The cave [18+] [anal] [strangers] [outdoors]

(I had fun wit this fantasy, hope you like it! Sorry for bad format, posted from my phone)

Panting and snorting, Trisha plodded through the snow up the hill. The wind was so strong she almost fell backwards, but she could still see the cave opening and forced her way towards it.

She had been completely surprised by the snowstorm, which was very unusual for her since she was an avid hiker. The weather report had said ‘light snowfall’. There was nothing light about this, that’s for sure.
Plowing through the snow, she cursed herself for not being better prepared. She had not planned on sleeping outside, so she had no sleeping bag, and not a lot of food. But the way things looked, she might need to spend the night in that cave.
With an exhausted ‘finally!’, she reached the entrance and tumbled inside, slumping down with her back against the cave wall, trying to catch her breath.
Trisha knew the cave well already, she often hiked in these woods, both in the winter and summer, and she had rested here several times before. There was always a pile of dry wood in here, for campers like herself.
After a few minutes, she began building a fire.

She had only been in the cave for about 30 minutes, before hearing sounds other than the howling wind outside. At first she was afraid a large animal wanted to hide in the cave as well, but she soon distinguished heavy breathing and stomping. Another person had been caught by the snowstorm, and had most likely seen her fire.
Trisha watched as a snowy figure entered the cave, watching her through a black ski mask.
“Enjoying your walk?” Trisha asked, smiling a little.
She was cold and wet, the fire only helped a little, so she was actually happy to get some company.
“No,” a dark voice replied, emerging from under the mask and thick scarf.
He threw his backpack on the cave floor, and slumped down by the fire and reached out his hands to warm them.
“Yeah me neither,” Trisha sighed. “Weather report tricked me.”
“Me too,” he grunted, still not removing his ski mask. He nearly had his hands inside the flames, apparently his gloves were no good.
“I’m Trisha, by the way,” Trisha smiled, somewhat shyly now. He was not very talkative, this man, but she was still happy for the company.
The man did not reply, just grunted something. She didn’t dare to ask him to repeat it, she wasn’t even sure he had said his name.

As the hours went by, they did not speak much, and the storm made no effort to slow down. It was late already, she had planned to be home by now, yet here she was, in a cold, damp cave by a small fire, with a stranger, freezing her ass off.
“Seems we get to spend the night together in this lovely place,” she sighed, peeking outside. She jumped up and down a few times to warm up.
The man opened his backpack and rummaged around a bit, before producing a sleeping bag.
“Want it?” he grumbled, still warming his hands on the fire, still in his ski mask.
She watched him for a few seconds. He was shaking just as she was, but maybe a bit too macho to admit he was freezing as well?
Trisha hesitated a little. She knew what was clearly the smartest thing to do but…
“Well… eh. We’re both cold. The night temperature will surely drop even further.”
She hoped he would understand without her having to spell it out.
He was quiet but looked at her up and down.
“You sure?” he muttered. Trisha nodded.
“Silly to die due to pride,” she said, attempting another smile.

He turned away as she rolled out the large sleeping bag and removed her jacket to put underneath. The two of them would fit nicely, but they would be very close.
Without further ado, and quickly so as not to appear as embarrassed as she was, she undressed with her back to him, until she was only in her panties, shivering in the unrelenting cold.
She crawled inside, and soon she heard him undress as well behind her, and felt him get inside with her.
His body was cold and hard, he was clearly muscular and fit. He had removed the mask now, but she was too red faced to turn and look at him. She could feel that he had a short beard and mustache, since his head was above hers, his chin resting on her forehead.
He lay awkwardly with his arms straight down by his sides, and she coughed a little. There was no point being coy now, her butt was pressing against his crotch, so she reached back and pulled his arm over herself. He did not resist, he was now spooning her, and his hand was resting in front of her, not touching anything.
She stroked his hand with a finger. It was cold as ice.
“Bad circulation,” he mumbled into her brown mess of hair.
His breath tickled her face, and as they both slowly warmed up, she began to notice how his strong body felt on her back and shoulders. His muscular arm was like a log over her, and she suddenly felt as if she was heating up faster.
“Do you… want to warm your hands…on me?” she heard herself whisper, and held her breath.
He exhaled a little in what sounded like a chuckle.
“You don’t want that.”
“Don’t be silly, you need to warm them,” she said in what she hoped was a matter-of-factly voice and not revealing the yearning she actually began to feel.
Resolutely, she pulled his hands closer to her, pressing them onto her belly, just below her soft, naked breasts. She yelped from his icy touch.
“Told you,” he mumbled.
“You sure you’re not dead already?” she whispered, and he chuckled a little again.

Slowly she felt his fingers warm up, and she exhaled as she felt him move his fingers. Without a word, he, almost as if inadvertently, stroked the underside of her breasts.
She shivered not from the cold now, but from the sudden electrical pulses she felt inside her. Almost as if in a dream, she arched her back, pushing her butt harder against him, and giving him more space to touch her breasts. Trisha felt him harden.
The stranger behind her was now cupping her tits, gently massaging them and lightly pinching her nipples in a way that made her tremble. She did not dare to make a sound, afraid that it would all stop if she did.
He lowered his head behind her, and she felt his mouth gently nibbling her ear and neck. She gasped with the sensation.
Removing his hand from her chest, his hand wandered downwards, along her side and hip. Trisha felt him on her butt now, and she finally moaned quietly as she felt him slowly pull her panties down, and stroke her bare behind.
He reached between her legs. The tiny space only allowed her to lift her leg slightly to aid him, but he reached the back of her pussy and then inched his finger forward, effortlessly due to her already wet opening.
Now moaning louder, Trisha felt him reach the magic spot, but teasing her, playing around it. Her clit was pulsating, longing for his touch, heat now radiating from her lower regions.
He removed his hand again and she nearly cried with frustration, but he simply moved his hand to reach her wetness from the front instead.
Soon, he was sliding his finger back and forth again, teasing her clit by refraining from gliding over it, but instead she felt him press his hard cock against her buttcheeks. He was big, she could tell, and she moaned loudly now. She wanted him inside her.

He entered her slowly, just as his finger finally reached her swollen, longing clit. She groaned with pleasure, and pushed her butt back to meet him. He filled her up completely, Trish had never felt such a big dick, and she gasped as he began thrusting slowly. Deep, hard thrusts that made her head spin, and all the time massaging her clit, making her insane with lust. She reached back to stroke his muscular arms, and he bit her shoulder, gently, just enough to make her whole body tingle.
He continued fucking her slowly, breathing heavy behind her, and she could not stop herself from moaning;
“God, you’re so good…”
She felt herself inching closer to orgasm, gasping in his grip, but to her dismay, he removed his hand.
“Soon,” he whispered, still not speaking more than necessary, and she moaned that she needed more, more of him.
Slowly, gently, she felt him reach in between her buttcheeks, and groaned as he began massaging her back hole. Her head buzzed as she felt him press harder with the tip of his finger, until she relaxed and it slid inside.

As he continued fucking her, deeply and passionately, he fingered her ass until the wetness from her pussy had reached all the way up there, allowing him to glide in and out with one, then two, fingers.
Trisha felt lightheaded, she had never been hornier, and the tight space made her feel as one with his body. She wanted it all, deep, her body screamed for his, yearned and begged for the climax she knew would come the second he…
“Please fuck my ass…” she gasped, not able to control herself.
Immediately, he pulled out, and the wet, slippery sound made it clear that no lube would be necessary. Her pussy felt overflowing with her juices, and as the tip of his cock began pressing against her tight asshole, she moaned with the heat.
His fingering had relaxed her, and he barely had to push to start sliding into her ass. The feeling was indescribable, he filled her up, coming deeper inside until all she knew was his immenseness, and she gasped loudly.
“Fuck me!” she breathed, feeling about to faint with lust and pleasure.

And so he did. Slowly at first, but as she screamed for more, meeting his thrusts, he grabbed her hip and began fucking her with renewed strength. She had never felt anything like it, and she moaned and groaned, closer and closer, digging her fingers into his arm behind her as the explosion neared.
“I’m coming…” she gasped, his cock pulling her closer with each hard thrust into her ass.
“Come for me…”

His hoarse voice in her ear was enough to pull her over the edge, and the electric pulses rose to a fiery crescendo as the orgasm shook her, burned her from within, sending shockwaves all the way down to her toes.
He came inside her ass, she felt his cock pulsating and he breathed heavily, groaning quietly before slowly pulling out.
They lay speechless, the freezing cold no longer bothering them, tightly slithered around each other like snakes.

Trisha must have fallen asleep, because when she opened her eyes, the sun was shining in through the cave opening. The storm had subsided, and the stranger was putting on his clothes next to her. The ski mask was already on again.
“Keep it,” he said, gesturing towards the sleeping bag.
She peeked up at him, smiling a little.
“Hope to see you around.”
He chuckled.
“Next snowstorm.”
And with those words he put on his backpack and stepped outside.
When she was ready to leave an hour later, she saw his footsteps leading the opposite direction of where she was heading. Towards the neighboring village, she noted, smiling to herself before heading towards the parking lot and her, probably buried, car.



  1. a really hot fantasy, I can bet you got super turned on writing it, because I certainly was hard throughout reading it! and the bonus was the quality of the writing!

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