The Ranch – Chapter 10 (Jack) [MF][Intimate Romance]

By noon, my once gray shirt was soaked in sweat, making it a few shades darker. My hands stung from the repetitive motion of lifting the square hay bails by the wire and tossing them onto the trailer for Jasper and Cody to stack. My forearms were as red as cherry tomatoes. I could feel the back of my neck and ears sizzling like a steak on the grill. The was no shade in the pasture, and if I had to guess, the temperature was pushing one hundred. All in all, I felt great.

Since Jessica confessed her feeling for me, I had felt like a brand new man. No, I was a brand new man, and not even the Texas heat or a pasture full of square bails could bring me down.

I saw the tractor stop ahead and Mr. Bell climb down from his air-conditioned cab. “Looks like lunch is here. Y’all take a break.”

I turned to see a four-wheeler speeding towards us with Jessica in the front seat, her loose bangs whipping wildly in the wind. I smiled. That girl always showed up at the right moments.

The four-wheeler came to a stop next to us, and Jessica climbed out of the cab. She looked like a wet dream. Boots, denim shorts that left very little to the imagination, and a red button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled past her elbows. Her tan skin soaked in the sun. She wore a brimmed hat, and the only thing I could think of was taking her for a ride. “Eat up,” she said loudly.

The rest of the crew headed towards the bed of the four-wheeler, starving for something to eat. I was starving as well, but not for a sandwich. I wanted to pick Jessica up and set her on the hood of the Polaris and kiss her. But I couldn’t, not yet anyway, so I simply said hello.

“Hey back, cowboy,” she said with a grin. “You’re looking a little red around the ears.” She reached into the cab and tossed me a bottle of spray-on sunscreen. “You green hands always have a lot to learn.”

“Well, then, I guess I’m lucky I have you around.” I felt a stupid smirk curl my lips, and as hard as I tried to keep a straight face, it just wasn’t possible.

“You bet you are.”

Without realizing it, I had been drawn dangerously close to her. We were nearly standing nose to nose. Just a slight lean forward, and her lips could be pressed against mine. I watched Jessica’s eyes shift as though something else had caught her attention. “Your Dad’s watching me, isn’t he?”

“Yup,” said Jessica, her dimples in full force.

I nodded my head and chuckled under my breath. “Thanks for the lunch.”


I could feel Mr. Bell’s eyes cutting into my back like knives. I knew, at some point, I would need to come clean with him. I would have to tell him his daughter had stolen my heart, and I didn’t want it back. I’d probably lose my job, and honestly, that was the best-case scenario. Part of me thought he might actually kill me. Twenty-thousand acres leave plenty of room to hide a body.

I pulled a sandwich from the white igloo and took an apple for good measure. The crisp, sweet redness of the fruit reminded me of Jessica’s lips. Jesus, what was wrong with me? I almost felt embarrassed by how quickly I had fallen for her, but there was no stopping it now.

When the sun began to set, Corey and I were in the barn stacking the hay in the lofts. The rest of the crew had gone home for the evening. Since we both stayed on the ranch free of charge, we didn’t mind putting in a little extra work.

“That’s a Hell of a day, ain’t it,” said Corey as he tossed another square bail to me from the back of the trailer.

“You aren’t lyin’. I can’t remember the last time I was this sore,” I replied, catching the hay bail in my chest. The good news was my hands had gone numb, so the wire no longer stung through my leather gloves.

“I always knew you Jarheads were pussies,” said Corey with a laugh.

Movement by the barn door caught my attention, and when I realized it was Jessica, I stopped in my tracks. She was wearing the same outfit as before, minus the hat, and she was carrying a plastic jug and a handful of paper cups. “Y’all thirsty?” she asked. I looked at her, and her emerald eyes stared right back into mine.

Corey dropped his head. “Oh, Hell nah. I’m not gettin’ caught in the middle of this, now way. Not today Satan.” Corey hopped down from the back of the trailer, and Jessica’s jaw dropped, pretending to be insulted.

“What? I was just bringin’ y’all some water!”

“Nope, you ain’t foolin’ me. You’re bringin’ somethin’ alright, but it ain’t water.” Corey took off his gloves and tossed them on the truck’s hood as he walked past Jessica. “You two have fun. I think I’m calling it for the day,” he said, smiling back at us. His boots kicked up dust as he made his way back to the bunkhouse.

Jessica walked over to me and set the jug and cups on the trailer. “You gonna give me a hand?” I asked.

“I don’t do hay bails,” she replied, holding up her delicate fingers. “I’d love to watch you work, though.” She was grinning from ear to ear as she pushed herself onto the trailer and sat.

“You ran off my help. You better have something better to offer me than water if I’m going to finish all this tonight.”

“I think I might have something.” Before I knew it, I was standing between her legs and could no longer resist the urge to kiss her. I tossed my gloves off and ran the back of a calloused finger across her cheek. When our lips met, I felt as though I had been struck by lightning. Her hands grabbed ahold of my sides as she drew her body closer to mine.

“I’m a mess,” I said, quickly between kisses.

“I don’t mind getting dirty,” she replied, her arms moving to my neck as she pulled me on top of her. The jug of ice water spilled, but neither one of us noticed. My hands moved to her full breasts, kneading them softly. I found her perky nipples and pulled lightly, eliciting an intoxicating moan. It gave me an idea.

Slowly, I unhooked the buttons of her shirt and let it fall open. I gently lifted the hem of her tank top over her breasts before kissing them. I savored the taste of her.

I reached for the jug of ice water and pulled out a single cube of frozen water. I let it melt, the cold water dripping onto her stomach. Jessica bit her lip. I put the cube of ice softly against her nipple, massaging it as my hips moved between her legs. She moaned again.

“Hey, before I forget….” Corey’s voice seemed to echo forever inside the barn, and he quickly turned away when he saw us. “Damnit to Hell. You two couldn’t make it five minutes?” Corey stormed back through the large barn door.

Jessica and I erupted into a fit of laughter. She grabbed my cheeks, her piercing green eyes seeing straight to my soul. Corey was gone, and we were finally alone.



  1. And finally up to date.

    The first impression remains standing:
    This has certainly some talent built in, especially in the “longer” chapters. It is not easy to build up tension in so few words, and it doesn’t always work. This one, though, does a fairly nice job conveying the sweet playfulness of characters who are still in their honeymoon.

    I mean letting a pretty girl distract you from work?
    That surely couldn’t be me. <.<

    Definitely looking forward for what you have planned with the story.

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