Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 6 “Emergency” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 5 “Regrets”](

I wake up groggy and tired. I check my phone and see I forgot to charge it. I have almost no time to get ready for the day. Alice has laid out my clothes for me, and I wonder when she came into my room to do it. She’s also packed my gym bag, and I decide to just workout at the office gym and shower during my lunch break. I throw on the emerald sheath dress, the nude pantyhose, and the cream blazer she’s picked out. I check my gym bag and see she’s packed a pair of pumps for me to change into on the subway. My hair goes up in a ponytail, and I slap on my makeup.

As I head to the door, Alice walks in. Her hair is up, and she’s wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and violet yoga shorts. Judging by her face, she’s as surprised to bump into me as I am. There’s a fine sheen of sweat on her forehead, and I assume she’s getting back from a run.

“Oh, hey,” she says, taking the AirPods out. “Good morning.”

“Hey,” I mumble. “About last night—”

“We can talk later. Here, you’re gonna be late.” She picks up a paper bag from the table and puts it in my hands. “Your lunch,” she says with a sad smile.

My eyes water, and I chew on my lip. “Alice, I—”

“It’s OK. You’ll be late.”

She rushes me out the door, and I realize in the elevator that I don’t even know what I would have said to her.

The morning is a blur as I think about last night and how awkward this evening will be. As I half-focus on writing my brief, a sinking dread hits me. I’m certain that I’m driving her away for good. She’s sick of nannying me and sick of the constant emotional mess that I’m in. How could she not be?

The morning passes, and I realize the afternoon yoga class is about to start. I open up the gym bag and Alice has packed me clothes I know I’ve never purchased. I’ve been meaning to buy new exercise outfits, but I hadn’t told her that. I like them. They’re good quality and cute. I wonder how much they cost and whether she spent her own money on them. I hope she took it out of my grocery budget or something.

I change clothes and head up to the office gym. George is just stepping off the treadmill as I head into the classroom. He’s handsome and fit and twice my age.

“Sara! I was happy to see you’re taking time off.”

I nod. “Thank you for approving it so quickly.”

“Of course, of course. Going anywhere exciting?”

“I actually don’t know where I’m going yet.”

He frowns. “Odd. Your boyfriend surprising you or something?”

I blush. “No, no boyfriend.”

He looks surprised and pleased. “Shame. Well, don’t let me keep you.” As he exits, he presses his hand into the small of my back, and I tense all over. I freeze for a moment and then walk into the yoga class.

After I’m showered and dressed and back at my desk, it takes me a while to get an appetite, but at about 1:30 I remember the leftover ossobuco.

Alice has left me a note in my lunch bag.

>Sara, Sorry again about last night. I feel awful and want to make it up to you. And please know that I’m always here to talk.

I pull out my phone to text her, but George walks into my office. “Conference room. All hands on deck.”

The rest of the afternoon is spent trying to calm down a panicking client. The sun is getting low, and there’s no end in sight. My assistant sends me a message asking for my dinner order, and I realize Alice and I might not have that conversation tonight after all. I text her.

>Hey, there’s an emergency at work—won’t be home for dinner. I really wanted to talk tonight, but don’t worry about waiting up

A minute later, she responds:

>Gotcha. Good luck!

It’s almost midnight by the time I get home. George told me not to worry about coming in tomorrow since it’s a Saturday and we worked so late tonight.

I drop my bag at the door and step out of my heels. I’m going to wash my hair and fall asleep watching something in my room.

On my bed is another note. So many notes in the past 24 hours.

>Congrats on getting through the day! Stop by my room. I want to say goodnight. Doesn’t matter how late.

As always, she’s left out clothes for me: my trusty sweatpants I’ve had for years and a sweatshirt from undergrad. She probably doesn’t remember, but these are what I wore the night before she left for Italy.

I undress, and when I pick up the casual clothes I see she’s also left out a set of wine-red lingerie, a matching bra and thong. I hesitate. Surely she’s not intending to send this message. She just bought me some new underwear. That’s all.

I get dressed and walk down the hall. I knock softly on her door, not wanting to wake her if she’s asleep.

“Come in.”



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