kinky fuckery F29 M28

I started reading these Reddit groups about three weeks ago, since then me & my fiance have been having the most exciting times of our lives LOL
So firstly, thank you to everyone that always puts in their stories etc they have drove me wild.

I started sending my fiance daily tit pics which he has now told me get him through work which is always a plus to hear that your big tits are making your partner hard whilst their in the office.

As soon as he gets home from work we literally want to tear each others clothes off because I’ve been dirty texting him all day. Anyone who does this to their partner I’d love to hear what yous do that drives the other person wild whilst in work.

Our friends where over last night and as we where lying on one couch together I decided to lie beside my boyfriend ( near his cock ) and start scrolling through the Reddit threads hoping he would notice. As soon as our friends left he was sucking on my nipples within 15 minutes 🤤

He came out of the shower the other day, I knew he would be rock hard as I just sucked him off in the shower beforehand so I decided to lay on our bed with my ass in the air so he would see my pussy as soon as he opened the door, he was fucking me within seconds when that door opened.

I want to make this a lot more exciting. The sex we have is absolutely 10/10 but it’s all the other texts etc before it that gets me so excited to take his cock when I see him. Would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts or what they do before their partner gets home?


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