Small town girl erotica part 1 [NSFW]

Hi all :) I’ve taken a stab at writing erotica and would love any feedback on what I’ve written below. Thank you!


Living in a small town, Tarriston, Louisiana wasn’t exactly thrilling, but it was home-sweet-home. My parents own a little diner called Whipped and Tasty, and I practically lived there after school. I mean, what else was there to do in Tarriston, population 200? Ghost town. But don’t get me wrong, I kinda loved it here. It was cozy and quaint, and everyone knows everyone. On weekdays after school, I would stop by at the diner, helping out in the kitchen or losing myself in a good book or guy in the back room. With not much to amuse me, can you blame me? By the time I turned 18, I had managed to work my way through most of the eligible bachelors in town. There was Greg the barista, Coby the trust-fund kid, Pete the grocery boy, et cetera, yawn. I am in my last year at school and what can I say, my reputation precedes me. If owning my sexuality makes me a s-l-u-t, then so be it. It’s my life and as long as I’m happy, who gives a shit right? My current beau, Colt, is the hunkiest defender on the football team. I’ve been dating Colt since last October. He is boyfriend number 7. I know, I know, don’t judge me okay? We are in an open relationship because I knew that just being with Colt wouldn’t satisfy my needs so he shares me with his jock group on the weekends. Cold is 6 feet tall, tan, and has the dreamiest blue eyes ever. Whenever his floppy brown hair falls in his eyes, it makes me weak. So annoying, I know, but the kid is too cute for his own good. This weekend Colt is holding a BBQ at his back yard to celebrate the last few weeks of school. It’s supposed to be a pool party or whatever. We had a conversation about dress code earlier today.
“Kristy babe, what you gonna wear for my bbq?” Colt said, in his usual deep baritone over the phone.
“I don’t know babe, probably a bikini? Maybe the hot pink one you got me for valentines!”
“Oh babe, that’s pretty hot but it has too much coverage, dontcha think?” he said.
“Yea I guess since it is pretty high-waisted.” I admitted.
“I want to show you off that day. Put you in something stringy and revealing, you know, get everybody’s blood pumping.” he said cheekily.
“Hahaha colt! Stop! You’re making me blush” I laughed
“That’s it, I’m taking you out to the mall, let’s go out bikini shopping together, meet you in 5!”
“Okay baby bear.”’
Colt shows up to my house in his cherry red bmw convertible. His tropical shirt was open and flapping in the wind, revealing his chiseled bod. His blue eyes lit up when he saw me descend the steps from my porch. I was wearing a denim mini-skirt, high boots and a sweetheart cut pink tube top. My mini skirt blew sideways in the wind, momentarily flashing Colt. I immediately pulled my skirt down, feeling the blood rush to my face and hopped into the car.
“You look delicious mmm.” Colt said just before leaning in for a slobbering wet kiss. I sucked on his tongue a bit since it had been a few days since i’d seen him, to show him i missed him. After a few minutes of deep tongue kissing he pulled away, his brown hair falling into his gorgeous eyes, the smell of musky cologne hanging in the air.
“Alrighty, off to the mall we go!” he winked, one hand on my upper thigh and one hand on the wheel. As we would drive along the main road, he would stroke my thigh, and at every junction, his hand would cheekily make its way up my skirt and rub me through my lacy panties.
“Oh babe, stop it! Unghh.” I would moan.
“But you like it, don’t you?” he would say cheekily while kissing me on the cheek.
“By the way, did you remember to wear the thingy?” he asked.
“Yes Colt” I said embarrassingly as I bit my lip and looked down.
“Let’s have a look now then shall we?” He said as his searching fingers pulled my lacy panties aside and probed deep inside me for the device while I writhed in need. As his fingers met the surface of the vibrator, he smiled.
“Good girl.” he growled. “We’re gonna have some real fun at the mall today.”
