Journey to 100 Women: Brian’s Sexcapades (Intro)

My name is Brian, and to say I’ve lived two different lives is putting it mildly.

For the first 21 years of my life, I was a stereotypical nerdy, kissless virgin. Scrawny, shy, and zero “game” to speak of. Women might as well have been another species to me. That’s how far removed I was from interacting with them or understanding them.

When I graduated college without having so much as held a woman’s *hand,* after being told that college was “the easiest place to get laid,” I felt like a complete loser, and decided I had to make a serious change in my life, or this was gonna be my story forever.

No more staying at home, doing nothing, wasting my life. No more jerking off to porn and wondering what pussy felt like, smelled like, or tasted like. Fantasizing about what it would be like to get a blowjob, or even just to *kiss* a woman! I was gonna work on myself and find out what all those things were like, once and for all.

The summer I graduated college, I used my obsessive, analytical mind to my advantage, and immersed myself in all things sex/dating. What methods worked and why, what didn’t, what kind of men specific women went for, what kind of men most women found attractive in general. I studied oral and PIV sexual techniques in preparation for the day when I would actually start fucking. I was a walking sex encyclopedia, despite still not having even kissed a woman.

I started working out and dressing better. I forced myself to become more social. I made an effort to befriend women, knowing they would never sleep with me, but just so I could start to shed some of the mystique surrounding them in my mind, and recognize they were human beings like everyone else. And although we were more alike than not, I was still cognizant of the areas in which we were different. I started to understand what made them tick.

After overhauling myself and my mindset and putting myself out there (with plenty of heartbreak and rejection along the way), it finally happened for me. A week after my 22nd birthday, I had my first kiss, got my first blowjob, ate my first pussy, *and* lost my virginity, all in the same night. It was incredibly exhilarating, and everything I wanted it to be and more.

Immediately after losing my virginity, I could feel a physical change happening within me. My sexual energy had been awakened. A week after losing my virginity, I had my second hookup. Two weeks after *that,* my third. For the first 21 years of my life, I fucked zero people. And within a month of turning 22, I had fucked 3. I was making up for lost time.

Like video games and comic books before it, sex became my new obsession. Not just having it, but finding *new* people to have it with. Once again, my obsessive, analytical mind took over, and I began studying what worked for me, and what didn’t, what kinds of women found me attractive, what types of venues catered to my personality strengths, and put me in a better position to find women. I came up with a system custom tailored to who I was, and finding new sex partners became automatic.

The more sex I had, the more I wanted. My thirst was insatiable. The high I got from fucking a new woman was something I wanted to experience as often as possible.

I took my obsession a step further, and after my 10th lay, when it became clear I was headed for significant success, and while I still had all my previous experiences still vivid in my mind, I started a journal and documented each new sexual encounter I had. What each woman looked like, how we ending up fucking, what she liked about me, what I enjoyed about the sex, and so on. I wanted to experience it all. I wanted to fuck women of all sorts of body types and ethnicities and personality types. I used to jerk off wondering what pussy felt like – now I could write a thesis on the topic.

I’ve crossed so many different sexual experiences off my bucket list, I don’t even know what’s left.

As I close in on my 32nd birthday, 3 women became 5, 5 became 10, and I stand here today, journal in hand, with 96 entries, quickly closing in on the seemingly unbelievable milestone of sleeping with 100 different women – something I never thought possible for someone like me.

Someone who used to literally *shake* at the thought of talking to a woman, and often wondered if he’d *ever* get pussy, now I can’t remember the last day I wasn’t inside of one. I currently have a handful of casual partners I see throughout the week, to make sure I’m fucking every single day. I’ve been on this journey for 10 years now, with no sign of stopping.

96 women and their individual stories are a lot, so I figured I’d do a series of some of my favorite moments, starting of course with losing my virginity, which was obviously the moment that set me on this journey.

Looking back, while it might seem crazy that I started an actual sex journal to keep track of all these things, it’s helped keep me grounded. Every woman is an individual, and writing down all the little details about them reminds me of how awesome each individual woman is, in her own unique way. Yes, I really, really, *really* love pussy, but I also love *women*, and how much they’ve changed me for the better. They’ve absolutely made me a better man, and all I want to do is please them. So here’s to pussy, and here’s to women.

[My journey starts here.](
