Remembering my (33f) first week of college dorm life part 2

Well I think we can all agree my first day living in a college dorm was pretty eventful. See part 1 of my story. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about all of this so it’s been fun writing this out and reliving some of these moments.

The next couple of days were pretty uneventful from what I remember. For reference we had moved in on a Sunday and classes started on Monday so I would say not to many highlights from Monday-Tuesday that I can remember. Except for the fact that I had gotten more comfortable with seeing Steph in the dorm in just her bra and thong.

It was pretty much routine now that after I got back from my shower she had put on her underwear and was just hanging out waiting for me to get back. Monday night when I came back from my shower she was standing next to the bed again on her phone not facing the door so the first thing I saw was her thong covered ass. Tuesday was a little different. When I got back she was laying on her stomach on the bed looking at her phone. Still a view of her ass when I walked in but different.

Even though I had gotten more comfortable with seeing Steph in her underwear, I was still slightly embarrassed about having to drop my towel in front of her to get changed. Both Monday and Tuesday night when I did it somehow Steph was right next to me talking about something. So once again my tits and pussy were in full view. I tried to grab my underwear quickly both times but Steph grabbed them both nights to look at and admire them and ask where they were from. Unfortunately that meant that I had to stand there again waiting for her to hand them back to me with my hard nipples and bare pussy completely uncovered.

I do remember on Tuesday night I tried to playfully reach for the bra and thong once she had held them for a few seconds and said, “give me those.” Trying to be light hearted and not make a big deal about the fact that I was uncomfortable naked. She just laughed, let me grab my stuff and said, “what, trying to cover these hard nipples.” She then reached out and cupped my boobs and then plucked my nipples real quick giving them a little tug. She laughed and I giggled again uncomfortable with the situation but I figured she had flicked my nipple two nights ago and I didn’t say anything so why should I have a problem with this.

Anyway, like I said, Monday and Tuesday weren’t too eventful.

Wednesday however did get a little more interesting. Steph and I were about to start our normal shower routine. Normally Steph brings her towel to the shower wearing her clothes and then takes her clothes off there and comes back the room wrapped in her towel. This time she began undressing in front of me taking her clothes off before going to the shower.

I was sitting at my desk on my computer but since I was talking to Steph I would periodically look over at her when she was speaking and I noticed her take her shirt off first. She had a dark green bra on, likely the same brand as her black bra because it had the same level of sheerness where I could see her nipples through it. She then took her pants off and was wearing a matching dark green thong.

I don’t remember what Steph was talking about but I remember she was talking, so I was looking at her and then she reached up and unhooked her bra and it fell right off. I couldn’t help but look at her bare breasts. They barely fell an inch without the support of her bra. Super perky with tiny pink nipples. Tiny pink hard nipples I should say. I quickly looked away back at my computer.

Steph stopped what she was saying and said, “oh don’t be a prude, they’re just tits. I’ve seen yours before right?” I looked back at her and saw her reach up and pluck her own nipples and then run her fingers back and forth over them for a second. “See now you can be the one to make fun of my hard nipples.” I giggled and she laughed and then immediately pulled her thong down and off.

Her pussy was bare just like mine. I thought about looking away but I figured I’d just get called out again so I kept my eyes on her. Of course the next thing out of her mouth was, “look at you staring at my pussy.” She giggled. My face got bright red. “No I’m not,” I said while keeping a smile on my face, “I’m doomed if I do and I’m doomed if I don’t.” She laughed at that.

She stepped forward, “it’s okay roomie, you can look at my pussy.” I responded quickly laughing, “I don’t want to look at your pussy.” She stepped closer again and was now right next to my chair. Her pussy was at my eye level since I was sitting down. She said, “You sure, I think you want to take another look at it.” To appease her I turned and took a nice long close up look at her pussy. I then looked up at her face and said in almost like a professor like tone, “Stephanie, you have a very nice pussy. Now do you want to take it the shower and clean it off please?” She burst out laughing.

Instead of leaving for the shower she stayed standing next to me and looked at my computer and asked what I was working on. I told her I wasn’t working on anything I was just looking up on the school portal my Wednesday morning’s class list to try and find some guy’s, who I thought was cute, last name to look him up on social media. Steph responded with genuine shock and interest, “wait, you can do that?! There’s a guy from my Tuesday class I want to look up.”

Steph quickly moved behind my chair and crouched down to look at the computer. I began to show her where to go to look up the class lists when I realized due to her crouching her boobs were touching my shoulder. I could feel her nipples brush against my bare skin since I was wearing a tank top. I ignored it and finished showing her where to go.

Once done she was so excited, “yay this is so awesome, thank you for showing me this. You’re the best roomie ever!” She then turned and lifted her arms up to give me a hug, but from where she was crouching and I was sitting, all she wrapped her arms around was my head and when she squeezed she pushed my face right into her boobs. My mouth dropped open in shock which of course with my luck allowed for her right nipple to go right in there. Steph continued to hug me while I felt her nipple right up against the inside of my cheek. I tried to respond to her and said, “no problem.” As I finished the word problem though my tongue flicked against her nipple.

That seemed to give Steph a jolt and she stood up and said, “licking my nipple now are you? Don’t worry, I’ll get yours when you get back from the shower.” I frantically started to respond and said, “no that’s alright, I did that accidentally.” But she was already grabbing her towel and out the door without even listening…..


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