[Chapter One] [Sci-Fi Erotica] By His Order

>***By His Order*** is a 10,000 word Sci-Fi/erotic short story about a newly activated battle clone being requisitioned by her superior officers as she awaits official orders…



The lights dimmed from pale blue to settling orange, signaling the coming of artificial night. The way it would have happened on Terra, a lifetime ago.

Kita watched from her station as the door hissed and slid open, issuing a cool gust of air. A tall, broad shouldered petty officer entered, the nervous flicking of his eyes rousing her internal intellect processes: curiosity.

Curiosity was one of the few luxuries given to Kita. There were still twelve days until her crewmates would be woken from hypersleep, and since her conditioning had been marked completed, she had no objective but to wait. Wait, and watch.

“*Tch*,” the petty officer hissed between his teeth, a bemused, exasperated sound as he tapped his neuralink into the data station. “Jameson put down one-hundred credits? Bet he lasted five seconds.”

The petty officer turned to Kita and on her own neuralink heads up display she could gleam his official information: Petty Officer S. A. Matthews, Marksman, Tactical Operations Battalion. Petty Officer Matthews stepped closer, roughly pushing the blue hair back out of her face, palming her cheek. The force with which he tipped her head back forced her mouth open slightly. He pressed at her bottom lip, soft against the calloused pad of his thumb.

“Kita, give me a situation report on your interaction with Officer Jameson, Technical Battalion,” he said.

Kita obeyed–she had to.


The data feed flickered to life and played back behind her blue irises. Sixty-seven minutes ago, Petty Officer Jameson entered the room the same way Officer Matthews had and had almost immediately begun unfastening his belt and unzipping his slacks.

Officer Jameson was of average height with pale complexion and ruddy, brown hair combed back into a neat military coiff. He had sharp, dark eyes that Kita noted in his psychiatric file were described as angry.

“Pretty thing,” he said, and grabbed her as soon as he got to her, his hand strong on the back of her neck, his fingers raking through her hair. With force, he pulled her to him and crashed his lips into hers.

Kita softened at his touch, giving in to his intent as a matter of order, gentling her body against his. While she was cloned for combat, all lean muscle and tight contours, her skin was soft, her breasts slight but supple when they pressed against the officer’s chest. When he brushed his tongue across her lips, she opened her mouth for him and twined their tongues together.

Officer Jameson hadn’t been the first one to come to her, and Kita was sure he wouldn’t be the last. Her conditioning wasn’t structured for internal societal dynamics, but she could tell the officers had a bet going on. The officer before him had mentioned something about wanting to break her, and even though he’d pulled her hair and bruised her thighs, he hadn’t come close.

“*Mf*,” Officer Jameson moaned into their kiss. Kita could feel the way he stiffened, his trousers open, his hard, hot cock pressed up against her midsection as he jerked his hips against her, grinding into her nimble body. Precum beaded on the swollen tip and wet the thin, blue fabric of her medical gown.

Pulling back from their kiss, Jameson knotted his fingers in her hair and dragged her the three steps across the room to the medical table. Kita hissed in pain but didn’t fight it. After all, he was her superior. The steel table creaked as he shoved her back onto it with enough force that her head cracked against the table and her vision blistered white.

The next thing she knew, Jameson hiked up her gown around the soft swell of her hips, revealing her pale thighs with their purple and blue bruising where the last one had grabbed her–they hadn’t taken her to the medical bay yet. He grinned at the sight of her hairless pussy, the soft pink lips of her already glistening wet from their kiss.

“I didn’t know they made you to be such sluts,” he said and it was almost like affection in his voice. He grabbed her shoulder, his hands rough, his palm pressing down, pinning her as he stroked the head of his cock against the wetness of her core. Unbidden, Kita’s body responded, her back arching, her hips rocking against him as she felt the heat of his cock, the slickness of his precum as he teased her opening.

“*Nn*,” she moaned, her voice soft, heat rising in her face, pinking around her cheeks.

Jameson’s hand moved to her throat and her moan hitched high and disappeared as he forced the breath from her. On instinct, Kita reached for him, grabbing his arm and she could feel the way it made his cock harder, see the way it made him grin as he forced himself inside of her. The table jarred back against the wall as he thrust his cock into her and she felt herself open for him, the way his thick cock filled her, made her eyes roll back.

“Good girl,” Jameson hissed the words and gripped her throat tighter. Kita’s head tipped back, her vision blurring around its edges, her fight instincts kicking in but never enough to override her conditioning–he was a superior officer, he could do what he wanted. And he did.

The world softened, faded, and all she could feel was his thick cock thrusting into her, making her body ache with pleasure, feeling her own hips rocking back into his. The room filled with the sound of his hips slapping into hers, the pleasure-bright sting of pain as her bruised thighs were forced apart as he fucked her harder and–

Just as consciousness almost slipped away from her, Jameson grunted, buried his cock deep inside of her and Kita could feel him explode: feel him fill her with his hot, sticky cum and it sent her over the edge. Her body convulsed, locked up, her toes curling and back arching into him. As his grip loosened, her moan came loud, ragged around its edges as her body trembled under him while waves of pleasure crashed into her.

Officer Jameson left her there like that, bruised and battered on the table, her legs spread, his cum still dribbling out of her and drip-drip-dripping on the floor. She was still trembling from the throes of her orgasm, laying on the table, when the cleaning bot came in and mopped over the floor. Kita laid there, her head tilted, noting the way her breath was still coming fast, the way her heart was accelerated as if she’d just been in combat, while she watched the small bot mop the steel floors until they shone again.


Kita relayed the encounter in its entirety to Officer Matthews.

Kita knew from reading her social cues index that she should feel a few things about the situation, maybe: embarrassed, ashamed, or maybe even guilty. But she didn’t feel any of those things, and didn’t stumble over any of the lurid, graphic details as she recounted them to Officer Matthews.

Instead, she stood at perfect, military attention with her hands clasped behind her back and looked up at him, a good foot taller than she was, and gave her situation report: Petty Officer Jameson made me orgasm for him while he thrust his penis into me, she recounted, and then I felt him fill me with his ejaculate, and there was so much of it I could feel it spilling out of me.

Part of her wondered if the other her, the her that she’d been cloned from, would have been embarrassed to say those things. But Kita wasn’t, so she guessed the other her wouldn’t have been, either.

“Our interaction was brief but fulfilled its purpose, I think,” Kita said, her voice monotone with only a slight lifting at the end in mimicry of some of the social media feeds she’d watched as part of her private coaching. Internally, she wondered if it had fulfilled its purpose. Officer Jameson hadn’t said otherwise, and had seemed pleased when he left her–even if he did leave rather quickly, stuffing his cock back into his trousers and zipping himself up.

For what it was worth, Officer Matthews laughed at what she’d said.

“What a waste of one-hundred credits,” Officer Matthews said and grabbed her dressing gown by the waist, tearing it down with such a force she staggered forward and fell onto her knees as the tie around her neck pulled and snapped. The gown fluttered to the floor as Kita hit her knees, sparks of pain shooting through her, her naked, pale body exposed.

The cold air raced shivers up her back, perking her soft, pink nipples into hardened nubs, the soft swell of her breasts exposed, the naked, smooth softness of her pussy laid bare with her legs partly open. Kita had done her best to clean herself after Officer Jameson had left, but her thighs were still shining wet and sticky with his cum.

Opening his neuralink again, Kita watched as he placed one-hundred and fifty credits on the virtual table at the data station. The total pool was in excess of five hundred credits, already, a number that meant next to nothing to Kita, who had no need for credits and only ever had what was provided to her. Still, it seemed impressive.

“What would you like me to do?” Kita asked, her voice that same flat monotone, leaving even the question falling flat. Officer Matthews struck her hard, then, the back of his hand cracking across her face, his knuckles slamming into her cheekbone. Kita’s head jerked with the force, cracked into the steel table, and the burn of pain seared through her skull.

By the time she adjusted to it again, Officer Matthews had her by the face, his hand gripped tight around her jaw, forcing her mouth open as he thrust the swollen head of his cock past her plush, pink lips. He raked his fingers back through her soft blue hair, knotting his hand in her hair and pulling it hard, dragging her mouth onto his cock until she gagged and coughed hard. Officer Matthews only grinned, feeling her spit run thick and slick on the underside of his cock, watching how it drooled out of her mouth and dribbled onto her thighs as he forced himself down her throat.

“I want you to break for me,” he said and buried his cock the rest of the way down her throat.

For the second time that day, Kita couldn’t breathe. She choked on Officer Matthew’s thick cock, buried in her throat, gagging, spit running down her face and dripping onto her legs, making the floor slick with her spittle. Pain pricked tears in her eyes and she could feel hot rivulets running down her face as he pulled her by the hair, forcing her off of his cock long enough for her to gasp for breath before he thrust himself back inside of her.

“There you go,” he groaned as he felt her nose pressed into his pelvis, his hips rocking against her face, his cock buried all the way inside of her mouth. Kita struggled for breath, her tongue working along the underside of his cock to try to find room only to draw deeper moans from Officer Matthews, coaxing him closer to the edge of his orgasm as her tongue made waves along the underside of his cock.

In the quiet room, all Kita could hear was the sound of her own ragged breath picking up pace, the wet, slick sound of his cock fucking into her throat, her mouth making such lewd noises with every thrust. Kita could feel the tremors in his body, the way he shook for her as he got closer and closer, the way her mouth filled with the salt taste of his precum.

But Officer Matthews didn’t let up. He grunted as he shoved her back so her neck was pressed against the edge of the steel table, his hand still knotted in her hair, fucking her hard enough that she could feel her neck bruise against the table, hard enough she gagged and her own spit dribbled down her throat, her chest, making her a mess.

“Fucking–clones,” Officer Matthews grunted between gasps for breath and lost himself to her. He thrust hard enough into her mouth that she felt the cervical region of her spinal column bruise on steel, felt the way the bone cracked when he buried his cock far enough down her throat she she couldn’t breathe, her nose pressed into his pelvis, his thick cock pulsing as he pumped his cum down her throat and filled her.

One hand knotted in her hair, the other grabbing her face, forcing her mouth open wider, her rocked his hips into her, fucking her mouth as he came. Kita choked on him, on the thick, sticky spray of his cum spilling down her throat, filling her mouth so it was all she could do to try to swallow around him, her tight throat muscles milking the shaft of his cock until he pulled out and spilled cum down her chin, down her chest.

“F-fucking,” Officer Matthews said, breathing hard, “clones.”

Kita slumped onto the floor, her neck sore and bruised, tipping her head back to look up at him with wide eyes, like she was still awaiting orders. Kita knew she must be a pitiful sight, naked on her knees for him, cum and spit slick on her face and across the slight swell of her breasts, her soft pink nipples hard.

“Good,” Officer Matthews said, and hit her. Hard. The back of his hand cracked against the side of her face, knuckles bursting across cheekbones hard enough she felt skin split as her head snapped to the side and hit the edge of the table.

From the floor, the muscles in Kita’s calves tightened, her shoulders locked, her body imperceptibly preparing a thousand tiny reflexes that would launch her forward: she’d kick the legs out from under Officer Matthews, grab him by the skull and slam his face into the table.

But she didn’t.

Instead, she stayed perfectly still and forced the conditioned reflex to pass. Before Officer Matthews left, the sync bay door hissed open and another man entered. This one, Kita knew. While the titles and names of all Petty Officers were left out of her official training, she had a thorough understanding of all higher ranking officials aboard the Artemis.

Ensign Mark Keller filled out the sync bay door with his stature, an easy 190 centimeters, broad shouldered and made of all tight angles and lean, deadly muscle. The presence of the man alone was intimidating–enough that Officer Matthews shirked back before coming to immediate attention.

“Sir,” Officer Matthews snapped to nervous professionalism.

“Petty Officer,” Ensign Keller said, his voice all ice. His cold, blue eyes stood out against his deep olive complexion, his black hair cut short and brushed neatly. “You may leave us.”

Ensign Keller didn’t move, forcing Officer Matthews to perform an awkward dance of navigating around him, ducking and twisting to get through the doorway and hurry down the hall. Leaving Kita alone with the man, uncertain if it was impolite to not clean herself or if it would be worse to do so. Instead, she stood quickly, coming to proper attention even as she felt Officer Matthew’s cum dripping down the narrow valley of her breasts, across the flat plane of her stomach.

The room grew quiet, broken only by the steady, firm sound of Ensign Keller’s footsteps as he approached and made a long, laborious circle around her. Kita could feel his eyes tracing every detail of her.

“Captain Johansen has taken an interest in you. The captain has ordered you to the medbay for repairs,” Ensign Keller said. Among the natals that Kita spoke to, Keller was one of the few that almost matched her inflection: his tone even, cold, like he measured each word as he spoke. That word repairs instead of healing was as decoded as language could be, as well.

Not that Kita had an opinion on the matter.

“I’d like to see a full reporting of damages.” Ensign Keller finished his circle of you, standing at attention, jaw raised, looking down the bridge of his nose at her slight form.

“Aye, sir,” Kita snapped the words in her monotone and adjusted her posture: feet slightly apart, arms at ease at her side, slightly open.

Ensign Keller grabbed her by the arm, his large hands wrapping easily around her lean, muscled bicep, tight enough that she could see the skin white around his grip. His eyes moved over her in cold consideration, not so much turning her as jerking her left and right, raking his gaze down her naked body. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth once or twice, fingering the bruises on her hips, pushing until he saw her wince and seeming to note her reaction.

When he’d turned her completely around, he pushed the hair back out of her face, clutching her hair in his tight fist and tipping her head back painfully to observe her face. He thumbed her tender lips, the way they swelled from use, how red they’d become.

With his hand still in her hair, Ensign Keller pushed Kita down onto her knees. Kita grunted, tried on instinct to stand but he was all wire, all steel, and as much as she pushed back he easily pinned her down. A cold grin spread across his thin lips as he grabbed her by the shoulder, fingers pinching hard enough she yelped on instinct, and he used that pain to get the better of her, to turn her, to force her down onto her stomach, her body pressed onto the cold steel floor, goosebumps racing up her arms and down her back.

“Tell me how wet you are for me, clone,” Ensign Keller hissed near her ear as he pushed her face down onto the cold steel floor. Keller towered over her, both in height and by weight of his muscle, forcing her down onto the ground and unzipping his slacks as he pushed against her pussy with the hard length of his cock.

“My pussy is so wet for your cock, Ensign Keller,” Kita said, her tone wooden despite the ache that she felt deep inside of her. The inflection didn’t come across, but her body yearned to be fucked, to feel him fill her, to feel his cock pumping in and out of her… Kita sucked in a breath against the thought of it, the feeling of him pressing into her even then, the thought of being used after Officer Matthews had just taken her throat and filled her stomach with his cum. “I hope that I can do well for you.”

“Good girl,” Ensign Keller growled the word as he slammed her face down against the floor. Pain blistered across her vision, everything faded to black as Kita felt the skin of her cheekbone break and blood smear across the floor. The next thing she knew, Ensign Keller was inside of her and she was moaning, the sound the same low, deep monotone as he thrust his cock deep into her.

“I’m sorry if I’m n-nnn-not–” Kita tried to speak, but Ensign Keller fucked her harder, thrusting his cock deeper into her, making her pussy squeeze as he filled the ache in her. Every thrust brought out another long, low moan, made her voice shake–every thrust jarred her hard against the ground, woke the stinging pain in her cheek, made her legs shake. “N-not doing good… Enough for you,” she managed to get the words out, made more lewd by the stuttered pattern of them, by the way she gasped for air after every time his cock thrust against her cervix and jarred pleasure and pain through her entire body.

“You’re only good for one thing,” Ensign Keller said, and his own voice was deep, ragged as he grabbed her thigh hard enough to bruise, forced her left leg up high enough her knee was nearly at her face and she could feel the hot pain of her muscles aching as he bent her body to give him deeper access to her pussy. He knotted his hand more tightly in her hair, pulling hard enough to sting while his other hand came down with a hard crack against her ass. Kita yelped–she couldn’t help it–and when her body reacted by jerking away from him, Ensign Keller only grabbed her harder by the hair and by the thigh, forcing her open for him.

The room filled with the sound of them fucking, with Kita’s low, lurid moans and the sound of Ensign Keller’s hips smacking into her ass as he buried his cock in her again and again. Kita could imagine the mark on her ass, the livid red of his hand print rising. The harder he fucked her, the louder she moaned, her body starting to tremble under him as he smacked her again and again, as he forced her head up and her hips down and made her body arch in the most painful mix of pleasure.

Everything happened so fast. The pain, the pleasure, and then the blistering swell of her orgasm coming on her faster than she’d thought possible–engulfing her, consuming her. Kita felt her body give out, her legs shaking as her orgasm rocked her. Ensign Keller kept her up, grabbing her hip tight enough to drag her back onto him, to fuck her through her orgasm and straight into another one.

“Ff-fuck,” Ensign Keller hissed as her pussy squeezed at his cock around her second orgasm, as she felt herself going so wet it dripped down her thighs. Before she was ready, he pulled his cock out of her and his hip left her thigh. Kita turned to look over his shoulder, to see him stroking his cock just as he came, shooting thick ropes of sticky, white cum across the blister-red of her ass, across her back, some splattering as far as landing across her chin. The taste was salty-sweet when it dribbling across the plush pink of her lips.

It was only when Ensign Keller kneeled over her, gasping for breath, raking the hair back from his face, that Kita collapsed onto the ground, trembling still with the aftershocks of her own orgasm. Keller must have been enhanced with the quickness with which he recovered, forcing his breath to smoothness, his adrenaline to calm as he stood up and came to attention again.

“Stand, Kita,” he said, voice tight, clipped.

And so, Kita roused her strength. Beaten and bruised as she was, her pussy sore and cheek broken open, Kita had been conditioned for worse. Despite the padded confines of her mech, in the heat of combat she’d get thrown around worse than she’d been that day, and of course she’d been conditioned for it. Raised for it. Built for it.

So, even if it hurt, Kita picked herself up and got up again. Bruises marked her thighs, her hips, and her cheek was cut right across the bone. All of it was nothing compared to the cold calculation in Ensign Keller’s eyes and, for a long moment, he fixed his eyes on her and looked as if he’d strike her.

Of course, Kita didn’t move.

If he wanted to strike her, wasn’t it his prerogative? After all, she was just a clone, and she was supposed to follow whatever orders she gave. So, Kita stood still, and came back to military posture, putting her hands behind her back and tipping her face up towards him.

“What is your command, sir?” she asked, only the slight tremble from the aftershock of her orgasm giving her voice any rise at all.

“A synth will come back to collect you, per Captain Johansen’s orders. You will repaired at the medical bay. After that, you will report to the Captain’s private quarters,” Keller said: cold, clinical. He pulled his slacks back up, adjusted himself, turned on his heel and left as easily as he’d come.

The door hissed shut in his wake, and Kita was alone again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12lvk2x/chapter_one_scifi_erotica_by_his_order