Just a Private Job Part 1

So this is my first submission on here so please take it easy. This is quite a long story so I will be splitting it in to a few parts but will wait to see what peoples feedback is before posting each part. The first part is more of a build up.

So this all starts roughly 8years ago when I was 20 and training to be an electrician. I was working for a local electrical company in my area as their apprentice but was starting to find my feet and was doing extra jobs in my free time to add to very poor £3 an hour wage.

An old friend (Hannah 21F) from school dropped me a message on social media asking if I was interested in doing some private work for a work colleague of her’s, she would meet me there as her colleague was away. I was happy to say yes as it was nice to catch up with her. I sorta had a crush on her in my late school years but I never made a move. ( I was one of the chubby kids at school, although I was very popular at school because of my humour and general friendly persona).

Anyway, I was due to meet Hannah on Wednesday evening at her colleagues house. On Monday morning I got a text from Hannah.

“Hi James,

I know we spoke about me meeting you at Kate’s house but her work trip got cancelled so she will be there on Wednesday, hope that’s ok? We will have to meet up soon though!

– Hannah”.

I was quite disappointed about not being able to meet Hannah as my plan in my head was to see if I could try shoot my shot with her.

“Hi Hannah,

absolutely no worries, just let me know when we can meet up, would love to see you again after so long!

James x”

I didn’t hear back from her so assumed I may not have a chance, I left it like that and forgot all about it, carried on my day like normal.

It came to wednesday and I was working with my colleague who I was learning from. I was talking about what had been going on and asking questions to make sure I was good for the evening, I was only changing lights in her ensuite bathroom so was nothing difficult.

Our day came to an end so I put Kates address in my satnav and off I went.
As I got closer to my destination I started to realise that this woman I was about to meet has money. I was driving into possibly the most expensive estate in our area. I Stopped outside the house and went to knock at the door..

The door opens and Wow.. this woman was absolutely stunning, possibly late 30s-early 40s, long brunette hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a white blouse with a few buttons undone nearer the top and you could see her bra poking out which looked to be restraining her perfect breasts in. She was wearing a long black dress with black tights and black heels.

“Hi James I’m Katelyn” as my gaze had dropped down from her face and I was in starstruck how drop dead gorgeous she was. I quickly looked up straight into her eyes hoping she didn’t notice me checking her out.

“Hi Katelyn, I’m here to sort you out.. I mean sort your lights out” she had a little smirk on her face after my mess up with words.. “well come on in, the lights are on the top floor master bedroom ensuite”

I followed her upstairs with her almost perfect round ass wiggling right in front of my eyes, I started to feel a stir down below. We had to go up 3 flights of stairs so I got plenty of time to enjoy the view.
We reached the top floor and walked into her bedroom then to her ensuite, she turned around immediately and ofcourse because my head was in another dimension I walked straight into her.. ” Oh I’m so sorry Kate” I was red in the face so embarrassed ” it’s fine James, it’s Katelyn not Kate but I won’t get too annoyed if you want to call me Kate I bet Hannah set you up on that one as I know she gets a kick out of how annoying i find it”

She showed me the lights she had purchased and explained what she wanted and left me to it.. I was changing the lights trying to cool myself down and get over my embarrassed state. I looked at the sink and noticed there was only 1 toothbrush, only female products in the shower. Thinking to myself and questioning why is a woman like her on her own?

I completed the works and started packing up my tools when she walked in “Oh my you are finished already? I thought was going to be far longer Job and was coming up to offer you a drink”

” Yeah it’s quite a simple job to replace these but I will put my tools away and take you up on that drink if that’s ok?”

“Ofcourse it is! Tea or coffee?”

I walked down the stairs behind again not as fortunate as the first time though as I was not ass level so was looking at the rooms as we went down each level. the house had 4 floors, top floor/loft was her bedroom and ensuite, 3rd floor had two bedrooms on and a bathroom the bedroom looked lived in by teenage boys one was tidy one was like a mess grenade had gone off in there.

The second floor had another bedroom and what looked to be a lounge area/sitting room along with what I assumed to be another bathroom. The first floor had the kitchen and dining room and the ground floor had another lounge and the double garage was at the front of the house one door each side of the hallway to the front door.

I popped my tools in the van, and went back inside to the kitchen where Katelyn was making my drink ” you have a very nice house Katelyn”
” Why thankyou James! It’s a great place to bring up the boys and we’ve made it out own”

We walked into the dining room and sat down at the large table opposite eachother, I looked at her and smiled, we had a lovely chat and spoke about our mutual friend Hannah, told her how long I’ve known her and she asked if there was anything between myself and Hannah and I said no but I was always keen on her. I finished my drink and was ready to go, she got the message that I wanted to get going ” how much do I owe you then James? Thanks so much for everything you’ve done!”

We sorted the cash out and walked towards the front door “oh James is there a chance I could have your number in case there’s anymore work I’d like you to do?” “Ofcourse ill write it down for you” I replied

“Oo you are a star thanks so much”

I passed her the piece of paper and left

I drove home thinking about if she would maybe plant the seed inside Hannah’s head to maybe see if she could be matchmaker.

I get home and carry on my life as normal wondering if Hannah will ever contact me

It comes to Friday and I’m going about my day as normal with work and my phone beeps

” Hi James, how are you?”

I said to the lad I was working with about the message and he said ” it could be spam but just message back”

” Hello, I’m good tah, do you mind me asking who this is?”

“It’s Katelyn just wanted to see how you are”

I was a bit of a confused and was thinking to myself why would she be messaging me? Maybe she’s spoken to Hannah? Maybe the lights I installed are faulty?

“Oh hi Katelyn! I’m very well thanks, how are you doing? Is everything ok with the lights? sorry I didn’t know who it was and thought it could be a scam ”

“It’s ok James, and yes the lights you’ve fitted are brilliant, I can see lots more in the bathroom now, although that’s not really a good thing for me! My age is showing more and more everyday!”

“You look great, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! I’m sure there are lots of men that would die to see you under them lights ”

I sorta maybe had overstepped the mark with the text but I was thinking it was nice to complement a almost perfect “older woman ” I’m sure she would be smiling to see that

“Oh James, Hannah was right about you being a charmer, but unfortunately for me, my ex husband decided he wanted to go for a younger model so binned me off last year”

Was this man crazy? The woman I had imprinted in my head looked gorgeous I could only imagine how lucky I would be if I got to see what she looked like under them clothes.

“Aha Hannah has given you the lowdown on me I assume? I’m so sorry to hear that! Sounds like you are better off for it anyway”

” James I was wondering if you would like to come for a drink down at the pub local to me this evening?”

“I would like that! Is Hannah going to be there?”

The previous messages were back and forth and then suddenly after sending the last message, they came to a Holt. I was thinking has she asked hannah to come? Is she now talking to Hannah? Maybe that’s why she’s not replying straight away. My mind was in overdrive try to understand why she wasn’t replying straight away.

I had to get on with my day, I had my own work to focus on. I was working away with the chap I was working alongside, we were have a laugh about general things, putting the world to right as we used to say!

It was maybe an hour later when I heard my phone beep

I took a look at the phone and it was a reply from Katelyn..

“No it will be just me and you”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12pfd4o/just_a_private_job_part_1


  1. A very good story, the build up is perfect. One writing tip, avoid having different people speaking on the same lines. for example

    We sorted the cash out and walked towards the front door “oh James is there a chance I could have your number in case there’s anymore work I’d like you to do?” “Ofcourse ill write it down for you” I replied


    We sorted the cash out and walked towards the front door “Oh James is there a chance I could have your number in case there’s anymore work I’d like you to do?”
    “Of course I’ll write it down for you” I replied

    it makes for easier reading.

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