Jack and Amy work at a summer camp the summer after graduating college. Chapter 6. Molly loses her virginity. [MF 19+] [oral] [first time sex] [peeing][anal play]

Molly was on her knees, between my spread legs, as I laid on my cot. She had just finished giving me her second blowjob ever and had a smile on her face as she swallowed.

“Come here, Molly, you’re such a good girl…Amy is going to be proud of you,” I said, as I pulled her down on top of me and we kissed. I was running my hands down her soft, bare back, to her bare ass cheeks.

“Thanks, Jack…do you think she will want to watch me do it?”

“Definitely, Molly.”

Molly whispered nervously, “Are you gonna fuck me this weekend?”

“Do you want me to?”

She just nodded her head yes and whispered, “Yes”

We laid there a minute, kissing and touching each other. “Molly, why are you a virgin anyway? I mean, you seem pretty fucking horny and I don’t know how you made it to 19, without even touching a penis until now?”

Molly giggled nervously and said, “I guess I just was not that attractive to guys?”

“Okay, that’s definitely not it…”


“Molly, you’re fucking hot…maybe they were too nervous to ask you out?”

Molly said, “Thanks Jack…I don’t know, I went to a couple of dances with upper classmen, but we did not do anything and then no one from my grade would ask me out.”

“Ah, I see, they probably thought you were dating older guys, because you were the hottest girl in your class I bet.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Wow, Molly, you really don’t know how hot you are, do you?”

“I guess if you and Amy say I’m hot, then I’ll believe you…giggle, but I think I’m pretty ordinary looking”

“Have you seen Amy?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Do you think she has any problem getting hot girls to have sex with her?”

“No, I mean, pretty sure anyone would have sex with Amy.”

“Exactly, in fact, she has been the first girl for a few straight girls, including you. You should see the other girls she has had sex with. You are in good company. She wouldn’t have sex with you unless you were hot.”

Molly had sort of an embarrassed, but proud look on her face.

“So, Molly, are you sure that you would want to lose your virginity with me? I mean, I’m not your boyfriend. I want to make that clear…I’m with Amy, she just enjoys letting me play with other hot girls. This is a pretty weird way to lose your virginity.”

“I know you’re with Amy. I like you Jack. I’d like to do it with someone who knows what they’re doing. I know you will be gentle with me and you won’t go telling everyone you fucked me. It’s kind of perfect Jack.”

“Okay, but like, I lost my virginity with my first gf, who was also a virgin, and we were dating for a long time before we did that. It’s kind of nice to lose it with someone you love. You might regret losing it with some dude who is just a friend.”

“I don’t think I will though, Jack. I mean, we’ve already done pretty much everything but that. I’m already not really a virgin in some ways. Frankly, one of the reasons I never hooked up with anyone last year at college, is that I felt weird being a virgin. It seemed like everyone else did it in high school. I actually got on birth control before coming down this summer, because I was planning to lose my virginity this summer with you or someone.”

“Alright Molly, we have to get up early tomorrow morning for work, so I’m going to sleep. You think about whether you really want to do this…”

Molly and I slept naked, snuggled up in my cot. My annoying alarm went off early in the morning and I woke up spooning Molly. I had morning wood and it was pressed into Molly’s bare ass, but Molly and I really needed to get up to get the campers ready to be picked up by their parents that morning. I slipped out of bed and Molly was still laying there under my covers, starting to sit up on one elbow, so her small tits were getting exposed, which was only making my erection worse. She had a grin and was staring at my boner, as I pulled on some underwear.

“Looks like you got straight up before me this morning,” and she giggled at her own joke.

“You need to get up Molly. We have to get those kids out of here, so we can have our day off.”

“I’d love to help you out with that…” she said gesturing at my crotch, as I pulled on some shorts.

“We don’t have time.”

“Okay, your loss…” and she reached down from the cot to grab her panties to put them on under the blanket.

After the kids were gone, I called Amy at the beach house where she was staying for the bachelorette party, from a pay phone.

“Hi Amy, how are you doing?”

“Hi Sweetie, I’m good…a little hungover. We had fun last night. Has Molly been taking care of you?”

“Amy, she’s been a very good girl. We’ve been having a lot of fun.”

“I miss you and I miss Molly too. Tell her I can’t wait to see her.”

“Okay, um, she wants me to fuck her this weekend, Amy.” I told Amy the whole conversation that Molly and I had about it. “Look, Jack, I think what she is saying makes sense. If she wants to do it, I would say go ahead and do it.”


“Hey, Jack…there’s something else…giggle.”

“What’s up Amy?”

“Okay, so we were drinking last night and the girls started telling stories, talking dirty. Sort of comparing sexual exploits I guess.”

“Uh…huh…wish I was at this bachelorette party. I want the details.”

*’Well, let me tell you…*

*There’s 8 of us girls sharing this big beach house. We all arrived yesterday afternoon and started getting into some wine and cocktails. After dinner, we were all hanging out in the pool/hot tub and our conversation started getting pretty dirty. A lot of talk of past sexual exploits. Someone asked the group if anyone had ever had a threesome. One girl said that she had two guys and everyone was pretty shocked, but then no one else had any threesome stories. I finally worked up the courage and said, “I’ve had threesomes with girls and Jack…” Everyone was stunned.*

*My cousin (Sabrina) said, “Oh my god, Amy.”*

*”You better not bring this up at any family gatherings, Sabrina.”*

*There were lots of questions from the group. One girl said, “Did you do that for Jack? My boyfriend keeps asking for it.”*

*”Nope, I had sex with a girl once before Jack. It was my idea to have a threesome with her after we got together.”*

*This tall girl, Juliet, says, “So, you’ve had sex with just you and a girl? You like that?”*

*I turned a bit red, embarrassed and said, “love it,” then I started giggling, “I’ve done it lots of times. Jack and I have an arrangement.”*

*Some of the girls were shocked and said, “No offense, but not for me…nope…not interested in eating pussy.”*

*Juliet said, “My ex boyfriend and I talked about doing a threesome with a girl, but I felt too weird doing it with a friend and we never found a girl. He really wanted it and I was definitely open to it.”*

*Sabrina said, “Juliet…oh my gosh…I’m surprised.”*

*Juliet said, “I don’t know…girls can be hot…I’d give it a go,” and she looked at Amy seductively.*

*So, I got out of the hot tub to go use the bathroom in the house and when I came out of the bathroom, this tall hot chick, Juliet is in the kitchen, as I head back out. Juliet is taller than, Sarah, Jack, she’s gotta be four of five inches taller than you. She plays volleyball in college. She is our age, but is a fifth year senior and she is fit. She was standing there in her bikini and I mean, her abs are nice, she’s got these long, athletic legs, tits are about the size of mine, nice arms, blond hair – she’s hot, but also like really tall.*

*Juliet looks around nervously and says, “Amy, I liked your story earlier…”, she started looking down at the ground, “You know, threesomes with girls…having sex with girls.”*

*I giggled and said, “Yes, it’s kind of fun to talk about…”*

*Juliet says, “I want to try it.”*

*”You should.”*

*”No, Amy, I’m saying I would do that with you…tonight.”*

*I think I turned crazy red faced. Jack, this is a beautiful girl and I was horny from the conversation. I said, “Juliet, um…I would love to, but I need to talk to Jack about it.”*

*”Call him now.”*

*I laughed and said, “I can’t…he’s out in the woods…there’s no phone.”*

*”Okay, well I get it…I’m not your type…you don’t want to…fair enough.”*

*”Uh…Juliet…I want to…believe me…Jack is supposed to call me here tomorrow morning, I’ll ask him and maybe we can tomorrow.”*

*Juliet just giggled nervously and said, “Okay.” She kept giving me shy grins the rest of the night. This morning, before you called, I was in the kitchen getting coffee and Juliet walked up next to me, as I stood at the counter. She quietly said, “So, have you talked to Jack, yet?” and smiled at me.*

*”Juliet, he has not called yet, but he will…be patient,” and I gave her coy grin.*

*”Okay, well…let me know, as soon as he calls,” and she winked at me and gave my ass a playful smack, as she walked away with her coffee.*

“Damn, Amy, she sounds hot…when is your cousin’s wedding?”

“In September…I’ve told you like 100 times.”

“I am more interested in going now.”

Amy laughed and said, “So?”

“Oh, you can definitely have sex with that girl. Just make sure you do a good job, so she wants to do it again. I mean, she’s going to be in your cousin’s wedding, right?”

“Jack, I don’t want to sound arrogant, but no one has ever had sex with me and then not wanted to do it again…giggle. Yes, she is in the wedding, so you might get lucky and get to bang two bridesmaids that night.”

“It seems like you do have a knack for making girls bi.”

“Jack, she’s like so tall and hot…I want to watch you fuck her…I hope she’s up for a threesome at the wedding.”

“Oookkaaay…I’m horny now. Have fun with Juliet and tell me all about it when you get back.”

“Okay, bye sweetie.”

After the phone call with Amy, I went to find Molly. The rest of the camp staff were all gone on their weekend off and it was just Molly and me with hundreds of acres of land. “Hi Molly, I’m going to take a shower before we do our day off.”

“I want to take a shower too, can I join you?” and she had a nervous smile.

“Absolutely. I’ll meet you at your tent.”

I stripped naked and grabbed my soap, shampoo, and towel. I threw the towel over my shoulder, so that I was basically naked, when I walked up to Molly’s tent. She smiled and laughed a little, “Um, you’re naked.”

My dick was starting to get hard from Molly seeing me naked, “I like to walk around naked when no one is around or sometimes if there are people around. Take off your clothes.”

“But, Jack, how do you know someone won’t show up? Or maybe someone forgot something…”

“Come on, take off your clothes.”

Molly turned red, as she stripped off her tshirt, then unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. She unclasped her bra, revealing her small tits. Then she shoved her panties down and kicked them off, so I could see her nice little patch of blond bush.

“Alright, grab your shower stuff,” and then we walked to the shower house in just our flip flops, carrying our towels. I now had a crazy erection from seeing Molly naked.

“This feels kind of crazy, Jack.”

“That’s why it’s fun. I’ve walked all over this camp naked.”

We picked a shower room and went inside. We hung up our towels on the hooks and I turned on the water to warm up. It was a very small room, with just a shower, a sink, a tiny bench and some hooks. The toilets were in separate rooms. We got in the shower and started making out. We were hugging each other and kissing, my dick was ridiculously hard against her slippery skin.

“Molly, I have to pee.”

“But, well, are you going to the toilet? Can you even pee with a boner…giggle?”

“I can, but it’s difficult and really, there is no way I could aim for a toilet.”

“So, what do you do?”

“Pee in the shower.”

“Um…okay, but…there’s not much room in here.”

“Molly, Amy and I, we like to pee on each other in the shower. I mean, we’re going to clean up anyway.”

“Amy does it?”, she said looking skeptical

“Yep, she likes it if I pee on her.”

“Okay, go ahead…giggle.”

So, I had Molly step back away from me, my back to the running water. She was nervously looking down at my boner, which made it even harder to pee. I finally got some pee coming out and I aimed at her. She flinched as the warm piss hit her in the abdomen, then giggled. My stream got stronger and with my erection, the piss started hitting up near her tits. It kept getting strong and weak as I had a hard time peeing with the boner. She had her mouth open, sort of in smile as it hit her chest and abdomen. When I finished, I let her get in the warm water to rinse it off.

“That was sort of hot Jack…giggle.”

“Amy likes it if I piss right on her pussy. Hard to do that with a boner, in this shower.”

“She pees on you too?”

“Oh, hell yeah.”

“I have to pee Jack,” and she gave me suggestive smile.

“Nice. I want you to piss right on my boner,” and I squatted down a bit, so that my dick was close to her pussy.

Molly stood with her legs spread a little and used her fingers to part her labia and she eventually got a stream going and peed on my boner, giggling as she did. I slowly stroked my dick, as the warm pee hit it and I watched the pee come out of her. “Oh, fuck Molly, that is so hot…you are a very good girl.”

Molly smiled up at me, as I called her a good girl. We started hugging and kissing again. She stopped kissing me and said in sort of a nervous whisper, “I liked that…giggle.”

We soaped each other up. I let her soap up my dick and she gave it a few slippery strokes, but I did not want to cum yet. I was saving this boner for fucking her and I had no intention of fucking her in the shower. I enjoyed feeling her slippery, naked body, as I soaped her up. My hand was sliding around her bare ass and then my middle finger moved between her ass cheeks and I gently pushed on her anus. Molly stood up right suddenly, shocked at the finger against her butthole. She said, “Jack, what are you…” and I was slowly pushing my finger into her butt.

It was slippery with soap and went in pretty easily, while my other hand started fingering her and fiddling with her clit. It did not take long before her little whimpers and moans echoed in the shower room. I turned her around and had her put her hands on the wall of the shower stall, her ass pointed at me. I had my middle finger partway in her ass, “Molly, go ahead and back yourself into my finger.”

She nervously looked at me over her shoulder and pushed her ass until my finger was in as far as it would go. She opened her mouth in pleasure as she did. I reached around the front of her with my other hand and rubbed her clit. I pulled my finger most of the way out of her ass and she pushed herself back onto it. While my finger was in her ass, I moved behind her and bent my boner down between her legs from behind. I was rubbing it on her labia and even pushed it barely between them. Molly said, “Jack, come on…you can fuck me.”

“No, Molly, this is foreplay. I’m not having your first time be shower sex.”

She whimpered, “Then take me somewhere and fuck me.”

“You still want to do that?,” I said, as I was continuing to finger her ass and rub my dick around between her legs.

“Yes, Jack, fucking yes, fuck me.”

I pulled my finger out of her ass and we finished cleaning ourselves. I still had an almost painfully hard erection, but I wasn’t not going to do anything about it until I could put it in Molly’s pussy. We dried off and started walking, naked back towards Molly’s tent. “So, where do you want me to fuck you?”

Molly turned to look at me, bright red, as we walked along the trail and she just shrugged silently with a smile.

“Do you want it to be in your cot? Or, we could like take a blanket out into a field? Fuck you down by the lake?”

Molly meekly said, “Blanket in a field sounds kind of nice. It’s a really nice day.”

When we got to Molly’s tent, we grabbed a blanket and the two of us walked naked to a nice field, with a view of the mountains. I threw the blanket down on top of the grass and we laid down on it. She was on her back and I got on top of her, we made out, with lots of nice kissing, my dick was rubbing up against her pussy, as kissed. She was moving her pelvis up and down. I sat up, kneeling between her legs and I rubbed my dick on her pussy. I put the tip very slightly between her labia, rubbing around her clit and then put it right at the entrance to her vagina. She tried pushing herself onto it and I retreated. She whimpered. I was enjoying teasing her.

I moved down to lick her pussy. I wanted her soaking wet for this. I stayed down there licking her, fingering her, until she orgasmed. Her face was completely flush, which was cute with her little freckles. I moved so that my dick was near her mouth and said, “You need to get this wet first,” and she greedily took my dick in her mouth, while I was reaching down between her legs to finger her. After she sucked my dick enough that it was nice and wet with her saliva, I moved back down between her legs.

I rubbed my dick around her pussy some more, then slowly put the whole head of my penis in her vagina. “You sure, you want to do this Molly?” I was slowly rubbing her clit with my thumb and she was squirming around. “mmmm….hhmmmm…Jack….please…” I slowly worked my dick into her, pushing partway in and out, very slowly and gently. I loved looking down at her spread legs, seeing my dick start to disappear into her. I finally pushed it all the way in and she opened her mouth wide and inhaled sharply, then smiled at me. It was taking all of my willpower not to just slam her, because I was so worked up with this boner. I took my time, slowly working my dick all the way in and most of the way out, until it was going in and out of her tight, wet pussy, pretty easily. I laid down on top of her and we fucked in missionary, kissing occasionally, or looking at each other and smiling. I finally had to cum and I was fucking her faster. “oh…shit Jack…god damn…fuck…” and I pulled out and came all over her flat stomach.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12jo6f5/jack_and_amy_work_at_a_summer_camp_the_summer


  1. Great as always. The final scene seemed a bit short (or you cut it off right before the good stuff hehehe.) either way, enjoying the content.

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