“Wait, you were the one that caught the fire?” I asked Jack. He hadn’t mentioned it on our drive into Danton. I had just assumed my father had woken up before dawn as he usually did and seen it.

“I’m a light sleeper. I heard a noise and checked it out. Corey and your dad did most of the work.” A cold chill went down my spine. There wasn’t a moment I spent in my bed alone that I didn’t imagine Jack’s hands all over me, with his lips kissing my most sensitive spots. If Jake really had set fire to the barn, what would have happened if I accidentally ran into him while I was sneaking to see Jack? I forced the horrible thought from my mind.

“Well, I’m grateful just the same. Even more, so that all the horses were in the pasture.” Silence fell over the kitchen table. “We’ll just keep our heads down. Those William’s men are like dogs chasing cars. Eventually, they will get bored with us. For their sake, I hope they don’t try trespassing again. If that’s it, I think Corey could use a hand finishing up our reclamation project in the barn.”

“How bad is it?” I asked.

“It’s still standing, so that’s saying somethin’. With a little paint and reinforcement, she will be good as new in no time.”

“Actually, sir, I did have one more thing to talk to you about. Jessica, could you give us a minute?”

Jack turned to me, and I glared back. What was it with the men in my life thinking I was utterly helpless? “Does it involve me?” I asked. I really couldn’t believe Jack figured I would be okay with him dividing the situation with Sherif Williams without me.

He must have realized he had touched a nerve because his face had turned pink. It almost looked like he was starting to sweat. “Yes,” said Jack.

“Then I’m staying. If it involves me, whatever you have to say to my father, I want to hear too.” I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, not bothering to hide my pouting face.

“She does have a point, son,” my dad said.

Jack looked flustered. It wasn’t something I had seen before. He almost looked like he was scared of something. I had no idea what could put that look on the face of a man like Jack. Jack cleared his throat. “Okay, here it goes. Mr. Bell, I’m in love with your daughter. We’ve spent some time together, and I don’t want it to be a secret anymore. I’d like your blessing to date her.”

My cheeks and ears felt like they were on fire. I wanted to bury my hands in my face, but I was too petrified to move. I just sat there, my jaw gaping. Out of the million things I imagined Jack wanted to talk to my father about, that wasn’t one of them. I loved him even more for it. Everyone else I had dated was terrified of my father. Most wouldn’t even look him in the eye. But they were boys. Jake was a man.

I finally managed to turn my neck enough to look at my father, who looked just as surprised as me. Meanwhile, Jack’s posture was rigid, and his eyes squarely fixed on my dad’s. He wasn’t backing down.

“Jack, when I hired you on, I’m fairly certain you were here to work the ranch, not try and sweet talk my daughter.” So much for calling him son.

“Yes, sir, I understand that. And to be frank, I really tried. She’s the most wonderful woman I have ever met, and I know part of that is a credit to your upbringing.”

To be fair, he really did try. It was me who corned him in the barn his first day on the ranch. We both reaped the benefits of that little adventure.

“Don’t try to kiss my ass now, Jack,” said my father, frowning.

It was impossible to know what the future held, but I had wanted Jack in mine from the first time I saw him. And the thought of kissing asses gave me some ideas for later. That is, if Jack survived this.

My father glared at me. Jack needed my support, and I knew I had to say something. “It’s true,” I squealed out. I put my hands on Jack’s arm and squeezed, letting him know he wasn’t doing this alone. “I feel the same way about him.”

“Hmm.” My father was still frowning. “I guess there isn’t really much I could do to stop you two. I guess I could fire you.” My father let the thought hang for an uncomfortable moment. “But I’m short on help as it is. Jessica’s a grown woman, so I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“So we have your blessing?” I asked excitedly, accidentally cutting Jack off.

“Hell no.” My rush of excitement quickly turned to dread as I prepared to throw the most extensive fit anyone had ever seen. “But I won’t stand in your way.”

I was practically giddy. I wrapped my arms around Jack and leaned into his shoulder. I felt his muscles relax slightly as he leaned over and kissed me on the top of my head.

“Cut that mess out,” said my father. “And get yourself outside. Corey still needs help in the barn.”

“Yes, sir. I’m all over it,” said Jack standing from the table, the tension removed from his voice. I could tell he was just as excited as I was. He was just much better at hiding it. As Jack stepped outside, the only thing I could think about him being all over was me.


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