Just a Private Job Part 2

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for all the feedback I had on Part 1, no way was I expecting the response its had. Part 2 is another build up to what happened next. Part 3 will be more “action packed” so to speak and will hopefully be out tomorrow if this one gets a similar response as part 1 did.again please go easy on me as this is my first real shot at this and I’m taking all advice on board to try improve each Part as they are released


“No it will be just you and me”

My confused mind started to think of all the situations that could happen.

Maybe she just wanted someone to go to the pub with and just have a drink?

Maybe she wanted more from me?

I had no idea, all I had been focused on was trying to shoot my shot with Hannah, now suddenly it seemed I had a older woman potentially interested in me.

“Yeah ok that sounds fun! I can meet you there what sort of time are you thinking?” I responded.

I thought to myself that maybe I’ll have one pint so I’m good to drive home, or have a few lager shandies and I still should be ok?

” No, Come to mine for 6.30pm, you can park your car in my garage then we can walk down together xx” was the text back from her.

In all honesty this made sense, I previously carried out some work in the pub for the company I work for and I know the landlord and landlady. when I’ve been there in the past on a Friday evening it gets very busy.
It’s quite a cozy pub, bit of a walk from her house though.

“Ok no worries, I’ll see you this evening” was my response.

“Come on James, we need to get this job done” my colleague said. I shook my head and attempted to knuckle down getting on with the job in hand with my mind swiftly elsewhere for the remainder of the day.

It had reached 4pm and Work was completed for the week. I jumped in the van and went to my local barbers for a little tidy up, I decided to atleast try and make an effort for her.

To me, Women were always strange creatures. my past so called relationships weren’t so good, I hadn’t dated anyone since I left college at 17. 3 years without a woman in my life other than my family members. I hadn’t had sex in 2 and a half years for goodness sake!

With the tidy up completed I left the barbers and headed home, I jumped straight in the shower once I got in and was in there for probably a good half hour.. made sure I actually smelt half decent after sweating all day.

I decided to pick out a nice white polo shirt and black jeans.

“Where you off to tonight?” My Mother questioned me.

” I’m Just out with some of the boys from college, I got a message earlier if I was interested in going out for a meal with them” I told her

There was no way I was going to let my mum get wind of what was really happening and definitely not letting her know that the woman i was meeting was potentially around her age. I’d be marched out the door within minutes of me saying anything.

“Maybe you’ll meet a nice young lady friend? Is that why you’ve got your nice shoes out?” She asked.
I got out my ‘wedding shoes’ you know the type, the type of shoes that you only seem to wear for special events? The type of shoes you had to wear at school which are brilliant to play football on the playground? These was those. Nice and polished, I knew I wasn’t going to be the slob on the pub tonight!

I got myself changed I was ready to go, although I could start to feel a few butterflies forming in my stomach after the realisation of actually spending time with a woman alone..

I jumped in the car and got on my way to Katelyn’s

As I reached the house I noticed there were no lights on inside.. “that’s strange” I said out loud to myself.

I pulled up on the drive and got out to knock on the door….

The light came on in the hallway and I saw a silhouette through the frosted glass ” I’m coming!”

Katelyn opened the door with nothing but a towel around her.. my mouth was on the floor. I say the word towel, it was barely that, it certainly wasn’t a bath towel for the average person , more like one of those hand drying towels.

it was basically hiding her boobs, her midriff and the smallest part of her upper hips, one false move and I would of seen it all.

” Oh my god I am so sorry, I lost track of time, I’ve been doing my hair and makeup” she saud

” You look great Katelyn ” I replied

She absolutely did! But I wasn’t commenting on her hair and makeup though..

She ushered me inside and said to come up and sit in the lounge till she was ready.
“there’s some beers in the fridge if you want one? I didn’t know what you liked so I got a collection”

As we walked upstairs I was once again following her like the other day.. her ass at eye level the towel only just covering it, she hadn’t had the staircase lights on so it wasn’t the best viewing but I was fully aware she was not wearing underwear.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a Budweiser. She wasn’t wrong, she had purchased a stack of beers, It was like there was a house party this evening.

I sat in the lounge sipping my beer till she was ready..

” I’m ready” she said as she came down the stairs

She came to the lounge doorway… Oh my.. wow she was absolutely drop dead gorgeous, she had this gorgeous black dress on which was probably made out of a velvet material with black lace at the top and bottom and black high heels…
This woman was out to prove something to someone

“When you get your jaw off the floor we will go” she announced

“Erm yeah sorry” as replied as I woke my daze.

We placed my car in her garage and started our walk to the pub.

“So were you surprised when I asked you out tonight?” Katelyn asked

“Yeah I was very surprised actually, when you messaged I assumed you wanted to invite me to come out with you and friends to set me up with one of your friends” I said to her

“Why would I do that if I see potential in you myself?” She responded

” Oh I’m potential am I? ” I asked with abit of a jokey persona in my voice

“Probably the wrong choice of words used there” she said as she laughed it off..

We made it to the pub and I opened the door for her and followed her in, we were greeted by the landlady “poppy”

“Hi Kate, hi James I didn’t know you two were friends?! ” Poppy said

” We recently met” Katelyn responded

” Oh max will be pleased! Two great people finding eachother and in our pub!” Said Poppy

We grabbed our drinks and grabbed a couple of menu’s to see what we could eat.

We walked through to the cozy area where the logburner was, I let Katelyn choose where we sat, she pointed out and said
“how about this one?” As we sat down

“I’m starving ” she announced

We looked at the menus and decided what to eat as max the landlord came to the table to take our order “well you two weren’t the people I was expecting in our pub this evening, what a nice surprise ”

Max took our menus away and said half hour wait for food.

Me and Katelyn were talking about life and what was going on in eachothers .

Katelyn explained that her ex husband ‘kevin’ worked for a large insurance company In London as CFO and spent the week there and decided that his assistant would be a replacement for Katelyn. She found out when the assistant showed up at the family home one day in tears and explained everything to Katelyn. She was pregnant with Katelyn’s husband’s baby. Katelyn said that she was furious but not with her husband’s assistant. She knew what she had to do, she explained to me that she worked for a accountancy firm and she was going to file for divorce and take him to the cleaners.

It turned out that Kevin admitted everything and let Katelyn have the family house, 4million pounds and full custody of their two children ‘kallum and Scott’

She told me that the boys werent bothered about their dad as he was always away growing up. Kallum was 18 and has just started at UEA in Norwich and her youngest Scott was at a boarding school during term time so it was just her at home most of the time, other than the cleaner who came in every day for her.

Our food arrived and we order another round of drinks. I was enjoying myself too much and realised that I was now on my third beer and there was no way I was driving home tonight.

We finished our food and Katelyn said she had to pop to the little girls room I went sat there on my own, there was a couple of other people on tables nearby, I thought to myself how much are we getting judged by others in this pub

Katelyn came back and had decided to sit next to me instead of opposite me like before..

She leaned in to me and said “I hope you don’t mind but I’ve had a few drinks and now it’s starting to hit me”

She put her right hand on my upper thigh, I knew exactly where this was going,
She wasn’t just after my company she wanted what I had in my jeans..

She started edging her hand up my thigh to my rapidly hardening cock. ” I see someone wants to come out to play” she whispered directly into my ear as she was now touching the head of my semi erect member.

“I don’t think we’re in the best place for this Katelyn” I said quietly trying not to catch the attention of the other couples around us.

“I like the trill of teasing you in public, I took my soaking wet underwear off when I was in the bathroom, do you want to see if I’m telling the truth?” She grabbed my left hand and placed it in between her legs and she the slightly spreaded her legs so I could gain access. My fingers crawled up her thigh and I could feel the heat coming off her pussy before I even got there. I touched her bald pussy and feel how wet it was, She flinched from pleasure.

” Can you feel how wet I am for you? That’s yours tonight and for however long you want it for” she told me

She then grabbed my now fully erect cock that was being pinned down inside my jeans ” this feels like a nice bit of kit you’ve got here, I bet it will feel amazing inside me” she added

I was trapped, I couldn’t stand up because everyone would know that my cock was at full mast but I wanted to go pay the bill so we could get out of there.

“Don’t you dare go anywhere Mr, our night has only just begun” she said as she leaned over and grabbed her purse from the other bench across from us and came back to me. She put her hand in her bag and grabbed something out, she then put her closed fist towards my hand and opened it, it was her soaking wet red lace thong that she’d removed when she went to the toilet a while ago ” these are yours to keep, there a few more surprises tonight” she whispered in my ear and nibbled on my earlobe before she left to go pay the bill.

She came back with the receipt and said ” I did well with my distraction to stop you paying the bill didn’t I? Have you calmed down so we can go back to mine?”

I had started to soften so I risked it and got myself up and readjsted just my throbbing cock into my waistband so nobody would notice my semi erect cock.

We walked out the pub as I opened the doors for her, as we got out the final door, she grabbed me by the face and kissed me.. it wasn’t a peck it was long kiss “I’ve been dying to do that all night” she said.
I kissed her back and we were probably there for 30 seconds kissing, I could feel her tongue entering my mouth wanting to battle with mine. We were cut short but the sound of one of the internal doors shutting.

“Let’s go” as she hugged me, she felt something hard against her when we hugged. She lifted up my shirt and she could see the tip of my cock sticking out of my jeans where I had restrained it.

” That needs sorting and boy am I going to be using that thoroughly tonight”

We were kissing on and off all the way back to hers.. once we got inside the house after she fumbled with her keys for what felt like an hour she started to undo my belt and jeans

“Woah woah woman,let’s get upstairs atleast ” I told her

She started to undo her dress as she was going up the staircase, it was quite the sight I have to say.. never in my life had I thought that I might get the chance to fuck a ‘milf’ let alone it actually happen right there at that moment.

We got to her lounge as she pushed me on her sofa. She took off my ‘wedding shoes’ and pulled off my jeans to find my rock hard cock at full mast for her as my boxers came off with the jeans.

She took off her dress and heels and got on to her knees in front of me with only her red lace bra on. She reached over to the coffee table to find a hairband and tied her hair back.

“James, this is your night, I’m going to show you what a real woman can do to a young horny man like you”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12pyzxa/just_a_private_job_part_2


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