The Ranch – Chapter 9 (Jack) [MF][Lust and Passion]

Moonlight peaked through the curtains above my bed, bathing the interior of the bunkhouse in a pale blue. I couldn’t sleep. Corey, on the other hand, snored noisily from his bed against the far wall. It sounded like a chainsaw revving up.

Missing sleep wasn’t new to me. In fact, compared to the alternative, I welcomed it. The nightmares began when I left Afghanistan. The sound of gunfire, explosions, and agonized screams terrorized my dreams. That is until I met Jessica.

From the first time I heard Jessica’s angelic voice, my head had little room for anything else. Her unexpected presence in my life overpowered any darkness. I wasn’t just in love with her. I was grateful for her.

Love. I groaned to myself and rolled over again for the millionth time. What was I doing to myself? A few short months ago, I had been lost until a random phone call from my old platoon leader told me about a man in Texas helping veterans get back on their feet. After a bus ride and an outrageous Uber fee, I was sitting in Mr. Bell’s kitchen. Now, I was dreaming about his daughter like a love-sick puppy, imagining the erotic things we had done together.

I flipped my pillow over. No luck. The intrusive thoughts began to creep into my mind slowly. Jessica was a wonder, a gift to the world. How could I have gotten so lucky when the only kind I had my entire life was bad? Was I just a fling to alleviate some of her boredom?

A slight tap came from the window above me. And then another. I sat up and looked outside. Standing in the darkness, her tanned skin made dull by the moon was Jessica. It was as if she could sense my thoughts and came to recuse me from them. I pulled on a white tank top from the footlocker at the end of my bed and went outside. The breeze wasn’t cool, but in the absence of the scorching sun, it felt it.

“Are you really throwing rocks at my window like a child?” I asked as I saw her.

Jessica shrugged her shoulders playfully and smiled. “Did I wake you?”

I shook my head. “No, I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither.” Jessica closed the space between us, her supple his swaying back and forth. She was wearing an old t-shirt that looked to be about two sizes too big for her and her sweatpants tucked into her boots. Even in that attire, she was the most lovely thing I had ever seen. With every step she took, I felt her sensual heat grow warmer and warmer until her hands rested against my chest, and she was looking up at me, her lips longing to be kissed.

Even such a simple gesture stoked the fires of passion I had tried to squelch since dinner. “What are you doing?” I asked softly.

“I think you know the answer to that,” she said, biting her lip. Her soft fingers slid inside the waistband of my shorts, and my body responded. I moaned. I wanted her. I wanted to pick her up and take her right here in the middle of the field, but the depressing thoughts I had been fighting weren’t ready to give up yet. I turned away and rested my forearm against the wall of the bunkhouse.

“Are you okay?” asked Jessica. She had a look of concern on her face that broke my heart. Her pouting lips just begging me to kiss them. But I knew if I did, I would be put under her spell before I had a chance to figure things out.

“What are we doing, Jessica? What is this?” I asked, not letting myself look at her.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean us. I can’t keep sneaking around like this.”

“Are you worried about my father?” she asked. I scoffed and shook my head. I wasn’t worried about her father, though I knew I probably should be. As overprotective as her father was, Jessica was a grown woman and more than capable of deciding who she wanted to be with. Still, I had seen the shadow box filled with medals from Mr. Bell’s days in the Marines. The guy could easily take my head off from a mile away, and I would never see it coming. But that wasn’t what I was afraid of. “Then what is it then?”

“I’m worried if we keep doing this, I’m never going to stop falling in love with you.” Jessica put her fingers to her lips. It was a soft, feminine motion. Due to a trick from the moonlight, it looked like tears were forming in her eyes.

Suddenly, Jessica ran to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She buried her face in my chest and squeezed me, so thought I thought she was trying to force all of the air out of my body. I wondered if she could feel my heart thudding in my chest. “I love you two,” she whispered.

The chains of restraint that had been holding me at bay shattered. I picked her up in my arms and kissed her. Jessica’s legs wrapped around my waist, and her hands squeezed my cheeks as our tongues fought for control.

I turned and pressed her back against the wall of the bunkhouse, both of us breathing heavy sighs of lust and passion. I set her down for only a moment, and when I lifted off her feet again, her pants were left on the ground next to my shorts. I growled as I pushed past her entrance. It was a primal sound, one she responded to by digging her nails into my back.

I thrusted deep, her body rocking up and down while her back was pressed against the wooden siding. I kissed the soft part of her neck, just above her collarbone, my hands squeezing her firm ass tightly. Her teeth bit into my shoulder, but I loved it. The pain mixed beautifully with the pleasure and sent me over the edge.

I wasn’t sure what time it was, though the moon was getting close to disappearing behind the trees. The sun was chasing it from the east. My day would be starting soon, but after what Jessica had confessed, I knew my new life had just begun.


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