As You Wish [F20f19] [Lesdom] [D/s] [Princess/Knight] [Brat] [Brat Taming] [No Orgasm] [Slowburn] [Lesbian]

“Please, Princess,” he begged. “You should marry so the kingdom is not without a king.”

Celestia twirled her fork in her hand, her eyes distant. She watched from the large windows off to the side of the table as the ocean waves crashed against the shore. “I’m not ready,” she answered simply.

Her advisor buried his head in his hands. “What do you mean? You’ve been prepared for marriage since you were young!”

“That’s kind of fucked up.”

“Language!” he shrieked. He looked over at the future queen, his gaze softening. “Listen, your parents trusted me with the task to advise you when they died, and I can’t let them down.”

“Archibald,” Celestia started. “I get it. I do. I just do not want to just be someone’s wife. I am perfectly capable of running a kingdom without a husband. Plus, I have you.”

He suppressed a grin as he realized just how much she’d grown up. He remembered when she was just a little girl, playing with the knight’s children and their wooden swords. “I worry about you, you know.”

“I know.”

“I guess I’m old fashioned. I think that Kings should handle war and the kingdom while the Queen is doing charity work and having tea,” he stated, dabbing at the corner of his mouth with his handkerchief.

Celestia threw her fork down and pushed away from the table. “I’m finished,” she said curtly before hastily leaving the room. She pushed past maids and butlers, swiftly making her way through the palace to get to her wing. She made eye contact with the knight commander, whose dark brown eyes bore into hers.

She finally made it into her bedroom, shutting the door and sliding down to the ground. “Fucking hell,” she cursed. “The minute my coronation is over, he is getting demoted.” A soft knock caused her to shoot up, brushing off her clothes. “Archibald, leave me alone!”

“I didn’t know that was my name,” a voice said from the other side.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she threw open the door and threw herself into the arms of the person on the other side. “Valkyria, oh, it is so awful!” she cried as strong arms wrapped around her. “He wants me to find a husband and just be some housewife.”

“Doesn’t he know that even if you found a husband, he’d just be king consort, and you’d still be the rightful queen? You know, with the royal blood and all.”

“Unless I marry one of those old kings from the other kingdoms.” Celestia shrugged, looking up, green eyes meeting dark brown once again. “I am tired of all of it. I just need to relax.” Celestia pulled away, desperately gripping the knight’s shirt. “I need to feel in control.”

Valkyria gave her a knowing look. “I’m almost off duty. I’ll go change and meet you back here soon,” she whispered. She leaned down to kiss the short princess’s head. Then, she bowed out of the room, making her way down the large halls of the palace.

As she reached the knight’s quarters, she felt herself become giddy with excitement. She was itching to take off her combat clothing and get into something more…accessible. As much as she wanted to wear something revealing and sexy, she knew much better than that. After all, she did share a wing with the rest of the combat team of the kingdom. She instead opted for simple brown trousers and a white button-down shirt.

“Val!” a voice said as she walked into the common room. “Did you just finish your shift?”

Valkyria gave them a quick nod as she ran her fingers through her hair to untangle it. “Armand just took my place, and I’m about to go out.”

Her peers looked disappointed, each of them holding a hand of cards as they crowded around the card table. “Where do you go each night after you finish your shift? You either come back really late or…you don’t come back at all. Are you…? Are you sleeping with one of the maids again?”

“I just like to explore,” she answered simply, dusting off her hands and ducking out of the room.

Before she even had a chance to say hello, lips were on hers as she entered the soon-to-be queen’s chambers. The kiss was needy and passionate, and the princess’s lips were soft and inviting. As the royal pulled away, Valkyria took in her surroundings.

The room was dim; the only lighting in the room consisted of the soft orange glow of candles. The woman before her had surely been blessed by Aphrodite. Her soft, milky skin teased her in the candlelight, begging to be touched and tasted. She had shed her grand dress and instead wore a simple white gown that was thin enough to allow the knight to drink in her figure beneath the fabric.

“I have been thinking whilst you were changing,” the princess whispered. “I do not want to fully control. I have a whole kingdom for that. I just want to be…resistant. I want to say things that princesses cannot say and do things that princesses should not do.”

“I see,” the knight murmured. “You want to be a brat, your highness?”

Celestia nodded. “Forget I am a princess tonight. It is just you and me. Forget about the outside world, and just…make me feel normal.”

“As you wish,” Valkyria murmured. “I’m glad you said that. I don’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off of you when you’re looking like this.” The knight reached around the princess’s small frame and began untying her dress. She felt Celestia shudder at her light, gentle touches. Her hands were calloused with years of combat training and weapon-wielding, but that was just another thing the princess loved about her.

As she finished untying the ribbon, the dress fell in a heap at Celestia’s feet. Valkyria took in the sight, feeling her excitement grow. She wondered where she’d like to touch first. She knew quite well they had all night, and she could take her time. She just barely brushed her fingers against Celestia’s throat, trailing down her collarbones and down her stomach. She ran her thumb over her perfectly pink nipples, earning a gasp from the princess.

“Val,” Celestia breathed.

Quick as lightning, Valkyria’s hand was around the smaller woman’s neck. “What was that?”

“Mistress…” Celestia corrected, her desire-filled green eyes perfectly fixed on Valkyria’s own.

“That’s right,” the knight said, moving to circle the princess like a predator circling its prey. From behind, she moved Celestia’s blonde hair to the side to reveal her neck. She grabbed Celestia and pulled her closer, her mouth making contact with skin hungrily. She was slow and tantalizing as she played with her breasts, sliding down her stomach to her core. “You naughty girl, not wearing any panties.”

“I am giving you better access,” Celestia responded, leaning into the knight’s touch.

“How thoughtful,” Valkyria hummed.

“Please do not worry about being gentle with me,” Celestia whispered. “You can bite me, slap me, do whatever you wish.”

“Is that treason?” Valkyria joked. “Will you arrest me?”

“I love you,” Celestia said, almost firmly. “I would never.” Valkyria’s eyes widened. She’d never said that before. How could three words be so powerful? They were enough to cause a seasoned knight to crumble. Most importantly, how much longer could the knight keep her hands off of the beautiful princess who had just given her permission to do whatever she wanted?

“I love you too, Celestia,” Valkyria responded before pushing the princess against her door, kissing her roughly and rhythmically. She kneaded at the smaller girl’s breasts, exploring her mouth with her tongue. She felt Celestia smile into the kiss, clearly enjoying the rougher treatment.

Celestia felt her headspace begin to change with excitement. She loved being treated roughly by the woman she loved. She was tired of everybody around her treating her like some sort of glass that would shatter with the slightest touch. She was tired of the sympathetic looks she would get from her staff or neighboring kingdoms as a girl whose parents died and left her an entire kingdom in their wake. For once, she could relinquish control to someone she loved and trusted, someone who was stronger than anyone she’d ever known, both physically and emotionally.

Control is a fickle thing. Most people like to be in control of things, whether or not they are the most fit to be in control. Most people believe that if they can control their situation, things will go better. Some people, however, realize the importance of who receives control. Celestia enjoyed being a princess, and she truly did feel prepared to become Queen on her 20th birthday. She had no problems with controlling an entire kingdom, as she was brought up to do so.

Despite her mass of power, she kept her advisor and council close. She was not stupid enough to believe she could do it all alone. But she’d be damned if she let Archibald and his stupid traditional views on kings and queens override her. But Valkyria. Sweet, handsome, beautiful, gentle, strong Valkyria. To her, she had no problem releasing control. It was natural—beautiful even. They’d spent years growing up together and trusting each other. Celestia moaned into Valkyria’s mouth, turning into soft clay in her hands—able to be formed and shaped however she pleased.

*Celestia had been trembling with excitement, holding back her giggles. Her heart took a leap in her chest as she heard footsteps enter the room she was hiding in. She held her breath, waiting for the footsteps to go away.*

*Two seekers entered the room, talking in hushed voices. “Are you ever going to tell her?” one of them asked the other.*

*”Of course I will. Soon,” the other responded. “I have to see if she likes me back.”*

*”You better be sure to do it well. She could totally knock both our lights out.”*

*”How do you do it ‘well’?” the second one asked. “Do I just walk up and say, ‘Hey, Val. I’ve had a big fat crush on you ever since you won against me in sparring’?”*

*”I heard girls like flowers.”*

*”This isn’t any girl we’re talking about. It’s* Valkyria.*”*

*”You have to try and get her alone, too. She’s always hanging out with Princess Celestia,” the first voice said.*

*”They’ve got to separate sometimes. Plus, don’t you have a crush on Her Highness?”*

*”It’s different. Mine could never work out. She’s a whole princess. I got unlucky with my crush. But you! Yours is totally possible.” Their voices began to fade as they left the room, becoming muffled.*

*Soon, a new pair of footsteps entered the room.*

*”Found you,” Valkyria had said as she opened the door to the wardrobe Celestia had hidden in. Her hair was shorter, and she kept it tied back during training. By now, though, her hair flowed freely as she played with the young princess. The king and queen were laughing merrily as they ate with their best friend: the current Knight Commander and Valkyria’s father.*

*Celestia couldn’t help but giggle softly. “Do not tell the others!” she begged. “Get in with me.”*

*Valkyria thought for a moment. The other seekers’ voices were muffled through the walls, and Celestia felt herself begin to panic. Finally, Valkyria climbed into the wardrobe and shut it behind her. The two girls giggled as quietly as they could as they squeezed up against each other.*

*They stood in silence for a few minutes as the voices of the other seekers started to become more distant. Finally, Celestia took the chance to whisper, “Valkyria?”*

*“Hmm?” the knight hummed in response.*

*”Do you have a crush on anyone?” Celestia asked quietly.*

*Valkyria thought for a moment. “I’m not really sure,” she said finally. “I haven’t really thought about it. You?”*

*Celestia felt her cheeks get hot. “Maybe,” she whispered. She was suddenly aware of how their bodies pressed against each other in the enclosed space. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark, as the small crack between the wardrobe doors gave a little bit of light. She looked up at the taller knight, noticing how tightly she had them closed. “Are you okay?”*

*”Yeah… I’m fine.”*

*”What is wrong?”*

*”You’re…well…you’re breathing on my neck…” Valkyria whispered. “It’s kind of…sensitive…”*

*”Oh,” Celestia said. “S-Sorry. There is not very much room here…”*

*She felt awkward with her hands to her side, pressed up against the knight like sardines in a can. In a burst of courage, she wrapped her arms around the other girl and rested her head on her chest.*

*”Your Highness?”*

*”Can we try kissing?” Celestia asked, immediately regretting her words. She felt her face turn hot and felt lucky that it was so dark inside the wardrobe, or her red face would give her away. “I-I mean if you want. I just wanted to know if it made you…um…feel anything?”*

*Valkyria was silent. Celestia began to curse at herself in her head for saying what she did and possibly ruining their friendship. “Sure,” she shrugged finally. “Let’s try it. J-Just to see…”*

*And so they did. Again and again. “Just to see.”*

Valkyria broke the kiss, and Celestia whimpered at the sudden loss of contact. The whimper became a gasp as Valkyria’s mouth then found Celestia’s nipples, sucking them gently at first before becoming hungrier. “Get on the bed,” she growled after she had had enough buildup.

“Make me,” Celestia challenged.

“As you wish,” Valkyria muttered, easily lifting the princess and throwing her on the soft canopy bed. The silk sheets were cool to the touch as Celestia’s bare skin made contact with the fabric. “Spread your legs.”

Celestia kept her gaze intently on the tall knight, her eyes challenging.

“I’m not going to ask again,” Valkyria stated. “Open.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, the excitement continuing to build within her as she knew exactly how to push the warrior’s buttons. She opened her legs, but only slightly, earning a dissatisfied click of the tongue from her lover.

“Do you think you’re being funny?” the knight asked seriously, her gaze even harder and even more challenging than her counterpart’s gaze.

“Maybe you just need to work harder.” Celestia kept her gaze unbreaking, despite feeling as though she already wanted to give up. She reached up to her breasts and rolled her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. She let out a small moan, never breaking eye contact.

“That’s enough of that,” Valkyria growled, grabbing Celestia’s wrist firmly. “If you can’t keep your hands out of my way, I’ll just have to keep them tied up.” She sauntered over to Celestia’s wardrobe, swinging the door open and pulling out the rope they had left inside. When she turned back around, Celestia was no longer on the bed.

The corner of Valkyria’s mouth quirked up. As much as she loved when her lover was obedient, she couldn’t help but also love when she put up a fight. She tossed the rope on the bed, taking a moment to take in her surroundings. She caught a flash of golden blonde hair in the doorway of the connected washroom. Her eye on the prize, she leisurely made her way over to the conjoined washroom.

“I see you just want to keep piling on to your punishment,” Valkyria whispered into the princess’s ear, who jumped in surprise.

For the second time, she picked up the smaller girl and tossed her on the bed, this time taking extra care to pin her down. The rope was soon secured to her wrists and her ankles, tying each of her limbs to the four corners of the bed.

“Now,” Valkyria said, dusting off her hands at a job well done. “What shall I do with [you](, *Princess*?”
