The Dead Dog Party / My Number One Fan [M52, F]

Ahh… the dead dog party. It’s what happens at a convention on Sunday, after almost everyone has left. Those of us who stay over until Monday to leave get together. Usually, I’m hanging out with other writers, comparing notes, potentially working on future collaborations, but I was done. I was about to head up to my room and I saw a lovely looking woman sitting at the bar, alone.

I’m not really the kind to approach people. As shocking as it may seem, I don’t do well with people. But I was curious, so I leaned back in my chair and watched as some guy walked over and sat down beside her. I’d seen him around the con floor hitting on everything with a pair of tits, with horrible results. I almost felt sorry for him, and mentally wished him luck.

I tuned out the other people at my table and focused in.

“Hey babe, you look lonely,” he said.

I grimaced. Babe? He was already losing.

“I’m fine,” she said with a polite smile.

She’s trying to let him off easy. That’s nice of her.

“Aw, come on. I’ve got a suite upstairs.”

The way he emphasized suite… like that was a big deal. I suppose this was a step up from the Motel 6, but, come on dude. This wasn’t even a 5-star hotel. Even I didn’t bother with a suite here. Didn’t need it.

“Good for you, maybe you should go up to it,” she said, a bit more firmly.

“Bitch,” he spat, and stomped off, knocking his chair down as he left.

It banged off of the lady’s chair and fell, which caused enough of a racket to get everyone’s attention. Once they saw there wasn’t anything major, they went back to their conversations.

I sighed, excused myself, stood up and walked over to right the chair. “Are you okay?” I asked, noting how it might have hit her on the way down.

“It just grazed my hip. I’m fine. Thank you,” she said shortly without turning around.

“Sorry,” I said. “Just making sure you’re good. Have a good night.

She shook her head and sighed before she turned around. “I’m sorry, I–”

I smiled and extended my hand. “I’m-”

“Oh shit, I know who you are. I’m so sorry, I love your work.”

I smiled. I loved it when anyone had even heard of my work. To hear that someone liked it was a wonderful treat.

“I don’t remember you stopping by my table…”

“Oh, I didn’t. I couldn’t afford to buy anything, so…” she shrugged, embarrassed. “I’m staying in a friend’s room.”

I guess she felt the need to explain why she stayed an extra night if she couldn’t afford a book, but it wasn’t necessary. Not everyone likes the paperbacks.

“Hmm… you were in the panel on writing evil characters people actually like, right?” I asked.

“I was!”

I chuckled and nodded. “Writing panels are usually pretty thin, so it’s easy to remember a face.” I wanted to add that hers would be easy to remember anyway, but that’s the kind of thing I could only write in my hidden life, on Reddit or something. I could never say that out loud. Now that I was getting a really good look at her, she was definitely attractive. I mean, she was no fashion model, but I didn’t go in for those anyway. This woman had some curves, and they were in all the right places.

“Look, I have a few table copies up in my room. The covers are a little worn from being handled, but if you want I can run up and grab one for you. Least I can do after what you just had to deal with from that moron, and it’s nice to have my work in the hands of someone who will enjoy it.”

She bit her lip, thoughtful.

“It won’t take but a few minutes. The elevators aren’t as bad as they have been on Sunday night.”

“Well, I was thinking of going up anyway… can I walk with you and get it? I mean, I hate to be a mooch, but–”

“Not another word about it. It’s my pleasure,” I said and offered my elbow.

She stood and fluttered her hand over her chest. “Be still my heart, a true gentleman,” she said in a very bad fake southern accent. I laughed and shook my head as she looped her hand into my elbow. “Lead the way sah.”

“You’re really bad at that, you know,” I said as we walked to the elevator and I hit the button.

“I know, but I couldn’t help myself. It’s nice to smile after that jerk.”

“Yeah, he’s been trying the whole con, and striking out every time.”

“I bet that never happens to you,” she said as I waved her into the elevator first.

I grinned and followed her in then hit the button for my floor. “This may come as a shock, but I don’t really do well around people. I’m very much an introvert. A lot of writers are really.”

“But you look so comfortable out there!”

I shrugged. “It’s an act. A mask, if you will. I’ve gotten pretty used to wearing it over the past few decades.”

“So you’re acting now?”

I considered. Was I? “No. This is pretty much me. I’m able to relax a little, especially around a fan,” I said with an amused wink.

“I’m your number one fan!”

“Aw shit. I’m fucked,” I said with a grin, getting the reference.

“Not yet… but you might be if you’re lucky.”

I blinked and looked at her. She couldn’t be serious, right?

The elevator stopped, which was good because I was getting a bit uncomfortable. I mean, I really didn’t know her, maybe she was a whack job. I led her out and down to my room at the far end of the hallway. I always got a room as far from the elevators as possible. I tapped my phone to unlock the door and opened it. “If you want to wait here, I’ll just grab it and sign it for you.”

“Um.. could I use your bathroom?” she asked and shuffled her feet a bit. “I drank a lot of water down there.”

I shrugged. “Sure, help yourself.”

She went into the bathroom and I dug in my case for one of the cover copies of my latest book. I found it, pulled it out and sat down at the desk with a pen, waiting for her to come out. I kinda needed her name to sign it to her.

She walked out of the bathroom with a hand covering her crotch, and her arm across her breasts, and she was otherwise uncovered.


“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I just. Well, you’re an attractive man, and… Ugh, this is stupid. I’ll get dressed and go,” she said and turned around to go back into the bathroom.

“Wait,” I said and stood, forgetting all about the book. “It’s nice to hear someone likes my work… it’s more rare to hear that someone thinks I’m attractive.”

“Well, you are,” she said, her back still to me. “I’m sure you can do much better than me.”

I took the few steps it took to cross the room and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. “Turn around,” I said gently.

I kept my hand on her shoulder as she turned around. I could feel how soft her skin was. Silky really. Her clothes had very well concealed her body, and she was definitely beautiful.

She let her hands slide to her sides as she turned around, exposing wonderful perky breasts with nipples that pointed straight out, a little upward even. She was smooth shaved, and had a very tight line leading between her legs from a slight mound. I’d never gotten up close and personal with a, what was it they called it… an innie pussy.

I smiled as I slid my hand down her arm to her hand, and closed my hand around hers. “You’re beautiful.”

She blushed, really blushed, and looked down with a shrug.

“Oh come on, that’s not the first time you’ve heard that.”

“First time from a famous author.”

I had to really fight to keep from laughing. I was hardly famous. Not even well known really, except in my little corner of the world, in a certain crowd, of maybe twenty people. But I knew that fame was in the eye of the beholder. If I was the first writer she’d ever really gotten close to, this was a big deal for her, and making fun of it would be colossally stupid.

“Come sit down.” I led her to the bed and sat on the edge, patting the spot beside me.

She sat, I could tell she was fighting the urge to cover herself, but she kept her hands down. Her body exposed.

“Is this just because of who I am?” I asked, mentally kicking myself. Wow, arrogant much jackass?

“No,” she said with a rapid shake of her head, which caused her hair to fall beautifully across her shoulder and lay over her perky breast. “I saw you at the table when I walked in. I… well, I didn’t realize who you were. You look different than your photo on Facebook, and Instagram, and Amazon, and–”

I held up a hand. “Yeah. I’ve gained a bit of weight, new haircut.”

“I think you look amazing. I wanted you when I walked in, but you were with those other famous people.”

There was that word again. The line ran through my mind… I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

I leaned forward, cupped my hand behind her head, and softly put my lips on hers. We kissed, lightly at first, then her tongue flicked out to touch mine, and the kiss deepened. My other hand moved to her knee and slid up her thigh. She parted her legs, but I kept moving my hand up to its target, one of her breasts, and cupped it lightly in my hand.

She gasped at my touch, but was right back into the kiss. Her nipple hardened immediately under my fingers, and I softly ran my palm over it, feeling how hard and rigid it was. Damn, she was horny. Her body pushed into my hand, encouraging me, and I gave her breast a good squeeze and she gasped again. The next thing I knew, she had thrown a leg over me and was on my lap with a leg on either side of me, facing me.

With a glance down, she started unbuttoning my shirt. As soon as her hands were low enough, I put a hand in the small of her back to keep her steady, and leaned my head down to wrap my mouth around one of her erect nipples. I trapped the skin of her breast between my teeth, and ran my tongue lightly around her nipple, and over the tip.

She moaned and arched her back, pushing herself against me. “Mm… if you don’t stop that I’m never going to get you undressed.”

I chuckled, her nipple still in my mouth, and gave it one good semi-hard bite before I let it slide out from between my lips.

She inhaled sharply at the bite, and grinned at me as she slid off of me to pull my shirt off, then knelt down on her knees to work on my belt and trousers. She looped her fingers over the edge of my trousers and underwear, and I stood to let her pull them down. By now, I was already hard, and my cock popped out and stood up as my underwear slid over it.

“Oh wow,” she said as she looked straight ahead, my cock right in front of her face. She licked her lips, then looked down to hold my trousers for me to step out of them.

I raised a foot at a time, and she slid my shoes and socks off, then the trousers out of the way. Once they were off, she tossed them aside and looked up into my eyes as she ran a hand up the inside of my leg and cupped her hands around my balls. “They’re so… big.”

“Mmmmm… Yes, they are,” I said, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin against me.

She raised up a bit and kissed the tip of my cock, then lightly licked it.

I became a bit unsteady, and leaned my legs back against the bed so I didn’t fall over. She was so gentle. So sensual. And it felt so good. I could feel the texture of her tongue pass over the sensitive skin of the head of my cock, followed by more light kisses down and up the shaft. Then she put the tip of her tongue at the point where my balls turned into my cock, and slowly ran the stiff tip of her tongue up to the tip.

I gulped, becoming more unsteady. Fuck she knew how to work a cock. I just wanted her to gobble it up, but I wasn’t going to say a word.

“You okay up there?” she asked with a grin on her face. Her lips brushed my cock as she spoke.

“Oh yeah. I’m great.”

“Yes, you are,” she said as she put her closed lips against my cock, then pushed against it and I penetrated her mouth like a pussy. All I felt was her lips, then her tongue. She didn’t take it all the way, but it was damn well enough. Still she didn’t get aggressive. Every move, every lick, every stroke, was slow and sensual. And it was driving me crazy.

“Lay down before you fall down,” she said after my cock slid out of her mouth and she gave me a light shove.

It was enough, as I was already getting weak in the knees, and I fell back onto the bed, my legs hanging off the edge.

She didn’t wait for me to slide back. Before I could move her knees were on either side of me, and the length of my cock against that tight little line over her pussy. I lifted my head to watch as she reached down and pushed me against her. My cock parted the skin and then I could feel wet pussy along the length of me.

I licked my lips and watched as she slid forward and backwards. My eyes traveled up to her tits when she grabbed one of them and started pulling and twisting her own nipple. I considered just laying there and enjoying, but I wanted to be inside of her. Now.

I sat up and put my hands on her hips to shift her so the head of my cock slid up against her and she rocked her hips once hard, and I penetrated her. And oh fuck was she tight, really tight, all the way up.

She wrapped her legs around my back and locked her ankles, then started grinding her hips against me.

I was right in the sweet spot, and sucked the nipple I hadn’t yet paid any attention to into my mouth more aggressively than I had the other, and attacked it with my tongue.

“Oh fuck yes. Bite it. Bite it.”

So I did. I gave it a light bite, then a bit more, and she started shuddering and I could feel her orgasm. And the neighbors probably heard it as she called out. The way our bodies met, and as far down on me as she was with my legs together, I could feel her pussy pulsing against my balls. I gave her nipple another lick, which caused her to jump because of the heightened senility.

I was surprised when she got her legs under her, and slid off. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you undone,” she said as she turned around, pulled open her cheeks, and sat right down on my cock, which slid, with some difficulty, into her asshole. She immediately started bouncing, and I reached around to grab her nipples. “Pull hard. I like it. Now fill my ass.”

Gone was that shy woman who came into my room, oh, it was going to be a great night.
