The Ranch – Chapter 7 (Jack) [MF][Public Teasing]

I awoke in bed alone to the sound of Corey’s voice, “Hey man, get up. The old man is having everyone up at the house for dinner.”

I rolled over, my body missing the feel of Jessica’s body against my chest. She must have left without me noticing, and I wondered what Corey knew about our relationship now. And, if he would keep it to himself.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, “Dinner? What time is it?”

“It’s damn near six. You slept all day. I would have too if I hadn’t had to sleep in my truck.”

So Corey definitely knew something was up between Jessica and me. Whatever favor I had gained from Mr. Bell was going to be short-lived. “Yeah, sorry about that?” I began. “Look, about Jessica…”

Corey held up his hand to stop me. “I didn’t see nothin’, and I don’t know nothin’. I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a wave of relief.

Corey smiled and shook his head, “You lucky son-of-a-bitch. Anyway, put a shirt on. I feel bad enough about myself already. I’ll see you at the house.”

I threw on a grey t-shirt and jeans before slipping my boots in and heading for the house. More cars were parked out front than usual. I guessed that when Corey said everyone, he meant it.

Jessica answered the door as I knocked as though she had been waiting on me. Her blue jeans looked like they had been painted on, and she wore a blue and orange plaid shirt, not quite buttoned up enough to hide her white tank top underneath. She looked happy, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw her glowing face.

“Hey, sleepy head,” she said teasingly.

“Hey, back,” I replied as I attempted to smooth out my messy hair. “What’s this dinner for?”

“Y’all got Hay Day tomorrow. Mama and I always cook a big supper the night before. It’s kind of a tradition,” she said, leading me into the dining room.

I had been the last to arrive. The long table was set with spots for everyone. Trays of steaks and fried chicken caught my attention first. After the events from the night before and then sleeping all day, I was starving.

I recognized the men seated around the table—Jasper, Cohen, Hank, Cody, and of course, Corey. There were faces I didn’t recognize as well, mostly the wives of the men I worked with. Kids chased each other from the living room through the dining room and then out the front door. “No running in the house! One of the mothers shouted.”

“Oh, they’re fine,” said Mr. Bell. He was smiling, his demeanor seeming to have brightened quite a bit since that morning. It felt like the calm after a storm, but Sherif Williams’ warning hung over me like a dark cloud. Maybe we were just in the eye of the storm, and the worst was yet to come.

“Can I get you a beer?” asked Jessica, her fingertips grazing my back as she left my side. I don’t know how she did it, but every time she touched me, I felt as though I had been struck by lightning.

“Water’s fine,” I said as I took the empty seat at the table. The conversation never slowed as the group talked about Little League baseball, happenings in the news, and home life. Everything. Everything except what had happened the night before, and I wondered how many of them even knew.

Jessica returned with a glass of ice water, setting it down at the table in front of my plate, and pulled back the chair beside me. I could feel her sensuality like I was standing too close to a bonfire. I stole a glance over at Mr. Bell, who certainly seemed to take notice of his daughter’s choice of seats. Had Corey told him after all?

I moved my eyes back to my plate, trying to make the situation seem as innocent as possible, like the most beautiful woman in the world hadn’t just sat down beside me.

As the party helped themselves to their food, the roar of chatter died as everyone enjoyed their meals. “So have you given any more thought to DCC?” asked Mrs. Bell, the question obviously directed toward her daughter. Jessica groaned.

The first time I met Mrs. Bell, she had asked me to call her by her first name, Rebecca. She said calling her Mrs. Bell made her feel too old. I wasn’t sure of her age, but she certainly didn’t look old by any standard. It was apparent where Jessica had gotten her good looks.

“I think it’s too late to apply,” replied Jessica, quickly coming up with an excuse.

Rebecca frowned and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, you could always try. I’m just sayin’.”

As they spoke, I felt Jessica’s hand gently touch my thigh. My ears suddenly felt red hot, but no one at the table seemed to notice.

“Hey, you know Debby Walton from church? She works down at the office at DCC. I bet she could help you out,” said Jasper.

Jessica’s hands slowly eased closer to my crotch under the table, sending all my blood rushing from my brain. I felt her foot on my leg as well, and my cock stiffened in my jeans. “I wouldn’t want to be a bother to anyone,” Jessica replied.

“It’s no bother at all, I’m sure,” replied Mr. Bell. “You know I’m all for you learning to run the ranch, but I’d hate for you to grow up wishing you’d seen more of the world than these dusty dirt roads.

My head swirled as Jessica’s fingertips found my swollen shaft. Slowly, she stroked my length, teasing me. “I like these dusty, dirty roads,” she said. Her voice was almost like a melody, a siren that had lured me in, and I knew there was no turning back. I ached for her, and it took all my willpower not to moan. I felt a bead of sweat forming on my brow.

“You’d probably have to go up there, though,” said Jasper, looking at Mr. Bell. Apparently, he had at least some knowledge of what had transpired, but I couldn’t focus. My mind was in the barn again with Jessica, her full lips wrapped around my cock. As if she sensed my thoughts, Jessica’s grip tightened as she continued to stroke me in secret.

“Yeah, I really don’t want her going alone,” said Rebecca. The worry in her voice was apparent.

“Jack could go with me. He already protected me once,” said Jessica. She leaned in a little closer, and her shoulder nearly touched mine. I felt every eye on the table on me, but Jessica’s touch never wavered.

“I’ll take ya,” said Mr. Bell. “Jack’s got plenty of others things to tend to around here. Besides, he isn’t in any better shape than you at the moment.”

Jessica’s shoulders dropped. Her hand reached the base of my shaft and squeezed. I nearly lost it. “Sweetie, would you mind helping me clear the table? The boys have a long day tomorrow.

“Sure, mama,” said Jessica, her hand sliding away from me in one final, long stroke. I felt my lust for her in every part of my body, and she knew it. I didn’t know what was in store for me the following day, but I knew the night was going to be long as hell also.
