Club sex

If you’ve ever been to Germany then you know how exciting the clubs can be. There was is one in particular in Frankfurt that was underground that we visited frequently. The atmosphere was great. Loud music, amazing laser shows, and sexy rave girls, and care free. I loved dressing as slutty as I could when I went. Loved giving the guys something to look at. This particular time I wore a very tight and short dress, no bra or panties. The guys I would dance with would always run there hands down my back and pull up my dress just high enough to show everyone my thick heart shaped ass. It would make me so wet knowing that everyone was watching me shake my ass. This one particular guy took it a step farther and slid his finger in my pussy in the middle of the floor and smacked my ass over and over, random guys would grab my cheeks and spread them for him as they walked by for a closer look. One finger turned to two then three. My pussy was dripping and the thought of all those guys wanting to fuck me drove me to my first orgasm. With the fingers, the music, and smacking I was ready for a cock. We finally came off the floor and found a little corner where he let me pull his cock out and I sucked it. Again people would walk by and grab the back of my head and forced me to deepthroat that cock. He pulled me up by my hair and bent me over so he could fuck me. His cock felt amazing as I finally became aware of the all the people watching us. I let him fuck me as people continue to walk by. Guys would stop and suck on my tits, or whip there cocks out and let me jerk them off or grab my hair and pull me down to suck them. The occasional girl would stop and help me suck or jerk them off. They would cum and leave. I lost count of how many past 10. But they never quit coming. I’d let them do whatever they liked as this guy kept fucking me for what felt like hrs. XTC is a hell of a drug, it lifted my inhibitions and gave me the best orgasms I ever had. I left that club a very satisfied girl. Couldn’t wait to come back next weekend.
